THE PATH OF THE REAL ADEPT Our entire existence is being conducted across several dimensions and planes. Many are so much higher than the one we are on now. This should always serve to assist us when we feel alone to innerstand that you are not and everything is going as it needs to in your life which is constantly being watched over. You are encouraged to fully participate by obtaining total consciousness and awake from all subtle stages of sleep. When you show that you are responsible, without delay you will be given great talents. This is the Path of the Adept. There is no such thing as a wrong choice because even choices that may appear incorrect always serve to show you the correct way in contrast. Some lessons once learned need not be repeated over and over. Once you learn that fire burns you learn how carefully it must be handled. This limitation for our minds is how something comes from nothing. If you really sit down and think about it to our minds everything comes from somewhere, but when you get all the way up there in your mind you will still ask, but where did the first one come from? These questions cannot be answered on this Plane so always know there is an adventure and great discoveries ahead and it will enliven you in moments of cloudiness. This quest of realization, when we choose to take it serious, feeds the Soul the knowledge of its imperishable existence that has spanned across every Nano Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Month, Year, Decade, Century, Millennium, Epoch, Era, Eon, and Parsec. We sure have learned how to count time no, let us then examine the meaning of what has taken place. You were there during the Great Assembly of the first Beings compressed and magnificent and out of a few sprang forth many. We now have an opportunity to recount very crucial levels in our development and I know this will serve to make you more sound in who you really are. This will allow man and woman to truly know what they must do for each other. You will need to know the role of each of these Creations in order to bring about the true clarity that you are looking for. The entire knowledge of our beginning has lost it's meaning due to improper explanation but that does not mean it is lost altogether. This is because we are it. We act it out everyday. When you remove all of what is not important then you see it just as if you have cleaned out a closet and have now found good things you thought were lost. Of course we are the beginning and the ending of ourselves because the actions we take propel us in one direction or another. We will now reenact that creation only from the points of importance and not the numerous stories of Creator Gods and Myths that have gotten so tainted it is starting to assume humans were created as slaves. Humans were created as Humans and Humans are not slaves unless they chose to be. Humans may feel enslaved when they are tasked with the burden of managing themselves and their animal counterparts that have also arrived externally on this dimension with them, but do keep in mind first, before the split, all of creation was inside of you. SPLITTING THE AD-AM