There are many different kinds of animals on Earth; while most occur naturally, also there are lots of types of hybrids. One interesting hybrid is the liger, the largest hybrid of the cat family. A liger is an offspring of a male lion and a female tiger. Its parents are in the same genus but of different species. Interestingly, they exhibit behaviors of both species. They enjoy swimming as tigers do, and are very sociable like lions; also, they can make the noise of both. Their history goes back to the 18th century.
There is lots of evidence of their existence in history. In 1798, the French naturalist Г‰tienne Geoffroy Saint–Hilaire made a color plate of a liger. In 1825, G. B. Whittaker made an engraving of liger cubs born in 1824. Two cubs born in 1837 were exhibited to King William IV and Queen Victoria. On 14 December 1900 and on 31 May 1901, Carl Hagenbeck wrote to zoologist James Cossar Ewart with details and photographs of ligers born at the Hagenbeck's Tierpark in Hamburg in 1897. Later on, four ligers were reared at the Zoological Gardens of Bloemfontein, in South more content...
Female ligers almost appear the same while male ligers' appearances vary a lot. The most obvious difference is that some male ligers have manes while some have no mane. The manes of the ligers are not so big; they are moderate in size, and look well groomed compared to lions' manes. If we consider the difference of female ligers some don't have any such kind of stripes like female tigers while some have very dark browned color stripes on their back. For male ligers, their stripes at their bodies are very visible when they are young; as they get older, the stripes fade away and become very dim. If we consider the ligers' tails, the majority have the tails of tigers rather than lions. Thus, there is no certain inheritance from their parents and it can differ from one to
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Research Paper On Ligers
Essay about The Tiger
Tigers are the largest members of the cat family. They live in Asia and belong to the same genus as the lion, leopard, and jaguar. Two major subspecies of the tiger are the Siberian tiger and the Bengal tiger. The tiger is thought to have originated in northern Asia during the Pleistocene Epoch.
Scientific classification: Tigersbelong to the family Felidae. The scientific classifications of each tiger are listed in the "Types of Tigers" section of this report.
The Siberian tiger measures 4.6 to 9.2 ft long, excluding the tail, which is 27 to 37 in long. The Siberian Tiger weighs 400 to 675 lb. It has thick yellow fur with dark stripes. The Bengal tiger is about 10 ft long, including the tail, and weighs around more content...
The tiger's legs are very powerful. The tiger can leap up to 30 feet.
The tiger's paws are like a soft pad. They are not rock hard as they appear. The tiger's claws are very sharp. They can reach up to 4– 5 inches in length and are retractable. When tigers walk, they retract their claws, in order to keep them sharp.
Tigers are very good hunters. They like to hunt large animals, such as: deer, antelope, wild oxen, pigs, and buffalo. Some tigers attack elephant calves when the calves are unprotected. Tigers also prey on small animals such as: monkeys, tortoises, and frogs.
Tigers a re very fast while running short distances. They can leap up to 30 feet. After a tiger has killed an animal, it eats everything except for the bones and the stomach.
Most adult male tigers claim a territory and keep other males out of it. Sometimes, their territory can range up to 250 sq. miles. Tigers mark their territory with urine and fluids that come out from a gland under their tails.
The tiger is a solitary animal. Males and females only come together at mating time, to share a kill, or to drink and rest at watering holes.
A tigress is sexually mature at around the age of 4 years. A litter can usually consist of about 6 cubs. Tiger cubs weigh about 3 pounds when they're born.
Types of Tigers
Bali Tiger (Panthera Tigris Balica)
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Research report Tigers
Tigers are powerful and adaptable animals. To some they are regarded as a deity. Cubs learn quickly to become skilled hunters in order to survive. Despite their best efforts they are in danger of extinction. Since ancient times the tiger has been revered as a deity in legends and myths of Asia. Its name is synonymous with valour and power. Myths of tigers grew in art and folklore. As a result thetiger's body parts came to be perceived as cure–all remedies among medicine men of the orient. In Korea the tiger is deified as a mountain spirit and king of the beasts. In Java and Bali ancient kings were believed to assume the form of tigers and live in sacred caves(Ullas Karanth). Tigers are enormous more content...
In Bangladesh tigers have been known to even attack humans. The people will wear two faced masks to not be attacked, because a tiger will not attack if they do not know which way their target is facing. Cubs grow very quickly. After a few months the mother will begin to feed her cubs meat.They may weigh as much as a 180 pounds by the time they are about a year old. They begin joining their mother on hunts when they are between eight and ten months old. Tiger cubs learn hunting skills they will need when they are adults by watching their mother stalk prey. They also practice hunting skills by playing rough with each other. Cubs leave their mother when they are between two and three years old. Males normally find their own territory while females will sometimes stay with their mother.
Indo–Chinese tigers are one of the rarest of the tigers. There are only about 300 of them left in the wild. The South China tiger is the rarest of the subspecies, no one has seen this tiger in the wild for many years. There are only about fifty of them living in zoos in China. Tiger population is also decreasing because of habitat loss, and because of people clearing land for farms and factories, meaning less room for them to hunt and live.
In the early 1900's there were almost 100,000 thousand tigers in the
Report on Tigers
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Endangered Tigers Essay
Endangered Tigers Today wild tigers exist in Eastern Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, North Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Bhutan, India and Nepal. In order to live in the wild, tigers need water to drink, animals to hunt, and vegetation in which to hide. As the mountains, jungles, forests, and long grasses that have long been home to tigers disappear, so too, do tigers. Agricultural expansion, timber cutting, new roads, human settlement, industrial expansion and hydroelectric dams push tigers into smaller and smaller areas of land. These small areas of forests are surrounded by rapidly growing and relatively poor human populations, including increasing numbers of illegal hunters. Tigers compete with an expanding more content...
Lacking funds, organization, and compensation for high risk work, training, camps inside the protected areas, night patrols, and resources such as firearms, vehicles, and communication equipment, the guards' enforcement of anti–hunting laws is limited. Habitat protection, when combined with the promotion of alternatives to traditional Chinese remedies and stricter law enforcement, is an important part of the strategy to save the tiger . The single greatest threat of extinction that most Asian wildlife, especially the endangered tiger face, is the massive demand for traditional medicine (McCarthy, Dorfman, & Robinson, 2004).
The use of tiger parts in Chinese medicine is nothing new, but it has only been in recent years that the increase in the standard of living in Southeast Asia has made the remedies available to most people. With more people wanting these traditional remedies, there has been a greater effect on wildlife numbers and the demand for tiger parts. In many places in China, tiger parts are a delicacy that is served at special private banquets. The use of tiger products and their medicines is seen as a symbol of high status and wealth. Some remedies list tiger parts as an ingredient, but the real animal parts are so expensive that often the medicines may have only trace elements, but even this is not enough to discourage the continued
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Come on Tigers, I thought to myself. I was nervous, I did not want to have to deal with the disappointment of the Tigers losing and I was hoping it would go perfectly with them coming back to win the game. Then It was the bottom of the ninth bases loaded down by 2, with 2 outs. Everyone was on their feet as Ian Kinsler walked up to bat. Nerves were high Indians fans wanting him out Tigers fans wanting him to knock it out of the park. There was a 50% chance this came would end perfectly and 50% that it wouldn't. On the first pitch he swung and.......... Finally we climbed quickly out of our yellow Hummer H2,after I being stiff from the long car ride to Detroit. I was excited to get going to the Tigers game but, we were about 2 hours early. more content...
Finally we arrived at Comerica and I was astonished how amazing it looked. We played a dice game they had outside and my mom won a tigers cap. Then we decided to go into their memorabilia shop. There was not much good memorabilia because it was quite overpriced so we began to walk to our seats, which were in the upper bowl. When we arrived at our seats I realized there was a lot of Cleveland Indian fans by us, and that kind of annoyed me. I was looking for my favorite player Miguel Cabrera but he could not be found. I was confused because I thought he was supposed to be playing. Finally, they announced the starting lineups and I found out he was NOT playing. I was incredibly disappointed and quite upset. I exclaimed to my family "I can't believe MIGGY isn't playing!!!!!!!!" Parker responded to me "WHAT!!!!!!!!????!?!?!?!!?! MIGGY isn't playing!?!?!?!!!!!!?!?" "This is ridiculous why are they not using their star player Miguel Cabrera!?!" I asked. After that I turned and disappointedly watched the Tigers warmup. Already what I thought was a perfect night took a turn for the worse. Quite a bit of time passed and the game finally started. I was hoping we could get some hits off Kluber, the Indians star pitcher. My hopes crumpled like paper though, with the Indians scoring 4 runs already. The game got really boring and I gave up on watching it. As it got darker and darker, and I was getting bored of playing candy crush on my moms phone The
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Tigers Short Story
Did you know that comparing the merit of lions and tigers has been a popular discussion amongst hunters? While lions and tigers are both ferocious animals, people have often wondered if the two animals were to fight, who would win, the lion, or the tiger. In ancient Rome, the tiger versus lion face off wasn't uncommon. Tigers are considered the largest wild cats in the world, whereas lions are the second largestbig cat. Tigers are heavier than lions and can weigh up to 800 pounds. Meanwhile, Lions only weigh up to 550 pounds. Tigers and lions are both mammals and also excellent hunters. Tigers usually eat deer, antelope, and boar, while lions eat zebra, buffalo, and wildebeest. A hungrytiger might each as much as 40 more content...
They have eighteen claws , five on each front foot and four on each back foot. Tigers are more aggressive than lions are. A single tiger will regularly take on game that is much stronger and far larger than even the lion. On the contrary, the lion will require the help of the pride to take out large game. Tigers are fast and brutal fighters. When a tiger fights, he fights for the kill, not just to push another animal aside. Tiger's tend to go for the throat to kill whereas a lion would rather not fight. A lion would rather roar and just pound the tiger and try to scare off his opponent if he can.
Rome's Colosseum was built in the first century A.D., and held thousands of gladiator games. Lions and tigers and other animals were made to fight against each other and humans. Ancient paintings of the event usually showed the tiger winning. In addition, in the late "1800's" the Gaekwad of Baroda, an Indian ruler, arranged a fight between the tiger and the lion. Before the fight began people bet that the tiger would win, and it did. Furthermore, in "2011", a tiger killed a lion at the Ankara Zoo. The tiger found a gap in the fence separating their cages and severed the lion's jugular vein with just one stroke with the paw. Craig Saffoe, a biologist and the curator of great cats at the Smithsonian Zoo in Washington, D.C said, "The outcome of a given fight completely depends on the individuals: their history, Get more content
Tiger Vs Tiger Essay
Ligers Informative Speech
The clip you just saw is from the popular movie 'Napoleon Dynamite.' Many of you have probably seen it before but I bet you never thought about any of it as being factual, did you? Well, even though the description was a bit off, ligers really do exist. According to Encyclopedia Americana, ligers are a hybrid cross between a male lion and a female tiger (also known as a tigress). It is nearly impossible for them to exist in the wild because most lions live in Africa and most tigers live in Asia, however under the right circumstances they can be bred. In most cases the tiger and the lion must be raised together to overcome any natural enmity between their species, however ligers have also been accidental. In more content... The human contact usually helps because it makes them easier to take care of when they are older and larger, and they will get larger. Ligers are the world?s biggest cats, and they are leaning towards gigantism. They are bigger than either parent, becoming anywhere from ten to twelve feet in length and weighing usually near a half of a ton or more. Ligers are larger than their parents, because according to Wikipedia encyclopedia, female lions and male tigers transmit a growth–inhibiting gene to their offspring. Being the offspring of a male lion and female tiger, though, the liger does not have the growth–inhibiting gene, and therefore they grow constantly throughout their lives until their body cannot sustain their size anymore. The counter–hybrid of the liger, the tigon, however, is smaller than its parents because it does have the growth–inhibiting gene. Both animals are crosses between tigers and lions, however they get their name according to what species the father is (for example, ligers have lion fathers, and tigons have tiger fathers). Other than their large size, ligers vary in appearance depending on how their genes interact with one and other. Usually males grow sparse manes (like those of a male lion), and the facial ruff of a tiger. Both males and females have spotted stomachs and striped back. They roar like
Essay on Ligers Informative Speech
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Tigers are a very interesting animal but are also very dangerous . also along with their habitat ,what they eat and how they hunt .read on to find out about tigers.
A tigers habitat is very speacil to them because their habitat is getting destroyed. Tigers are often found in dense jungles. They also live in southeast, china,asia ,and russia . Tigersoften like tall trees tall grass and big bushes for a shady place after being out in the sun.They also like swampy areas along with grasslands and rainforest. Also unlike house cats, tigers LOVE water.Tall grass helps tigers be camouflaged.
Tigers have many things in their diets .Tigers love to eat wild pigs,buffalo,antelope and deer. From time to time tigers will eat fish and crabs but it is Get more content
Tigers Research Paper
Evolution Of Tigers
Evolution of Tigers
Tigers are amazing creatures that have gone through several evolutionary changes from the beginning of their species. A modern day tiger is most recognizable for their pattern of dark vertical stripes on orange fur with a white underside. The largest modern day tiger in record was eleven feet tall and weighed 387 pounds. In the terms of science tigers are under the classification of roaring tigers and the scientific name of a tiger is Panthera tigris. But in order to learn about about the evolutionary changes of the tigers of today; it is important to look at the the core definition of evolution itself and the history of the adaptations that lead to the modern tiger. The adaptation of various ancestors shaped the more content...
Tigers are always adapting and scientists speculate that there were several more subspecies in the past that are extinct now. Tigers like the South China tiger are already believed to be on their road to extinction but subspecies evolved from that such as the Bengal tigers are still living well through the population of evolution. Beautiful creatures like the White tiger haven't even been seen in the wild since the 1950s. So time and money is being spent on research to not lose any more subspecies of Get more content
Tigers are a fascinating, and endangered, animal. They develop fast, and go off on their own when they're mature. Tigers live in various climates, and eat various things as well. They are very strong, and have amazing energy. Not only are they magnificent to watch, but there are many interesting, and not well known, facts about them.
Tigercubs, at birth, are blind and cannot do anything for themselves. They only weigh about three or four pounds, and are cared after until they mature. After the age of two, tiger cubs go off and fend for themselves. An adult tiger weighs, on average, 420 pounds and can be nine feet long, and the adult female, 300 pounds and eight feet long, both with tails as long as more content...
Tigers can swim for three miles without resting. They have also swam from island to island. Their roar can also be heard from up to two miles away, and sometimes farther. Many people do not know some of the amazing facts about tigers.
Tigers are the biggest member of the cat family, with lions coming in at a close second. Their paw pads are very sensitive and are easily damaged, which prevents them from following prey that may wonder on such things as rocks that are hot. Another interesting fact about the tiger is that there are no white tigers left in the wild, only in captivity. On top of that, all of the white tigers in captivity came from the same female, which was caught in 1952. White tigers are not true albinos because they lack pink eyes; theirs are blue. Tigers and lions have actually mated in captivity. The offspring of a male tiger and a female lion is called a Tigon, and offspring of a male lion and a female tiger is called a Liger. Tigers are getting more and more scarce. In the world today, there are about 12 Javan tigers still alive, and less than 110 Siberian tigers. Their only needs in life are water, food, and shade, so this is definitely not the cause of their near extinction. The number of tigers in the world is decreasing because of hunters that like the fur. Tigers are rarely shot for attacking humans, for they
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Tigers Essay