Behold We saw the ladder coming up and down
What is Homo Luminous (HL)*? Homo Luminous itself is not an idea of the future and has its roots in a much earlier time when men, knowing the body contained not only a soul but several astral vehicles, began to have ideas of a greater manifestation in our evolutionary process. Seeing that the next phase of life was in fact ethereal whether it be a higher light being or a low density ghost, the strongest minds were put to work on mapping out the process of crossing to the next level of existence, while still remaining active in this current one. This was referred to as keeping a foot in both worlds, and can even be seen in ancient Egyptian art. Homo Luminous is the act of having a fully operational light body. What is actually happening to Us as We convert into Homo Luminous? on the spiritual, physical, and any other levels? It is of value to take heed of the statement above in regards to the ladder. Not all will make the transformation to Homo Luminous as it is the Great Attainment or the Great work alluded to in many alchemical works. We will address two instances to bring clarity to this question. When a human departs from this world if they have found themselves base and not engaged in things of spiritual nature, the spirit itself has not grown and in fact may have deteriorated which happens when living a materialistic externalized life. The internal Being has not received enough substance. In this case, upon passing, the soul itself enters a realm of phantoms or lower vibration Beings which many call ghosts or shadows. In this condition the person has entered 2D or even 1D which correspond to their level of senses making them unaware of their past existence. In this state they wander about and at times torment anything that comes into the view of their superfluous physicality. There are areas on Earth that are closer to this dimension We speak of and many remark those areas as being haunted and plagued by apparitions. This is descending the ladder.