“For God & Country”
September 24, 2015 Vol. 92, No. 8
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Georgia Legionnaire Elected National Commander for 2015-2016
A U.S. Army veteran from Georgia was elected National Commander of the nation’s largest veteran’s organization on September 3rd. Delegates to The American Legion’s 97th National Convention in Baltimore chose Dale Barnett of Douglasville, Georgia to lead the 2.2 million-member organization of wartime veterans for a one-year term. Barnett graduated from the U.S. Military Academy and served as an Army infantry officer from 1974 to 1996, retiring as a lieutenant colonel. A member of American Legion Post No. 105 in Fayetteville, Georgia, he served The American Legion at every level, including Department Commander in Georgia from 2007 to 2008. After leaving the military, Barnett taught high school social studies and coached basketball, baseball and cross country. He was Creekside High School Teacher of the Year in 2005-2006 and a national board certified social
studies teacher in 2003. Raised in central Indiana, Barnett attended Whiteland Community High School, where he was student body president, captain of the track and basketball teams and president of the Whiteland United Methodist Youth Basketball Team. He credits his experience with Hoosier Boys State in 1969 with his decision to attend West Point. Barnett served from 1990 to 1991 as the battalion executive officer of the 2nd Battalion, 18th Infantry in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm. His decorations include The Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Meritorious Service Medal (3rd Award), Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal with two Bronze Service Stars, Humanitarian Service Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon (2 Awards), Kuwait Liberation Med-
al, Combat Infantryman Badge, Parachutist Badge and Pathfinder Badge. In addition to an International Relations / Public Affairs degree that Barnett earned at West Point, he holds a Masters of Business Administration from Boston University and graduated from Command and General Staff College at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Barnett served as The American Legion National Membership and Post Activities Chairman from 2008 to 2010 and National Economic Chairman from 2010 to 2013. Dale and his wife, Donna, live in Douglasville, Georgia and have five children: Michelle, Andrea, Desiree, Kathalyn, and Joseph. They also have four young grandchildren: Heather, Daniel, Joanne and Brandon. Commander Barnett took the oath of office along with five other national officers. Serving as National Vice Commanders are George E.
Dale Barnett
Cushing of Arizona; Jimmy F. Lane of Arkansas; John W. Hargreaves of Maine; Alan A. Davis of Minnesota; and Wisconsin’s own David L. Gough. David Gough is a member of Darlington Post No. 214. In addition to offices held at the post, county and district levels, David served the Department of Wisconsin as Commander in 20032004, Alternate National Executive Committeeman (ANEC) from
David L. Gough
2006 to 2008 and as National Executive Committeeman from 2008 to 2014. National Historian James E. Copher of Minnesota; National Sergeant-at-Arms Daniel Zimmermann of Georgia; and National Chaplain Dr. H.C. Ted Kelley of Pennsylvania were appointed to their positions by Commander Barnett following the close of the convention.
It’s Official. PDC Denise Rohan Hits the National Campaign Trail By PDC Roger Mathison
PDC Denise H. Rohan
With the fall of the gavel closing the 2015 Convention in Baltimore, the candidacy of Wisconsin’s Denise Rohan is now officially a National campaign. Denise is now the Nationally favored candidate to be elected the Commander of The American Legion at the 2017 Convention in Reno, Nevada and would then preside over the 100th Anniversary Convention in Minneapolis in 2018. So now it’s time to kick the campaign into high gear! In the coming two years Denise will be expected to visit all the Departments in The American Legion at least once, some states are guaranteed two visits. These visits are important to familiarize Denise with all the peculiarities and necessities of
the entire organization. At the National Convention in Baltimore, I witnessed the flood of invitations for Denise to attend membership drives, workshops, Midwinter conferences and conventions all over the country and the visits are starting this month. These trips are important. But the cost for the next two years of travel is entirely dependent on the campaign to fund. Now that the National campaign for Denise has become official, we can now solicit help from throughout the country, and we will. Other Departments will contribute but most of that outside money will not arrive until the beginning of 2017. So for this first year of travel we are really dependent on the generosity of The American Legion Family of Wisconsin. The Department has provided a
vehicle for Denise to use for the campaign, which will revert back to the Department when the campaign is over. This will be a great help for travel in close proximity to Wisconsin. But now the need for fundraising becomes acute. The goal for the coming year is to raise $150,000. That is a substantial amount and you may ask if it is worth it, and I say it is! It is an honor for Denise to become National Commander and she has earned it through her outstanding work as a volunteer on behalf of veterans, their families and the communities they live in. Her work as National Membership and Post Activities Chairman and as Chairman of Veterans Employment and Education Commission has helped veterans and their families throughout the country, as
well as helping Posts serve their communities better. It is an honor for Wisconsin to have a National Commander and having her as a direct spokesperson for our Department with The American Legion leadership in future discussions of policy and procedures of the organization is a great asset. Thank you for those who have donated, it is greatly appreciated. The goal is high, but with all the members of The American Legion Family in Wisconsin working together, we can do it!! To learn more about Denise’s campaign or to make a donation go to her web site at You can contact her by email at or by mail at Denise Rohan, PO Box 930100, Verona, WI 53593-0100 or by phone at (608) 225-1423.
2016 Membership Goal: 59,000 • September 16th Total: 37,911 – 64.26% 12th PLACE
10th PLACE
2015-2016 57.60%
2015-2016 61.63%
2015-2016 62.56%
2015-2016 63.20%
2015-2016 64.04%
2015-2016 64.25%
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P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 4
District 1
District 2
District 12
District 8
District 9
11th PLACE
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District 5
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District 7
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District 10
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District 11
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 6
2015-2016 64.38%
P. R.I.D.E. P.R.I.D.E.
District 3
“Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor
2015-2016 Communications Committee Kendel D. Feilen, Chairman Phil Ingwell, Vice Chairman Jim Young, DEC Liaison Bernard Olson Harold Rhign Rory Burns Dan Osero George Buchanan, Historian Loretta Shellman, Auxiliary Liaison Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2015-16 Department Officers Commander Dale H. Oatman Vice Commanders Dan Seehafer Jeff Puddy Ed Cooper Jerome Krofta Adjutant David A. Kurtz Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Dave Wischer Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Steve Krueger Alternate NECman Ken Rynes District Commanders 1st – Tom Strey 2nd – Jim Lee 3rd – Mary Lloyd 4th – Mark Sandow 5th – Ensley Brown 6th – Todd Braun 7th – Mark Lesko 8th – Jim Young 9th – Laurel Clewell 10th – John Miller 11th – Frank Kostka 12th – Chris Sower Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901
Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Teresa Isensee, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule
All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
SEPTEMBER 24, 2015
At the time of writing this article, it is midSeptember and my garden tomatoes are drying up and leaves on Dale Oatman Department Commander the trees are just starting to turn. Summer is ending with cooler temperatures and we are heading into the fall season. It also means Veterans Day is just around the corner and I hope all Posts are gearing up for celebrations with schools, your community or Post events. This is the time we honor living veterans so we need to thank them for their service and, we also honor our deceased veterans. I will be busy with weeklong functions to include parades, dinners and speeches. Happy Veterans Day and thank you veterans for your service. The National Convention is behind us and Dale Barnett is our newly elected National Commander and our very own David Gough was elected as a National Vice Commander. Commander Barnett has two trips tentatively scheduled
for Wisconsin. The first is to help us celebrate our 75th Badger Boys State session at Ripon College next June. The second visit will be at our Department Convention in Madison next July. Each Post should have received paperwork concerning his National membership incentives so let’s get out there and earn the Silver or Gold Brigade awards. The Commanders pin can also be awarded by recruiting three new members. The application to earn the Commanders pin was mailed to all the Posts. Commander Barnett and I are offering “Double Dale Dare” membership incentives for Post and County Commanders, as well as all Legionnaires. We are also offering an opportunity for Posts that work aggressively to renew their 2015 members to benefit too! Posts that renew 100% of those 2015 members who renewed after January 1st by Veterans Day will be eligible to win $500 in a drawing to be held at the 2016 Midwinter Conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center. Every post that renews 100%
of those members who paid their 2015 dues after January 1, 2015 will qualify! Three categories will be awarded; Posts under 50 members; Posts from 50 to 99 members and Posts over 100 members. All Post Commanders can qualify for a drawing for a custom Jacket and baseball cap by reaching 100% of your 2016 goal by Veterans Day. A customized jacket with the winner’s name and post along with a baseball cap featuring branch of service will be awarded. And every County Commander who achieves 100% of their 2016 goal by December 31st will receive a custom County Commander Uniform Shirt embroidered with your name! For all Legionnaires who sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid for their membership since 2013, a drawing will be held at the 2016 Midwinter Conference to award $1,000. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can qualify – recruiters get one chance for every new member they recruit. Everyone can qualify! Other individual membership
awards include the special limited edition 3/5 Pride Patrol Pin, which will be presented to everyone who renews 3 members and recruits 2 new members, and the Badger Big 10 recognition award for all Legionnaires who recruit ten new members. The National organization also offers the Silver Brigade and Gold Brigade awards for those who recruit 25 and 50 new members respectively. I ask everyone to inform fellow Legionnaires to renew their membership before the end of the calendar year 2015 to prevent paying $5.00 more when renewing in 2016. I hope that I do not receive a call from any Legionnaire stating they were not informed about the increased dues in time to save them from paying the increased amount. Get the word out and do it now especially with those snowbirds traveling south for the winter. Because of the increased dues, I expect to see many more Posts hit 100% of their membership goal this year than in years past but everyone needs to get involved for this to happen
CAMP DIRECTOR Camp Expansion Process Continues As most of you know our historic footprint at Camp American LeKevin Moshea Camp Director gion has been restored and camp has expanded from 74 acres to over 300. We are all very excited about this new era in Camp’s history. In as much as Camp once included this additional area it is truly a “Back to the Future” story. Alright, we have the land, so what happens now? Since the Lease was amended at Department Convention in July we have continued with the map study and planning process that began last year. The next step will take place in October when the De-
partment of Natural Resources (DNR) will “blue line” the land and mark the boundary lines of the land. The marking of the land boundary will be easier once the leaves falls. Once the land is marked we will have an opportunity to put on our hiking boots and walk the land along with Commander Oatman, Camp Chairman Rich Ruland and Adjutant Kurtz. Even though a lot of map study and planning has occurred during the process of expanding our lease, walking the land this fall will give us an opportunity to truly see and feel what we got. I look forward to that. We will also be posting the land with signs that indicate that the prop-
erty has been leased for use in conjunction with Camp American Legion. These initial steps will help to better identify the best areas of the property to utilize for programs that will support recreation and rehabilitation activities at Camp. A report will be made at the Midwinter Conference at Ho-Chunk Casino in Baraboo on Friday, January 15th. More and more Legionnaires and others ask me what the land will be used for. As we continue to develop our master plan, we will use the services of experts in the field. Projects under discussion include a handicap accessible nature trail and hunting blinds, camp sites and recreation areas. It is important that the
process includes careful discussion, planning and site/utility programming to fully address the opportunities that the additional land represents to Camp, the Wisconsin American Legion Family and the veterans of the state. We do not want to develop short-term projects that will hamper our ability to do what will be ideal in the long term. One thing is certain; everything we do will support our “HELP TO HEAL” mission. That is fundamental and a must be. Our mission guides us in everything we do. I’m excited and I know I can count on all of you for your support.
WDVA SECRETARY Remembering 9/11 Although it’s been 14 years, most everyone remembers where they John A. Scocos WDVA Secretary were when they heard the news of the terrorist attacks of September 11. America was shocked by the surprise terrorist attacks that hit New York and Washington, D.C, and killed more than 3,000 people. The attacks were carried out by Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network, al Qaeda, and came by air, using hijacked passenger aircraft that crashed into
the twin towers of the World Trade Center in Manhattan, the Pentagon, and a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania after passengers on that flight overcame their hijackers and averted even more casualties. The attacks of 9/11 thrust us immediately into a war in Afghanistan, seeking out bin Laden and al Qaeda, as well as the Taliban who harbored them. That war has now spanned 14 years. After the initial shock of the attacks, America responded with unity and resolve to support each other and answer the call to defend America.
Since September 11, 2001, more than 32,000 Wisconsin soldiers, sailors, airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsman have served the Global War on Terror in combat, security, support, and logistical roles. 9/11 changed America. We are more vigilant and alert. Our resolve is still strong. Our young men and women still proudly serve and sacrifice. As we remember the horror of September 11, 2001, we should remember those who stood afterward in support of their country, whether it was at home or abroad providing essential sup-
port to see America through a dark time. Those who served after 9/11 know what sacrifice means and what their country needed of them – they met the task at hand and served honorably – knowing in most cases that when they signed up to serve they would be going to war. As we mark this solemn anniversary, let us remember what happened that morning, but also remember what happened after when America pulled together as one, unified nation.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2015
W i t h t h u m b tack in hand I post another thankyou letter on our bulletin board here at Camp American Legion. There is no open space left and I am now tacking them over older ones. The board grows every day in thickness. Some are beautiful, professional cards; others are hand scribbled on a piece of paper. Some are written in pen by adults, others are in crayon by a child. They all say something. Some are pretty standard while others are very meaningful and touch our hearts deeply. Some make us laugh, while others bring a tear to our eyes. All express some feeling a camper has taken away from this place. They speak of how camp has touched them in a special, profound way. As I look at them I think of all of us in the whole Wisconsin American Legion Family. These cards and letters truly thank us all. These thanks are not just for us here at Camp. You all have earned these thanks in what you have done for Camp this year. Here are just a few; • What a great week in this sacred sanctuary! You have created a wonderful atmosphere for friendship & community! Many, many thanks. • Thank you so very, very much for the absolute wonderful time, God bless each and every one of you. • Want to let you know just how much I appreciate your kindness and special thoughtfulness; a Korean War veteran • Thanks for the warm hospitality, I love the women’s quarters. I felt the love of the handmade quilts & special gift bag.
• Kitchen Crew – Thank you for your delicious, healthy meals! When you feed our bodies, you also feed our souls and we can feel the love you have for us by your service. • Thank you so much for treating me like royalty. The whole time was a positive experience. Everyone was so helpful. It was fantastic time. Especially bonding with new vets and making new friendships. It was a life changing experience. Now I have a mission to follow thru with. This never would of happened had I not attended and been accepted to Camp. • At this difficult time…..I really enjoyed my week up at Camp. Your group does wonderful job. • We want to thank you for an awesome week. This week has helped our family get reconnected after the deployment. All the staff has been so nice. • Camp American Legion Staff and Volunteers, My son and I had a truly wonderful and bonding experience during our stay! We appreciated making new friends and the variety of activities to enjoy. Thank you all for your kindness, generosity and love! • Thank you for giving our family such a wonderful week at Camp. We made so many memories that we will cherish for a lifetime! So thankful that people like yourself made it all possible, God bless. • Dear Pastor Greg, Thank you for praying for me and thank you for the wonderful service that night at Camp AL. I will always remember the statement that it was an honor to have Coast Guardsmen there at Camp. I get a lot of flash backs, but I’m learning to deal with them. Your brother in Christ. USCG
• A big thank you! Our stay was a very fun, exciting yet relaxing time! We got to do things with our family that we’ve never done before and probably couldn’t ever afford but being there make it possible! Thanks for all of the new memories our family got to make. • The enclosed gift is a token of our sincere appreciation for all the hard work you put in to give us an incredible week of fun. Everything was wonderful – food, trips, campfires, games and fishing! • I wanted to write and tell you what a fantastic time we had at Camp American Legion. Because my husband has been in wheel chair for about 10 years and has to sleep in hospital bed, this is the only vacation that we can take. We have made so many friends at Camp, some we still stay in contact with. What a blessing Camp American Legion is not to just my husband and myself but to so many veterans who need exactly what those of you at the camp give to us. There are no word to thank you all enough. • Thank you will never be enough for this time you have allowed for us here. Time with our friends and families. Reconnecting is priceless! This has been amazing • “From a wife of a veteran “and for the first time in 9 years my husband felt safe and comfortable enough to sit with his back towards the entrance. This may not seem like much, but for me it spoke to the enormous power of this camp. You are such a blessing and I hope you understand the effect on all that pass through”.
Finally, just this past week I received a thank you card signed by each vet with a large Milwaukee group that attended Camp. As I opened it is literally stopped me
and brought a smile to my face. I did not expect it from them. What a special group. They thank you all as well. Wisconsin American Legion Family, a big thank you from everyone here at Camp and most important all the “campers”; vet-
erans, service members, families, spouses, caregivers and children who come here. We are positively changing their lives and they greatly appreciate it. –Thanks and God Bless, Kevin Moshea, Director Camp American Legion
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Badgers Home Opener Game
Department Commander Dale Oatman joined WDVA Secretary John A. Scocos at Camp Randall Stadium for the Wisconsin football home opener on Saturday, September 12th. The Badgers defeated Miami of Ohio by a score of 58 to 3.
Chalk-it-up Celebration in Racine
Dorie Miller Post No. 546 in Racine recently hosted the Douglas Avenue “Chalk-it-up” celebration. The event was a family, team building event, along with a community “meet and greet” through artful expression. There were numerous registrants and the event extended along two miles of Douglas Avenue in Racine. Post Commander Lana Schantl and her family won an award for the Family storyline. The Post No. 546 parking lot served
as the “Chalk-it-up” Event headquarters and registration location. Legion Family members donated water for the participants, with a roving crew replenishing the participants with good cold water on a day when temperatures reached the mid80’s. Post members also conducted a neighborhood “police-call” to collect trash and keep the neighborhood clean. The event was a great success and the participants had a great time.
2015 Legion Riders Sweepstakes Winners Announced On August 9th the Legion Riders Legacy Scholarship Fund Sweepstakes was concluded at Post No. 59 in Stoughton. The sweepstakes winners are; • 1st prize ($1,000) Post No. 131 of Colfax • 2nd prize ($500) Nancy Ustruck of Milwaukee • 3rd prize ($250) Legion Post No. 385 of Verona • 4th prize ($100) Connie Pytlik of Menomonee Falls • 5th prize ($50) Donna Douglas of Monroe • 6th prize ($50) Robert Curley of Eagle River • 7th prize ($50) – Auxiliary Unit No. 476 of Porterfield
Congratulations to the winners! This year the sweepstakes generated over $3,976.00 for the Legacy Scholarship Fund. The funds were included in the nearly $60,000.00 recently donated by the Department of Wisconsin at the National Convention in Baltimore. Bob Lloyd Past State President ALRA Sweepstakes Chairman
SEPTEMBER 24, 2015
Wisconsin Veterans Museum Oral History Program: Featured Interviews
Dedicated to the state’s citizen-soldiers, the Wisconsin Veterans Museum (WVM) affirms, commemorates, and acknowledges the achievements and sacrifices of Wisconsin veterans. The WVM is an educational activity of the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs. The WVM Oral History Program seeks to record the first-hand narratives of these men and women in order to create primary sources concerning what it truly meant to serve. With over 2,000 interviews in the collection WVM encourages attention not only to the creation of these interviews, but also to the preservation and accessibility of the information for researchers, visitors and future generations. Below we feature one of our recent narrators and a segment of his compelling interview. Darryl Johnson, a Vietnam War veteran, was drafted into the army in 1968 and served for one year as a forward observer with the 4th Infantry Division in the central highlands of Vietnam. As a forward observer he worked to designate targets for indirect fire and relay battlefield intelligence via radio. Johnson’s experiences left him struggling with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), which was a focal part of his oral history interview. In the interview, Johnson described
the coping mechanisms he used while deployed. …I would write, and my coping mechanism was just getting letters… I think that was my coping mechanism, because that was my attachment to what we called the world. The world really is back there, this is not the world, this is Nam. So, to be attached to the world and keep your sanity, you had to get mail. After returning home, Johnson dealt with significant psychological trauma but eventually realized that he was in control of his own health and happiness. I’ve had to realize that if combat experiences--that I can’t rely upon somebody prescribing me a medication, giving me an outline and saying this is what you need to do in order to become healthier. No, I have to do that on my own. He started his process of healing by talking to a therapist and speaking about his experiences in classrooms. Johnson also found art therapy and became involved in Artists for the Humanities and the Road to Recovery Program. Johnson discussed his art first piece and how he was able to express himself through art. …I thought, you know, I think I could do something today that shows my confusion with the whole Vietnam experience. So, on a piece of paper,
I drew, I used words as my medium, and at the top, I put peace. At t h e bottom, I did war. Love at the top, hate at the bottom, action at the top, apathy at the bottom. These were extremes. These were the things that I was caught in the middle of all the time, especially then… Johnson is passionate about art therapy’s impact and describes in his interview the positive affects it has had on his life as well as why he believes in its value. The beauty of art therapy is that it’s permanent…when you sit for the same length of time and do something and create something on your own, it’s still there a week from now, it’s permanent. I showed this war and peace thing to my wife and kid and grandkids, and I think they understood me a little bit better. Darryl Johnson’s interview was conducted in association with a new exhibit at the Wisconsin Veterans Museum, WAR:RAW Healing Military Trauma Through Expressive Art, open now through April 2016. Please visit the Museum’s or contact the Oral Historian at, (608) 261-0537 for more information on the exhibit or WVM’s Oral History Program.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2015
LegionCare AD&D Program Now Improved!
immediately, but this opThe Legionnaire Inportunity is not restricted surance Trust (LIT) is to just those who were at pleased to announce some the National Convention. important changes to the Every eligible “Legion LegionCare program just Family” member may enrevealed at the 97th Anroll, but the member must nual American Legion National Convention earlier this sign-up to be covered. Facts about LegionCare: month in Baltimore. What is LegionCare? LegionThe first of these exciting updates – starting for enrollments after Jan- Care provides up to $1,000 of 24 uary 1, 2015 - anyone enrolled in hours accidental death coverage to LegionCare will be covered for as an enrolled member. And if an enLegionnaire Insurance Trust (LIT) was formed in 1966 with two longThe as they remain a member of rolled members suffers a covered primary goals: to provide Legion families low-cost insurance “official while performing The American Legion Family. No loss with protection, and to provide a source of revenue to participating Legion busiAmerican Legion Family need to re-enroll every 5 years! Departments. The second change, and what we ness”, there is an additional $4,000 --bringing thethat total to up to thinkThe is Trust the most important; Allin itsbenefit has been so successful over forty-five years today over $5,000. “American Legion Family” mem500,000 Legionnaires in 49 participating Departments are enrolled in this How do I enroll? Just go online to bers unique – Legion, senior ALA, and program. senior SAL – in good standing are and fill inin the requested nowAlso, eligible forsame the coverage. Thealmost in the period of time, $1 billion dollars claim benefits information. By enrolling Legionnaire Insurance Trust has have been paid to Legionnaires and their families through the LIT; and online,paid your coverage Legion will begin beenover working hard toinprovide valu$71 million allocations have been to participating able Departments. benefits to your entire family immediately and you will get an and we look forward to continuing e-mail confirmation within minThe veterans’ first Trust insurance insurance plan to be offered the Hospital utes. was Those without Income access to the to serve needs. Protection plan, a program designed to pay fixed dollar amounts for by calling the Those Legion Family members internet may enroll periods of hospital confinement. Over the years, other insurance coverage who stopped by our booth in Bal- LIT’ at (800) 235-6943 – and the offered Death, Travel Accident, service area Critical will process timore wereincluded: able toCancer, enroll Accidental in the customer Illness, Disability Income, Emergency Assistance, Long Term your enrollment over Care, the phone. LIT’s LegionCare program and had Supplement, Dental, Whole Life, Auto, Don’t delay – sign-up today! theirMedicare coverage become Discount effectiveCards, Homeowners, Identity Theft, and Home Health Care.
Since its creation, AGIA has worked closely with the Trust to develop insurance programs especially designed for Department members and their families. We are proud to serve you through the Trust and invite your inquiries and suggestions on any aspect of our activities.
2015 Legion State Golf Scramble
The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin Golf Scramble was another successful event featuring 18 teams from throughout the state. The event was held at Crystal Springs in Seymour. A lunch of burgers and bratwurst preceded the shotgun start at Noon. Each golfer received a colorful hat courtesy of Seymour Post No. 106. All Legion, Auxiliary and SAL members must wear many hats and this was an opportunity to wear our “fun hat”. 1st place was claimed by Team #1 of Post No. 487 of Cable which had the low 18 hole-score of 62. Team members were; Gary Friermood; George Wolski; Dewey Jacobs and Barry Radloff. In 2nd place was Post No. 40 of Bangor with a score of 65 whose team members were; Rod Nicolai; Tim Lyon; Cornelius Klos and Dave Schroeder. In 3rd place with a score of 66 were last year’s winners, Post No. 73 of Neilsville with Dewayne Seelow; Bill Seelow; Richard Seelow and Gene Seelow. This event, open to the entire Legion Family, is held on the second Saturday of September each year. The 2016 event will be hosted by Brackett Post No. 550 and will be held at Hickory Hills Golf Course in Eau Claire. The 2017 event will be hosted by Wrightstown Post 436. Event Chairman Russ Hanseter of Post No. 106 said; “Our numbers
were down somewhat as there was another event at Wausau on the same day”. The event concluded with a fine
dinner of chicken and beef tips with all the trimmings followed by a Post raffle. Mark your calendar for next September.
1st Place Cable Post No. 487 Gary Friermood, George Wolski, Dewey Jacobs, Barry Radloff.
Members of Post No. 106 model the event” Fun Hats.”
Wausaukee School District Sign Dedicated A Color Guard from the Thaddeus K. Zyk Post No. 272 in Butternut led off the annual Pioneer Days Parade on July 26th.
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The new outdoor sign for the Wausaukee School District was formally dedicated Monday, July 20. Officials from The American Legion, along with Wausaukee School District Administration and community leaders were in attendance Pictured in the photo below from left bottom: Dr. Ann Kox, Superintendent Wausaukee School District, Brenda Gruszynski of Stephenson National Bank, Lisa Wainwright Loan Specialist Stephenson National Bank, Ann Phillips of NWTC, Cora Gavigan, President Wausaukee American Legion Auxiliary, Marie Primakow Treasurer Wausaukee American Legion Auxiliary; top row: Jared Deschane K-12 Principal Wausaukee School District, Honorable Circuit Court Judge James Morrison, Dale Oatman, Commander Wisconsin American Legion, Mike Gavigan Commander Post No. 150, Vern Schroeder, Vice-Commander Post No. 150, Jeff Townsend, President Decor Products, and Glen Putz Post No. 150 Wausaukee.
The new sign supported by the Wausaukee Legion Family.
Commander Oatman was on hand for the sign dedication.
The Last
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317 Wautoma 204 Ellsworth 08/12/15 Robert Anderson K 08/03/15 Domonic Santacroce II Harry Behnke K 08/21/15 205 Janesville K 08/29/15 John Dongarra II 08/23/15 Merlin Hoeft 08/30/15 Herbert Sorensen K 09/07/15 Gilbert Girdauskas II 325 Goodman 209 Orfordville II 08/01/15 Norman Diece II 07/21/15 Jack Sours Kenneth Gunderson 07/01/15 210 Waupun Harold Nummerdor K 08/12/15 326 Boyd 08/08/15 Duane Harmsen V 09/10/15 Donald Schmitz K Chuck Fischer II 07/24/15 220 Soldiers Grove Richard Pond K 08/31/15 331 Shorewood Carlton Becker K 07/28/15 224 Alma Gary Anderson V 09/06/15 332 Black Creek Kenneth Boman K 09/02/15 233 Waterloo Harold Hanni V 08/24/15 333 Sun Prairie LeRoy Stier II 08/18/15 237 Footville Eldon Halvorson K 07/31/15 340 Berlin Kenneth Kettlewell II 08/08/15 244 Westfield Ralph Schulte II 08/03/15 348 DeForest Charles Wilson K 08/11/15 251 Argyle Clayton Watkins II 08/27/15 355 Grafton Glenn Goethel K 07/15/15 258 Little Chute Herbert Peebles II 07/29/15 360 Waunakee Norbert Buechner II 08/05/15 262 Luxemburg 08/30/15 Dale Englebert II 08/19/15 Joseph Kessenich II Norman Vandrisse II 09/01/15 365 Plum City V 07/26/15 William Novak K 09/03/15 Robert Kelton Lavern White II 03/07/15 272 Butternut Glen Gerke K 08/31/15 371 Saxon Verne Niemi II 08/04/15 284 Holmen Lynn Tabbert V 08/21/15 384 Kewaskum Samuel Lund K 06/10/15 288 Cedarburg Thomas Frank K 08/13/15 386 Cascade Alfred Demarce II 08/20/15 299 Hales Corners Harry Kabrich II 09/11/13 394 Hartland Sylvester Krimmer K 07/27/15 310 Racine Edson Burdick II 08/11/15 405 Dousman II 02/18/15 Donald Botsford II 08/25/15 Charles Smith 416 Greendale 316 Sheldon Lester Selby Ad 4/2/15 II 06/20/15 Louis Panetti K Free AD 08/21/15 37455 LT.19565 Ad_Good Standing 11:18 AM 06/22/15 Herb Nordness II 08/24/15 George Marinkovich II
428 Amberg Donald Flom Claude Bohn 434 Oak Creek William Poulter 435 Superior Jerome TaBelle Harvey Anderson 455 Milwaukee Wilbert Evans 467 Ontario Clair Hutchens Lyle Thomas 468 Milladore Benedict Lehman 470 Saukville John Baas Thomas Schanen 474 Milwaukee Jacob Schunk 478 Saint Cloud Robert Wirtz 479 Milwaukee Phillip Clark 494 Caledonia Carl Evje 501 Madison Norman Schweiss William Rotzoll Steve Feiler 507 Mindoro Samuel West 521 Fox Lake Donald Majors 538 Carlton Robert Jisa 540 Haugen Arvin Bailey 547 Lublin Joe Stokosa Robert1Wisniewski Page
03/13/15 07/11/15
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02/18/15 07/05/15
07/05/15 07/10/15
07/29/15 07/17/15 07/19/15
08/12/15 07/20/15
Endorsed by The American Legion, If You’re a Member In Department of Wisconsin Good Standing With Your Department of The American Legion… Endorsed by Your Department of The American Legion
You are eligible for LegionCare; $5,000.00 in Accidental Death Insurance at NO COST TO YOU if a covered accident occurs while traveling on official Legion business*, or $1,000.00 at NO COST TO YOU for all other covered accidents. This has been arranged on
your behalf by Your Department of The American Legion. As soon as your enrollment is received, LegionCare will take effect, and will continue through August 31, 2021. Your acceptance is guaranteed, so mail your coupon today.
For immediate coverage, enroll online at Cut out this section and mail it in today to enroll in LegionCare.
Cut it out
10 Wausau David Scholfield II Walter Kowalski II Leon Moczarny II 11 Green Bay Douglas Frase II Richard Synol V 13 Richland Center Marlin Foster II 15 Juneau Rawald Bartz G/L 16 Cudahy Leonard Kochnowicz II 19 Hartford David Ebert V Jack Hoag II 26 Baraboo Reuben Beiswanger II Edward Hamburg II 32 Menomonie Lavern Forster II Allyn Pracht II 33 Neenah Emil Hjerstedt II 38 Appleton Bruce Frazier K Donald Huth K Robert Lathrop II Douglas Mahr II William Steward K 42 Platteville Ervin Leuth V Donald VanNatta V 45 Elkhorn William Bulka K 47 Portage Paul Baker K William Wagner II 51 West Salem Carl Sorensen II 53 Eau Claire R James Hagen K Charles Otto K Lorraine McFarlane II Charles Kuehn K 54 Marshfield Gerald Bluhm V 59 Stoughton Ronald Lecy V 60 Kimberly Alphonse Kneepkens II Robert Burns II 63 Clintonville Allen Sasse K John Schroeder K 70 Oshkosh Clair Allen II Duane Arndt Leon Genz K Richard Blank K Howard Eaton K 74 Oconto Michael Hebert V 75 Fond du Lac Charles Millard K 77 Chippewa Falls Richard Erickson II Paul Severin II 80 New Richmond John Timmerman V 81 Mauston Gerald Ryczek V Ronald Smith PG
82 Port Washington George Wilber K Todd Didier G/L 87 Rice Lake Walter Steiner II Norbert Wellsandt II 89 Minocqua Daniel Tyler K 91 Oconomowoc Patrick Snyder V 93 Tomahawk Howard Sandus K Reinhart Peterson K Brian Erickson V Einar Ingman K 98 Cumberland Donald Swanson II Lawrence Zappa II 102 Walworth Laverne Koerner II 106 Seymour John Soares V 108 Clear Lake Owen Williams P 118 Thorp Bernard Przybylski V Joe Slota V 124 New Holstein Allen Heus V 127 Hilbert Paul Schaefer V 134 Boscobel John Salzgeber K 141 New Glarus Glenn Schmid K Erwin Zweifel K William Decker V Rodney Marty V Glenn Schmid K 143 St Croix Falls Bruce Lundmark V 146 Beaver Dam Robert Limberg II Raymond Kossen K John Baumann II Leland Raddatz II 147 Medford James Cypher K 149 Sheboygan Falls Roman Slesrick II 154 Mondovi Lyle Ness K James Feeney II Willard Haigh K 168 Glenwood City Leon Berenschot K 169 Amery Irvin Elkin K 171 Union Grove Roy Rigert II 182 Park Falls John Vrablec V 184 Fennimore John Kauffman K Melvin Klais V Charles Schrader II 186 Independence Leon Ehman V Edmund Smieja K Eugene Sosalla K 188 East Troy Francis Brady V 189 Watertown Ceilan Baker V Thomas Boyle V David Dornfeld K 198 Marion Larry Krueger V 201 Tomah Richard Abbs II Clarence White II Donald McClelland K Carroll Betthauser K Robert Sparhawk V 202 Chaseburg Tom Floyd V 203 Milwaukee Fred Driesen II
SEPTEMBER 24, 25, 2015 2014
Have you filled out all the above information? Please mail to: Legionnaire Insurance Trust • P.O. Box 26720 • Phoenix, AZ 85068-6720 © 2015 AGIA
Complete details of the coverage are contained in accident only Master Policy MZ0933569H0000A/0001A underwritten by Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company Cedar Rapids, IA. This plan is not available in all states. *For Purposes of the Legionnaire Insurance Trust, a member of The American Legion, with current year’s dues paid, could be eligible for the $5,000 Accidental Death benefit if he/she is traveling to, attending, or returning from an official function at which the Legionnaire represents his/her Post, District, Department, or National Organization in an official capacity.
SEPTEMBER 24, 2015
Commander Dale Oatman incentives for membership renewals - “Get One” Bounty remains at $1,000 Department Commander Dale Oatman of the Anderson – Sather Post No. 524 in White Lake is “Double Dale” daring Legionnaires across Wisconsin to get out and renew their 2016 membership before Veteran’s Day 2015. Every post’s first goal should be last year’s total membership PLUS 1. Each post that achieves growth and becomes eligible for the National Post Excellence Award in 2016 will be recognized in the Badger Legionnaire. DOUBLE DALE DARE NO. 1 Post Membership Incentives and Awards Renew 100% of those 2015 members who renewed after January 1st by Veterans Day and your post will be eligible to win $500 in a drawing to be held at the 2016 Midwinter Conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. Every post that renews 100% of those members who paid their 2015 dues after January 1, 2015 will qualify! Three categories will be awarded; Posts under 50 members; Posts from 50 to 99 members; Posts over 100 members ATTENTION: Post Commanders – Qualify to Win a custom Jacket, Baseball cap or cash prizes! Reach 100% of your 2016 goal by Vet-
There’s no denying it – it’s the end of September and that means that most kids have been back in school for nearly a month now. What better time to refresh your memory and begin promoting all of the school-aged based programs available through The American Legion! Programs like Badger Boys State, County Youth Government Day, Junior Shooting Sports, the Oratorical Scholarship Competition, Americanism and Government Testing, Scouting, Legion Baseball, and other scholarship opportunities – not to mention programs that individual Posts may sponsor. Department Headquarters has contacted school guidance offices across the state regarding these programs but you can help by visiting your local schools and reminding them of the opportunities for their students through your local post and the Department.
erans Day on Tuesday, November 11th and you’ll qualify for a drawing to determine the winner. A customized jacket with the winner’s name and post along with a baseball cap featuring branch of service will be awarded. County Commanders - Win cash or a custom American Legion Commander Shirt! ALL County Commanders who achieve 100% of their 2016 goal by December 31st will receive a custom County Commander Uniform Shirt embroidered with your name! DOUBLE DALE DARE NO. 2 Individual Membership Awards To grow at the local level, each post needs to rely on their members being active recruiters. For the individual Legionnaire, membership recruiting can lead to a big reward! Legion members can simply sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid for two years (since 2013) and their name will be entered in a drawing. Those that qualify have a chance to win $1,000 at the 2016 Midwinter Conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can qualify – recruiters get one chance for every new member they re-
IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER: Regional and State Oratorical Finals February 13, 2016 at Ripon College – Students should be preparing for local Oratorical competitions now – Posts need to complete their competitions prior to December so that County and District County competitions can also be completed before the February 13th Regional and State Finals. Jr. Shooting Sports Postal Match ends March 1, 2016 Local teams can begin forming and practicing now Eagle Scout of the Year Scholarship deadline – March 1, 2016 Schneider-Emanuel Scholarship Application Deadline – March 1, 2016
to Achieve 2016 Membership Goals
cruit. Anyone who recruits a new member qualifies! Legionnaires who renew and recruit multiple Legionnaires can earn several individual membership awards. THE 3/5 PRIDE PATROL Renew 3 members for 2016 and Recruit 2 new members and join Commander Dale Oatman’s “Pride Patrol”. Every member of the Pride Patrol will receive a special limited edition pin to mark the achievement. BADGER “BIG 10” Recruit 10 new members – The Badger Big 10 recognition award can be earned by signing up ten (10) new members. Join this exclusive group of Legionnaires! Badger Big 10 recruiters receive a pin and a patch to wear with pride. The National American Legion is also encouraging recruitment with the Silver Brigade (25 new members) and Gold Brigade (50 new members) awards for Legionnaires who recruit 25 and 50 new members respectively. We can reach new heights in Membership for 2016. Contact Chris Schmidt at chris@wilegion. org or call headquarters at (608) 745-1090 with any questions.
Americanism and Government Scholarship Test will be available online April 4 through April 15, 2016
Walter Zehm of Post No. 500 in West Allis was recently presented a 70 Year Continuous Membership Certificate by 4th District Commander Mark Sandow. Walter has belonged to a number of different posts over the years including the Bay View Post No. 180, Henrizi - Schneider Post No. 382 and Allis Chalmers Post No. 500. He has held many different Officer positions including Waukesha County Commander, post Com-
mander and 100% Membership chairman. Post transfers have been due to relocations within the Milwaukee metropolitan area but he has always taken his knowledge and abilities with him and served The American Legion in many ways. Walter is a dedicated Legion Member. Pictured from left to right are 4th District Commander Mark Sandow, Walter Zehm and Post No. 500 Commander Edward Schuh.
Roman Broechert of the Wagner – Eberle - Sukowaty Post No. 477 in St. Nazianz recently received a certificate honoring his 70 years of continuous membership in the post. Roman, who is 92 years old, joined The Ameri-
can Legion in 1945 after returning home from service in the Army Air Corps during World War II. Pictured from left to right is post member Pete Olig, Roman Broechert and Post Commander Chuck Augustine.
Badger Boys State 2016 session will be held June 11, 2016 through June 18, 2016 County Youth Government Programs ongoing throughout the year – check with your Post, school and local government offices Detailed information and applications can be found in your Administrative Manual, Appendix A - Americanism Programs. If you do not have access to your Post’s Manual, you can find it online at, or by calling Dawn Brauner at Department Headquarters at (608) 745-1090 or by email at
Members of Fall Creek Post No. 376 presenting the colors on Patriot Day. The unit was led by Commander Norm Brunkow. Post No. 376 has presented the colors at all home football games since 2005.