Badger &“Wisconsin”
September 14, 2017 Vol. 94, No. 8
Official Publications of The Wisconsin American Legion Family
The mission of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin is to provide service to veterans, their families and their communities.
Denise H. Rohan Elected National Commander for 2017-18 A U.S. Army veteran from Verona, Wisconsin was elected National Commander of the nationʼs largest veteranʼs organization on August 24th. Delegates to The American Legionʼs 99th National Convention in Reno, Nevada chose Denise H. Rohan of the Mason-Lindsay Post No. 385 in Verona, Wisconsin to lead the 2 million-member organization of wartime veterans for a one-year term. Commander Rohan joined the U.S. Army in 1974 and has served The American Legion since 1984. Prior to her transfer to Post No. 385 in Verona, she served as the Commander of Post No. 333 in Sun Prairie, where she established a Sons of The American Legion squadron and chartered a Boy Scout troop. She served as the Department Commander in Wisconsin during the 2011-12 membership year. Denise and her husband, Mike,
are both 2006 graduates of the National American Legion College and 2015 graduates of the Wisconsin American Legion College. Both have gone on to serve as Department and National American Legion College facilitators. Rohan was employed with the University of Wisconsin Madison as the assistant bursar of student loans until her retirement in 2012. She managed the University of Wisconsin - Madison, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay and University of Wisconsin College systemʼs $120 million loan portfolio made up of approximately 200 different federal, institutional and state programs in compliance with all laws, regulations and policy. She was responsible for the efficiency and design of the computerized student loan accounts receivable system. She is a grad-
uate of Mount Senario College in Ladysmith, Wis., and The Collegiate Management Institute. Rohan served the Family Readiness Group as a volunteer with
DENISE H. ROHAN National Commander
the Wisconsin Army National Guard 32nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team and 1-105th Cavalry Squadron. She also served with the 115th Fighter Wing, Wisconsin Air National Guard Airman and Family Readiness Program. Her theme as national commander is “Family First” and her fundraising project is the Legionʼs Temporary Financial Assistance program, which awards cash grants to minor children of veterans who are eligible for American Legion membership. These grants help families in need meet the cost of shelter, food, utilities and health expenses, thereby keeping the child or children in a more stable environment. Rohan has been married to Mike since 1976, and they have a son, Nicholas, daughter-in-law Angie, and two grandchildren,
Sawyer and Isla. Mike is very active with The American Legion on both the Department and National levels and is a Past Department Adjutant. Nick and Sawyer are members of Squadron No. 385, and Isla is a member of Unit No. 385. Commander Rohan took the oath of office along with five other national officers. Serving as National Vice Commanders are Larry J. Marcouillier of Delaware; William J. Flanagan of Illinois; Bobby D. Bryant of Oklahoma; Bryan I. Callies of South Dakota; Paul R. Stephenson of Utah. National Historian Richard T. Dubay of Michigan, National Sergeant-at-Arms Roy Helms of Wisconsin and National Chaplain Robert Allen Vick of Florida were appointed to their positions by Commander Rohan following the close of the convention.
PDVC Roy Helms of Oshkosh Post No. 70 Named National Sergeant at Arms A United State Marine Corps veteran from Oshkosh was appointed National American Legion Sergeant at Arms of the 2 millionmember organization on August 24th at the National convention in Reno, Nevada. Roy A. Helms served in the U.S. Marine Corps from 1974 to 1978. He was trained in electronics, primarily combat surveillance radar. He was assigned to Camp Lejeune, N.C, performing repairs and calibration of electronic test equipment, including additional training to become precision measurement electronics lab certified. Following his Marine Corps service, he attended technical college, receiving an associateʼs degree in electronics
technology and then pursued a second degree in computer programming. While in technical school, Helms
ROY HELMS National Sergeant at Arms
went to work for Morse Electronics, which has become part of what is now Baycom Inc. Since December 1978, he has been involved with the installation and maintenance of public safety radio systems and E911 dispatch centers. He is currently a senior tech/tech supervisor. Helms served as Commander of the Cook-Fuller Post No. 70 in Oshkosh, as 6th District Commander and as a Department of Wisconsin Vice Commander. He also is a member of the Sons of The American Legion, Squadron No. 70 in Oshkosh. Helms has served on various Department committees and is cur(continued on page 4)
Commander Laurel M. Clewell and her husband, Department Historian H. Gordon Clewell, of the Johnston-Blessman Post No. 38 in Appleton took part in ceremonies prior to the Milwaukee Brewers and Cincinnati Reds game on Sunday, August 13th at Miller Park in Milwaukee. The annual American Legion Baseball All-star game was played later that day. See page 5 of this edition of the Badger Legionnaire for additional coverage.
2018 Membership Goal: 53,500 • September 7th Total: 33,534 • 62.68% 9
PAGE 2 “Badger Legionnaire” & “Wisconsin” The Badger Legionnaire & Wisconsin are the official publications of the Wisconsin American Legion Family and are published ten times annually, once every five weeks, by The American Legion, Dept. of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901. Periodicals Postage Paid at Portage, WI and additional mailing offices. USPS ID Number 010-135 ISSN: 2154-2627 Post Master: Send address changes to Badger Legionnaire and Wisconsin, P.O. Box 388, Portage, WI 53901
“Badger Legionnaire” The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 388 • Portage, WI 53901 Phone: (608) 745-1090 E-mail: David A. Kurtz, Executive Editor 2017-2018 Communications Committee Renee Kasuboski, Chairman Rebecca Amundson, Vice Chairman Ray Pasbrig, DEC Liaison Susan Knudson Phil Ingwell Kendel Feilen Geoff Sheilds Gordy Clewell, Historian Bonnie Dorniak, Auxiliary Liaison 2017-18 Department Officers Commander Laurel Clewell Vice Commanders James Lee Todd Braun Mark Sandow Chris Sower Adjutant David A. Kurtz Chaplain Milton Duntley Sergeant-at Arms Jeremy Nordie Mark Toll Service Officer James Fialkowski NECman Ken Rynes Alternate NECman Robert Shappell District Commanders 1st – Bill Babb 2nd – Greg Eirich 3rd – Harold Rihn 4th – Ray Pasbrig 5th – Julia Atkinson 6th – Jerry Lauby 7th – Ken Schoolcraft 8th – Ron Fregien 9th – Clarence Davister 10th – Paul Beseler 11th – James Lynn 12th – Don Slattery Change of Address & Other Information: Subscribers: To report any upcoming changes of address, please ask your Post Adjutant to fill out a Membership Data Form and forward it to Wisconsin American Legion Headquarters. The change of address form that will be completed by the Post Adjutant should not be confused with the change of address card filled out at the Post Office. Department financial statements are available to Legionnaires in good standing upon written request through their District Commanders.
“Wisconsin” American Legion Auxiliary Department of Wisconsin 2930 American Legion Drive P.O. Box 140 • Portage, WI 53901 Bonnie Dorniak, Editor Bonnie Jakubczyk, Department President Bonnie Dorniak, Exec. Secretary/Treasurer To change your address: Notify Unit Secretary Unit Secretary: Notify Department Headquarters on a Member Data Form The “Wisconsin” deadline for copy is 4 weeks before publication date.
Publication Schedule All articles due to the Editor four weeks before publication date. Send all copy to
SEPTEMBER 14, 2017
DEPARTMENT COMMANDER Hello Legion Family, We are on a mission and weʼve already made history! Denise Rohan Laurel Clewell Department Commander has been elected The American Legionʼs first female National Commander and Diane Duscheck is the National Auxiliary President and Wisconsin is very proud to say that they are family. Commander Denise Rohan is asking us to support Temporary Financial Assistance and the Legion Service Officers. My project for this year will be to establish a Veteranʼs Assistance Program that will be available to all veterans. Information will be coming soon about the program. Membership is the cornerstone
of The American Legion and we need to Grow. Membership is our strength and strong numbers give us a strong voice to fight for Veteranʼs rights. Commander Denise Rohan has given us a membership total of 53,500 for our 100% goal. We need about 22,000 more of our fellow veterans to renew or join to make it happen. A good friend, Terry McNulty, said it best when he stated that we all need to be recruiters. This year we are starting Prospect lists so if you are not a person that feels comfortable being a recruiter then please submit names and contact information to your post adjutant so we can reach out to them. Everyone who submits the names of three prospective members will receive a special edition Prospector Pin. Posts that build and maintain Prospect lists will be eligible to win $500.
We all know someone that is eligible to join The American Legion Family. We need to Know to Grow and we need to know that our membership team is ready to help us. Please contact Chris Schmidt at Department headquarters at (608) 745-1090 or Membership chair Julie Muhle at if you need information or assistance. The membership team has scheduled the following rallies: • Milwaukee on September 29-30 • Madison on October 20-21 • Fox Valley on November 3-4 • Eau Claire on December 1-2 Please join the rally and help us grow! Commander Rohan needs and wants Wisconsin to be 100% and we have great incentives to encourage us to achieve our goal. There will be two $500 drawings
for all Early bird renewals, including PUFLʼs, so spread the word. All members renewed by November 11th will be eligible. It would be wonderful to be 100% by Veteranʼs Day. The next thing you need to Know. The Department is in the process of hiring a new adjutant. In this newsletter, you will find the information needed to apply. I want to personally thank David Kurtz for a JOB WELL DONE. Dave has been the backbone of this organization for 8 years and very instrumental in our many accomplishments. His dedication and love of The American Legion has greatly improved our financial stability. Our programs are in great shape and very successful. Thank you Dave and God Bless you and your family in your new endeavors.
CAMP DIRECTOR Greetings form Camp American Legion, Itʼs hard to believe we are moving into September alDon Grundy Camp Director ready. Much to my surprise the past several days have had the feel of Fall in the air. Yet, September will still find Camp full and there will be plenty of activities going on here in the North Woods experience. We look forward to enjoying the colors with our Campers. Last week a close friend and mentor asked if he could share a story with me. He is a trusted and respected Chaplain and a Military leader. So of course I was ready and willing to listen. He shared with me a experience he had while he was trying to get his congregation ral-
lied around a rebuilding project for their church. He said that he was so focused on the improvements, the beauty and functionality that this rebuilding project would create, that he had missed something very important. While many of his parishioners shared his vision, some were not so eager. In fact, some were upset and did not believe the rebuilding was even needed. He told me that he was struggling to understand why they could not see that the old church could no longer provide what was needed by his ever growing and evolving parishioners. He said what he was overlooking the wonderful history in that old church. Many people before him had sacrificed countless hours and resources to build and maintain that old church. Somewhere in the ideas, planning and
excitement he had lost focus on the legacy that was created and handed to him as the new leader of his congregation. As I reflect on the Chaplainʼs story, I realize that his experience and learning lesson is not much different from ours here at Camp. We have an ever growing population of Wisconsin Military members and Veterans that are coming to Camp American Legion for the fi rst time. It was only a few short years ago that we started to see the families of our Service Members and Veterans here at Camp. Where Camp was once the best kept secret in Wisconsin, it is now a well-known destination for eligible Service Members, Veterans and their families. Camp provides a setting and an opportunity to heal and grow as individuals, as families and
members of our communities across the state of Wisconsin. Yes, Camp is all this and much more, but only because the efforts, the commitment and the vision of those who came before us. There is a powerful legacy that was handed to us. It is our job to ensure that this legacy continues to serve. As the Camp Director I am fully committed to honoring that legacy and to helping enhance the Camp experience. I am eager and willing to join efforts with cabin sponsors, Legion posts and community partners to rebuild where necessary, enhance when possible and continue the legacy… Still Serving America Thank you again for all the support that you continue to show. Without the Wisconsin American Legion family, Camp would not exist.
WDVA SECRETARY Dear Fellow Legionnaires: Iʼd like to invite you to attend our annual Wisconsin Dan Zimmerman Conference on WDVA Secretary Veterans Issues. This year, the Wisconsin Department of Veterans Affairs (WDVA) is partnering with the VA Medical Center in Tomah to bring you two full days of speakers, breakouts and other opportunities to learn and to provide feedback to our organizations. The conference will take place on September 26-27 at the La Crosse Convention Center. Day One of the conference consists of the Women Veterans Summit with speakers focusing
on issues such as holistic health, alternative therapies, trauma informed care, and military sexual trauma. We will also present the present the Woman Veteran of the Year Award to an individual who continues to make a difference in her community. The afternoon will consist of a QPR training and a VA Town Hall. The QPR training is an opportunity for you to help prevent suicide in our state. QPR - Question, Persuade, Refer – is an effective technique anyone can learn to help prevent suicide. Finally, to close out the day we encourage you to participate in the VA Town Hall hosted by Tomah VA Medical Center Director Victoria Brahm. Day Two of the conference is
our Mental Health and Veterans Issues Summit. Keynote speakers will discuss topics such as homelessness, veteran suicide, PTSD, opioid awareness, and the stigma of pain. This year we are pleased to have Dr. Kimberly A. Kick and Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer Bantner as our keynote speakers. Dr. Kimberly A. Kick has a private practice in Libertyville where she works extensively with individuals, couples, and families, specializing in working with service members, veterans, and their families. She has presented throughout the country on topics ranging from dealing with issues faced by military couples and families, conflict, divorce, TBI, and PTSD.
Lieutenant Colonel Jennifer Bantner is currently serving as the Commander, 1/334th Training Support Battalion in Milwaukee, WI and augments the Initial Entry Training program. LTC Bantner is a military certified Master Resiliency Trainer and has presented at Yellow Ribbon Reintegration programs across the country, working with Soldiers and their families as they cope with post deployment stressors. We hope to see you there. To get more information and register for the Conference visit our website at Donʼt forget to follow us on Facebook at WisVets and Twitter at twitter. com/WisVets. .
SEPTEMBER 14, 2017
BADGER BOYS STATE 2017 From June 10th through June 17th, The American Legion, Department of Wisconsinʼs Badger Boys State program was conducted in Ripon, Wisconsin. This year marked the 76th session. Badger Boys State has influenced over 67,000 young men over the years. Past Department Commander Val Ove of the Alonzo Cudworth Post No. 23 was instrumental in helping The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin in establishing the program in 1939 after recognizing the great opportunity to serve the youth and spread the ideals of Americanism. Badger Boys State has run every year since then with the exception of three years during World War II. Every year since 1939 American Legion posts from across the state
have supported this ambitious program, providing leadership, financial support, and volunteers who make Badger Boys State a top-notch program. The young men selected to attend Badger Boys State, called citizens, represent the best of their communities. The program is only possible because of the generous donations from American Legion posts, community civic organizations and individuals who sponsor each citizen. This year, 882 young men came from all corners of Wisconsin to form the government of a “51st state.” During the week, citizens also learn about Americanism, leadership and the values of selfless service. Guest speakers, who included Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, Wisconsin Su-
preme Court Justice Ann Walsh Bradley and Charles Wiley from the National Press Corps, provided real world experience to the citizens. The fast-paced week is rewarding for both the citizens and the volunteer staff. Many in attendance describe the program as “one of the most challenging, rewarding, and fun experiences of my life.” To learn more about Badger Boys State visit You will also find links on the site to a 2017 video recap as well as other products from this yearʼs session. Individuals and posts interested in sponsorship opportunities for the 2018 session are urged to contact Sheri Hicks at Department headquarters by email at or by phone at (608) 745-1090.
HEAR YE - HEAR YE ! VETERANS DAY BANQUET ALL VETERANS INVITED, PLEASE ATTEND SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2017 You are cordially invited to the 2017 Veterans Day Banquet Sponsored by THE AMERICAN LEGION VETERANS HONORING VETERANS AT ALL TIMES The 2018 Milwaukee County “Veteran of the Year” will be announced Celebrating 100th Birthday of The American Legion 60th Anniversary of the War Memorial Building Where: War Memorial Center Memorial Hall 750 N. Lincoln Memorial Dr., Milwaukee, Wisconsin Cost: $30 person - $35 after November 4, 2017 Cash Bar: 5:00 pm. Sit Down Dinner: 6:30 pm. Do Not Send Cash – Make Checks Payable To: Veterans Board of Directors Mail to: Veterans Day Banquet, c/o Ray Pasbrig 3306 Elderberry Rd, Racine, WI 53402 If you have questions, please call Ray at (262) 853-4929 or e-mail:
ADJUTANT POSITION AVAILABLE The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin, the stateʼs largest Veterans organization is seeking a Legionnaire for the office of Department Adjutant and lead the professional staff at our Portage headquarters, the Service Office in Milwaukee and Camp American Legion in Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin. The Department Adjutant is the Chief Operating/Financial Officer and is responsible for the overall efficient, effective, and financially sound management of all aspects of the organization. We are seeking a flexible, customer service driven candidate. An experienced leader and administrative executive with appropriate industry experience, preferably in the service field. The successful candidate must be an energetic, forwardthinking and creative individual with high ethical standards and an appropriate professional image. This individual should be
a strategic visionary with sound technical skills, analytical ability, good judgment and strong operational focus. In addition, the Department Adjutant must be an extremely well organized and self-directed individual who is "politically savvy" and a collaborative leader. The Department of Wisconsin is seeking an intelligent and articulate individual who can relate to people at all levels of The American Legion and possesses excellent written and oral communication skills. This individual should also be a good educator who is trustworthy and willing to share information and serve as a mentor. Selected candidate will possess bachelorʼs degree from an accredited college or university in business or closely related field and/ or a minimum of ten years extensive business management experience. Work experience must include a thorough understanding of generally accepted accounting
principles; computerized accounting systems; supervising and managing people, marketing and business development; and interpretation of legal and regulatory requirements affecting the administration of The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin, a 501 c 19 nonprofit organization. Applicants must possess or be eligible to possess a Wisconsin driverʼs license and must meet the membership eligibility requirements of The American Legion. A generous benefit package, including health and dental insurance is provided. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Send resume and contact information by Friday, September 29, 2017 to The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin Attn: Adjutant David A. Kurtz, PO Box 388, Portage, WI 53901 or
Advertising Material
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Get Ready for The American Legion Oratorical Scholarship Competition It is time to start working on the Oratorical Scholarship Competition for 2017-18. The school season has begun and we canʼt wait until later in the year to get started. The material is posted on the National American Legion website at www.legion. org/oratorical. You can get any promotional information you may need as well as the assigned topics for the 2018 contest by checking on-line or by contacting Dawn Brauner by email at or by calling (608) 745-1090. If you have any questions about conducting a contest, obtaining information, registering your contestant for the Department contest or volunteering to help with the Department program please contact Dawn. Note: All Contestants must start at the post level and proceed to County and District before competing in the Department contest. Therefore, your post needs to announce the dates and place of your local contest as soon as possible. The date for the Department of Wisconsin Regional and Final contest is February 10, 2018. The competition will once again be held at Ripon College, Ripon, WI. It is strongly suggested that you get dates for your local contests at the Post, County and District levels established and
promoted throughout your District. In order to maintain the integrity and quality of our program we need to have a candidate from all 12 districts. Letʼs do our best to send the best. This is a National contest and a tremendous opportunity for us to impact the youth of our communities in Wisconsin. The top prize is an $18,000 college scholarship. As Depart-
–PDVC Robert Stone Chairman
From July 1 ,2016 through June 30, 2017, the Elm Brook Post No. 449 Honor Guard performed 225 Military Funeral Honors ceremonies. Members of the unit received recognition from The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin for their dedicated and continuous service to our veterans.
Union Grove “Back to the Past” Car Show
The American Legion, Department of Wisconsin’s 80th Annual Oratorical Scholarship Contest’s Regional and Finals Competitions were held on Saturday, February 11th, 2017 at the Rodman Center on the Ripon College Campus. Pictured from left to right are Department Commander Dan Seehafer, first place winner Carrie Wilson, second place finisher Joshua Anumolu and third place finisher Hannah Krueger.
Wisconsin Army Vet to Lead Nation’s Largest Veterans Organization gion has always believed that a veteran is a veteran regardless of gender, race or religion. If I can offer a different perspective than other Legionnaires, thatʼs great. But I am excited to build on the great programs, dedicated service and proud legacy of the many Legionnaires who came before me.” Rohan has served The American Legion since 1984. While commander of Post No. 333 in Sun Prairie, she established Sons of The American Legion Squadron No. 333 and chartered Boy Scout Troop 333. She has also served as the Department Commander of The American Legion, Depart-
ment of Wisconsin. She was employed with the University of Wisconsin Madison as the assistant bursar of student loans until her retirement in 2012. She managed the University of Wisconsin - Madison, University of Wisconsin - Green Bay and University of Wisconsin systemsʼ $120 million loan portfolio made up of approximately 200 different federal, institutional and state programs in compliance with all laws, regulations, and policy. She was responsible for the efficiency and design of the computerized student loan accounts-receivable system.
Sergeant at Arms (continued from Page 1) rently serving on the Department Policy committee. In 2008, he received the prestigious “Joseph R. Meeks GungHo” Americanism Award from the Department of Wisconsin. He has received appointments to the National Legislative Council and the National Americanism Council. Helms also served as President of the 6th District American Le-
Elm Brook Post No. 449 Honor Guard Unit Sets New Record
ment chairman, I am committed to attending the National Americanism conference this September. We are sure that the judges at the Regional and Final contest in February will be selecting the very best candidate to represent our Department at the National competition in Indianapolis in April of 2018.
American Legion elects its first female National Commander RENO, Nev., (August 24, 2017) – A retired University of Wisconsin administrator was elected national commander of the nationʼs largest veterans organization today during The American Legionʼs 99th National Convention. Denise H. Rohan of Verona, a Vietnam-era veteran of the U.S. Army, is the first woman to be elected to the top position of the 2 million-member American Legion. “Women were allowed to vote for national commander of The American Legion back in 1919, before they could vote for the president of the United States,” Rohan said. “The American Le-
SEPTEMBER 14, 2017
gion Riders and went on to serve six years as President of the American Legion Riders Association of Wisconsin. Helms was selected to participate in the first Legion Riders “Wreath Laying” ceremony at the Tomb of The Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day in 2005. He received a National “American Legion Rider of Honor” award in 2008.
He and his wife Nancy have been married since 1974 and live in Oshkosh. Nancy is currently 6th District President of the American Legion Auxiliary, Department of Wisconsin. They have twin sons, one daughter and three grandchildren, all of which are Legion Family members. Helms is one of 12 National American Legion officers. .
The District 1 Legion Riders were asked to help out at the Union Grove “Back to the Past” Car Show. After performing a ride-by to present the colors on Main Street, the Riders presented a Riders challenge coin to a recent Honor Flight attendee. The Riders were then honored to judge the “WW II Pin-up” contest. Pictured here from left to right are judges Frank “Phantom” Konieska, Kim “Milkman” Dary, Patrick “Maverick” Mitchell, and Don “Alamo” Stone as they mingle with the Pin-up contestants.
Legacy Scholarship Fund Sweepstakes Winners The American Legion Riders Association of Wisconsin concluded the Legacy Scholarship Fund Sweepstakes on Sunday, August 13th by drawing the winning names at the Otis Sampson Post No. 59 in Stoughton. The Riders would like to thank everyone who participated in the sweepstakes to raise money to make a higher education possible for many children in an unfortunate situation. There were 7 cash prizes awarded. The winners are: • Ron Milner of Hartford won $1,000 • Ken Grant of Waunakee won $500 • Brian Brockway of Fond du Lac won $250 • Judy Hagen of Townsend won $100 • Frank Wozniak of Mattoon won $50 • Greening-Buelow Post No. 437 of Mazomanie won $50 • Peter Wollner Post No. 288 of Cedarburg won $50 Thank You again for participating in the Legacy Scholarship Fund Sweepstakes.
SEPTEMBER 14, 2017
Camp American Legion Greetings from Camp American Legion, As July closed out and August arrived at Camp the sun finally arrived and we all embraced. As Camp Director, I canʼt help but be amazed at the outpouring of support from our Legion family, our corporate partners and communities across Wisconsin. I can say with certainty, that without this support we would not be able to accomplish our mission of “Help to Heal”. For that we say THANK YOU! Summer has cruised along and we all have been very busy #camplife. We have our usual line up of activities; fishing trips (6 daily), daily afternoon pontoon cruises with the addition of evening sunset pontoon cruises, bus trips into town to take in the local attractions and of course our evening camp fires with all the fixings to build your own
Smoreʼs. As things continue to evolve here at Camp, our staff and I have made significant progress towards enhancing the Camp experience for our veterans and their families. We are continuously exploring new ideas, activities and events. I have asked our team of dedicated staff members to come up with fresh ideas and engage our local community for support of new activities. As a result, we have added some new and exciting additions to our agenda of activities to include; live music at the Main Lodge; 1/2 day picnic boat trips through the Minocqua chain of lakes; Wetzel Way Nature trail walks; McGrath Lake fishing outings and camp fire cook outs. The feedback from veterans and their families to the staff has been very positive. The common phrase we hear is “keep it up, we like what we see”. Over the past four months I
have learned an interesting fact about Camp… Every week is a new experience. There is great diversity among our guests that come to Camp. Activities that are popular one week may not be the next week. It makes us realize that while as Military members and Veterans we have much in common; but as individuals we are unique and have different needs. Because of this fact, all of us here at Camp will strive to provide the best customer service. We will continue efforts to enhance the experience for our guests. Itʼs why we continue to serve. Come see Camp for yourself. Our staff and I are always willing to give you and your group a tour, a smile and a hot cup of coffee. We look forward seeing you. – Don Grundy, Director
Camp Receives New Boat Dock
A new boat dock was recently delivered to Camp courtesy of the 7th District. The dock had been donated to the Tomah VA Medical Center but having gone unused at the facility, it was repurposed for use at Camp American Legion. 7th District Commander Ken Schoolcraft and Jim Kitchen of Post No. 65 in the Town of Rome were instrumental in securing the dock for use at Camp.
46th Annual WALBA All-Star Weekend at Miller Park in Milwaukee It was a beautiful evening at Miller Park in Milwaukee as 47 young men took to the field for one last time in their American Legion baseball uniforms. The 46th annual Wisconsin American Legion Baseball Associationʼs All-Star Game was held on August 13, 2017 and the fans could not have been happier with the game. The festivities began on Saturday afternoon, August 12th, as players, their families and guests from around the state arrived at the Radisson Hotel in Milwaukee. The evening started with a banquet celebrating some of the best Legion ball players in Wisconsin. Players, coaches and umpires
were introduced; dinner was served; speakers delivered their messages to the audience; awards were presented and friendships were made. Following Sundayʼs breakfast at the hotel, players and coaches were bussed to Miller Park where they were escorted onto the field and introduced prior to the Brewers/Cincinnati Reds game. Commander Laurel Clewell threw out the ceremonial first pitch of the game. Following the Brewers win, Legion players were again escorted onto the field but this time to play. And play they did, with a final score of 7 to 5 the Stripes team prevailed in the contest over the Stars.
The Last
3 Antigo Lawrence Marvin K Billie Bula II John Schnabel V 6 Stevens Point John Mallick II James Dobeck K 8 Waukesha Robert Grubb V 10 Wausau Ronald Jaeger V Albert Hemeleski V Alphonse Mroczenski K 11 Green Bay Raymond Murto K Norbert Raymaker II 13 Richland Center David Breen V Alan Kidd V 26 Baraboo Lawrence Pratt II 27 South Milwaukee John Chapko K John Fon II 33 Neenah Carmen Breitenfeldt K 36 West Bend Robert Plamann II Thomas Ream V 38 Appleton Arnold VanHandel II Les Behm II Alfred Neveau II 42 Platteville Clayton Leighty II 44 Wabeno Thomas Goodrich PG William Popp II 45 Elkhorn Williamn Sigmund K Elbert Kimmel K 53 Eau Claire Charles Lampman II Willis Foster II John Kajer V Leroy Dickerson II 54 Marshfield Thomas Binder V David Korth V 59 Stoughton Keith Swalheim V 60 Kimberly Stephen Andrejeski II Gerald VanZeeland K James Welhouse K 63 Clintonville Jack Kasson K 68 Prairie du Chien LaVerne Steiner II 73 Neillsville Gordon Vine II Donald Marg K John Wylie II 77 Chippewa Falls Arthur Howell K Charles Wathke V 79 Burlington Daniel Reincke V 80 New Richmond John Kelly K
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88 Manitowoc Richard Schroeder 96 Webster William Thomey 97 Dodgeville James Widder 98 Cumberland John Hauser 103 Galesville William Herbert 109 Lancaster Russell Govier 114 Eagle River Kenneth Schwartz Richard Polaski Peter Molter 117 Shawano James Peterson Arthur Balke 118 Thorp Justin Rosemeyer 124 New Holstein Wallace Stemper Ronald Forstner 125 Chilton Wilford Elliott 126 Brillion Harland Schwartz 127 Hilbert Alvin Koffarnus 137 Turtle Lake Harold Becker 138 Viroqua Victor Peterson Norman Rood 143 St Croix Falls Walter Dole 144 Albany Timothy Jones Robert McCullick 154 Mondovi Darrell Olson 155 Westby Monte Larson A B Rudrud 157 Horicon Larry Davidson Gordon Heuer Irvin Winter Martin Weber William Tralmer George Schwartz Marvin Kienast 159 Cadott Herbert Spaeth 161 King David Bird 163 Wautoma Walter Schubert 167 Sauk City James Bauer 173 Whitewater Dean Hollinger 182 Park Falls Ervin Faltinosky Raymond Bourgeois 186 Independence Dennis Maule 189 Watertown Douglas Sorenson Brent Schmidt 191 Whitehall Robert Guinn 192 Franklin Sherwin Ehmke 205 Janesville Ronald Rindahl Joseph Richardt Dean Millard 208 Rio James Risgaard 215 Pardeeville George Guler 219 Milwaukee Alfred Loehrl
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233 Waterloo Jerry Gasner 238 Greenwood Gene Kolbo 242 La Valle Donald Hilaire James King 243 Plymouth Richard Wilde Levi Backhaus 246 Genoa Richard Trussoni 250 Adams Donald Hollman Fred Stevens 253 Spring Green William Ruppert 258 Little Chute Richard Hahn Cyril Stadler 263 New London Donald Quaintance Robert Roland 271 Poynette Paul Woodward 280 Coleman Robert Stadelman 282 Markesan Bruce Daw 284 Holmen Robert Marker Kenneth Cook Roland Gullickson R A Kleinsmith 288 Cedarburg Conrad Karnish Willard Nieman 295 Bloomer Adrian Skroch 299 Hales Corners Norbert Bloes 304 Palmyra Lawrence Wilke
08/06/17 07/09/17
07/31/17 08/19/17
08/18/17 07/31/17
07/30/17 08/19/17
08/25/17 08/30/17
11/17/14 08/20/17 08/10/17 07/28/17
08/08/17 08/26/17
William Jolliffe Herman Mueckl Warren Pangburn 329 Briggsville Robert Corning Roger Milligan 337 Pulaski Lloyd Liss Alvin Cheslock 340 Berlin William Witte Darrell Oppermann 343 Hancock Philip Pettit 348 DeForest Herman Tschanz 351 Montello Lee Fullmer Donald Werdin Victor Kohn 355 Grafton Kenneth Trost 360 Waunakee Thomas Clark 375 Mukwonago Michael Franzen 384 Kewaskum John Tessar 385 Verona Rolland Gundlach Carl Schwartz Jack Gentilli 391 Fremont Douglas Bowden 400 Milwaukee David Ruby 406 Milwaukee Victor Baker Robert Varish 417 French Island Frank Hass Robert Clement
SEPTEMBER 14, 25, 2017 2014 V II K
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08/08/16 04/12/15 10/26/16
07/20/17 08/19/17
08/05/17 08/09/17
423 Neskoro Robert Teske II 432 Hammond John Rogan K 449 Brookfield Robert McCartan K Wallace Krueger II Walter Bohl II 454 Mt Calvary Francis Abler K 457 Mequon-Thiensville Frank Harvey V George Ramharter II 470 Saukville John Mikyska V Jack Morrison V James Wagen K Thomas Steeno V 480 Presque Isle John Moorhouse II 481 Madison William Fell V 487 Cable Michael Regorrah V 494 Caledonia Joe Dorcey K 501 Madison Frank Cook II 507 Mindoro Spencer Olson K 508 Wilton Norman Martin K 518 Green Bay Arnold Effa K 519 Stetsonville Ronald Niznik V 520 Vesper Eugene Diercks K 535 Eagle Harold Toudt II 544 Twin Lakes Louis Rodriquez V
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The Facts On LegionCare:
The Legionnaire Insurance Trust ONE AND DONE solution to our No-Cost-To-You LegionCare Protection
Endorsed by Your Department of The American Legion
• This coverage is at NO-COST-TO-YOU • LegionCare is now available to ALL Legion Family members: Legionnaires, Auxiliary, and Sons of the American Legion. • This coverage has been arranged on your behalf by Your American Legion Department. • Regardless of Your Age, health or occupation your acceptance is GUARANTEED** And did you know that starting 1/1/2015, anyone enrolled in LegionCare will be covered for as long as they maintain their membership in the Legion Family – TAL, ALA, & SAL. This new “one and done” approach will save you from needing to re-enroll every 5 years. The LegionCare program will continue to cover you for $1,000 of AD&D coverage. If the accidental loss occurs when on official Legion Family Business, we will cover you for $5,000 of AD&D coverage.* This has been arranged on your behalf by Your Department of The American Legion. As soon as your enrollment is received, LegionCare will take effect. Your acceptance is guaranteed, so enroll today.
For immediate coverage, enroll online at Complete details of the coverage are contained in accident only Master Policy MZ0933569H0000A/0001A underwritten by Transamerica Premier Life Insurance Company Cedar Rapids, IA. This plan is not available in all states. *For Purposes of the Legionnaire Insurance Trust, a member of The Legion Family, with current year’s dues paid, could be eligible for the $5,000 Accidental Death benefit if he/she is traveling to, attending, or returning from an official function at which they represent his/ her Post, Squadron, Unit, District, Department, pr Detachment or National Organization in an official capacity. **This is a supplemental health insurance plan that requires you to have major medical coverage, Medicare, or other health coverage that meets “minimum essential coverage” as defined by the Affordable Care Act. 43348 ©2017 AGIA
SEPTEMBER 14, 2017
2017-18 MEMBERSHIP INCENTIVES Special Early Bird Drawing Win $500 Renew by November 11th and become eligible to win one of two $500 cash prizes! All members renewed for 2018 (including PUFLʼs) by Veterans Day – November 11th will have a chance to win. Log on to www.wilegion. org and renew on-line! Simply have your Legion Membership ID number and a credit card handy. Commander Laurel wants you to “Get One” and win $1,000. To grow at the local level, each post needs to rely on their members being active recruiters. For the individual Legionnaire, membership recruiting can lead to a big reward! Legion members can simply sign up a new member, or renew any former member who has not paid for 2 years (since 2015) and their name will be entered in a drawing to win $1,000 at the 2018 Midwinter Conference at the Ho-Chunk Hotel, Casino and Convention Center in the Wisconsin Dells. There is no limit to the number of times an individual can qualify – recruiters get one chance for every new
member they recruit. Department will also award them the traditional “I Got 1” pin. Recruiters can show their pride by earning an “I Got 1” pin. The pins are larger and more visible than ever before. Anyone who recruits a new member qualifies! INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP AWARDS Legionnaires can earn other individual membership recruiting awards. 1 - The traditional “I Got 1” pins are available for everyone who recruits a new member this year. 3 – National Commander Award – Recruit 3 new members and receive the National Commanderʼs incentive award. 3/5 – “Clewellʼs Commandos” Department Commander Laurel Clewellʼs Special Award. Join “Clewellʼs Commandos”! This special incentive award is available to all Legionnaires who take part in the first step in growing our membership - Recruit and Retain Legion members. Everyone is called to sign up our nonrenewed members and add new
Legionnaires to the fold. Start by recruiting 3 new members and then renew 2 members from 2017 and receive a special pin. Join The Badger Big 10 – Receive a $50 Gift Card Sign up ten (10) new members and join the Badger Big 10. Every Legionnaire that recruits 10 new members (not current since 2015) will become part of this exclusive group of Legionnaires and receive a $50 gift card from American Legion Emblem Sales! Badger Big 10 recruiters will also receive a special edition pin to wear with pride. The National American Legion is also encouraging recruitment with the Silver Brigade (25 new members) and Gold Brigade (50 new members) awards for Legionnaires who recruit 25 and 50 new members respectively. Silver Brigade recruiters will receive a $100 Gift card for Emblem Sales. Gold Brigade recruiters will receive a $250 Gift card for Emblem Sales. Post & County Commanders Win a custom American Legion uniform shirt!
CHECK YOUR MAILBOX! Sweepstakes tickets should have arrived in your mailbox! Excitement over the 2018 Midwinter Sweepstakes continues to be big news. The Grand Prize is your choice of $20,000 cash OR a new vehicle.* Second Prize is a $10,000 allowance toward any vehicle in the Boucher Automotive Group inventory. Third Prize is $5,000 cash or a Hawaiian Vacation.*
Fourth Prize is $2,500 cash or a hunting rifle.* Fifth Prize is $1,000 cash or a big screen TV.* Get in on the excitement! The drawing is set to take place at Noon on Sunday, January 20, 2017 at the Ho-Chunk Convention Center in Baraboo. Plan on attending the Conference and be part of the excitement. Please be generous in your do-
nation and support the important work of The American Legion. *All prizes subject to Federal Tax withholding requirements. See Official Rules at;
Department Commander Laurel Clewell has developed powerful incentives for 100% Post Commanders and 100% County Commanders. All Post Commanders that reach 100% of their 2018 membership goal by Patriotʼs Day on Monday, September 11th will receive a personalized American Legion uniform shirt embroidered with their name and post number. County Commanders that reach 100% of their membership goal by Veteranʼs Day – Saturday, November 11th will also receive a personalized American Legion uniform shirt embroidered with their name and county. SPECIAL POST INCENTIVE PROGRAM The Department is introducing an aggressive strategy to create Prospect Lists at the post level. Posts throughout the state have done a credible job in retention efforts but continue to face challenges in recruiting new members to step into our ranks to replace those who pass away each year. The goal is for each local post to build and maintain a list of veterans in their community who are eligible to join The American Legion. While many Legion members may not be comfortable in the role of a “recruiter” most everyone knows other veterans within their circle of acquaintances. Members are encouraged to supply the names and contact information of eligible veterans to their post ad-
jutant who will build and maintain a Prospect List. The Prospect List will also be augmented by the names of Holding Post 2930 and Expired members in the local community. The Prospect List will be made available to those Legionnaires who excel at recruiting new members. Members that simply supply 3 names to their post adjutant will receive a Prospector Pin. Posts that maintain a Prospect List will be entered in a drawing to win $500 at the 2018 Department convention. Posts must submit a copy of their prospect list by March 1, 2018 to be eligible to win. To qualify, Prospects Lists must conform to a Department approved format that includes columns to indicate “how” and “when” individual prospective members have been contacted and reflect the results the post has achieved (renewals/ new members). Commander Clewell also knows that there is strength in numbers and is focused on growth for 2018. Every postʼs first goal should be last yearʼs total membership PLUS 1. Each post that achieves growth and becomes eligible for the National Post Excellence Award in 2018 will be recognized for their accomplishment in the official newspaper of the Department of Wisconsin, the Badger Legionnaire. If you have any questions contact Chris Schmidt at or call (608) 745-1090.
Post No. 374 • Lac Du Flambeau Commander John Johnson Adjutant John Brown
Post No. 199 • Reedsville Commander Patrick McCulley Chairman Dan Rabideau
Post No. 511 • Ridgeland Michael Steffe