WLU Recreation - Intramurals Captains Manual 2014-15

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Wilfrid Laurier University Department of Athletics and Recreation

Intramural Captain’s Manual

Intramural Captain’s Manual 20142015

Table of Contents Responsibilities .........................................................................................................2 Rights of a Captain ....................................................................................................2 Bond Money .............................................................................................................2 Team Names and Logos Policy ..................................................................................3 Team Uniforms *** New*** ....................................................................................3 Varsity Athletes.........................................................................................................3 Multi-Division Players ***New*** ...........................................................................4 Alterations to Schedules ...........................................................................................4 Infractions and Penalties ..........................................................................................4 Appealing Decisions ..................................................................................................7 Communication ........................................................................................................7 Refunds .....................................................................................................................8 Intramural Waiver ....................................................................................................8 Team Information Sheet ...........................................................................................9


Intramural Captain’s Manual 20142015 Responsibilities As a captain in an intramural league, you have the following responsibilities owed to your team, the league, and administration. 1. You must attend all captain’s meetings as scheduled by the Referee in Chief (RIC), Intramural Coordinator, or Recreation Coordinator, collectively referred to here forth as league administration 2. Ensure that your team is informed of and has signed off on the team waiver provided at the captains meeting 3. Submit rosters prior to the due date set by league administration 4. Ensure that your roster meets all requirements, as listed in the regulations section of this manual 5. Ensure that you notify the RIC of any scheduling conflicts or roster issues that you may face with an upcoming game prior to the start of the season or at least seven days prior to the scheduled game 6. Ensure that your team is informed of all regulations 7. Promote a sense of fair play and equality within your team 8. Fairly evaluate your opponents and correctly fill out end of game paperwork 9. Be the voice of your team, only you are to bring forth complaints to league administration and participate in pregame duties such as coin tosses and meetings with referees 10. In the event of your absence at a match appoint a vice captain to overtake your responsibilities on a temporary basis

Rights of a Captain As a captain you have the following rights which you may use at any time during the league: 1. Right to open communication with the RIC and intramural coordinators, utilizing the communication outline in the communication section of this manual 2. Right to fair play. Laurier Athletics and Recreation will do their best to place you in the appropriate league and ensure that teams are operating in a fair and equitable manner. The RIC shall appoint you to the league you will be participating in based upon their evaluation of overall league performance. 3. Right to appeal disciplinary action, following the appropriate protocol.

Bond Money Bond money is collected as part of your registration fee. Bond money is a refundable deposit that is held to ensure that teams participate in a fair and equitable manner. Bond money can be forfeited for any infraction as outlined in the infractions section of the manual. Bond money will be returned at the end of the season, minus any penalties incurred. Only team captains or players appointed to receive bond money by the captain and indicated to the Recreation Coordinator shall be able to receive bond money returns. Teams will have bond money returned in a lump sum and 2|Page

Intramural Captain’s Manual 20142015 must decide how they wish to divide up bond money distribution. Any money that is not picked up by the bond money pick up deadline will be forfeited.

Team Names and Logos Policy As a participant in intramurals you are presented with the opportunity to name your team and if so wished, design your own uniform. The following regulations govern all team names and logos that appear in any intramural league, including shirts that are worn by members to make all athletes wear the same colour for a game. 1. No offensive language may be on any part of the uniform or team name. Offensive language includes but is not limited to swearing, racist remarks, sexual remarks, or innuendos. 2. Logos cannot have any sexually or racially suggestive images. 3. If the team name has two interpretations, one being offensive in nature and the other not, the intention of the name will be deemed to be offensive in nature 4. In the event of a team name not fitting the above criteria, their name shall be changed to “Team (Captain’s Name)”. It is the teams responsibility to submit a new name within 72 hours of their team name being posted as the changed name shall remain as their team name for the season 5. League administration decisions on uniforms will be taken as final Laurier Athletics and Recreation reserves the right to reject and/or modify any team name or uniform that does not comply with the preceding regulations. Laurier Athletics and Recreation will not be held responsible for any loss, monetary or otherwise, as a result of an alteration to a team name or uniform made by the department.

Team Uniforms *** New*** Teams wishing to make jerseys are welcome to do so provided they abide by the following regulations. 1. Printing of the Golden Hawk Logo and any variations of the Golden Hawk must be done through an authorized vendor. Authorized vendors are The Laurier Bookstore, Hawk Shop, Traces & Big Kahuna Sport Company. 2. All team jerseys must be approved by the Intramural Coordinators. All artwork must be e-mailed to rdoherty@laurierathletics.com or churtado@laurierathletics.com for approval prior to printing.

Varsity Athletes Varsity Athletes are eligible to participate in intramurals, as long as they are not participating in the same sport that they compete in at the interuniversity level. If an intramural athlete is called up to a varsity team mid season, they forfeit their ability to play intramurals for the remainder of the fiscal year. If an athlete has played for a varsity team in the past fiscal year it is assumed that they will be on the varsity team next year and as such are ineligible to participate in summer intramurals for their chosen sport, regardless of their intention or eligibility for the next season. 3|Page

Intramural Captain’s Manual 20142015 Multi-Division Players ***New*** In an effort to make our leagues more competitive, there are now restrictions surrounding the use of players that are currently playing in higher divisions. Players currently playing in ‘A’ and ‘B’ divisions will be assigned a point value according to the highest division they play in. Depending on the division, a team is given an allowance of points that can be used for multi-divisional players. No team is permitted to field a team that has a player point total greater than that allowed. Division of Player

Player Point Value


Total Team Points Allowed

‘A’ Division Player

2 Points

‘B’ Division

4 points

‘B’ Division Player

1 Point

‘C’ Division

3 points

Other Division Players

0 Points

‘D’ Division

2 points

‘E’ Division

1 points

Alterations to Schedules Intramural games will run on set nights for the duration of the term. League administration will attempt to schedule games that fit the teams schedule and requests. The following regulations will apply to scheduling and alterations 1. Requests to alter a schedule must be received by the RIC no later than seven days prior to the scheduled game. 2. Valid reasons for switching a game are: a. Class Conflict affecting more than 50% of your team or allowing you to submit an eligible team b. Exam conflict affecting more than 50% of your team or allowing you to submit an eligible team c. Other as decided on by league administration

Infractions and Penalties The following infraction and their penalties are standardized to ensure fairness and equity between all intramural leagues. 1. Failure to attend a captains meeting a. Captains meetings are mandatory for all team captains and free agents. If the captain cannot make it they can appoint someone else to attend. Failure to attend a meeting will result in 50% forfeiture of bond money 4|Page

Intramural Captain’s Manual 20142015 2. Failure to have adequate number of eligible players a. A team showing up to an intramural venue with an inadequate number of athletes to play their chosen sport shall forfeit the match and be subject to the below guidelines for defaults i. One Violation – 50% of bond forfeiture ii. Second Violation - 100% of bond forfeiture iii. Third Violation – Eligibility for playoffs removed iv. Fourth Violation – Removal from league 3. Playing of an ineligible player a. In the event of a team putting on to the field of play a player who is not on the set roster the forfeiture of the match being played shall occur i. If this player is not a student of Wilfrid Laurier University, not a member of the Athletics Complex, or is a varsity athlete of the sport you are competing in, 50% minimum of bond money will be forfeited and they will forfeit the match the ineligible player was played in 4. Failure to submit roster on time a. The RIC shall set a date that rosters must be submitted by. Submitting of the roster past midnight of the set date will result in forfeiture of 50% of bond money 5. Failure to enforce request of RIC a. The RIC has the right to ask teams of specific duties beyond the scope of playing the game. These duties include but are not limited to fairly score keeping games, and responding to an eligibility inquiry. Failure to comply with direction of the RIC will result in a 50% bond money forfeiture 6. Excess litter or garbage left at playing location a. The leaving of excessive garbage items such as water bottles, athletic tape, and other related items is not permitted. Teams should leave the game area the exact way it was found when the first teams arrived for the night. Excess garbage will result in a 50% bond forfeiture and the repayment of any additional custodial costs incurred by the Department of Athletics and Recreation 7. Inappropriate uniform a. Failure to comply with the Team Uniform and Logos Policy will result in a 50% bond forfeiture, increasing to 100% upon second infraction 8. Abuse of referees a. Referees are an integral part of ensuring that games operate fairly and in compliance of the individual team rules. Abusive language, gestures, statements, or consistent questioning are all punishable offenses and shall be dealt in the following manner: i. Warning issued to team ii. 50% bond money forfeiture and forfeiture of match the abuse occurred in iii. 100% forfeiture of bond money, 3 game suspension for the player involved 5|Page

Intramural Captain’s Manual 20142015 9. Excessive offensive language a. Teams are to limit instances of swearing within the course of a game. Any offensive language is punishable in the course of a game. Offensive language directed at a player will result from ejection from the match. b. Teams with multiple infractions of rule 8a shall forfeit 50% of bond money 10. Vandalism of facility space a. Team dressing rooms and intramural venues are inspected for condition post game. Evidence of consumption of alcohol, chewing tobacco and other tobacco products, or illegal drugs at an intramural venue shall result in 100% forfeiture of bond money and removal from the league. 11. Player acting as an instigator a. Any instance of a player attempting to start or escalate a situation with another team member, referee, or spectator shall be ejected from the current match, and incur a one game suspension. The team may face further sanctions for repeat offenses by team members as decided upon by the RIC or Recreation Coordinator 12. Players involved in a physical fight a. Players involved in a physical fight, defined by the throwing of punches, kicking, kneeing, head butting, or any other action not deemed to be within the context of the game, shall be ejected from the current match and suspended for three (3) games. A second offense shall see the player removed from the league and a team incur a 50% bond forfeiture. 13. Team involved in a physical fight a. If more than one player from a team involved in a physical fight, as defined in rule 12a, the team shall forfeit 100% of bond money and players involved in the physical fight shall receive a 2 game suspension, expandable by league administration. 14. Evidence of drug/alcohol consumption at an intramural venue a. Team dressing rooms and intramural venues are inspected for condition post game. Evidence of consumption of alcohol, chewing tobacco and other tobacco products, and illegal drugs at an intramural venue shall result in 100% forfeiture of bond money and the team being responsible for all fines incurred by the Department of Athletics and Recreation. Additionally the team shall be removed permanently from the league they are competing in. 15. Player under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol a. A player deemed to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs based upon actions, smell, admission, or witness shall not be permitted to play within the game they are attending. i. If the omission of this player from the game will result in the team not meeting eligibility requirements, the game shall still be played, however the ineligible team shall incur a loss regardless of the result. b. If more than one individual is under the influence, a 50% bond penalty shall be incurred and the players deemed to be under the influence shall be suspended for the following 2 games. 6|Page

Intramural Captain’s Manual 20142015 16. Team Coaches The scope of a team for all rules and regulations extends, but is not limited to, spectators and coaches. Any individual affiliated with a team at an intramural venue shall be bound by all preceeding regulations and additionally those within the Laurier Recreation Rules and Regulations for intramurals. 17. Fair Play Score If your team is given a fair play score below 7 a 50% bond money penalty will be incurred. 18. League Administration Interpretation and Enforcement a. League Administration, defined collectively as the RIC, Intramural Coordinator(s), and Recreation Coordinator, have the ability to alter and enforce further penalties on all Infractions and Penalties. League Administration’s decisions shall over rule any ruling previously stated in the sections 1 to 14 of the Infractions and Penalties section of the Intramural Captain’s Manual.

Appealing Decisions As a participant in Laurier Recreation Intramurals you have the right to appeal any decision set forth by the RIC. An appeal of a decision must be filed with the Intramural Coordinator no later than 48 hours from being informed of the decision by the RIC. Notice of appeal can be submitted through email, phone, or in person. The decision as made by the Intramural Coordinator in collaboration with the Recreation Coordinator will be considered final and binding. Within 24 hours of the decision you will be informed of the result of the appeal. No further action may be taken post appeal.

Communication The following guidelines govern communication and will assist in ensuring you that any inquiries, requests, and complaints are dealt with in the appropriate manner. League Administration will attempt to ensure all responses are prompt and contain adequate information to the query. All communication will be through the email address that you used to login and register for the league on www.laurierathletics.com. If this email is not frequently used please notify your RIC of an adequate email to use. If email is not a feasible method of communication alternative arrangements must be made with the RIC. Position RIC Intramural Coordinators

Recreation Coordinator

Issues that you address with them Scheduling Changes, ineligible players, playoff inquiries, schedule inquiries, Complaints regarding RIC, appeals, unfair treatment by RIC, other directions as given by the RIC Refunds, Appeal follow ups, other directions as given by the

Contact Info

Ryan Doherty or Cris Hurtado rdoherty@laurierathletics.com or churtado@laurierathletics.com 519-884-0710-3266 Jennifer O’Neill joneill@wlu.ca 7|Page

Intramural Captain’s Manual 20142015 intramural coordinator


Refunds A request for refund must be submitted to the Recreation Coordinator by midnight of the registration deadline. Request for refunds must indicate the reason for withdrawal from the league, the order number, and payment method. No refunds will be processed after the first day of play. If a free agent is transferred to a team other than the free agent or finds their own team to play on they shall not be eligible for refund. Free Agent fees WILL NOT be transferable to team captains who have free agents placed on their team.

Pizza Pizza Team of the Week Each week, a team will be named “Pizza Pizza’s Team of the Week”. The winning team will be highlighted on our webpage and will receive two free large pizzas for their team. Teams who meet the following criteria will be eligible to win:     

At least 80% of their roster is in attendance at the game They have no fair play strikes against them They have team spirit! (this could be shown in multiple ways; through team uniforms, cheers, etc) They display exceptional sportsmanship on and off the field/court/ice They treat officials, other players and each other with respect

Winners will be picked on Fridays, and vouchers will be given out at your next game. In the case that multiple teams meet these criteria, a final decision will be made by the Coordinator of Recreation Programs and the Intramural Coordinator. Teams can be nominated multiple times, but can only win once per academic year. Winning teams must agree to have their team photo taken and used for promotional purposes on www.laurierathletics.com website.

Intramural Waiver I realize that participation in Athletic and Fitness endeavours entails the risk of personal injury. Such risks may include, but are not restricted to slips, falls, physical contact with other people, equipment or facilities, later accidents or abnormal climatic conditions. I accept and assume all such risks, dangers and hazards and the possibility of personal injury, death, violence, property damage or loss, attendance and participation in activities provided by the Department of Athletics and Recreation. I accept my responsibility to abide by the laws of the country, to ensure that I have adequate medical coverage, protect personal possessions, and obey all the rules set out for athletic and recreation activities. 8|Page

Intramural Captain’s Manual 20142015 I accept full responsibility for my level of participation and use of equipment by exercising my judgment, based on my own experience and competence. In consideration of approval to participate in such activity, I and any personal representative, hold harmless, release and forever discharge Wilfrid Laurier University and Department of Athletics and Recreation, their directors, officers, faculty, staff, students, volunteers, agents, trainees, or employees from any and all actions, causes of actions, claims, and demands for damages, loss or injury, resulting from or arising out of my participation in such activities. I also indemnify and save harmless Wilfrid Laurier University and Department of Athletics and Recreation from any and all actions, causes of actions, demands, expenses or losses whatsoever which they may bear as a result of my participation in such activities, by reason of damage to any and all property and any and all personal injuries, including death of others or myself. I agree to allow my photographs to be taken of me while participating in Intramurals and I allow the Department to use these pictures for promotional purposes only, not for distribution or sale. I agree to abide by the rules as set forth by the Department of Athletics and Recreation contained in the Department Brochure and posted throughout the facility. Any player added to a team roster and/or who participates in these activities assumes all risks involved.

Team Information Sheet My team name: _______________________________

Key Dates League Play Starts: Thursday, May 23rd on Alumni Field Playoffs Start: TBD My League is on THURSDAY nights Bond Money pick up is from Tuesday August 6th to Friday August 16th in the main office at the Athletics Complex. Notes


Intramural Captain’s Manual 20142015

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