The deceivers exposed titanic

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Let There Be Light…

Book 1 of

Sinking Titanic

by Seven


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The sinking of the Titanic has to be looked at within the context of the historical events surrounding it. The first part of history to read is – History of International Banking - J.P. Morgan. Then, the more recent historical data related to sinking Titanic is given in 7 books Book 1 - Let There Be Light Tesla and Westinghouse financial threat to the jewish troublemakers Book 2 - Divide and Conquer Tesla and Astor financial threat to the jewish troublemakers Book 3 - The Dark Knights Astor financial threat in Central America to the jewish troublemakers Book 4 - Astor and Morgan in Egypt Book 5 - Put Out The Light The sinking of the Titanic Book 6 - events following sinking Titanic Book 7 - Analysis The events leading up to the sinking of Titanic involves 3 inventors – Tesla, Astor and Westinghouse – they were opposed by J.P. Morgan and his banking/business buddies. The three inventors and their relationships with each other, posed a financial threat to Morgan and his business associates, so they ruined their lives with underhanded tactics. ------

The Independent Order of B’nai B’rith, a Jewish Scottish Rite Freemasonry lodge, was formed in New York in 1843. At that time America was referred to as the New World. Another name for the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith is the "New World Order." A quote taken from The Menorah, the monthly magazine of the IOBB: "When the constellation of the Jewish nation had gone down, then arose from the ruins, out of the Western horizon, from America's new world, a new star for all our co-religionists, then sprang into being the Order B'ne B'rith." 1 The term "New World Order" is also used to describe said goals of the IOBB, such as: One World Government One World Bank One World Currency One World Religion

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etc. People are not people, they are property - to do with as they wish. People are also viewed as pawns (as in chess) in the jewish troublemakers Grand Plan against the “powers of darkness”. B’nai B’rith means Sons of the Covenant. That refers to the Covenant between God and Abraham. Sons of the Covenant means the descendants of Abraham, referred to as Jews. Another quote from the Menorah: "The term Sons of the Covenant gets a wider meaning, for the covenant that the members of this Order agree to fulfill is to aid in the spread of the power of light, to wage constant warfare with the powers of darkness." 1, 2 These same people established Temple Emanu-El in New York in 1845. Emanu-El means – God is with us. Some of the names involved are: Rothschild Schiff Seligman Adler Lehman Warburg Loeb Guggenheim Oppenheim Straus etc. They consider themselves leaders of a "Kingdom of Priests" and "brothers of light".

Felix Adler

Emanuel and Mayer Lehman

Jacob Schiff Page -3-

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New York Magazine April 21, 1980 – The Temple That "Our Crowd" Built:

Headquarters for the New World Order is the IOBB/Temple Emanu-El in New York. More currently, I.O.B.B. headquarters is now called “B’nai B’rith International”, and is based out of Washington, D.C. Temple Emanu-El celebrated its 100th anniversary in 1945. One of the lectures given at the celebration was titled - The significance of Israel and Judaism for a new world order, by Samuel Schulman. The New World Order people have taken steps to dominate and control not only banking, governments and religion, but also all of the other major areas of business and commerce, as well as entertainment, arts and literature. In these endeavors they have established many associated sub-organizations and made use of many people. One of these people was John Pierpont Morgan. These specific people and their ancestors have amassed great fortunes through some of the most despicable means, such as slave-trafficking, drug-trafficking, wars, self-serving banking practices and self-serving business practices. They are as black as coal. Like the Wizard of Oz hiding his true identity behind a curtain, they seek to hide their actual dark character behind such flowery words as "brothers of light" and insignificant philanthropy. That does not make up for the millions of people who have had their lives ruined or lost at the hands of these people. The majority of the people of the Jewish faith, like the majority of people in the world, are not like these troublemakers of whom I speak. They are not seeking world-wide control and domination of all humanity. Further details about the IOBB/Temple Emanu-El are given in the articles: History of International Banking - J.P. Morgan Scientology -The Blind Leading The Blind, Parts 1 and 2. ------

Jewish Banking Tactic To Gain Control Of A Country Examples of Self-Serving Jewish Banking/Business Practices The jewish banking firm of Bischoffsheim, Goldschmidt and Co., of Paris, London, and Brussels, was operating in the 1800’s. The senior partner of the firm in the late 1800’s was Senator Bischoffsheim, whose son-in-law was Baron de Hirsch. Some of their associates were the Seligmans, the Oppenheims, the Erlangers, the Sterns, and the Goschens. Most of these came originally from Frankfurt-on-Main, also home to the Schiffs, Adlers, and Rothschilds.

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Bischoffsheim, Goldschmidt & Co. also acted as loan agents (bankers) for the Ottoman Empire. Hirsch amassed his fortune while acting for Bischoffsheim, Goldschmidt & Co. in the 1870’s. His main area of interest was railroads. A large part of this fortune would be turned over to B’nai B’rith and Temple Emanu-El for their jew-placement projects around the world. 3 The jewish troublemakers are using their own people as pawns. Think of it like moving chess pieces into position on a board, preparing your attack, and you’ll have the right idea. Per the Jewish Encyclopedia: Though only a clerk, he soon became the master-mind of this great international banking house. Having inherited from his father and grandfather a considerable fortune, which was largely augmented by his wife’s dowry, he embarked in railway enterprises on his own account in Austria, the Balkans, and in Russia. Just after the opening of the Suez Canal in Egypt, Baron de Hirsch obtained a concession from the Ottoman government to construct a railway 2,000 kilometres in length through the Balkans - The Orient Railway Company. Note: This is the jewish troublemakers modus operandi to get a country into debt to primarily jewish bankers: The "offer" to "build a railroad"… for a loaned fee of course, with a small catch. Insignificant really, just a little clause that should the country in question default on the "loan", they will lose control of their country, one way or another. And, the deal offered, is usually some variation of "I will loan you this amount, but oh, by the way, you’re only going to see this much of that. But, you still get the joy of paying me back the full amount anyway." For example, in this case, Turkey was indebted for 792,000,000 francs. What they actually got was 254,000,000 francs. What a deal, eh? And, Hirsch’s group only built 1,274 kilometres of track, and didn’t finish it. This is another common aspect of these "railroad deals". But you can bet Baron de Hirsch and friends are gonna come-a-knockin’ if Turkey didn’t pay the full loan amount anyway. Khedive Ismail ruled Egypt from 1863 until 1879. He and the Egyptian people would lose their share of the Suez Canal to the banking houses of Europe. The European bankers would lavish upon him huge loans, but with stiff terms. For example, in one instance, the Rothchilds loaned Ismail, through the state, 8.5 million pounds sterling against some 435,000 acres of the richest agricultural land in the world, but the proceeds he received after various deductions amounted to only 4.36 million pounds. During the eleven year period surrounding Ismail's efforts to turn Cairo into a Paris on the Nile, he was loaned some 68 million pounds sterling, from various European bankers, of which only 48 million actually reached his hands, and in the end, he was forced to sell his share in the Suez Canal to the British for four million pounds. Benjamin Disraeli, jewish Prime Minister of England, arranged to buy up Egypt’s shares in the Suez Canal. 5 Lionel Nathan de Rothschild provided the cash needed by Disraeli to purchase the Suez Canal shares. 4

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Benjamin Disraeli – 1881 In 1876, self appointed Europeans, sitting in judgement on Ismail’s financial situation, told him that he owed them 91 million pounds sterling and by 1879, that sum had reached 100 million. Ismail probably actually saw little of this money himself, and in fact a large amount of it was used to finance various European projects in Egypt. In 1879, Britain and France did what they had been waiting to do for some time, taking over Egypt's finances with two comptroller generals, one British and one Frenchman. Then, on June 19th, 1879, the Europeans took another extraordinary step, when the British and French consuls generals called on him at Abdin Palace and instructed the khedive to abdicate. 5 Note: These tactics were used on Latin and Central American countries by IOBB members. When the President of one of these countries did not cooperate to give jewish bankers what they wanted, military action was used against that President. Sometimes the U.S. miltary was sent and other times revolutionaries were hired to overthrow that President and install a man who would cooperate with the jewish bankers. Step 1 - loan the country money, the payback far exceeds the amount given Step 2 - obtain priveleges for use or ownership of land and other assets Step 3 - when the country defaults on the loan, seize assets and leadership Step 4 - install new leadership favorable to the jewish bankers Step 5 - use of the country’s natural resources for jewish banker profits -----

Let There Be Light

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Tesla and Westinghouse financial threat to the jewish troublemakers Ruining Westinghouse

Inception of Electric Lighting For Homes and Businesses Morgan Partner An Incorporator of Edison Electric Illuminating Company 1882 - Edison’s lighting system was a great deal of trouble to install. There were frequent short circuits and many breakdowns at the generating plant. The generator had to be run by an expert engineer who came on duty at 3 P.M., so that at any time after four o’clock on a winter’s afternoon the lights could be turned on. This man went off duty at 11 P.M. The neighbors complained of the noise of the dynamo, and Mrs. James M. Brown next door said that its vibrations made her house shake. J. P. Morgan had the machinery taken up and heavy pads of rubber put underneath it. Sand bags were piled around inside the walls of the cellar to deaden the noise and the vibrations. Altogether the individual electric plant was not in favor, either in the family or with neighbors. Mr. Edison built his first public generating station at 257 Pearl Street and the current had been turned on there at three o’clock in the afternoon of September 4. The result was that in a few office buildings downtown the Edison Electric Illuminating Company’s lights blazed in place of the long familiar gas jets. The new central power station supplied one hundred and six lights in the Drexel Building. It was soon evident to J. P. Morgan that the service furnished by the central power station was much better than that of the individual plant at his house. Among the incorporators of the new company was Morgan’s partner, Egisto P. Fabbri, who was also made treasurer of the company. J. Hood Wright, George S. Bowdoin and C.H. Coster of the firm [Drexel, Morgan Co.] were also interested in it, but up to that time Morgan had not personally bought any of it’s stock. 73

Edison Steals From Tesla Tesla Invents Motors That Provide Alternating Current Electricity Nikola Tesla was a physicist and inventor. He is best known for his revolutionary work in electricity and magnetism. His patents and theoretical work formed the basis of modern alternating current electric power. 6

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Nikola Tesla On 6 June 1884, Tesla first arrived in the U.S., in New York City, with a letter of recommendation to Thomas Edison. Tesla claims he was offered $50,000 if he redesigned Edison's inefficient DC motors and generators. Tesla said he worked night and day on the project and gave the Edison Company several profitable new patents in the process. 55 In electricity, improvements were made in the laboratory based upon the initiative of a very few men, while the patents connected with the industry had not long been issued and most of them were controlled by two or three companies. 73 In 1885 when Tesla inquired about the payment for his work, Edison replied, "Tesla, you don't understand our American humor," thus breaking his word. Earning a mere $18 per week, Tesla then immediately resigned when he was refused a raise to $25 per week. 55 Alfred Brown heard about Tesla and recognized the advantages of alternating current. They form a new company, Tesla Electric Company, in April 1887. At the end of 1887 Tesla filed for seven U.S. patents that were among the most important in the history of the electrical industry. They covered AC motors. But Tesla was swindled by his financiers and he was forced out of the company. Tesla constructed the initial brushless alternating current induction motor in 1888.

Tesla Works With Westinghouse to Provide AC Electricity In 1888, Tesla began working with George Westinghouse at Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. Westinghouse was a decent person who did not treat his employees as slave labor. Westinghouse had pension

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plans, disability insurance, housing aid, and profit-sharing. He also gave his employees turkeys on holidays. His employees loved him. He treated Tesla in a similar manner and offered Tesla the best deal he ever had. Westinghouse listened to Tesla’s ideas for systems which would allow transmission of alternating current electricity over long distances. He offered Tesla an excellent deal for his patent rights to Tesla's AC motor. He paid Tesla $60,000 in cash and Westinghouse stock and agreed to pay him $2.50 per horsepower on all AC capacity the company sold.

Westinghouse and Tesla Edison General Electric was formed in 1889 by J.P. Morgan. It was an umbrella company that merged all of Edison’s holdings. 77 Edison (backed by J.P. Morgan) was so worried about this new alliance between Tesla and Westinghouse, that he secretly hired an engineer named Harold P. Brown, to launch a spurious campaign against AC use. He had him perform public demonstrations in which animals were electrocuted by AC power. Brown also invented the electric chair for executing prisoners sentenced to death. It was part of the black propaganda campaign against alternating current electricity. 56, 55 When the chair was first used, on August 6, 1890, the technicians on hand misjudged the voltage needed to kill the condemned prisoner, William Kemmler. The first jolt of electricity was not enough to kill Kemmler, and only left him badly injured. The procedure had to be repeated and a reporter on hand described it as "an awful spectacle, far worse than hanging." George Westinghouse commented: "They would have done better using an axe." Harold P. Brown’s electric chair in Sing-Sing

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- nicknamed “old sparky” Jewish Bankers Control All American Industry Westinghouse Only Exception – Bankers Try To Takeover Westinghouse J.P. Morgan tries to get control price-wise of Westinghouse/Tesla soon-to-be AC power. In 1890 Morgan puts out an offer to “control competition in the electrical industry by price and output agreements.” Westinghouse refuses the Morgan offer, he is opposed to the banking and corporate trusts as they obstruct free competition. And as revealed in the 1912 Congressional Pujo Committee hearings, Westinghouse STOOD ALONE in all of American industry, as free of control of the New York Bankers. 55 The Pujo Committee found that the officers of the five largest New York banks held 341 directorships in 112 major corporations. Morgan-related officers were on 72 company boards. Westinghouse Electric had been the notable exception to the New York bankers’ control of American industry. On 4 May 1891 – A syndicate that consisted of August Belmont & Co. of New York (Rothschild), Lee, Higginson & Co. of Boston, and Brayton Ives, president of Western National Bank, were proposing to reorganize Westinghouse electric. Westinghouse opened the stockholders meeting and made it clear that negotiations were under way, agreed to meet 2 weeks later, he said the same thing, and in the end, pulled off the loans he needed which then kicked out the syndicate!

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Lionel Walter Rothschild [Baron]

Westinghouse and Tesla Compete Against Edison/Morgan Westinghouse and Tesla Win Contract to Provide Electricity March 5, 1892 – Experts announced proposals to harness Niagara Falls for generating electricity. The commission was led by Lord Kelvin and backed by entrepreneurs such as J. P. Morgan, Lord Rothschild, [Morgan’s firms were agents of the Rothschilds] and John Jacob Astor IV. Edward Dean Adams was a New York financier who had studied engineering at MIT. Adams had made a name for himself in reorganizing bankrupt railroads and trusts. Adams was the driving force behind the promotion of the giant hydroelectric power plant at Niagara. April 15, 1892 Morgan combines Edison General Electric with the Thomson-Houston firm - thus forming General Electric. This allows Thomas Edison to focus on lab work. Morgan was preparing to war with Westinghouse and Tesla with the ultimate goal of gaining a monopoly in the electrical power industry. 77 Morgan’s modus operandi was to take control of successful companies in areas of major industry, then put in a financial organization that would send the profits to the banks. 55 General Electric first-stage bid was submitted in the fall of 1892. In March 1893, both companies, General Electric and Westinghouse, submitted final bids. In 1893 when Adam’s company had to decide between using AC or DC for Niagara, Adams had sought Tesla's advice – Tesla sends letters to Adams from January to May – to answer questions about alternating current electricity. The General Electric proposal was for using DC (direct current). The Westinghouse proposal was for using Tesla's AC (alternating current) system. Westinghouse won the international Niagara Falls Commission contract. Work began in 1893 on the Niagara Falls project and electric power at the Falls was generated and transmitted as alternating current. 55

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Vindictive Nature of the Jewish Oligarchy and Morgan Morgan’s son-in-law, Herbert Satterlee, wrote Morgan’s biography J. Pierpont Morgan An Intimate Portrait By Herbert L. Satterlee copyright 1939 The book is an attempted whitewash of Morgan. Here is one portrayal in the book: “He was also sponsor of the Niagara Falls Power Company. In this instance Mr. Morgan again showed his confidence in Mr. Edison’s marvelous inventive resources and in the corporations which put them at the service not only of the American people but of the whole world. He kept in close touch with the financial end of these enterprises, and their development was according to an orderly pattern.” Morgan portrayed as an innocent and good-hearted shepherd in the interests of people? J.P. Morgan was an agent for the jewish international banking family – the Rothschilds. He was also a close associate of members of IOBB and Temple Emanu-el in New York. Their banking/business practices sought to create monopolies for themselves. This oligarchy is vindictive. When someone gets in their way, they act to harm and punish that person by taking away their business, destroying their house and other ways. Morgan was extremely vindictive, even on a personal level. The following story, taken from a book about Morgan, shows an example of this. “Morgan’s daughter Anne had broken off from him in 1909, he blamed Bessie Marbury. Hence, he found an ingenious way to torture her. Marbury coveted the French Legion of Honor and believed she deserved it for her work in officially representing French dramatists in the English-speaking world. By chance, in 1909, Robert Bacon... was named ambassador to France. Bowing to Pierpont’s wishes, he made sure she was denied the honor. Knowing that the House of Morgan objected prevented Bessie Marbury from ever receiving the government award- even after she spent years raising money for France and donated her Versailles home as a hospital during World War I. …Anne was decorated as a commander of the Legion of Honor for running an ambulance corps and performing reliefe work. But Marbury - notwithstanding letters of praise from former presidents Roosevelt and Taft - couldn’t overcome the French fears of offending Morgan interests. Even beyond his grave, Pierpont Morgan would not be thwarted.” 78

Financial Panic Engineered in 1893 On the heels of losing the Niagra Falls contract, a financial panic starts on 5 May 1893. The first big financial explosion in Wall Street which marked the beginning of the panic occurred on May 5, when the National Cordage Company collapsed and precipitated the failure of six Wall Street firms. 73 Imagine that! National Cordage Company – [rope manufacturers] It is noteworthy because of its expansion at the beginning of

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the 1890s and its initial public offering of $5,000,000 of 8% cumulative preferred stock. The corporation sought to decrease the cost of production and distribution of their products. It issued a prospectus on August 1, 1887 and quickly sought to dominate the market in raw materials. A financial panic in the United Kingdom and a drop in trade in Europe caused foreign investors to sell American stocks to obtain American funds backed by gold. [Morgan counterpart Peabody/Rothschilds in England helping to bring about the panic] The National Cordage Company (the most actively traded stock at the time) went into receivership as a result of its bankers calling in their loans in response to rumors regarding the NCC's financial distress. As the demand for silver and silver notes fell, the price and value of silver dropped. Holders worried about a loss of face value of bonds, and many became worthless. [what do you want to bet those “rumors� were in the press, and planted in the street?] A series of bank failures followed... total over 15,000 companies and 500 banks failed (many in the west). According to high estimates, about 17%-19% of the workforce was unemployed at the Panic's peak. The huge spike in unemployment, combined with the loss of life savings by failed banks, meant that a oncesecure middle-class family could not meet their mortgage obligations. As a result, many walked away from recently built homes. Farm distress was great because of the falling prices for export crops such as wheat and cotton. Politically, the Democrats and President Cleveland were blamed for the depression. The decline of the gold reserves stored in the U.S. Treasury fell to a dangerously low level, forcing President Cleveland to borrow $65 million in gold from Wall-Street banker JP Morgan in order to support the gold standard. 6

Westinghouse/Tesla Win Another Electrical Contract Anthony Drexel dies June 30, 1893 leaving Morgan in charge of the firm. Morgan was also in charge of the London firm of his father, J.S. Morgan & Co., when his father died in 1890. Amidst the financial panic of 1893, the World Fair was held in Chicago. A large portion of it's grounds were devoted to electrical exhibits. It was an historical moment and the beginning of a revolution, as Nikola Tesla and George Westinghouse introduced the public to electrical power by providing alternating current to illuminate the Exposition. The general public observed firsthand the qualities and abilities of alternating current power. General Electric Company (Morgan) proposed to power the electric fair with direct current at the cost of one million dollars. Westinghouse, armed with Tesla's alternating current system, proposed to illuminate the exposition for half that price. Tesla's high-frequency high-voltage lighting produced more efficient light with less heat. Westinghouse's

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proposal was chosen over the inferior direct current system to power the fair. Edison tried to prevent the use of his light bulbs in Tesla's works. General Electric banned the use of Edison's lamps in Westinghouse's plan, in retaliation for losing the bid. Westinghouse's company quickly designed a lightbulb (sidestepping Edison's patents) and was able to light the fair. The successful demonstration of alternating current lighting at the Exposition dispelled doubts about the usefulness of the polyphase alternating current system developed by Westinghouse and Tesla. 43, 58 Tesla and Edison became adversaries because of Edison's promotion of direct current (DC) for electric power distribution over the more efficient alternating current advocated by Tesla and Westinghouse. Until Tesla invented the induction motor, AC's advantages for long distance high voltage transmission were counterbalanced by the inability to operate motors on AC. 43 President Jackson Had Defeated the Bankers Morgan Helps Get McKinley Elected – Sets Stage For War US Military Used As Enforcement Arm of Jewish Oligarchy It is important to remember that President Andrew Jackson, who took down the banker’s system in the United States, and got the country out of debt, pushed hard for a gold and silver currency system.

Democratic cartoon shows Jackson slaying the monster Bank In President Jackson’s Seventh Annual Message of 7 December 1835, some of the points he covered were: The US Debt was paid off now. That gold and silver as circulating medium was almost ready. He tells Congress to find what has stopped correct legislation to protect against corporations. He names the political creed of the system that is at war with us and says it will first acquire control over the labor and earnings of the people. He says severing the Bank has to some extent severed a dangerous connection between a moneyed and political power. He says a monopoly group is trying to get in using railroads. He talks about someone is trying to excite the slaves to revolt, and mentions foreign emissaries. (This is the bankers - Rothschilds - beginning moves for another War, this far back, and Jackson knows it, he doesn’t miss much.) He calls for a law limiting the

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circulating of these inflammatory slave materials through the mail. After Jackson was no longer President, the jewish oligarchy continued to make moves towards getting the United States under their control. The Independent Order of B’nai B’rith, a Jewish Scottish Rite Freemasonry lodge, was formed in New York in 1843. An alternate name for the I.O.B.B. is the New World Order. The Whig political party favored the bankers. It evolved into the Republican party. President Lincoln was a Republican president and the civil war began in 1861, resulting in getting the U.S. government back into debt to the bankers. The period following the Civil War was marked by railroad building, mining, and industrialization. Thus developed an economy based on steel, oil, railroads, and machines. Mammoth corporations such as the Standard Oil trust were formed, and “captains of industry” like John D. Rockefeller and financiers like J.P. Morgan controlled huge resources. The Sherman AntiTrust Act was passed in 1890. Then came the financial panic of 1893. The Democratic party represented the hardships experienced by the common people and stood for the free coinage of silver (as had been advocated by President Jackson) and sought other aids for the debtor class. 11 The oligarchy - Morgan, Rothschild etc. - was pushing for a gold standard only. The Democratic party wanted to follow Jackson’s idea of having silver and gold coins as the currency for the country. 1896 – June 10 – Election Year When Mr. Morgan met the reporters he gave them an interview on the monetary system and politics in which he said: "The dominating question is the currency problem. If that is settled satisfactorily Europe will buy our securities. If it is not, she won’t. That is all there is to be said. By a satisfactory settlement of the currency I mean a decision that this country will maintain the single gold standard." The outstanding Democratic candidate was William Jennings Bryan. He had been the most eloquent advocate of free coinage of silver, unhampered by any considerations of banking or international business relations, of which he knew nothing. 73 Bryan was a supporter of popular democracy, a critic of banks and railroads, a leader of the silverite movement in the 1890s, and a peace advocate. Because of his faith in the goodness and rightness of the common people, he was called "The Great Commoner."

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William Jennings Bryan In the intensely fought 1896 and 1900 elections, he was defeated by William McKinley. In his three presidential bids, he promoted Free Silver in 1896, anti-imperialism in 1900, and trust-busting in 1908, calling on Democrats to fight the trusts and big banks, and embrace populist ideas. His father, Silas Bryan, was a Jacksonian Democrat. 6 Morgan makes a secret move to get McKinley elected President: In Cleveland, Ohio, there was a young president of a big savings bank, named Myron T. Herrick, who was a personal friend for years of William McKinley, and of Mark Hanna of Cleveland. Mr. Hanna believed that McKinley would be a good presidential candidate. Herrick was very much in favor of committing the Republican Party to the gold standard, so as to force the Democrats to come out squarely with a Silver candidate on a Silver platform. Mr. Herrick and Mr. Hanna go to see Morgan about this. Morgan reminded Herrick that the Republican platform should come out strongly for the single gold standard, and that the candidate should stand squarely on it. Morgan tells Hanna some facts concerning the monetary system of the country and the absolute necessity of maintaining the financial reputation of our Government abroad and of providing the means for the continued flow of gold from that side of the Atlantic to this. He was convinced that Mr. Morgan was right. No one but the parties to it knew of this important conference until years afterward. The Republican Convention was held and on 19 June 1896, due to Hanna and Herrick, McKinley was nominated, on a platform that contained an unequivocal gold plank. 73

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McKinley campaigns on gold coin (gold standard) claiming to restore prosperity at home and prestige abroad. 1896 – July 10 The Democratic party nominated William Jennings Bryan for the Presidency… 73 William McKinley gained ardent support from big business and won the election.

President William Mckinley The jewish oligarchy, including members of the IOBB in New Orleans, were making moves to dominate countries in Latin and Central America, so the oligarchy could capitalize on the natural resources of those countries. For example, Morgan owned the Santa Clara province in Cuba, where a particularly dark and fragrant

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variety of tobacco is grown. 6, 80 Morgan’s stance on Cuba was that our affiliations with Cuba were very close and the lives of American citizens and their property on the island had been taken more than once so that the first thing to do was to drive Spain out of her richest colonial possession. 73 The American media played up news of Spanish atrocities in Cuba and of Spain's use of concentration camps and brutal military force to quash the Cubans' rebellion. These tactics were employed by newspapermen such as Pulitzer and Hearst to turn American public opinion towards outright war, utilizing the public’s natural inclination to support Cuba’s revolution towards being a free country. Pulitzer and Hearst drew the nation into the Spanish-American War with sensationalist stories or outright lying. Hearst became a war hawk after a rebellion broke out in Cuba in 1895. Stories of Cuban virtue and Spanish brutality soon dominated his front page. Some of the alleged atrocities were fictional. Example:

Male Spanish officials strip search an American woman tourist in Cuba looking for messages from rebels; front page from Hearst. American public opinion against Spain became heated, creating a demand for war. An American warship, the U.S.S. Maine, was dispatched to Havana harbor. On February 15, 1898, it mysteriously exploded and sank, causing the deaths of 260 men. 6

wreck of the USS Maine Note:

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At the time of the mysterious sinking of the USS Maine, the Morgan-Schiff cartel had access to a radiocontrolled detonation device, used to explode a bomb from a distance. That device could have been used to sink the U.S.S. Maine, to start the war. Details are given in Book 2 of this series. May 1898 was the start of the Spanish-American war. The war was brought on by the international bankers making moves to take control of the exports of Central America. This is also considered to be the mark of American entry into world affairs. Ever since, the United States has had a significant hand in various conflicts around the world. In fact, deploying the Maine to Havana was only one part of a larger, global deployment of US naval power. As the Maine left Florida a large part of the North Atlantic fleet was moved to Key West and the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, others were moved just off shore of Lisbon. And still others were moved to Hong Kong, as well as the Phillippines. Note: It is important to understand that the largest part of the fleet was moved to take direct military control of the Caribbean - Latin America and Central America. Starting from 1898, over the next thirty-five years, the U.S. military intervened in Latin America and Central America twenty-eight times; in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, and Guatemala. The U.S. military has been reduced to the metaphoric role of Vinnie the knee-breaker, working on behalf of the Jewish oligarchy to enforce their banking/business interests in other countries. Details of the atrocities committed are given in Book 3 of this series.

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The first battle between American and Spanish forces was at Manila Bay, Philippines. On May 1, 1898, Commodore George Dewey, commanding the U. S. Navy forces, defeated a Spanish squadron. 6

Battle of Manila Bay

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Morgan Working Towards Monopoly In Electric and Steel Industry Rockefellers Work With Jewish Oligarchy To Monopolize Steel Industry Andrew Carnegie was the top manufacturer of crude steel in the U.S. His company was Carnegie Steel. He lived in North Point Breeze, the same place as George Westinghouse. Carnegie was unusual among the industrial captains of his day because he preached for the rights of laborers to unionize and to protect their jobs. He was also a peace advocate.

Andrew Carnegie 1898 – July 17 – The occupation of Cuba by the United States. Andrew Carnegie opposed the annexation of Cuba by the United States. He and others founded an antiimperialist league that included former presidents of the United States, Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison. This action opposed and threatened to interfere with the plans of Morgan and the jewish oligarchy in Latin and Central America. As the end of the Spanish American War neared, the United States bought the Philippines from Spain for 20 million dollars. Carnegie personally offered $20 million to the Filipino people so they could buy their independence from the United States. However, nothing came of this gesture and the Filipino people rose in revolt when they realized that they would not be granted their independence. The Spanish-American war ended on August 12, 1898. The United States gained ownership of Guam, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and control over Cuba. 6

1898 – Autumn - The next great industries that challenged Mr. Morgan’s attention were the ones involving electricity and those that were engaged in the production of steel and the fabrication of steel products. Mr. Morgan was doing the financing for the General Electric Company. 73

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Following is an example of the Rockefellers working with the jewish oligarchy to create monopolies: Tower, Stone, Breitung, Stuntz and others, incorporated the Minnesota Iron Company in 1882. The Minnesota ore was shipped by George and Samuel Ely of Cleveland. In 1886, the Ely brothers shipped 307,949 tons of Minnesota ore. The Carnegie interests of Cleveland purchased the ore in consignments of 100,000 tons at a time. By 1886, the Minnesota Iron Company liquidated debts incurred during its first year. In 1887, the company constructed a railroad link, connecting it to the nationwide railroad system. By that time, the company had five mines near the town of Tower. It ranked as the third largest iron mining firm in the nation. The quick success of the Minnesota Iron Company and the purity of its ores attracted the attention of major steel producers. Henry H. Porter, a Chicago railroad magnate with heavy interests in the Illinois Steel Company, headed a syndicate whose participants included John D. and William Rockefeller (Standard Oil Company), Marshall Field (a Chicago merchant), Cyrus McCormick (a farm implement manufacturer), and Jay C. Morse (Union Steel Company). By 1887, iron ore was discovered in lands north of the town of Tower, which were purchased by the syndicate. The syndicate wished to purchase Tower's railroad in order to extend it to their lands. Tower initially refused. The syndicate responded with the implied threat that they would construct a second railroad that would parallel the line of Tower's railroad, destroying its value. Compounding this threat was the fact that Tower had no control over the shipping lines that carried his ore to points east, and many of these companies were under the thrall of East Coast iron and steel magnates, many of which were involved in the syndicate. Faced with these challenges, Tower sold his Minnesota Iron Company and railroad to the Porter syndicate for $8,500,000 in late 1887. 6, 82 This means that the Rockefellers are now one of the owners of Minnesota Iron. Rockefellers used the 1893 panic to acquire a mining company on the Mesabi range…


So now, they are going to go after Carnegie… Carnegie organizes several of his steel companies into Carnegie Steel in 1899. Tensions rise between Carnegie and Henry Frick. Carnegie asks Frick to resign as chairman of the board. Questions remain about how much the

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Frick Company will charge Carnegie for coke. Carnegie and Frick disagree over the price of coke in 1900. Carnegie attempts to get Frick to sell him coke at a cut-rate price, and even attempts to take over Frick's interest in Carnegie Steel. Frick sues for the market value of his coke, and the case is settled out-of-court. 84 Carnegie had grown to dominate the steel industry. He was unstoppable, and by 1900 Carnegie Steel produced more steel than all of Great Britain. To stabilize this industry it would be necessary to eliminate Carnegie’s price cutting and the possibility of his continued duplicating of competitive plants and paralleling of railroads. The soft-ore mines (Missabe ore) were safe in Mr. Rockefeller’s hands… but it needed someone with a knowledge of the steel business. As Morgan got to know Judge Gary [counsel of the Illinois Steel Company] better, he realized that Gary was the man with whom to cooperate.

J.P. Morgan

Elbert H. Gary

Judge Gary organized the Federal Steel Company. This corporation was made up of the Illinois Steel Company, the Minnesota Iron Company (hard-ore mines), and the control of some appurtenant railroad properties. Mr. Morgan was in close touch with this on account of the interest which his clients had in the Minnesota Iron Company. (Rockefellers are part of the syndicate that owns Minnesota Iron Company, so they are one of Morgan’s clients.) These clients were represented on the board of directors of Federal Steel by Robert Bacon. As a result, Morgan financed the Federal Steel Corporation with a capitalization of $100,000,000 of preferred stock and $100,000,000 of common stock, and found the working capital for it. Robert Bacon represented Mr. Morgan on the board of directors of Federal Steel.

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Robert Bacon – called the “greek God” of Wall Street Mr. Morgan saw the chance to produce such an increased tonnage of steel that the surplus might enter the foreign market on a price basis with which British and German steel mills could not compete. Mr. Morgan saw the possibility of cheaply mined Missabe ore (owned by Rockefellers), with scientifically run furnaces and steel mills, then railroad transportation to ships that would deliver the steel to foreign markets. He listened very attentively to Judge Gary’s ideas about the steel industry but was not ready this year to take up the subject. The plans which he had in mind could not be put in practical shape because he was not prepared to get into a fight with Carnegie. 6 In July 1900 Carnegie decides to expand his business into finished products, such as pipe and wire - which will compete with some of J.P. Morgan's interests. Carnegie Steel was already in competition with Morgan steel companies - Federal Steel and National Tube. As head of the second largest steel group, Morgan feared a replication of the railroad chaos with overbuilding and price wars. He growled that Carnegie would “demoralize” the entire industry through competition. Morgan believed Carnegie had become too much of a threat to his empire and must be bought out entirely. 64, 78 While Carnegie believed he could beat Morgan in a battle, the fight did not appeal to the 64-year old man, who was eager to spend more time with his family. Carnegie wrote the asking price for his steel business on a piece of paper and had one of his managers deliver the offer to Morgan. Morgan accepted without hesitation, buying the company for $480 million. Carnegie's share of this amounted to $225,639,000, which was paid to Carnegie in the form of 5%, 50-year gold bonds. The letter agreeing to sell his share was signed on 26 February 1901. A special vault was built to house the bulk of nearly $230,000,000 worth of bonds. It was said that Carnegie never wanted to see or touch these bonds. The buyout was the largest such industrial takeover in United States history to date. The holdings were incorporated in the United States Steel Corporation, a trust organized by Morgan, that was capitalized at $1,400,000,000. Morgan concluded negotiations on 2 March 1901, and announced the formation of the United States Steel Corporation on May 3, 1901. The capitalization of United States Steel made it the largest corporation ever organized. With Mr. Morgan it was

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not a question of bargaining and saving money when companies were purchased, so much as the elimination of disturbing personalities and the selection of the right men to run the great corporation. The men were at hand: Judge Gary for management and Charles M. Schwab, president of the Carnegie Steel Company, for manufacture.

Charles Schwab The United States Steel Corporation was organized with an issue of $550,000,000 of preferred stock, $550,000,000 of common stock, and $304,000,000 of bonds. When Morgan bought out Carnegie with bonds, instead of stock in United States Steel, the result was that Andrew Carnegie was eliminated from any voice in the affairs of the new company. In rapid succession the following companies were acquired: American Bridge, American Tin Plate, National Steel, American Steel Hoop, American Sheet Steel, National Tube, Federal Steel, American Steel & Wire, and Mr. John D. Rockefeller’s Lake Superior Consolidated Iron Mines, which included the principal mines and carried the control of the transportation between the Missabe Range and the eastern end of Lake Erie. Purchase of the Carnegie Company brought in the great coking-coal fields and the Frick ovens, as well as the Pittsburgh, Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad. Charles Steele represented Morgan on the executive committee, and Robert Bacon represented Morgan on the finance committee. The “Billion Dollar Steel Trust” was attacked as a monopoly. Andrew Carnegie told a friend that he would soon come back into possession of Carnegie Steel Company. “Pierpont is not an iron-master,” he said; “he knows nothing about the business of making and selling steel. I managed my trade with him so that I was paid for my properties in bonds, not stocks! He will make a fizzle of the business and default in payment of the interest. I will then foreclose and get my properties back, and Pierpont and his friends will lose all their paper profits. Pierpont feels that he can do anything because he has always got the best of the Jews in Wall Street. It takes a Yankee to beat a Jew, and it takes a Scot to beat a Yankee!” This pleased him so much that he repeated it many times, and always with a self-satisfied chuckle. He did not realize that Mr. Morgan would not have paid him in anything but bonds because he wanted to eliminate him from control and have him as a creditor only and not as a partner.

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J.P. Morgan

Andrew Carnegie

Carnegie turned his attention to giving away his fortune. He spent much of his fortune on establishing over 2,500 public libraries and supporting institutions of higher learning. He gave away 350 million dollars. 6, 78,


Carnegie died on 11 August 1919. At his death, his last $30,000,000 was given to foundations, charities, and to pensioners. 6 We’ll end this part on a humorous note. Check this bullcrap out! It is an example of how the press is used to lie to the public and cover up what the jewish oligarchy is really up to. [bold/emphasis mine] THE STEEL RAIL FIGHT.; Illinois Steel Company and Minnesota Iron Company Join Forces to Fight the Rockefeller-Carnegie People. February 13, 1897 Chicago, Feb. 12. -- Allied with the Minnesota Iron Company, the Illinois Steel Company stands squarely defiant of the Carnegie-Rockefeller combination. The smashing of the steel-rail pool, with its reduction in prices, has precipitated this duel of corporations. By this alliance a monopoly in steel rails, it is said, is rendered impossible. Wow! The Rockefellers were partners with Illinois Steel Company in a syndicate that forced the Minnesota Iron Company to be sold to them. Carnegie was never combined with Rockefeller, he was opposed by the Rockefeller/ Illinois Steel /Morgan alliance.

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Wizard of Oz Satire

Most readers in 1900 read The Wonderful Wizard of Oz as a fairy tale, but Baum and Denslow were using images that cartoonists had used to portray American politicians. Many of the events and characters of the book resemble the actual political personalities, events and ideas of the 1890s. The 1902 stage adaptation mentioned, by name, President Theodore Roosevelt, oil magnate John D. Rockefeller, and other political celebrities. (No real people are mentioned by name in the book.) Even the title has been interpreted as alluding to a political reality: "oz" is an abbreviation for ounce, a unit familiar to those who fought for a 16 to 1 ounce ratio of silver to gold in the name of bimetallism. In the play and in later books Baum mentions contemporary figures by name and takes blatantly political stances without the benefit of allegory including a condemnation in no uncertain terms of Standard Oil. The book opens in real life Kansas, which, in the 1890s, was well known for the hardships of rural life, and for destructive tornadoes. The Panic of 1893 caused widespread distress in the rural United States. Dorothy is swept away to a colorful land of unlimited resources that nevertheless has serious political problems. This utopia is ruled in part by wicked witches. Dorothy and her house are swept up by the tornado and upon landing in Oz, the house falls on the Wicked Witch of the East, destroying the tyrant and freeing the ordinary people - little people or Munchkins. The Witch had previously controlled the all-powerful silver slippers. The slippers will in the end liberate Dorothy but first she must walk in them down the golden yellow brick road, i.e. she must take silver down the path of gold, the path of free coinage of silver. Following the road of gold leads eventually only to the Emerald City, which may symbolize the fraudulent world of greenback paper money that only pretends to have value. 79

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Munchkins are the Little People as shown in this 1896 Judge cartoon In her journey down the yellow brick road, Dorothy encounters the tin man who has no heart, the scarecrow who has no brain, and the lion who has no courage. They accompany her on her journey to meet the Wizard of Oz, who they hope will give each of them what they wish for. Dorothy hopes she will be returned to her home and family in Kansas. The oil needed by the Tin Woodman had a political dimension at the time because Rockefeller's Standard Oil Company stood accused of being a monopoly (which was later ruled correct in a lawsuit brought by the federal government, and affirmed by the US Supreme Court.) In the 1902 stage adaptation the Tin Woodman wonders what he would do if he ran out of oil. "You wouldn't be as badly off as John D. Rockefeller," the Scarecrow responds, "He'd lose six thousand dollars a minute if that happened." President McKinley was often called a "wizard" for his political skills. The Wizard of Oz seems to be the president of the Land of Oz. 6

Denslow's drawing of scarecrow hung on pole and helpless, from 1st edition of book, 1900

July 1896 Puck cartoon shows farmer hung up on pole and helpless Page -28-

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1899 soap ad shows Tin Man

1885 Puck shows President Cleveland as Lion, and shows other politicians as monkeys

L. Frank Baum – Author of Wonderful Wizard of Oz Baum and his wife, encouraged by Matilda Joslyn Gage, became Theosophists, in 1897. The Baums believed that religious decisions should be made by mature minds and sent their older sons to "Ethical Culture Sunday School" in Chicago. 6 [that's Felix Adler's] (Felix Adler founded Society for Ethical Culture. He is the son of Samuel Adler, Rabbi of Temple Emanu-El.)

The Jewish Troublemakers Orchestrate Financial Panic in 1907 Morgan and Selected Bankers Use The Panic To Takeover Major Companies Westinghouse Taken Over By Morgan

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George Westinghouse and Henry Frick are neighbors in Pittsburgh. (United States Steel = J.P. Morgan & Henry Frick) March 1907 - Henry Frick gets called to an emergency meeting of J.P. Morgan Banking firm in New York, Jacob Schiff was there. (Schiff is a member of Temple Emanu-el.) Schiff had predicted “financial problems” a few months earlier; “such a panic…as will make all previous panics look like child’s play”. In late March, Westinghouse is on his way to his office in New York at 120 Broadway, to meet with several New York bankers, including Morgan’s firm, to look at a bond offering for Westinghouse Electric. He knew he faced an uphill struggle. He owed 9 million to the Pittsburgh banks, and the Mellon family turned down his request for more credit. This was a move to destroy him over the Tesla thing, pure and simple. Also, he was a wonderful employer, far out of line with how he treated his employees, with how the jewish oligarchy treated their workers. An example is the jewish oligarchy treating workers in Central America as slave labor. Another example is how General Electric treated Tesla, paying him $18 per week while GE obtained profitable patents from Tesla’s inventions. Westinghouse had pension plans, disability insurance, housing aid, and profit-sharing. Henry Frick could have saved him, but he did not like the model for employees that Westinghouse was using in his business. Frick’s mentality towards workers was exhibited in the Homestead Strike of 1892, when Frick was plant manager at Carnegie Steel. When Carnegie was out of the country, Frick locked out workers and hired Pinkerton thugs to intimidate the strikers. Many were killed in the conflict. 78 The bottom line is that Westinghouse left the meetings another 15 million in debt, with the promise of Morgan supported corporate bond offering in the summer, so he went back to engineering. He had his own underground laboratory at his house where he worked on inventions.

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Underground tunnel from the house to the laboratory He was working on a steam turbine to power ships, had acquired the needed patents, hired specialists, and was all set to go. 61

George Westinghouse 1907 – Summer – Overview - The created “financial panic” is continuing and getting worse. And, of course, Westinghouse’s bond offering “doesn’t go well”, due to “no one buying”. This panic was becoming the first “International” banking crisis for the United States, a concerted effort of the Rothschild etc bankers overseas and their counterparts in the United States.

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1907 Panic – J.P. Morgan (agent for Rothschild) In July 1907 Morgan forms the “Alaska Syndicate” to control copper mining and supplies, which will undoubtedly raise the prices for electrical wire, etc., that Tesla needs for his work. Morgan was also working on cornering the rubber market, rubber being needed for electrical wire insulation. This is all part of getting control of the market of electricity, one way or another. August 10, 1907 - The Market Crashed - “Since there was no federal reserve”…is the reason given by jewish “financial experts”. Later in the month J.P. Morgan had to take a “leadership role” and solve the “financial dilemma”. Westinghouse had good sales and cash flow and in fact was preparing to pay a dividend in October. The problem was the 43 million in bonds and debt. A 15 million dollar floating debt was coming due…what a coincidence, that’s the Morgan arranged 15 million of course. Even with record profits, if Morgan and the bankers called in the debt? He couldn’t afford it. This was Morgan’s opportunity to crush Westinghouse. In October, a run on banks starts…Westinghouse is again the target of press articles alleging “poor management” (which were done earlier in the year as well). These articles were part of a campaign to drive his stock price down and to make the Westinghouse bond offering unattractive.

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Panic of 1907 – Wall Street “the curb” (stock trading was conducted in the street) Note: The following is data concerning the financial crisis of 1907. It is a good example of the self-serving banking practices and self-serving business practices that are used by the jewish bankers and their associates such as J.P. Morgan. Do not be concerned if you do not fully understand the terminology and techniques of high finance that are being discussed in the following data. By reading the following you can see that Morgan and his banking/business buddies purposefully caused the financial crisis and used it to takeover ownership of companies that were their competitors – and that is the important thing to understand. It was not a real financial crisis, it was an orchestrated show, wherein Morgan and the jewish bankers were in complete control of it from beginning to end, they caused it to start and they decided when to end it, after they had taken over ownership of companies who were their competitors of course. Westinghouse was one of the companies taken over. The data on the financial crisis of 1907 starts here: Charles W. Morse controlled the National Bank of North America, the New Amsterdam National Bank and was

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a large owner of the Mercantile National Bank. He was also up-and-coming in the Communications Industry, and becoming a thorn in Morgan’s side in that arena as well. On October 1, 1901, Morse acquired a majority of the stock of the Telephone, Telegraph and Cable Company of America. This is said to be the first step in the formation of a far-reaching independent telephone system. He became a close associate of F. Augustus Heinze, who became president of Mercantile National Bank, and E.R. Thomas, a young man of large inherited fortune. Their influence grew—Heinze and Morse served as directors together on at least six national banks, 10 state banks, five trust companies and four insurance companies. 86, 6

Charles W. Morse…center

F. Augustus Heinze

For a few years there had been developing a minor financial group, now known as the “Heinze-Morse-Thomas group.” It consisted of twelve banks and two trust companies, a consolidated steamship company, the Heinze United Copper Company. Compared with the Standard Oil and Morgan groups it was a small factor. But its steamship company was encroaching on Morgan’s New York, New Haven and Hartford road in the coastwise traffic, and Heinze in a running fight had forced Standard Oil (Rockefeller) to buy him off at a cost reported at $10,000,000. Note: It may be of interest to readers, that John Jacob Astor IV was friends with Morse, and even helped fund his upand-coming challenge to the Morgan/jewish troublemakers oligarchy. Astor had funded Morse in the amount of $110,000, a loan which after Morse was destroyed and his companies were being “re-organized”, the Morgan cartel did not honor the loan. Saying that it was “was not deposited for the final reorganization.”70 Morgan was ready to show an affectionate interest in Morse, and Standard Oil was quietly lying in wait for Heinze. It all fitted together like a piece of mosaic. They could discipline the country, discredit Roosevelt, put Consolidated Shipping out of business, and pick up Heinze and United Copper on the way. Morse and Heinze were caught between the big groups. 62 Along with Augustus Heinze's brothers, Morse helped create a pool of money to drive up and corner the stock of United Copper. 6

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Note: This was an 11th hour plan to try and keep Morgan from gaining control of their company. …on Monday morning, October 14. ...real stock came out from holders who appeared glad to sell. (my note: how convenient…what a set-up!) The market broke rapidly, and then recovered as the Heinze brokers started to execute their orders and for a time it looked as though the pool had stopped the rush. But in the last hour or so of trading more United Copper stock was poured out on the market, and by the end of the day, with the price thoroughly demoralized…. 62 On October 15, 1907 the attempted corner on the United Copper stock had failed so spectacularly that depositors with Morse's banks began to pull out their deposits. 6 Note: The following data is a description of the financial crisis of 1907 by a US Senator: Suddenly, [October 14, stock fell from 62 to 15] in the first days of October, somebody began to “smash United Copper on the curb.” The stock broke badly. Standard Oil was getting under way. Doubtless, never suspecting the source, Heinze, through his brother, a member of the stock exchange, and through brokers, bought and bought until United Copper went out of sight, carrying down Heinze’s brother, one firm of his brokers, and involving the Morse-Heinze banks in the crash. But not for one moment did Morgan or Standard Oil miss the opportunity offered. Morse and Heinze were forced out. They were compelled to reorganize their directorships and substitute semi-dependent Standard Oil men as their successors. They were forced to sell their stocks for what they could get. Morgan attacked Morse’s Consolidated Steamship Company stocks and bonds, and Morse was ultimately forced to surrender his steamship company combine, which he did. They went after the Knickerbocker Trust Company, Charles T. Barney, president, and close ally of Morse’s. It was charged in New York that the interests deliberately started a run on the Knickerbocker. Morgan was appealed to for aid. Morgan, whose plaudits have been sounded here in this Chamber, was in a position to follow carefully every step and phase of this proceeding. In the first place, Mr. Morgan gave out, as reported in Wall street, that the Knickerbocker would be supported if it met the demands of the depositors who had started a run upon it. There was nothing in subsequent events to indicate that there was any sincerity in that promise, but an analysis of every step is convincing to the contrary. Support was not given; it was withheld. After the company, relying upon that pledge, had paid out millions, it was forced to close its doors, and Barney went to a suicide’s grave. Barney was likewise a director in the Trust Company of America, a comparatively new institution, with a few System directors, giving the great groups a semi-interest in the institution, though they have not yet taken it over. The raid on Heinze, Morse, Barnes, et al., and the latter’s directorate connections with the Trust Company of America, caused public suspicion to fall upon it. A strong run was started. This was not on the programme, but as the Vanderbilts, allies of the Standard Oil, were represented on the directorate of the Trust Company of America, Standard Oil was bound to offer some assistance. Though gold and bank notes were ostentatiously piled on the counters to impress depositors, and young Vanderbilt offered as an exhibit of resources and placed at the teller’s window, the excited depositors persisted in demanding their money. Its distant relationship to the group was sufficient to save it in the end. Conferences over the inside condition of this trust company, however, gave Morgan, owing to his group connections, information that the control of Tennessee Coal and Iron—stock control and pool stock—had been placed with the Trust Company of America by John W. Gates and his associates. In a Wall street panic there is always big game to be bagged. That is one of the uses of a panic. Morgan seized the opportunity for United States Steel. Standard Oil interests were identical with Morgan’s interests in this, and he made it a condition of saving the Trust Company of America, that Gates and the Tennessee Coal and Iron pool sell

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to him at his price or the Trust Company of America should go on the rocks. The surrender was complete. United States Steel took over Tennessee Coal and Iron, thereby tightening its grip upon the most precious of all the national resources of the country. It was bad for the country, but the trust company was saved and Morgan was glorified. The Westinghouse Company’s experience affords another striking illustration of the useful purposes of a well-managed panic. Westinghouse was in the way of Standard Oil’s General Electric. Members of the boards of directors of the Standard Oil banks were in a position to exert some influence at the critical moment most harmful to Westinghouse, and he went to the wall. The panic was working well. The stock market had gone to smash. Harriman was buying back Union Pacific shorts, but still smashing the market. Morgan was buying in short steel stocks and bonds, but still smashing the market. The Morse group had been disposed of. Standard Oil had settled with Heinze. The Consolidated Steamship Company had surrendered to Morgan, and at the same time the interests were disciplining the people. The country banks were begging for their balances. Business was being held up. On the street and in the brokers’ offices the strain of apprehension was intense. In the midst of a Wall street fight, when fear supersedes reason, it is difficult for those who are in it, but not directing it, to determine how much is real, how much is sham. Some of the guns are loaded only with blank cartridges to alarm; some are loaded with powder and ball to kill. The press set it all forth as it appeared on the surface. It portrayed the great financiers hurrying to and fro, setting a prop here, a prop there, holding midnight meetings in Morgan’s library, seeking some way to avert the calamity that threatened prosperity and a nation’s honor. It was a thrilling picture, but it was false. The reporters were not invited to the conferences of the inner circles where sat the men who controlled not only the great banking organizations of New York, but the transportation and business of the country, the men who were behind the panic and would stay its progress when it had served its purpose. But the panic must be given a fitting finale, a dramatic finish. Standard Oil had suffered a series of mortifying experiences and exposures that were beginning to tell upon the iron nerves of the men who for half a lifetime had seemed utterly hardened and indifferent to public condemnation. Morgan and others had come out of the United States Steel bond- and-stock-conversion-performance, and the insurance scandals, badly scarred. Both Standard Oil and Morgan were much in need of redemption with the general public. It would be a great stroke of business to wind this panic up with these gentlemen as the saviors of public credit. A carefully elaborated climax, with Morgan and the Standard Oilers as the central figures would invest them with a halo of self-sacrifice and public spirit almost sublime. The floor of the stock exchange was chosen as the scene for the closing act, October 24 the time. The men who had created the money stringency, who had absorbed the surplus capital of the country with promotions and reorganization schemes, who had deliberately forced a panic and frightened many innocent depositors to aid them by hoarding, who had held up the country banks by lawlessly refusing to return their deposits, never lost sight of one of the chief objects to be attained. The cause of currency revision was not neglected for one moment. It was printed day by day in their press; it passed from mouth to mouth. The phenomenal interest rates were impressing the public in a way never to be forgotten. High interest rates should be made to plead for emergency money through the telegraph dispatches of October 24 in every countinghouse, factory, and shop in America. The banks refused credit to old customers—all business to new customers. Call loans for money were at last denied at any price. This put operators caught short or long on the rack. It spelled ruin. For the first time since the panic began 11.30 a.m. arrived with everybody on the floor of the stock exchange wildly seeking money at any price. Interest rates which had for several days ranged from 20 to 50 per cent began to climb higher. Settlement must be made before 3 o’clock. Money must be forthcoming, or the close of

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the business day would see Wall street a mass of ruins and banks and trust companies on the brink of collapse. How perfect the stage setting! How real it all seemed! But back of the scenes Morgan and Stillman were in conference. They had made their representations at Washington. They knew when the next installment of aid would reach New York. They knew just how much it would be. They awaited its arrival and deposit. Thereupon they pooled an equal amount. But they held it. They waited. Interest rates soared. Wall street was driven to a frenzy. Two o’clock came, and interest rates ran to 150 per cent. The smashing of the market became terrific. Still they waited. Union Pacific declined 104 points in ten sales. Northern Pacific and other stocks went down in like proportion. Five minutes passed—ten minutes past 2 o’clock. Men looked into each other’s ghastly faces. Then, at precisely 2.15, the curtain went up with Morgan and Standard Oil in the center of the stage with money—real money, twenty-five millions of money—giving it away at 10 per cent. “ Oh, uncrowned King! ” “None but himself can be his parallel.” “ Even to the dullest person standing by, Who fastened still on him a wondering eye, He seemed the master spirit of the land.” And so ended the panic. How beautifully it all worked out. They had the whole country terrorized. They had the money of the deposits of the banks of every State in the Union to the amount of five hundred million, nearly all of which was in the vaults of the big group banks. This served two purposes—it made the country banks join in the cry for currency revision and it supplied the big operators with money to squeeze out investors and speculators at the very bottom of the decline, taking in the stock at an enormous profit. In this connection, the operations of Morgan and the Standard Oil furnish additional evidence of the character of this panic. We have record proof of their utter contempt for commercial interests, not only for the country generally, but for legitimate trade in New York City as well. Had there been bankers with high ideals, bankers with devotion to commercial interests and patriotism for their country, in control of the centralized banks of New York City, the financial mistress of a continent, with a serious panic on, real in character, which had spread throughout the great business houses of the metropolis and to the centers of trade in the nation, bankers having to deal with that crisis, and pressed on the commercial side for money with which to protect the interests and the commercial honor of the country on the one hand, while the bulls and bears of Wall street clamored for loans to enable them to speculate off of the fears and misfortunes of their fellows on the curb and in the stock exchange—confronted, I say, with that dual appeal from the commerce of the country upon the one hand, and the speculators upon the other, bankers who were commercial bankers and not underwriting bankers, promoting bankers, and operating bankers would have cared first of all for the merchant, the manufacturer, and the commerce of the country. How was it with Morgan and the Standard Oil banks ? Did they give aid and support to the distressed merchant and manufacturer? Did they say to the bulls and bears, “You shall be denied the funds of our banks to still further stimulate existing excitement ?” Alas, no. They pursued the course of the speculating banker. They ministered to the needs of Wall street, quite deaf to the appeals of commerce. Their course was that of men who were playing with the credit of the country for a purpose. They curtailed their commercial loans in every possible way. They steadily increased their call loans on the street, bestowing favor in a way to promote their own interests, supplying their own private brokers, denying applications and forcing all other brokers to a cash basis wherever it would turn the balance their way. The increase of call loans on collateral aggregated over fifty millions. They let great commercial houses, great manufacturing concerns, like the Westinghouse Company, down to ruin and dishonor, while they protected their speculative patrons. No better evidence could be asked to establish the character of this panic or the character of the men who were in command. By their fruits ye shall know them ! Congressional Record — Senate

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page 3434 1908 March 17 Senate bill 3023 Amendment of National Banking Laws Wisconsin Senator La Follette On October 20, the New York Clearing House, which had a critical role clearing checks between banks, forced Morse to resign from his banking interests. This did not stop the panic, however, which went on to topple the Knickerbocker Trust Company, New York's third largest trust... 6

Charles Tracy Barney

Knickerbocker Trust 1904


And just as Mr. Barney’s tragedy was playing out, the seeds were sown for the mutilation of his superb 1903 bank at Fifth Avenue and 34th Street, designed by Stanford White. Mr. Barney became president of Knickerbocker Trust in 1897. In the next 10 years the bank’s deposits grew to from $10 million to $61 million …. It was also a beautiful building, and Barney was proud of his creation. When it became known that Mr. Morse and Mr. Heinze were associated in some projects with Mr. Barney, he was obliged to resign from the bank he had helped create, on Oct. 21. On Nov. 14, Barney shot himself. Two days after the suicide, The American Architect commented coldly that the low-rise Knickerbocker bank, “so much in fashion just now, is really nothing so much as an advertisement,” and that “when disaster comes, a well-rented skyscraper is a more valuable asset.” 81 [Note: This building had been a dream of Barney’s, that he saw fulfilled, but there goes the troublemakers going after their enemy’s cherished buildings…] In 1907 Tesla had just announced a major research effort into wireless electrical transmission and was waiting for substantial financing from Mercantile Bank, which was largely owned by Charles W. Morse. Mercantile Bank was one of the first banks that Morgan had allowed to go under. 60 Thus we see that the 1907 “financial panic” was also used for cutting funding to Tesla. This should not be underestimated in it’s importance. Tesla had developed the means to provide free electrical power to anywhere in the world. This meant that homes would be provided free electricty, as well as electric automobiles running on free electricity. Further, it should be noted that John Jacob Astor, (due to the fact that his fortune was basically controlled by

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these very same jewish troublemaker bankers), hid his financial and moral support of Tesla as best he could. It was Astor that arranged the financial help for Tesla through his friend Charles W. Morse. This will all be discussed in further detail in the relevant book of this series. By October 22, Westinghouse had almost got things arranged and under control with his old friend Judge Reed, and Knickerbocker Trust goes down starting a chain reaction. Morgan refuses to help, so that he can now control what happens. Morgan held day and night meetings in his library as he moved to “take control of the panic”. Morgan forced the banks to issue scrip in lieu of cash to keep the system afloat. An image promoted by the New York Times was of the “public looking to Morgan as their savior”. Teddy Roosevelt now “had” to ally with Morgan. Morgan’s European connections promoted the same image in the press, to the point of having Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild “call Morgan.” As to Westinghouse, first, he had soundly defeated Morgan, Edison and General Electric in the “war of the currents”. Second, he was the only major industrialist who had ever successfully rebuffed him. Morgan, and his jewish banker friends, were now ready to get even, and close the trap. Morgan refused to let any New York bankers help Westinghouse, and Andrew Mellon, the lead Pittsburg banker, held back the Pittsburgh bankers (because of the rebuff in 1892 by Westinghouse to his “financial panic”) 60 1907 – October 23 – Morgan gave Westinghouse to another consortium of New York bankers to devour - while he gave himself and Henry Frick... Tennessee Coal and Iron (their major competitor as United States Steel), which they had been afraid to try and take over previously because of the possibility of Anti-Trust suits. The bottom line? Morgan took over Westinghouse. Three of Westinghouse’s companies went into Receivership, he was allowed to remain President, but the board was constituted of bankers from New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago, and Boston. Westinghouse was anxious to resume his research and experimentation, and in the final blow, they took even that away from him. None of that would be done. Morgan’s motto? Research is unnecessary if you have no competition. Because his name was so strong, and his employees so loyal, the bankers, in a concession they refused to even give Edison, had to keep the Westinghouse name on the company. They made his life hell trying to get him to resign, but he stayed on out of loyalty to his employees, even though he was little more than a figurehead, and was not allowed to make financial decisions, nor do anything he loved such as engineering and research.

New York Times Honors Morgan as Nation’s Savior Westinghouse Now Controlled by the New York Bankers The Final Insult - Westinghouse Mansion Destroyed The New York Times is owned by Adolph S. Och who is a member of Temple Emanu-el. Morgan is honored as

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the nation’s savior in the New York Times on October 27. Morgan and the jewish banker oligarchy caused the “financial panic” and used it to knock out their competition. Charles Barney, head of Knickerbocker Trust, committed suicide. The ordinary people all across the nation were also financially harmed by all of this. 60 And Morgan is then honored as the nation’s savior. That’s just plain sick. The interesting thing is that one thing people like Morgan, Schiff, Rockefeller, Frick, etc. can never have, is the kind of loyalty and honoring demonstrated to Westinghouse by his employees, when they made offers to try and help him.

J. P. Morgan assaulting photographers (he hated being photographed due to facial disfigurement caused by the skin disease Rosacea, and had all of his portraits retouched) In my opinion, this is Morgan without his “mask”, a much truer view of what he was really like. 1911 – Summer – the directors of Westinghouse forced a proxy fight for the company President (since they had been unsuccessful in their behavior modification campaign against George Westinghouse). The papers, of course, were following this and making sure everyone knew about it, ie: what new insult they were heaping on George’s head. Westinghouse of course “lost” the presidency of Westinghouse to Edwin Atkins. Thousands of workers in Pittsburgh were saddened over the loss of their beloved boss. 1912 – March – The now taken-over Westinghouse corporation sues Tesla for $23,000 for equipment loaned out in 1907. So now, Morgan and the jewish-troublemakers use Westinghouse’s company to attack Tesla, yet another poisoned arrow shot into the “heart” of Westinghouse. George Westinghouse died in 1914. There is a historical pattern of the vindictive bankers, wherein they destroy the house of anyone who significantly opposed them and build something else where it once stood. I call it their version of “salting the earth”. Even Westinghouse’s death wasn’t enough for these crazed jewish troublemakers. Their final blow to George Westinghouse was to destroy his mansion in 1919.

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George Westinghouse mansion Presumably after being “innocently approached” with the idea, Westinghouse’s son sold his father’s mansion to the Engineers Society of Western Pennsylvania. They told him that their intent was to establish a city park and a memorial to Westinghouse there. They did not do that. They, of course, razed the house to the ground. And they put the George Westinghouse Memorial a few miles away in Schenley Park! Since the now Morgan/Banker dominated Westinghouse Electric Co is part of this Engineers Society, this is not a big surprise. 61 The house of Andrew Carnegie was also destroyed within this same park. Thus the financial threat posed to the jewish banker oligarchy by Westinghouse and Tesla – providing alternating current electricity in competition with their electric companies – was over. The only major American company that was not under the control of the New York bankers, was now under their control. But the connection between Tesla and John Jacob Astor posed an even bigger financial threat to the New York bankers. And that threat was not over until the Titanic was sunk.

References 1. The Menorah, monthly magazine of Independent Order B'ne B'rith, Vol XXII, Jan-June 1897 2. Article in Menorah titled Manual Training And The Jews, by Dr. Henry M. Leipziger 3. 4. 5. An Encylopedia article 6. Wikipedia Encyclopedia 7. 8. 9. A Treasury of Titanic Tales by Webb Garrison, published by Rutledge Hill Press, 1998

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10. Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters published May 1912 11. New Columbia Encyclopedia 12. 13. 14. History Channel special "Titanic's Final Moments" 15. Testimony before the US Senate hearings into Titanic sinking 16. 17. 18. Chicago Tribune 28 Dec 1997 - Radio Notes Bring Titanic’s Pleas For Help Back To Life 19. 20. 21. Robert Hunston’s Log – "The Titanic Disaster as Viewed from Cape Race" 22. New York Times 26 April 1912 – Did Not See Titanic Capt. Moore Insists 23. 24. Official Report to the Cunard Line, by A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia 25. 26. 27. Hudson Dispatch 18 Nov 1943 Hero of Titanic Lifeboat 13, Which Rescued Mrs. Astor… 28. New York Times April 22, 1912 – Astor Saved Us, Say Women 29. 30. The Hudson Observer 20 April 1912 31. Titanic & Olympic: The Truth Behind the Conspiracy By Bruce Beveridge, Steve Hall 2004 32. Worcester Evening Gazette 19 April 1912 - Astor Put Boy By Wife's Side 33. New York Times 18 April 1912 – Marconi Cheered for Wireless Feats 34. NY Times 25th July 1912 - Financier Refuses to Discuss Business or Politics 35. Causes and Effects of the Rapid Sinking of the Titanic by Vicki Bassett 36. 37. 38. 39. ] 40. Scientology – The Blind Leading the Blind Part 2 41. 42. The Morgan-Honduras Loan by Juan E. Paredes – 1912 vol. 3 43. Nikola Tesla and John Jacob Astor, by Marc J. Seifer 44. 45. 46. 47. The Banana Men: American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America by Lester D. Langley, Thomas D. Schoonover 48. History of The Jews of Louisiana 49. 50. 51. 52. New Orleans and the New South By Andrew Morrison, published 1888 53. US genweb for Louisiana birth records 54. 55. 56. 57. United States and Latin America: Dollar Diplomacy, Juan Leets, New Orleans 1912

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58. New York Times, June 22, 1913 - Appraisement of Estate Reveals Astor’s Personality 59. 60. George Westinghouse: gentle genius by Quentin R. Skrabec, Jr., Quentin R. Skrabec 61. 62. New York Times, May 1910

63. 64. 65. 66. 67. New York Times article January 12, 1913 – Big Morgan Concern In Ship Inquiry 68. Wizard: the life and times of Nikola Tesla: biography of a genius - Marc J. Seifer - 1998 69. 70. New York Times, April 15, 1913 - Titanic Claims…. 71. New York Times - August 9, 1903 72. The New International Year Book 1911 73. J. Pierpont Morgan: An Intimate Portrait by Herbert L. Satterlee 1939 74. Nikola Tesla: The Lost Wizard by Marc J. Seifer 75. Nikola Tesla, My Inventions - Originally published, 1919 - Electrical Engineer 76. 77. A summary from World Class Business by Phillip Mattera 78. The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance by Ron Chernow 79. Quentin P. Taylor (2004) "Money and Politics in the Land of Oz" The Independent Institute – Wikipedia 80. The life story of J. Pierpont Morgan : a biography - published October 1911 81. Article By Christopher Gray Published: March 5, 2009 New York Times 82. 83. Combination in the mining industry: a study of concentration… by Henry Raymond Mussey 1905 84. 85. 86. FIRST STEP IN BIG TELEPHONE DEAL…New York Times – October 1, 1901

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Book 2 of

Sinking Titanic

by Seven

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Astor and Tesla Are Inventors and Share Ideas

Tesla – age 38 – 1894 In 1888, Tesla began working at Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company. George Westinghouse listened to Tesla’s ideas about systems that would transmit alternating current electricity over long distances. He offered Tesla an excellent deal for the patent rights to Tesla's AC motor. He paid Tesla $60,000 in cash and Westinghouse stock and agreed to pay him $2.50 per horsepower on all AC capacity the company sold. 55, 56

Tesla was interested in providing power without cost. As early as 1891 he had demonstrated the transmission of electrical energy without wires. (The idea of free electricity was not welcomed by the jewish troublemakers, think of the lost profits!)

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John Jacob Astor IV assumes control of the family fortune in 1892. He was one of the wealthiest men on the planet, with assets in the neighborhood of $100 million. He is more than 3 times richer than J.P. Morgan, whose wealth was perhaps $30 million. 43, 55 Astor was involved in the project to use Niagra Falls for hydroelectric power in 1893. Westinghouse and Tesla proposed using their alternating current electricity in opposition to the Morgan and Edison proposal using direct current electricity. Astor recommended Tesla’s alternating current. Westinghouse and Tesla got the contract. The World Fair was held in Chicago in 1893. Tesla’s friendship with Astor was solidified at the Fair where they both had exhibits. Astor was also an inventor. Astor won a prize at the Fair for his pneumatic walkway.

John Jacob Astor IV The alliance between Tesla and Astor began. Tesla began frequently inviting Astor to his New York laboratory where he demonstrated many of his inventions. Astor had his own laboratory in the basement of his mansion. Astor spent much of his time in his lab. 43, 58 Astor was nothing like the “rich playboy” image the press (such as the New York Times) consistently tried to foist off on the public. After he was killed on the Titanic, an article was run in the New York Times detailing his estate. In it, some interesting points were mentioned, which I have excerpted: (emphasis mine) The simplicity of Col. Astor’s personal, intimate surroundings is one of the most forceful impressions gathered from the appraisal. With a fortune of more than $87,000,000 and an income estimated at not less than $3,000,000 a year, his immediate belongs, including wearing apparel, jewelry and dressing requisites, did not foot up to more than $10,820. ….Seeking this more intimate man, attention must be directed to three rooms in the Fifth Avenue residence which have been ignored in the newspaper reports of the appraisal and the existence of which was possibly realised only vaguely by those who dined at Col. Astor’s table and danced in his ballroom. Two of these rooms are in the basement, the third on the third floor. One basement room is set down in the appraiser’s report as the laboratory. It’s contents are valued at $1,000, none of the details being given. Adjoining it is a bedroom…

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The room on the third floor was Col. Astor’s library;‌on the bookshelves were no first or early editions or bindings demanding special attention. In this room and the laboratory in the basement Col. Astor spent much of his time. His friends regarded him as a man with a serious turn of mind in matters relating to science and invention. 58

Astor mansion Ava Willing was his wife, a narcissistic woman, she had married him for his money. She was hard with her husband and children and at times vicious. 43

Tesla was the first to demonstrate the Wireless Transmitter/Receiver in St. Louis in 1893. He was the inventor of the radio. In 1894, Tesla erects his first small radio station in his laboratory and begins his experiments in radio technology.

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Astor and Tesla Interest in Extraterrestrials Both Inventors Interested in Providing Power Without Cost 1894 – November approx - John Jacob Astor IV publishes “A Journey Into Other Worlds; A Romance of the Future” in which he predicted that the world by the year 2000 would be populated by automobiles, airplanes, weapons so terrible that war would be unthinkable, magnetic railways, space travel and television. Inventions Astor envisioned included a picture telephone, an aeroplane with the ability to fly to Europe in one day, an electric automobile, hidden phonographs by the police to record conversations of criminals, color photography, a rain making device, the idea of colonizing the solar system and the understanding that the earth would appear like a crescent moon when seen from outerspace (which it does, but how did he know that? – something to think about). His book predicts solar and wind energy, wireless transmission of power, super-metals, electric automobiles, linear motor trains, battery operated airplanes with screw propellers, advanced medicine with inoculations for all sorts of diseases, traffic policemen checking auto speed with instant cameras, and weather control. He says that “Rainmaking is another subject removed from the uncertainties, and has become an absolute science.” It is interesting which of Astor’s revelations of technology were the most heavily suppressed. This one, for example: advanced medicine with inoculations for all sorts of diseases, is an incredibly accurate summary of where medicine should have gone. Instead, we have the AMA (American Medical Association) standard, demonstrated as “when in doubt, cut it out”, and it’s nightmare of medieval tortures posing as healing. Without the domination of the jewish troublemakers ideas about “healing”, things would have been a whole lot easier for the human race. But not to worry, their “run” of un-opposed power is at an end. To give you an idea of how advanced Astor’s discussion of this was, only in the last 15 years or so, has there been ANY “official” acknowledgement that diseases previously labelled as needing “drugs and surgery”, were factually caused by bacteria, and could be cured by a simple innoculation of an inexpensive anti-biotic. This was…. the ulcer. In 1981 Barry J. Marshall was training in internal medicine at the Royal Perth Hospital, in Western Australia, when he became interested in incidences of spiral bacteria in the stomach lining. The bacteria were assumed to be irrelevant to ulcer pathology, but Marshall and J. R. Warren, a histopathologist who had previously observed the bacteria, reviewed the records of patients whose stomachs were infected with large numbers of these bacteria. They noticed that when one patient was treated with tetracycline for unrelated reasons, his pain vanished, and an endoscopy revealed that his ulcer was gone. Marshall spent the next 5 years trying to convince the medical establishment of this simple fact that a bacteria called H. pylori was causing ulcers. They just laughed him off. In 1986, he then demonstrated incontrovertible proof of this, by drinking H. pylori and giving himself ulcers and then curing them with an anti-biotic. Another NINE YEARS went by before this treatment was allowed on Joe Q. public. Marshall, is still amazed by it all. He said: 'Hundreds, even thousands of people must have died from ulcers who wouldn't have.'" In 1910 a man named Peyton Rous discovered the Rous sarcoma virus, and demonstrated that chickens infected with it developed cancer. Over the years many other cancer viruses have been discovered in animals. And yet

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until 1979, despite broad hints from the animal world, not a single human cancer was generally accepted as infectious. Rous had been lucky: his chickens became sick only two weeks after infection. Human cancers follow a more languorous course, which means that by the time symptoms show up, any infectious causation may well be buried under a lifetime of irrelevant risk factors. Yet here we are over 30 years later, and this is still being suppressed as the correct way to view cancer, let alone, how easy it is to cure it. There are current, well-researched studies (just like the ulcer scenario) showing that Heart Disease and Cancer are caused by infectious pathogens, but are we allowed to be treated for it in such a simple way? Oh, no. Still, we are subjected with the “only solution” as being the macabre sawing and chopping and drugging program. This is pure evil, and is motivated by the fact that millions of dollars would no longer fill the jewish troublemaker’s coffers, if such simple cures were used! See my point on how accurate Astor was on this point, and what a threat that was to them even then? If you are interested, here is a link to an article entitled Antibiotics Against Heart Disease? The next thing I find fascinating from Astor’s book, was how to make rain. This was also one of Astor's favorite projects. He had an idea for creating rain by "pumping warm, moist air from the earth's surface into the upper atmosphere,". In this area as well, Astor was blocked - by no less than the U.S. patent office. His patent application was refused, and the reason given was that it was “weather control”. That stands out in glaring hypocrisy, because that is exactly what the U.S. Government would later employ directly themselves, weather control. The HAARP project, Chem-trails to seed the atmosphere, etc. etc. What you see here, in this blocking of Astor on his idea to bring rain to places that desperately needed it, is the same old story. The jewish troublemakers want a MONOPOLY. They are not interested in a true humanitarian advance such as helping bring rain to areas of the world decimated by draught due to over-logging (and other things), No. That would make such people less dependent on the jewish troublemakers and their inferior products and services. And therein, lies the crux of the matter. It is interesting where one of the first public attacks on his book came from. Certain circles around the Golden Dawn were NOT amused by his novel, which stands out due to their much ballyhooed cultivation of such things. However, this apparent hypocrisy makes perfect sense when you take the wide-view of The Golden Dawn. It was a Jewish subversive organization, primarily operating on an agent-provocateur status, but some of the members were also straight-out spies. Astor, was most definitely NOT one of their “boys”. He was either Crypto-Jew nor Jesuit. He belonged to a much older group which still exists to this day. As did President Andrew Jackson. So, this is why an insulting review of Astor’s book came sliming out of the Golden Dawn quarter. A review of his book was published in The Unknown World, a publication which only lasted 2 years and revolved around Arthur Edward Waite, who was it’s editor. An “anonymous writer” reviews the book and says “A special faculty is requisite for the scientific romancer; it is possessed by Jules Vern….M Maitland….Lord Lytton; it is quite wanting in Mr. Astor.” Arthur Edward Waite, or A.E. Waite as it is often abbreviated to, was one of the most prolific writers on occultism and magic. He is best known today for having created the most popular tarot deck in the world -- the Rider/ Waite Deck. He joined the Golden Dawn in January 1891, just 3 years before Astor’s book was published.

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Arthur Edward Waite Perhaps Astor's most impressive prediction in 1894, was the path that his "space-ship" Callisto, took on its journey to Jupiter. Astor hypothesized that just as magnetism has a repelling force, gravity should as well. He called the opposite of gravity, apergy. By harnessing apergy, the astronauts in the story, aimed their ship [first] towards the sun, and then "change[d] their course to something like a tangent to the earth, and [received] their final right direction [back out towards Jupiter] in swinging near the moon... to bring apergy into play." Exactly a century after writing this book, NASA actually did send a spacecraft, named the Galileo, on a voyage along a remarkably similar trajectory, using Venus, instead of the moon as the pivot, for the swing-back out towards Jupiter. Astor talked about harnessing apergy, meaning anti-gravity, using it to propel spacecraft. He also refers to the harnessing of anti-gravity as being a technology of the ancients. Astor’s word “apergy” began to be associated with Keelys inventions, and an article about Keely was published that same year entitled “Apergy: Power Without Cost” which explains it as “the reverse counterpart of gravitation”. 43 Tesla was also interested in providing power without cost. He had demonstrated the transmission of electrical energy without wires in 1891. In February 1895 Tesla says, "If there are intelligent inhabitants of Mars or any other planet, it seems to me that we can do something to attract their attention". Tesla made headlines in the New York dailies for his bold prediction that he would "signal the stars," and Astor made the bookstores with his space traveling book. Astor presented a copy of his new book to Tesla. The newspapers and magazines continued to promulgate the idea that Mars was inhabited by beings possibly more intelligent than we. 55 Note: Astor was correct about spacecraft. Extraterrestrial spacecraft are not propelled by fuel. He is also correct about anti-gravity being a technology in use in ancient times. However, anti-gravity is not the best word for it, it has to do with magnetism and magnetic drives. Evidence of its use in ancient times will be discussed in Book 4 of this series, when Astor was in Egypt.

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Morgan Fails To Get Control of Tesla Patent Rights Tesla Lab Burned Down and His Inventions Stolen Tesla Black Listed For Funding by the Major Financiers Edward Adams, Alfred Brown and Tesla start the Nikola Tesla Company on 4 Feb 1895 to promote his new inventions. The company had $5,000 in funding but they wanted $500,000. They advertised for funding but the major financiers did not respond. Note that this is the same Edward Adams who was the driving force behind the promotion of the giant hydroelectric power plant at Niagara. (Let There Be Light, Sinking Titanic Book 1) Morgan had already orchestrated circumstances in Tesla’s life in order to force Tesla to be dependent on him for financial backing. During an earlier period, when Tesla himself had millions from his AC generator royalty payments and other earnings, Morgan wanted to woo Tesla with a deal that effectively gave Morgan majority control over his patent rights and projects, but Tesla turned him down, telling Morgan that he had enough money of his own to fund his projects. While returning to his hotel from that very meeting with Morgan, however, Tesla was told that his laboratory had been burned to the ground.

J. P. Morgan By early1895, Tesla was ready to transmit a signal 50 miles to West Point, New York. He had also developed a generator that absorbed heat when liquefied air was re-gasified. It was refrigeration and air conditioning technology. He was ready to file for a patent on that invention. On March 13, 1895, his lab was burnt down, destroying all his equipment, models and inventions. But, as you will see, they were not destroyed, they were taken – the fire was simply a cover so as to make it appear like the “fire” destroyed it all. Immediately after the fire, Carl Von Linde, in Germany, filed "his" patent application for the exact same process as the Tesla generator. The generator was used for storing beer and fruit. 55

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Carl Von Linde After the fire Marconi stole Tesla’s work, which he couldn’t figure out how to operate. The fire enabled Marconi to file the first wireless telegraphy patent in England in 1896. His device had only a two-circuit system, which some said could not transmit "across a pond." Later after Marconi figured out how to operate the stolen Tesla equipment, he set up long-distance demonstrations, using a Tesla oscillator to transmit the signals across the English Channel. 63

Guglielmo Marconi Morgan was suspected as being behind the arson. In order to save face, Morgan was embarrassed by Tesla into putting up the money to pay for the rebuilding of a new lab as an act of “philanthropy”. From that time forward, however, other financial backers were not to be found. Morgan was powerful enough to black list Tesla among the Eastern Establishment elites. Black listing and ostracization by officialdom and financiers lifted somewhat after Morgan’s death, but generally continued to haunt Tesla for the rest of his life. 55

Tesla Does Experiments On Free Electricity Tesla met with Astor on December 19, 1895. Astor said “I am impressed with your endeavor, Mr. Tesla, although, as I understand it, your latest inventions are yet to reach the point of being marketed. Nevertheless, I’ll speak to Mr. Adams. By all means, let’s keep the door open.” Tesla wrote Astor the next day and said: “My dear Mr. Astor,

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Adams would be only too glad to have you with us. We agreed that we would jointly provide from 500 to 100 shares of the Parent Company for yourself and Mr. Webb at the price of $95 a share of a par value of $100 each. The Parent Company owns my patents.68 In late February 1896 Tesla takes a train to Colorado Springs to look over a prospective site for a new lab, and to conduct some experiments. He has a colleague transmit a musical song on an autoharp through Pikes Peak to his receiving equipment, which included another autoharp attuned to the first, four miles away on the other side of the mountain. 68 The experiment was a success. Sunday magazine section of the World, March 8, 1896 announced this wireless achievement, but also that the earth was imbued with “free energy” of unlimited amounts. “Electricity would be as free as the air. The end has come to telegraph, telephone companies, and other monopolies…with a crash.”

Jewish Oligarchy Engineers Spanish-American War As a result of the "War of Currents", General Electric (J.P. Morgan) and Westinghouse went nearly bankrupt, so in 1897, Tesla released Westinghouse from contract, providing Westinghouse a break from Tesla's patent royalties. 43 William McKinley, backed by Morgan, gained ardent support from big business and won the presidential election. He was sworn in March 4, 1897. 6

President William Mckinley In the spring of 1897, near New York, Tesla erects a new and bigger radio station and sends radio signals over a distance of more than 40 km. 43

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In July 1897, Marconi formed his Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company in England. It was later renamed the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company. He promptly started selling transmitters to shipping companies, and, with that, stock in the company. Tesla filed his radio patent application to the US Patent Office on 2 September 1897. It disclosed a four-circuit system, having two circuits each at transmitter and receiver, and recommended that all four circuits be tuned to the same frequency. This apparatus could be used for wireless communication. This patent was granted on 20 March 1900. 64, 55

The jewish oligarchy, including members of the IOBB in New Orleans, were making moves to dominate countries in Latin and Central America, so the oligarchy could capitalize on the natural resources of those countries. For example, Morgan owned the Santa Clara province in Cuba, where a particularly dark and fragrant variety of tobacco is grown. 6, 80 (IOBB - Independent Order of B’nai B’rith, a jewish fraternity) Morgan’s stance on Cuba was that our affiliations with Cuba were very close and the lives of American citizens and their property on the island had been taken more than once so that the first thing to do was to drive Spain out of her richest colonial possession. 73 An American warship, the U.S.S. Maine, was dispatched to Havana harbor. On February 15, 1898, it mysteriously exploded and sank, causing the deaths of 260 men.

wreck of the USS Maine May 1898 was the start of the Spanish-American war. The war was brought on by the international bankers making moves to take control of the exports of Central America. 6 One of Tesla's greatest inventions was a remote control robotic boat which he called the telautomaton. During the Spanish-American War, he unveiled this boat at the Electrical Exposition, (which military reps attended) held at Madison Square Garden in May 1898. He had previously displayed wireless motors before the Institute of Electrical Engineers in 1892. He believed that the military would want things such as radio-controlled torpedoes. The boat, four-feet in length and three-feet high, was placed in a large tank in the center of the auditorium. By means of a variety of transmitters and frequencies, the inventor could start, stop, propel, steer and operate other features, such as put lights on or off.

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Marconi demonstrated a wireless detonation system. By means of a bomb planted on board an enemy ship, and a simple button placed in the hands of an operator, "Spanish ships" were blown to smithereens. Many of the newspapers featured Marconi's wireless detonation system and ignored Tesla's invention. Compared to Tesla's work, Marconi’s demonstration was small potatoes, but, was fully under the MorganSchiff cartel. 43 To illustrate just how hard this “it’s nothing, and ridiculous” was pushed: In November of 1898, the Examiner-in-Chief of patents came to witness a demonstration of Tesla's telautomaton before granting a patent, so "unbelievable" was the claim. Quote from a book by Tesla, entitled My Inventions: "I remember that when later I called on an official in Washington, with a view of offering the invention to the Government, he burst out in laughter. Nobody thought then that there was the faintest prospect of perfecting such a device." Note: Marconi’s wireless bomb detonation device was under the control of the Morgan-Schiff cartel and they were engineering a war to take control of Latin and Central American countries. That device could have been used to sink the U.S.S. Maine, to start the war.

Astor Secretly Funds Tesla Experiments In Free Electricity Tesla had meetings with John Jacob Astor from February through May 1898, sometimes on his yacht, in his continuing attempts to woo the financier. 43 On 10 January 1899 Astor agrees to invest in Tesla. Astor paid $100,000 for 500 shares in Nikola Tesla Company. Astor bought the 500 shares without recording it in his books. Nicholas Biddle had access to Astor’s books and was unaware that Astor funded Tesla. When Mr. Biddle found out about it after Astor died, he was not pleased. In fact he was quite uncomplimentary about the whole thing, and seemed to do his best to downplay it. I have excerpted the relevant parts of the New York Times article from after Astor was killed, especially note that there is NO MENTION of what work Tesla was doing, which is very revealing. Excerpts follow, emphasis mine: 58 Hidden away, too, in the list of stocks and bonds of the appraiser’s report is another indication of Mr. Astor’s enthusiasm in matters scientific. The item enumerates 500 shares of stock in the Nikola Tesla Company, of “nominal” value. Commenting on this investment, Nicholas Biddle, who was closely associated with Col. Astor in his business affairs, had this to say: “Impossible to Sell.” “This stock was not carried on Col. Astor’s books. It was purchased by Col. Astor under an agreement made with Mr. Tesla personally, of which his office had no information. The stock has never paid any dividends, and it is my understanding that the proceeds from the sales of the stock were used in certain experimental work which has not developed into a paying industry, and in my judgement it would be impossible to sell this stock.”

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After Astor’s full support began, Tesla then moves into Astor’s hotel, the Waldorf Astoria, where he lived rentfree. 55, 58 Tesla begins high-voltage experiments in Colorado Springs, Colorado on 18 May 1899. He researches wireless transmission and electricity - this is funded by John Jacob Astor IV in direct opposition to General Electric/Marconi which are run by J.P. Morgan. 43 He immediately began building a massive high voltage laboratory with an extremely large Tesla coil resonance transformer measuring over 52 feet in diameter. 43 Tesla had a future vision of free electrical power. Tesla's diary contains explanations of his experiments concerning the ionosphere and the ground's currents. He proved that the earth was a conductor. He also investigated atmospheric electricity. He produced artificial lightning with discharges of millions of volts, and 135 feet long. 6 Tesla erects a big, 200 kilowatt radio station and establishes wireless telegraphy at a distance of over 1000 kilometers. He also conducts successful experiments with wireless transmission of larger amounts of electric power. He achieves frequencies of up to 20 million volts and invents a special apparatus, the "magnifying" transmitter. 43

Photo of Tesla seated by discharging Tesla coil at the Tesla lab in Colorado Springs (image credit: 1899 photo, Dickenson V. Alley/Burndy Library, via Tesla constructed many Tesla coil resonance transformers in his lab and discovered the concept of tuned electrical circuits. A separate and smaller Tesla coil resonance transformer that is tuned to the same high frequency as the large high voltage Tesla coil resonance transformer will actually "receive" electrical energy from the massive Tesla coil which acts as a "transmitter" of wireless electrical energy. Tesla was later nominated for but declined the Nobel Prize in Physics for his experiments with tuned circuits using his large high voltage high frequency Tesla coil resonance transformers. Nikola Tesla first logged these observations into

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his diary on July 3, 1899.


A "world system" for "the transmission of electrical energy without wires" that depends upon the electrical conductivity of the earth was proposed, in which transmission in various natural media, with current that passes between the two points, are used to power devices. 55 Note: Even if you do not fully understand the scientific terminology and concepts, you can still get an idea of what Tesla had in mind – a system that transmitted electrical power through the air, without wires, to operate electrical devices. This would have had an enormous impact, providing homes and electric automobiles with free electrical power. Imagine the horror felt by the jewish troublemakers and their associates – they would not be able to sell their gasoline for cars or sell their electricity to every individual home. Also in 1899, on June 6, John Jacob Astor and Edward Dean Adams are elected directors of the Cataract Construction Company (Niagara Falls) Other directors are George Bowdoin, Charles F. Clark, Charles Lanier, Joseph Laroque, D.O. Mills, William B. Randine, Francis Lynde Stetson, F.W. Whitridge and Edward A. Wicks.100 So that is 2 companies and Tesla projects now, that Adams and Astor are together on. Tesla Granted Radio Patent in the US In 1899 Marconi traveled to the United States to supervise wireless reporting of the America's Cup yacht race between the 'Columbia' [J.P. Morgan’s yacht] and the 'Shamrock'. The U.S. Navy invited him to demonstrate wireless telegraphy between two ships that were 35 miles apart. 64 Tesla left Colorado Springs on 7 January 1900. 6 Astor was not around in the early part of 1900, Tesla can't get ahold of him. In February 1900, Westinghouse gives Tesla a loan for a few thousand dollars, because he is being tied up with suits re the AC polyphase patents (Morgan again). Tesla’s radio patent was granted by the US Patent Office on 20 March 1900. 1900 - Tesla wrote a 12,000 word article for the June issue of Century magazine about how to increase “human energy”. He dealt with such things as evolution of the race, the possibility of future beings not having to eat, the role of nitrogen in fertilizer, alternative energy sources, the fact that there are multiple worlds, telautomatics, etc. He also was concerned with environmental issues such as air and water pollution. Tesla sends a copy to Astor, including his wireless patent applications. In a letter to Astor, Tesla said: “The patents give me an absolute monopoly in the United States not only for power purposes, but also for establishing telegraphic communication…no matter how great the distance.” Tesla follows up this article with “Talking With The Planets” in the magazine Colliers. Tesla still can’t get ahold of Astor, so he writes a letter on August 24, 1900 and asks “Is it possible that you should have something against me? Not hearing from you I cannot otherwise interpret

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your silence”. Astor responds saying he is glad to get his letter and will get back to him. Either these letters are more forged additions to the Tesla papers, or it is purely a cover, ie: to make it look like they are “not in touch”. I mean look at this guy, this is not a stupid man.

The letters do not align with the facts of Astor’s support of Tesla. In fact – they were most definitely in touch. But it was a dangerous alliance. Especially with Morgan around having them spied on. They couldn’t send open telegrams either, because Morgan owned Western Union and could easily have that line watched as well. And, if someone would go so far as to burn down his lab, well…you can imagine what they’d think about Tesla and Astor allying. Marconi's first patent application in America, filed on November 10, 1900, was turned down. Marconi's revised applications over the next three years were repeatedly rejected because of the priority of Tesla and other inventors. 55

Morgan Allegedly Funds Tesla The authors who wrote biographies on the life of Nikola Tesla do not agree on the events regarding J.P. Morgan funding Tesla: Tesla had plans for building a facility for transmissions at Wardenclyffe, Long Island. In November 1900 Tesla allegedly had meetings with Morgan and asked for $100,000 to erect a plant to transmit messages across the Atlantic. On December 10, 1900 he allegedly sent Morgan a letter outlining his work. Thereafter Morgan decided to fund Tesla in the amount of $150,000. On February 12, 1901, Tesla wrote a thank you note to Morgan: How can I begin to thank you in the name of my profession and my own great generous man! My work will proclaim loudly your name to the world. You will soon see that not only am I capable of appreciating deeply the nobility of your action, but also of making your primarily philanthropic investment a hundred times the sum you have put at my disposal in such a magamimous and princely way! Tesla said that Morgan’s funding was primarily philanthropic. However, another Tesla biographer says that Morgan received 51% of the company and also 51% of all present and future patents in wireless transmission and lighting. Actually if it’s even true that Morgan gave him any money (which is questionable considering the past relationship and Morgan’s history of vindictiveness), then perhaps this is another example of “embarrassing” Morgan into giving him some more money, because of the burning down of his lab and his

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devices showing up in the hands of Marconi and others after this. March 1, 1901 - Tesla and Morgan allegedly sign a contract. 68 But, there is a problem with that allegation. Morgan’s signature on the contract does not match his signature on other documents. Morgan’s signature on a letter to Miss Stevens in 1851 -

Morgan’s alleged signature on the 1901 contract with Tesla -

73, 76

The FBI took Tesla’s papers right after he died and did not release them for a long time. The above signatures not matching, raises some ugly possibilities of what may have been done to the Tesla papers while they were in the hands of the U.S. Government – additions, alterations that were forgeries. March 3, 1901 – the Long Island Democrat reported: Nikola Tesla has purchased a 200-acre tract at Wardenclyffe for the establishment of a wireless telegraphy plant. The land and improvements will cost $150,000. Note: Whether the Morgan funding was philanthropic or not, Morgan gave Tesla $150,000 to erect a plant to transmit messages across the Atlantic. Tesla didn’t tell Morgan the plant would be able to distribute free electricity to anywhere in the world!

Tesla Builds Tower at Wardenclyffe Morgan Learns The Tower Will Provide Free Electricity Morgan Ceases Funding Before The Facility Is Completed August 2, 1901 - The Port Jefferson Echo reported: Mr. Nikola Tesla, the world renowned scientist on Tuesday of this week, closed a contract for the immediate

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building of a wireless telegraph plant and electrical laboratory at Wardenclyffe, ...where on the 200 acres recently acquired by Mr. Tesla, he will within thirty days, begin the erection of a plant, which when completed will be the largest of its kind in the world. The power plant will be 350-horse power. 69 On December 12, 1901, Marconi for the first time transmitted and received signals across the Atlantic Ocean. Otis Pond, an engineer then working for Tesla, said, "Looks as if Marconi got the jump on you." Tesla replied, "Marconi is a good fellow. Let him continue. He is using seventeen of my patents." 64 1902 – February - the Port Jefferson Echo reported: “...the Tesla improvements at Wardenclyffe have gone steadily forward. The power house... is 100 feet square and divided into a boiler room, engine and dynamo room, machine shop and laboratory. The boilers, engines, dynamo and other electrical equipment are being placed under the supervision of Westinghouse Electric Company. The tunnels, which were built under the great tower, were considered a great mystery. A well was dug below the tower 120’ deep and 12’ square. Connected to the well were four brick-lined tunnels nearly 100 feet in length. The power house is completed... within a very brief period, he will be transmitting messages across the ocean through his wonderful wireless system.” 69 Note: This part - The boilers, engines, dynamo and other electrical equipment are being placed under the supervision of Westinghouse Electric Company. Yet more evidence that this was not Morgan’s “investment”, he would NEVER have allowed this to be done by Westinghouse, his arch-enemy – he would have insisted that it be his company – General Electric. Tesla would have known this, so if he ever did get any money from Morgan, it was hush money – pure and simple, and using Westinghouse is much more consistent with where Tesla’s loyalties were... Astor and Westinghouse.

February 22, 1902 - the Port Jefferson Echo reported: “The immense wireless telegraph plant now being built at Wardenclyffe marks the beginning of the real war between Marconi and Nikola Tesla. Marconi has so far found only one way to send messages by wireless telegraphy - through the air. Tesla will try two methods. By means of his great tower he will send messages through the air. By means of his great well he will send messages through the ground. It is the latter method that Tesla thinks will achieve the greatest success. The principles on which Tesla will send wireless messages through the ground is, as explained by a friend, that a straight line through the earth, say between New York and London, is shorter than a line around the earth. His belief in it is so great that he has declared, in confidence to his friends, that ten years from now Wardenclyffe will be the great telegraph and cable center of America.” Tesla added an elaborate 187-foot steel tower to Wardenclyffe. With the tower, Tesla boasted that not only could he distribute electric power anywhere in the world but also broadcast news, transmit telephone calls,

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and send facsimile messages.

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The Famous Tesla Tower erected in Shoreham, Long Island, New York was 187 feet high, the spherical top was 68 feet in diameter. The Tower, which was to be used by Nikola Tesla is his "World Wireless" was never finished. The August 1902 “Babylon Signal” stated: “the power house at Wardenclyffe occupies nearly three acres... Mr. Tesla asserted there was a similar power house in Scotland.” Tesla said “We have been sending wireless messages for long distances from this station for some time, but whether we are going into the telegraph field on a commercial basis I cannot say at present. 69

Tesla runs out of money in 1903. Morgan refuses to provide any additional funding after learning of Tesla's true plans for Wireless Power Transmission (wireless transmission of electricity, which would have resulted in people having free electricity). In a letter to Morgan, Tesla admits he did not tell Morgan his true aim for the tower was a mark much higher than that originally presented - that is, the wireless transmission of electrical power. Tesla and Morgan exchange letters: July 3, 1903

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"If I would have told you such as this before, you would have fired me out of your office. Will you help me or let my great work - almost complete - go to pots?" Note: That is a very odd use of slang there. The expression is “go to pot”, not “go to POTS”. Perhaps this is yet more evidence of an, inept in this case, forgery. The answer July 14, 1903 N. Tesla, Esq. "I have received your letter... and in reply would say that I should not feel disposed at present to make any further advances." J. P. Morgan With such a reply from Morgan he left for the solace of his laboratory to conduct preliminary tests. That night, and for several succeeding nights, the residents of Shoreham were astonished to see lightning-like flashes emanating from the tower. At times the air was filled with blinding streaks which seemed to shoot off into the darkness on some mysterious errand. When questioned about them the following day, neither Tesla nor his workers would give any explanation. In 1903, when Tesla realized that financial backing for Wardenclyffe would cease, he demonstrated lighteningtype flashes from his tower in Shoreham. The July 14th report from the New York Sun stated: “Tesla’s Flashes Startling, but he won’t tell what he is trying for at Wardenclyffe. Natives hereabouts are intensely interested in the nightly electrical display shown from the tall tower where Nikola is conducting his experiments in wireless telegraph and telephony. All sorts of lightning were flashed from the tall tower and poles last night. For a time, the air was filled with blinding streaks of electricity, which seemed to shoot off into the darkness on some mysterious errand. When interviewed, Tesla said “The people about there, had they been awake instead of asleep, at other times would have seen even stranger things. Some day, but not at this time, I shall make an announcement of something that I never once dreamed of!” The fall of 1903 saw the onset of the "Rich Man's Panic," an aggravation which compounded Tesla's problem of securing investment capital. Tesla exclaimed, "My enemies have been so successful in representing me as a poet and visionary, that it is absolutely imperative for me to put out something commercial without delay." Most damaging of all, a whispering campaign had begun. "If Tesla's plan is such a good thing, why does not Morgan see it through? He is the very last man to let a good thing go." 69

US Patent Office Violates Tesla Radio Patents Marconi Given Radio Patents In 1904, the U.S. Patent Office suddenly and surprisingly reversed its previous decisions and gave Marconi a

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patent for the invention of radio. The reason for this has never been fully explained, but Marconi did have powerful financial backing in the United States. Tesla begins his fight as the inventor of radio. This would end with the Supreme Court ruling that Marconi infringed on Tesla’s patents, and Tesla was recognized as the inventor of the radio. 64 On May 4, 1905, the fundamental patents on alternating current motors and electric power transmission which he had sold to the Westinghouse Company expired. This was the end of royalty payments from Westinghouse to Tesla. Tesla cannot pay his workers, forcing him to close operations at Wardenclyffe. Notice was then received by Tesla from Colorado Springs that a suit had been instituted against him for nonpayment of electricity furnished to his experimental station in 1899. Earlier, the city had sent a bill for water furnished the station. At the same time another notice was received that the caretaker at his laboratory there was bringing suit for unpaid balance of wages due. Tesla ordered that the station should be sold for value of lumber. Tesla has to close his lab. 55 Brooklyn Times June 1905 reported: Mr. Tesla claims that it is today possible to communicate between any two points on earth, using the earth as a conductor. From his plant at Wardenclyfe he could run the electric motors and the big printing presses in the Brooklyn Times office. County Review June 23, 1905 reported: This one gathers from occasional meetings with the Wizard of Wardenclyffe. The inventor positively asserts that there are many infringements of his patents in daily use in connection with wireless telegraphy”. He says he has met with an immense amount of opposition along various lines and that difficulties which would have put most men out of the race have been successfully overcome. 69

Tesla and Astor’s friend, Stanford White, is killed on June 25, 1906. White was shot by Henry Thaw, the son of Pittsburgh coal and railroad baron William Thaw. During the finale, "I Could Love A Million Girls", Henry Thaw fired three shots at close range into Stanford White's face, killing him. There were 2 trials, but at the first, the jury was deadlocked: at the second, where he pled insanity, Evelyn testified. Thaw's mother told Evelyn that if she would testify that Stanford White abused her and that Harry only tried to protect her, she'd receive a divorce from Harry Thaw and one million dollars in compensation. She did just that, and performed in court wonderfully: he was found not guilty by reason of insanity. Evelyn got the divorce, but not the money. Thaw testified that he had had a "brainstorm", meaning a moment of temporary insanity.

The Jewish Troublemakers Orchestrate Financial Panic in 1907 Panic Used To Cut Off Funding For Tesla

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The “financial panic” of 1907 was caused by the jewish oligarchy and their financial associates. They used it to takeover businesses that were their competitors. For further details see Book 1 of this series. Among the large New York trust institutions the youngest is a company incorporated in 1907. This is the Astor Trust Company at 389 Fifth Avenue. Morgan, through Baker and Peabody, takes control of Astor's money. 60

Astor was friends with Charles W. Morse. He had also funded Morse in the amount of $110,000. 70 In 1907 Nikola Tesla had just announced a major research effort into wireless electrical transmission and was waiting for substantial financing from Mercantile Bank, which was largely owned by Charles W. Morse. Mercantile Bank was one of the first banks that Morgan had allowed to go under in the financial panic of 1907. 60

Thus we see that the 1907 “financial panic” was also used for cutting funding to Tesla. This should not be underestimated in it’s importance. Further, it should be noted that John Jacob Astor, (due to the fact that his fortune was basically controlled by these very same jewish troublemaker bankers), hid his financial and moral support of Tesla as best he could. It was Astor that arranged the financial help for Tesla through his friend Charles W. Morse.

With Astor Assistance Tesla Continues Inventing Tesla Invents Fuel-less Airplane That Is Propelled by Ground Transmitters In February 1908, Tesla signs a contract with American and British Manufacturing Company. Astor knew the company president, George W. Hoadley. 71 Tesla begins experiments with a new principle of power transmission from fluids and to fluids. From 1908 to 1910, Tesla experiments with pumps, compressors, blowers and steam and gas turbines. Tesla writes a letter to Astor June 8, 1908: My dear Colonel, I am now ready to take an order from you for a self-propelled flying machine, either of the lighter or heavierthan-air type. Yours sincerely, Nikola Tesla Astor remained one of Tesla’s most generous investors. Also, Tesla lived in Astor’s hotel without paying rent – the Waldorf-Astoria. 55 1909 – March 9 – Tesla (with some backing from Astor and his friends) starts the Tesla Propulsion Company with Joseph Hoadley and Walter H. Knight. With stock capitalized at $1 million, it was announced in Electrical World that turbines were being sold to the Alabama Consolidated Coal & Iron Company. Tesla also set up the Tesla Ozone Company, capitalized at $400,000 (made ozone). 1909 – March 22 – Tesla sends a letter to Astor: My dear Col. Astor:

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I was very glad to know from the papers that you have returned to the city and hasten to tell you that my steam and gas turbine, pump, water turbine, air compressor and propeller have all proved a great success. In the opinion of very competent men these inventions will create an enormous revolution. My gas turbine will be the finest thing in the world for a flying machine because it makes it possible to attain as much as 4 or 5 HP for each pound of weight. I have been hard at work on a design of the flying machine and it is going to be something very fine. It will have no screw propeller or inclined plane, rudder or wane - in fact nothing of the old, and it will enable us to lift much greater weights and propel them in the air with ever so much greater speed than has been possible so far. We are making up an automobile in which these new principles are embodied and I am also designing a locomotive for a railroad and am adapting my new propulsion scheme to one of the biggest Atlantic liners. All this information is confidential. I am merely writing knowing that you will be pleased with my success. With kind regards, I am, Sincerely yours, Nikola Tesla Another Tesla invention was a plane that had no fuel, but rather derived its energy from ground transmitters. There is speculation that Tesla constructed a car which was powered by a wireless transmitter situated near Niagara Falls, but there is no proof that such a device was actually constructed. 55 In 1909 a distress call sent out on wireless was responsible for the rescue of over sixteen hundred passengers and crew aboard the White Star Liner 'Republic'. Marconi wins the Nobel Prize for Radio. Tesla deeply resented the fact that Marconi got the prize, and not himself. 3 John Hays Hammond Sr. resigns from the Guggenheim copper coalition, and ran as VP for Taft in 1908, but lost. (Guggenheim is a member of Temple Emanu-el) Hammond Sr. was very interested in inventers, and invited many of them to his home, including Tesla. His son, Jack, studied Tesla’s inventions and began his own experimentations, with a boat steering mechanism and an engine control for a boat. Jack asked his father to arrange a meeting with Tesla. Tesla meets with Jack on 26 September 1909. Jack requested that Tesla send his patent information on wireless control of machinery, which he did. Next, Jack has stolen use of it and Tesla threatens to sue him. A partnership was then formed between them, with Hammond Sr. footing the bill. 55 Tesla invents a new steam turbine with extraordianary efficiency and economy in 1911. 72

Astor Killed on Titanic Jewish Oligarchy Associates Make Moves To Finish Tesla Astor Trust Company Controlled By Morgan Tesla Bankrupt Astor is killed when the Titanic is sunk on 15 April 1912. After Astor is dead, associates of the jewish oligarchy make moves to finish Tesla. New York Times July 21, 1912: A syndicate which included Edmund K. Stallo, son-in-law of one of the Standard Oil partners; Jacobash, Levy

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and Sherwood Jr. - sues Tesla for $61,000, even though he only gave him $3500 in 1906.

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1912 – Summer - The Tesla laboratory lay abandoned for many years. As part of their judgment against Tesla for $23,500 - Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Company removed the machinery from the building. 69 Tesla and George Westinghouse were friends. When Westinghouse nearly went bankrupt in 1897 Tesla released Westinghouse from contract, providing Westinghouse a break from Tesla's patent royalties. But Westinghouse was taken over by Morgan in 1907 and after that the Westinghouse company was used to attack Tesla. 1913 – Jack Hammond ends the partnership with Tesla. Jack makes all the money on the remote controlled boat, which Tesla had perfected. 55 Jack Hammond’s father was John Hays Hammond Sr., who worked for Guggenheim. Guggenheim was a member of Temple Emanu-el. His wife was Floretta Seligman, daughter of James Seligman, the New York banker. Joseph Seligman was president of Temple Emanu-el. 1913 – January/February - Congressional Pujo Committee hearings:

Morgan is in control of the Astor Trust Company. George Boldt was the proprietor of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. Tesla signs over the deed to Wardenclyffe to Boldt in 1915 to pay a $20,000 debt. This proves Tesla was living at Astor’s hotel for free, while Astor was still alive. It was Tesla’s belief that the Waldorf would hold the property until he could settle his debts. However, it was sold before he could redeem it. 55, 69 Tesla files a lawsuit against Marconi in 1915. The patent fight would last for 29 years. Tesla vs. Marconi is ultimately resolved in Tesla's favor. 69 March 26, 1916 the Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported: Wardenclyffe had been transferred to Lester S. Holmes, a Manhattan lawyer, who purchased the laboratory along with 176 acres, in foreclose, as a business proposition. He had no intention of using it for the same purposes Tesla did. 1916 - Tesla declares bankruptcy. He owed back taxes, was penniless, living in poverty, on credit, at the Waldorf-Astoria. 69 In April 1917 Bankers Trust acquired the Astor Trust Company. The organization became a member of the Federal Reserve system in October.

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Tesla Creations Destroyed -Tesla Dies In Poverty Government Raid Takes Tesla Research Papers, Declares Them Top Secret Supreme Court Rules Tesla Invented Radio After Wardenclyffe, Tesla built the Telefunken Wireless Station in Long Island. Some of what he wanted to achieve at Wardenclyffe was achieved with the Telefunken Wireless. It was torn down by the Marines in 1917, because it might be used by German spies. On July 4, 1917 Boldt had the Wardenclyffe tower torn down. He used the money from the salvage to recoup some of the funds he said Tesla owed to the Waldorf-Astoria. Had Astor not died on the Titanic, Wardenclyffe would not have been destroyed and Tesla would have continued to live at the Waldorf on the good graces of his benefactor. 55

Tesla tower being torn down July 4, 1917 Note: There is a historical pattern of the vindictive bankers, wherein they destroy the house and other creations of anyone who significantly opposed them. Here they go again, now they’re destroying Tesla’s creations.

In May 1919, Tesla writes an article. Even if you don’t understand the scientific terms and ideas, the important thing is his inventions were stolen and copied and secretly used, without giving him credit for it.

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Especially note these parts: This is Guglielmo Marconi, that Tesla is referring to so tongue-in-cheek. “A well-advertised expert gave out a statement in 1899 that my apparatus did not work and that it would take 200 years before a message would be flashed across the Atlantic and he even accepted stolidly congratulations on a supposed great feet”. Tesla referring to the stealing of his ideas: “But I cannot help thinking how much better it would have been if the ingenious men, who have originated these “systems”, had invented something of their own instead of depending on me altogether.

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At age 75, Tesla is honored by being on the cover of Time Magazine in 1931. The Court of Claims invalidates 15 out of 16 of Marconi's Patent claims in 1935. Tesla is acknowledged as the prior inventor on these portions of Marconi's patent. The case is eventually decided in favor of Tesla by the US Supreme Court in 1944. Tesla dies penniless in the Hotel New Yorker on January 7, 1943. The FBI orders the Office of Alien Property to seize Tesla's papers and possessions although he had been a US citizen since 1891. His papers were declared to be top secret. These were eventually inherited by Tesla's nephew, Sava Kosanovich, and are now housed in the Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, Serbia. Raid after his death: Dr. John G. Trump was the main government official that went over Tesla's secret papers after his death in 1943. At the time, Dr. Trump was a well-known electrical engineer serving as a technical aide to the National Defense Research Committee of the Office of Scientific Research & Development, Technical Aids, Div. 14, NTRC (predecessor agency to the CIA's Office of Scientific Intelligence). At the time of his death, Tesla had been working on the Teleforce weapon, or 'death ray,' that he had unsuccessfully marketed to the US War Department. It appears that Teleforce was related to his research into ball lightning and plasma, and was conceived as a particle beam weapon. The US government did not find a prototype of the device in the safe. After the FBI was contacted by the War Department, his papers were declared to be top secret. J. Edgar Hoover declared the case most secret, because of the nature of Tesla's inventions and patents. One document stated that "he is reported to have some 80 trunks in different places containing transcripts and plans having to do with his experiments". Tesla is awarded Patent for Radio in 1944. The US Supreme Court confirms that Marconi’s patents infringed upon Tesla's patents. 64

Summary The greatest inventor in history dies in poverty while the jewish oligarchy and their selected few associates make billions yearly off of his inventions. The financial threat to them that was posed by Astor and Tesla’s ideas for providing free electricty - was over. Everyone continues to pay high gasoline prices for their cars and pay for electricty in their homes. Also, electric cars do not emit noxious gases into the atmosphere like gasoline cars do. Once again, all humanity has been harmed by the self-serving business practices of these specific jewish troublemakers and their similar-minded associates. Here is some of their mission statement as given at Temple Emanu-El's website: The Jewish people has a mission to humankind, a mission ordained of God...

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This mission requires that the people born or adopted in the covenant of Abraham must persuade the entire human family, through teaching and example, that the One and Only God can be worshipped in holiness only as we human beings serve each other with love. The mission of Israel will not have been fulfilled until righteousness and peace prevail everywhere for everyone. More flowery words, but their vicious actions do not match their nice-sounding words. A wolf covering himself with a sheepskin, is still a wolf.

References 1. The Menorah, monthly magazine of Independent Order B'ne B'rith, Vol XXII, Jan-June 1897 2. Article in Menorah titled Manual Training And The Jews, by Dr. Henry M. Leipziger 3. 4. 5. An Encylopedia article 6. Wikipedia Encyclopedia 7. 8. 9. A Treasury of Titanic Tales by Webb Garrison, published by Rutledge Hill Press, 1998 10. Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters published May 1912 11. New Columbia Encyclopedia 12. 13. 14. History Channel special "Titanic's Final Moments" 15. Testimony before the US Senate hearings into Titanic sinking 16. 17. 18. Chicago Tribune 28 Dec 1997 - Radio Notes Bring Titanic’s Pleas For Help Back To Life 19. 20. 21. Robert Hunston’s Log – "The Titanic Disaster as Viewed from Cape Race" 22. New York Times 26 April 1912 – Did Not See Titanic Capt. Moore Insists 23. 24. Official Report to the Cunard Line, by A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia 25. 26. 27. Hudson Dispatch 18 Nov 1943 Hero of Titanic Lifeboat 13, Which Rescued Mrs. Astor… 28. New York Times April 22, 1912 – Astor Saved Us, Say Women 29.

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30. The Hudson Observer 20 April 1912 31. Titanic & Olympic: The Truth Behind the Conspiracy By Bruce Beveridge, Steve Hall 2004 32. Worcester Evening Gazette 19 April 1912 - Astor Put Boy By Wife's Side 33. New York Times 18 April 1912 – Marconi Cheered for Wireless Feats 34. NY Times 25th July 1912 - Financier Refuses to Discuss Business or Politics 35. Causes and Effects of the Rapid Sinking of the Titanic by Vicki Bassett 36. 37. 38. 39. ] 40. Scientology – The Blind Leading the Blind Part 2 41. 42. The Morgan-Honduras Loan by Juan E. Paredes – 1912 vol. 3 43. Nikola Tesla and John Jacob Astor, by Marc J. Seifer 44. 45. 46. 47. The Banana Men: American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America by Lester D. Langley, Thomas D. Schoonover 48. History of The Jews of Louisiana 49. 50. 51. 52. New Orleans and the New South By Andrew Morrison, published 1888 53. US genweb for Louisiana birth records 54. 55. 56. 57. United States and Latin America: Dollar Diplomacy, Juan Leets, New Orleans 1912 58. New York Times, June 22, 1913 - Appraisement of Estate Reveals Astor’s Personality

59. 60. George Westinghouse: gentle genius by Quentin R. Skrabec, Jr., Quentin R. Skrabec 61. 62. New York Times, May 1910

63. 64. 65. 66. 67. New York Times article January 12, 1913 – Big Morgan Concern In Ship Inquiry 68. Wizard: the life and times of Nikola Tesla: biography of a genius – Marc J. Seifer – 1998 69. 70. New York Times, April 15, 1913 - Titanic Claims…. 71. New York Times - August 9, 1903 72. The New International Year Book 1911 73. J. Pierpont Morgan: An Intimate Portrait by Herbert L. Satterlee 1939 74. Nikola Tesla: The Lost Wizard by Marc J. Seifer 75. Nikola Tesla, My Inventions - Originally published, 1919 - Electrical Engineer

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76. 77. A summary from World Class Business by Phillip Mattera 78. The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance by Ron Chernow 79. Quentin P. Taylor (2004) "Money and Politics in the Land of Oz" The Independent Institute – Wikipedia 80. The life story of J. Pierpont Morgan : a biography - published October 1911 81. Article By Christopher Gray Published: March 5, 2009 New York Times 82. 83. Combination in the mining industry: a study of concentration… by Henry Raymond Mussey 1905 84. 85. 86. Reinterpreting the Banana Republic: region and state in Honduras, 1870-1972 by Darío A. Euraque 87. The Empire State Building: the making of a landmark, by John Tauranac, 1997 88. 89. The Bluefields Messenger, 1890 - 90. The Revolutionary Mission; American Enterprise in Latin America, 1900-1945 by Thomas F. O’Brien 91. New York Times October 30, 1903 92. Book - Foundry, Volumes 29-30 93. 94. 95. Doing Business With the Dictators: A Political History of United Fruit in ... By Paul J. Dosal 96. The Banana – The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World by Dan Koeppel 97. International Finance by Hartley Withers 1918 98. The American Cyclopaedia – authors George Ripley and Charles A. Dana - 1873 99. 100. New York Times, special from Niagara Falls, Cataract Construction Company, June 6, 1899

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The Dark Knights

J.P. Morgan

Book 3 of

John Jacob Astor

Sinking Titanic

Lionel Walter Rothschild

by Seven

The Dark Knights

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Astor financial threat to jewish troublemakers in Central America Ruining Astor President Jackson Defeats the Bankers – US Government Out of Debt Panics & Wars Used to Get US Government Back In Debt to Jewish Bankers President Andrew Jackson took down the banker’s system in the United States and got the country out of debt. After Jackson was no longer President in 1838, the jewish oligarchy continued to make moves towards getting the United States under their control. The Independent Order of B’nai B’rith, a Jewish Scottish Rite Freemasonry lodge, was formed in New York in 1843. An alternate name for I.O.B.B. is the New World Order. The same people then formed Temple Emanu-el in New York. These were headquarters for the jewish oligarchy that has goals for domination and control of all humanity. Some of their moves to get the US government back in debt to the jewish bankers were their orchestrated financial panics and wars, such as the civil war that began in 1861. When the U.S. Civil War broke out in 1861, railway bonds, mainly distributed by Jewish bankers in Europe, served as a means of payment for munitions bought in Europe. The Speyer, Stern, and Seligman New York banking houses all dealt in railway shares. 41 Joseph Seligman was president of Temple Emanu-el. Another example was the orchestrated financial panic of 1893 forcing the US government to borrow $65,000,000 in gold from banker JP Morgan, an agent for the Rothschilds. For details see Sinking Titanic - Section 1.

J.P. Morgan

Lionel Walter Rothschild

Honduras and Costa Rica Loan Scam Loan Scam Brokered By Bischoffsheim & Goldschmidt Honduras and Costa Rica Default On Loans

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Central America countries In 1825 a loan was issued in London for the Federal States of Central America. The Republic of Honduras portion of the loan to be paid back was £27,200 pounds. By 1867 the Honduras had been forty years in default on its portion. From 1867 to 1870, the Honduras would obtain three additional much larger loans and that was part of the scam, since Honduras was unable to pay off the smaller loan in the last 40 years, it is hard to imagine how the State could have entered into such a liability, or how any issuing house could have had the temerity to put it before the public. The financial agent representing Honduras in obtaining these loans was Don Carlos Gutierrez. Bonds were issued as the means to obtaining the loans. These bonds were sold to investors in London and Paris. The jewish bankers Bischoffsheim, Goldschmidt & Co. was contracted to sell the bonds. Another person assisted in selling these bonds - Charles Joachim Lefevre, agent for Rothschilds. Although Honduras would default on the loans, Bischoffsheim, Goldschmidt & Co. and Charles Lefevre received their sizeable commissions and more. For example, in selling just £408,460 worth of the bonds, Lefevre, together with Bischoffsheim, Goldschmidt - received £51,852 in commission for doing so. The first contracted loan was sold at the London stock exchange in 1867, the second was issued in Paris in 1868, and the third negotiated at the London stock exchange in 1870. All of the loans were for building the first section of an Interoceanic railroad, the first section being 56 miles

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long. The first section was eventually completed but the railroad remained idle and useless since the other sections were not built. All of the loans were secured by the railway, railway revenues, and by a first mortgage on all the domains and forests of the State of Honduras. After the first two loans were obtained, a third loan was sought, and a fraud was committed to encourage investors to take it. A statement was published in a London newspaper that two ships had arrived in the West India Docks from Truxillo (Honduras) with cargoes of mahogany consigned to Messrs. Bischoffsheim and Goldschmidt on account of the Honduras Railway Loan, and that two others were loading at Truxillo with similar cargoes on the same account. These cargoes were not cut by the Honduran government. It had bought them from timber merchants, and they were found to be of most inferior quality. The purchase of these cargoes and the announcement of their arrival, were intended to induce, and did induce, the public to believe that the Honduran forests were providing means for paying the interest upon the loan. With the help of this fraud, the 1870 Honduras 10 per cent loan for £2,500,000 pounds was successfully issued. The total of the loans made to Honduras was 5,398,570 pounds. The British bondholders were owed £4,800,000 pounds of that amount. Honduras was now deeply in debt to British and French bondholders, but its income was only 300,000. While £4,800,000 had been paid to the financial agents of Honduras through Messrs. Bischoffsheim and Goldschmidt, only £562,000 was applied to the construction of the railway. The rest is lost sight of. The railway is in existence, but it is abandoned - it is useless; and as to the forests, not one piece of timber from the Honduras forests has ever come to Britain.

In November, 1870 Don Carlos Gutierrez acted for Costa Rica to obtain two loans. Bischoffsheim and Goldschmidt were again contracted for these loans. He introduced a loan of £1,000,000, for which he received £720,500. In 1872 he introduced a loan for £2,000,000, or rather the State of Costa Rica authorized it, and a sum of £1,200,000 was obtained; so that the State has obtained altogether the sum of £2,000,000. All the amount that we can find to have been sent to Costa Rica of that sum is £926,000; the rest has been detained from going there. Honduras and Costa Rica defaulted on the loans. 42, 97, 98, 99 NY Times article August 12, 1875: English Foreign Loans States Swindling Each Other How Money is Got in London For Central America The profits and principles of some London Bankers The Famous Bischoffsheim & Goldschmidt under investigation Loan scam of British stock exchange by Honduran minister and Bischoffsheim & Goldschmidt "As the net result of these loans, Honduras made itself liable for a debt of $35,000,000, for which she obtained a section of a railway, fifty-three miles in length, which is abandoned and idle. A few payments were made on the

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principal and interest, out of the proceeds of the loans, and then all payments stopped." "If honesty were among these qualifications, it is obvious that Messrs. Bischoffsheim & Goldschmidt, and Mr. Charles Joachim Lefevre would not be eligible."

Beginning Of The 1000% Profit Banana Business In 1870, Lorenzo Dow Baker, a Cape Cod sea captain, anchored his schooner in Jamaica, and came across some bananas when he was shopping for food. He purchased 160 unripe bunches of bananas in Jamaica for a shilling a bunch and, after ten days sailing, sold them in Jersey City for $2 each. In 1871, one of Captain Baker's first customers, was a 21 year old produce dealer named Andrew Preston. Preston had handbills printed up extolling the virtues of the new fruit.

In 1871, Minor Cooper Keith joined his brothers and his uncle, Henry Meiggs, in a railroad building project in Costa Rica. Meiggs had built railroads in Peru, and had obtained a contract with the Costa Rican government to build a railroad from the Caribbean port of Lim贸n to the capital at San Jos茅.

The first twenty-five miles of the railroad had to be constructed in jungle conditions, and the workers died by the thousands from accidents and tropical diseases. Keith's uncle and brothers died, leaving Keith in charge of the project. The railroad's reputation for killing its workers made it impossible to hire enough local labor, so

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Keith recruited convicts from New Orleans. Only 25 of the 700 convicts hired survived the construction and returned to New Orleans. In 1873, Minor Cooper Keith planted banana trees in the railroad's right of way in the province of Limón, in order to cut food costs for his workers. Midway through the project Keith realized that passenger revenue would never pay off the railroad's debt. He began exporting bananas. 44 (The banana companies get a 1000% markup/profit on bananas.) Note: Minor Cooper Keith became a major figure in Costa Rican society in the 1890’s; he married Cristina Castro, the daughter of a national President, and worked as the main negotiator of the Costa Rican foreign debt with English banks. He expanded his banana business into Columbia (which then included Panama). Captain Baker started a partnership with Andrew Preston and some investors in 1885 and called it the Boston Fruit Company. 44

1889 – Salvador D’Antoni was a smuggler and gun runner operating off the northern coast of Honduras. D’Antoni brought a shipment of bananas to Joseph Vaccaro who was a fruit distributor in New Orleans. Vaccaro and D’Antoni, both Sicilians, then began importing large cargoes of bananas, coconuts and oranges. In order to gain working capital for railroad building, Vaccaro enlisted the help of local merchants who put up cash and their land in return for shares of the newly formed Vaccaro Brothers and Company. By 1903 the company was earning huge profits and the investors began demanding their rightful share. Vaccaro ordered the town’s city hall burned down, destroying the records of land ownership and business agreements.

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Vaccaro Brothers Vaccaro Brothers became the largest banana grower in northern Honduras. They were founders of what would become the Standard Fruit and Steamship Company, later known as Standard Fruit Company. At its peak the Standard Fruit Company had 20% of the fresh fruit market, at best. 86, 96, 107

IOBB Members Own Companies in Central America 1888 - Charles and Jacob Weinberger entered Central American banana trading. They owned the Bluefields Banana Company in Bluefields, Nicaragua. Jacob Weinberger was a member of the IOBB in New Orleans – another one of the “brothers of light.”

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Member of IOBB [B’nai B’rith] Jacob Weinberger was President of the Bluefields Steamship Co. President of the Adler-Weinberger Steamship Co. President of the Kelly-Page Co. Steamship Agents and Brokers President Bluefields Wharf & Agency Co. member T.M. Solomon & Co., Exporters Secretary of the Nicaragua Electric Co. President Bluefields Lumber Co. Charles and Jacob Weinberger consolidated their interests in 1890 with 2 competing firms, and formed Bluefields Steamship Company. Their Bluefields Banana Company was now renamed to Bluefields Steamship Company. The Adler-Weinberger Steamship Co was a leading factor in tropic fruit and Central American business. 48, 89, 90

William Adler (also jewish)

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William Adler Director in Bluefields Steamship Company member of [Abraham] A. Adler & Co. wholesale grocery importers/exporters Director of The State National Bank VP Schwartz Foundry 48 Ferdinand Beer was a member of the IOBB in New Orleans. In 1890, he founded the New Orleans & Central American Trading Co. He was its owner and president. This corporation was one of the most aggressive in Central American trade. His Central American headquarters was in Bluefields, Nicaragua. When Ferdinand Beer died in 1909, his sons Joseph W. Beer and Alfred Victor Beer took over the company. Joseph Beer was also a member of the IOBB in New Orleans. 49, 53, 89

Valentine Establishes Mining Company and Bank in Honduras The President of Honduras, Marco Aurelio Soto, offered companies that invested in the mine in San Juancinto a 20 year exemption from all taxes. Washington S. Valentine, an American entrepreneur in Honduras, found the offer attractive. In 1880, Valentine and other New York investors, formed the New York & Honduras Rosario Mining Company. Valentine was the major owner of the company. Marco Aurelio Soto, was a major shareholder in the mining company. One of his sons married a daughter of Washington Valentine. 6, 86 The mining firm took a mine in San Juancito, near Tegucigalpa, and in the next decade produced three million dollars in silver and gold. By 1900 it had more than 1000 workers. Between 1882 and 1954, the New York and Honduras Rosario Mining Company produced over $60 million worth of gold and silver from the mines near Tegucigalpa. 6

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1888 – Washington Valentine founded the first private bank in Honduras, Banco de Honduras, in Tegucigalpa. Valentine and the Honduras President, Luis Bogran, owned shares in the bank. Moves by Jewish Oligarchy To Control Caribbean Countries Southern US Headquarters of IOBB Moved To New Orleans Revolutions Used To Remove Uncooperative Caribbean Presidents Preliminary Moves Towards Spanish-American War District 7 of the I.O.B.B. was established in Memphis, Tennessee on January 19, 1873. It’s jurisdiction was Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida, Texas, and Louisiana. Headquarters for District 7 of the I.O.B.B. is moved to New Orleans in 1890. Nathan Strauss, long a prominent working member of the Order, was chosen to the position of Grand Secretary. He is a pillar of the faith, and a stout champion of every cause for the well being and up lifting of the Jewish people. 48, 50

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John Jacob Astor IV assumes control of the family fortune in 1892. He was one of the wealthiest men on the planet, with assets in the neighborhood of $100 million. Nikola Tesla and Astor were both inventors and an alliance was formed between them. 43, 58

John Jacob Astor IV

Nikola Tesla

Washington Valentine founded the Honduras Syndicate in 1892. 6 Astor was part of the Honduras Syndicate - so Valentine and Astor are business partners. On 20 July 1892 a contract is signed in Honduras that leases the First Section of the Interoceanic Railway to Washington Valentine and B.H. Van Auken, Jr., of New York, for two years. 42 1894 – Honduras - The Partido Liberal de Hondura (liberal party of Honduras) was led by Policarpo Bonilla, with the support of Nicaragua's liberal dictator, JosÊ Santos Zelaya. Washington Valentine was friends with Zelaya. Bonilla assumed power in 1894. Bonilla worked with the Honduras Syndicate to improve conditions in Honduras. Bonilla began to restore a degree of order to the Honduran political scene. Another constitution was

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promulgated in 1895, and Bonilla was elected to a four-year term. Bonilla's administration revised civil codes and improved communications. Bonilla also began an effort to resolve the long-standing boundary dispute with Nicaragua. 6 On 24 September 1894 – A contract is signed in Honduras that leases the First Section of the Interoceanic Railway to W.S. Valentine for ten years. 42 1894 – The British government and the Rothschilds were very involved with each other. The British Empire League was formed in London in 1894 in order to support the ideology of British imperialism and to promote loyalty to and the unity of the British Empire. Lord Rothschild was a vice-president in the British Empire League. 1, 6 J.P. Morgan’s father, Junius Morgan, headed a company in England that closely worked with the Rothschilds George Peabody and Company. Honduras had defaulted on their loan to the British bondholders. The loan was secured by the First Section of the Interoceanic Railway, railroad revenues, and forests of Honduras. But, the jewish bankers needed a way to enforce the agreement on Honduras. Washington Valentine was infringing on the pledged security for the British loans. In the future the British would start filing formal protests about this to the Honduras President. The jewish oligarchy, including members of the IOBB in New Orleans, were making moves to take control of Latin America and Central America – so the oligarchy could capitalize on the natural resources of those countries. Revolutions would be engineered and financed to overthrow Presidents in Latin and Central America who were uncooperative with the jewish oligarchy. Also, the US military was going to be used for the same purpose. J.P. Morgan was an agent for the Rothschilds, a jewish international banking family. Morgan owned the Santa Clara province in Cuba, where a particularly dark and fragrant variety of tobacco is grown. 6, 80

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Latin American and Central American countries – (Caribbean countries) Morgan’s stance on Cuba was that our affiliations with Cuba were very close and the lives of American citizens and their property on the island had been taken more than once so that the first thing to do was to drive Spain out of her richest colonial possession. 73

J. P. Morgan So, in Cuba, the revolutionary of choice to be “used”, was José Martí, who continued to advocate Cuban financial and political autonomy even in exile. In early 1895, after years of organizing, Martí launched a three-pronged invasion of the island. The plan called for one group from Santo Domingo, one group from Costa Rica, and another from the United States

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(preemptively thwarted by U.S. officials in Florida) to land in different places on the island and provoke an indigenous revolution. While the grito de Baíre (as their call for revolution continues to be called) was successful, the expected revolution was not the grand show of force Martí had anticipated. A quick victory was not obtained, so the revolutionaries settled in to fight a protracted guerilla campaign. The Spanish response was swift and decisive. Cánovas del Castillo, the prime minister of Spain at the time, announced that “the Spanish nation is disposed to sacrifice to the last peseta of its treasure and to the last drop of blood of the last Spaniard before consenting that anyone snatch from it even one piece of its sacred territory.” He ordered General Arsenio Martínez de Campos, a distinguished veteran of the war against the previous insurrection in Cuba, to quell the revolt. Campos’s method of containing the revolt earned him ridicule in the Spanish press. So, General Campos was replaced by General Valeriano Weyler y Nicolau, a soldier who had proven himself able to quash rebellions in the colonies. Nicolau’s strategy was to deprive the insurgency of weaponry, supplies and assistance by ordering the residents of some Cuban districts to relocate themselves near the military headquarters in what were termed reconcentration camps. While this strategy was brutally effective at slowing the spread of rebellion, it had the unwelcome effect of stirring indignation in the United States. Between 1895-1898, Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of the New York Journal played up news of Spanish atrocities in Cuba and of Spain's use of concentration camps and brutal military force to quash the Cubans' rebellion. Pulitzer and Hearst drew the nation into the Spanish-American War with sensationalist stories or outright lying. Hearst became a war hawk after a rebellion broke out in Cuba in 1895. Stories of Cuban virtue and Spanish brutality soon dominated his front page. Some of the alleged atrocities were fictional. Example:

Male Spanish officials strip search an American woman tourist in Cuba looking for messages from rebels; front page from Hearst These tactics were employed by the newspapermen to turn American public opinion towards war, utilizing the public’s natural inclination to support Cuba’s revolution towards being a free country. American public opinion against Spain became heated, creating a demand for war. This was all engineered due to the fact that the U.S. had important economic interests that were being harmed by the prolonged conflict. Shipping firms that relied heavily on trade with Cuba suffered huge losses as the conflict continued unresolved. Other U.S. business concerns, specifically those who had invested in Cuban

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sugar, looked to the Spanish to restore order to the situation.

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Actually, Spain was in the way of getting the Caribbean countries under the control of the jewish oligarchy. It was going to take more military strength than the revolutionaries had, to deal with Spain. It was going to take the strength of the US military to get Spain out of these countries. Thus the newspapers were used to gain support from the American public for a war with Spain. Tesla had been working with Westinghouse to provide alternating current electricity to consumers. They were in competition with J.P. Morgan’s General Electric Company. Morgan wanted to woo Tesla with a deal that effectively gave Morgan majority control over his patent rights and projects, but Tesla turned him down. While returning to his hotel from that very meeting with Morgan, however, Tesla was told that his laboratory was burnt down, destroying all his equipment, models and inventions. This was done March 13, 1895. But they were not destroyed, they were taken – the fire was simply a cover so as to make it appear like the “fire” destroyed it all. Immediately after the fire Carl Von Linde, in Germany, filed "his" patent application for the exact same process as the Tesla generator. And, using Tesla’s radio equipment, Guglielmo Marconi obtained a patent in England for radio technology. 55 See Section 1 and 2 of this series for details.

Astor Is Part Of The Honduras Syndicate Honduras Syndicate Takes Over Construction of Honduras Railroad Honduras Syndicate To Settle Honduras Foreign Debt Honduras Syndicate Establishes A Bank In Honduras

In 1895 Policarpo Bonilla was elected to a four-year term as President of Honduras. 1895 – December 24 - The Contract of Lease of 1894 with W.S. Valentine was transferred to the Honduras Railroad Company - a New Jersey Corporation, formed by: Washington S. Valentine, George S. Scott, Barret H. Van Auken, Jr., James B. Houston, J. Dobson Good, James T. Worthington, Stillman Gray, and Charles H. Johnson. 1896 – March 19 - Contract with the Honduras Railroad Company for the construction of the Interoceanic Railroad and settlement of the External Debt. “This Claim is the result of the following Contracts which the Government of Honduras made for the operation and reconstruction of the First Section of the Interoceanic Railway, the construction of Sections Second and Third, and the settlement of the Inter-Oceanic Railway Bonds - commonly called “The External Debt.” 1896 - March 28 - Appointment of George I. Scott, of New York, as Financial Agent of Honduras to arrange the External Debt. 1897 – March 27 Contract with the Honduras Syndicate for the construction of the Interoceanic Railway, settlement of the External Debt, and the establishment of a Bank for the collection of Custom Duties. The Contract of 1896 with the Honduras Railroad Company was transferred to the Honduras Syndicate, a

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New York Corporation, formed by: John Jacob Astor, George S. Scott, Chauncey M. Depew, Nathaniel A. Prentiss, W. Seward Webb, Benjamin F. Tracy, J.G. McCullough, Frederic B. Jennings, , Charles McVeigh and Melville E. Ingalls, Jr. The Additional Article to the Contract of 1897 with the Honduras Syndicate reads as follows: “The Honduras Railroad Company, through its General Agent, W.S. Valentine, agrees that all its interests in the present Lease of the First Section of the Railway from Port Cortes to La Pimients shall be effectively transferred to the Syndicate, under terms agreed upon between said Company and the Syndicate, and in consequence thereof it accepts the responsibilities incurred by the leased Section, likewise the Leasing Contract itself, on the terms specified in this Agreement. It further declares that the Honduras Railroad Company not having fulfilled the obligations imposed upon it by the Concession which it obtained from the government, within the past few years, approved by Legislative Decree No. 76, said Contract is hereby annulled, and by virtue thereof there remain to said Company no rights under it.” 42

William McKinley, backed by Morgan, gained ardent support from big business and won the presidential election. He was sworn in March 4, 1897. 6 See Section 1 of this series for details.

President William Mckinley 1897 – April 5 Commercial Bank of Honduras, as per Contract, gets established with 500,000 in GOLD. Note: After Astor died, an article regarding Astor’s estate appears in the New York Times: New York Times, June 22, 1913 Appraisement of Estate Reveals Astor’s Personality Two hundred and fifty shares of the Commercial Bank of Honduras, of a par value of $2,500. “The charter of that bank has been revoked by the Government of Honduras. They have no assets. It also has been carried on the books of Col. Astor as valueless for some years.”

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This move by Astor flew right into the teeth of the plans the jewish oligarchy had for Central America. He was infringing on "their territory" and taking away "their business" with the establishment of a bank for the collection of Custom Duties. If allowed to successfully continue in Honduras, Astor could have branched out into the other Caribbean countries. The thought was too horrible to contemplate. Thus the jewish oligarchy made moves towards taking control, starting with the Spanish-American war.

Spanish-American War 1898 – January 1 - President McKinley threatens to consider recognizing Cuba’s belligerent status, and thus allowing the legal rearming of Cuban insurgents by U.S. firms. He sent Stewart L. Woodford to Madrid to negotiate an end to the conflict. Práxedes Sagasta, an open advocate of Cuban autonomy, was now Prime Minister of Spain. Sagasta had replaced the more hard-line Prime Minister of Spain, Cánovas del Castillo, who had been assassinated. (Castillo was refusing to give up Cuba.) Negotiations between Woodford and Sagasta went fairly smoothly and Cuban autonomy was set to begin on January 1, 1898. 1898 – January 11 Eleven days after the Cuban autonomous government took power a small riot erupted in Havana, ignited by Spanish officers offended by the persistent newspaper criticism of General Weyler’s policies. Against the advice of the Consul-General in Havana, Fitzhugh Lee, McKinley sent the USS Maine to Havana to ensure the safety of US citizens and interests. 6 The USS Maine set anchor in Havana harbor on January 25, 1898. Spain responded by having an armored cruiser, the Vizcaya, anchor off shore of New York City. This is considered to be the mark of American entry into world affairs. Deploying the Maine to Havana was only one part of a larger, global deployment of US naval power. As the Maine left Florida a large part of the North Atlantic fleet was moved to Key West and the Gulf of Mexico. Additionally, others were moved just off shore of Lisbon. And still others were moved to Hong Kong, as well as the Phillippines. 6 Note: It is important to understand that the largest part of the fleet was moved to take direct military control of the Caribbean - Latin America and Central America. Starting from 1898, over the next thirty-five years, the U.S. military intervened in Latin America and Central America twenty-eight times; in Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Mexico, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Panama, and Guatemala. The U.S. military has been reduced to the metaphoric role of Vinnie the knee-breaker, working on behalf of the Jewish oligarchy to enforce their banking/business interests in other countries.

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On February 15, 1898, the USS Maine mysteriously exploded and sank, causing the deaths of 266 men. 6

wreck of the USS Maine Note: At the time of the mysterious sinking of the USS Maine, the Morgan-Schiff cartel had access to a radiocontrolled detonation device, used to explode a bomb from a distance. That device could have been used to sink the U.S.S. Maine, to start the war. Details are given in Section 2 of this series. The USS Maine sank in the harbor after suffering a massive explosion. The news of the explosion and the death of 266 sailors stirred popular US opinion and large segments of Congress into demanding a swift belligerent response. The Navy’s investigation, made public on March 28, concluded that the ship’s magazines were ignited when an external explosion was set off under the ship’s hull. This revelation poured fuel on popular US indignation and strengthened the hand of those officials already gearing up for war. Spain’s investigation of the circumstances surrounding the explosion had come to the opposite conclusion: that the explosion originated within the ship. Upon the destruction of the Maine, newspaper owners such as William Randolph Hearst came to the conclusion that Spanish officials in Cuba were to blame, and they widely publicized this theory as fact. They fueled American anger by publishing sensationalistic and astonishing accounts of "atrocities" committed by Spain in Cuba. The American cry became, "Remember the Maine, To Hell with Spain!" 6 1898 – March 21 - Formal Protest by the Council of Foreign Bondholders through R.J. Maclachlan, Britain’s Consul in Honduras, says amount owed them including interest through July 1897 is 16,908,164 pounds sterling. On 25 April 1898 Spain declares War on the U.S. The first battle between American and Spanish forces was at Manila Bay, Philippines. On May 1, 1898, Commodore George Dewey, commanding the U. S. Navy forces, defeated a Spanish squadron. 6

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Battle of Manila Bay 1898 – May 12 - a squadron of 12 U.S. ships bombarded San Juan, Puerto Rico. 1898 – May 19 - Policarpo Bonilla, President of Honduras answers Britain, but basically won’t do anything about their protests. 1898 - On June 25, the USS Yosemite blockaded San Juan harbor.

USS Yosemite 1898 – July 1 - US forces invade Cuba and fight the Spaniards. The Americans planned to capture the city of Santiago de Cuba. The American forces were aided in Cuba by the pro-independence rebels led by General Calixto García. The Battle of Santiago de Cuba on July 3, 1898, was the largest naval engagement of the Spanish–American War and resulted in the destruction of the Spanish Caribbean Squadron. 1898 – July 17 – The occupation of Cuba. From this date Cuba is under the jurisdiction of the United States Military Government (USMG), all the way until 1902 before they are “allowed” to have an “independent government”. US forces invade Puerto Rico on July 25, 1898. On August 9, 1898 a Protocol of Peace between the United States and Spain was signed in Washington. The

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United States gained almost all of Spain's colonies in the treaty, including the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico. The US also gained control over Cuba. 6 Astor Secretly Funds Tesla Experiments In Free Electricity On 10 January 1899 Astor secretly funded Tesla with $100,000. Tesla set up a lab in Colorado Springs, Colorado to conduct experiments into wireless transmission of electricity and radio technology. Tesla had a future vision of free electrical power. Tesla's diary contains explanations of his experiments concerning the ionosphere and the ground's currents. He proved that the earth was a conductor. He also investigated atmospheric electricity. He produced artificial lightning with discharges of millions of volts, and 135 feet long. 6

Photo of Tesla seated by discharging Tesla coil at the Tesla lab in Colorado Springs He conducted successful experiments with wireless transmission of large amounts of electric power. He achieved frequencies of up to 20 million volts and invented a special apparatus, the "magnifying" transmitter. 43 By means of a transmitter tuned to a certain frequency, and a receiver tuned to the same frequency, he could transmit free electrical power to anywhere in the world, to operate electrical devices and motors. This would have had an enormous impact, providing homes and electric automobiles with free electrical power. Imagine the horror felt by the jewish oligarchy and associates – they would not be able to sell their gasoline for cars or sell their electricity to every individual home. See Section 2 of this series for details. The potential financial threat to the jewish oligarchy presented by these three inventors – Tesla, Astor, and Westinghouse - was too much to tolerate. They had to be taken down. Additionally, Astor posed a serious financial threat all by himself in Central America.

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United Fruit Company Formed IOBB Member In Business With United Fruit Cuyamel Fruit Company Formed 1899 - Transfer of power from Policarpo Bonilla to General Sierra in Honduras. Minor Cooper Keith dominated the banana business in Central America by 1899. He was the dominant fruit importer to the southeastern United States through the port of New Orleans, with extensive railroads and plantations in Central America. Boston Fruit Company had plantations in the Caribbean, and a steamship fleet of 42 ships. Boston Fruit was the dominant importer in the Northeastern United States.

On March 30, 1899 Minor Keith, Andrew Preston, and Captain Lorenzo Baker, agreed to merge their companies and created the United Fruit Company. They make a 1000 percent markup/profit on bananas. Together, the two firms controlled 75% of the fresh fruit market. United Fruit would go on to purchase a controlling interest in the Bluefields Steamship Company that was owned by Jacob Weinberger, a member of the IOBB in New Orleans. They would also obtain a controlling interest in the Cuyamel Fruit Company. 54, 90

In 1900, Ashbell Hubbard and Samuel Zemurray (his jewish original name was Zmurri) joined forces. They purchased two tramp steamers, and began buying cargoes from independent plantations in Honduras and selling them in New Orleans. They created the Cuyamel Fruit Company in 1902. 40 1900 – May 5 Contract with the Honduras Syndicate for the construction of the Interoceanic Railway, cancelling the Contract of 1897. The first and final article of the Contract of 1900 reads as follows: “Article 1. The Government and the Syndicate formally agree to consider as absolutely ended the Contract regarding the Interoceanic Railroad, the settlement of the Foreign Debt, and the establishment of a bank,

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celebrated on March 27, 1897, and approved by Decree No. 120 issued by the National Congress of Honduras on April 5th of the same year.” [Congress neither approved nor disapproved the extension of time granted, the Government permitted the Syndicate to keep possession of the Railway. Even though the British Consul protested this on behalf of the Foreign Bondholders, this did not affect the Syndicate’s possession and exploitation of the Railway.] And the Stockholders are the following: John Jacob Astor Washington S. Valentine George S. Scott W.B. Scott Charles H. Scott Henry L. Sprague Hon. Chauncey M. Depew, U.S. Senator Gen. Benjamin F. Tracy, Ex-Secretary of the Navy Gen. John D. McCullough, Governor of the State of Vermont Gen. Thomas J. Watson Nathaniel A. Prentiss Frederic B. Jennings J.A. Govett William Radcliffe Duncan B. Copper Charles H. Johnson John Carstensen Dr. W. Seward Webb, President of the Rutland Railroad Company’ Estate of H. Walter Webb (First VicePresident of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Co.) 1900 – June The Honduras Syndicate obtained from the Government of Honduras a concession and contract which, among many other things, leases for twenty-five years (with privilege of extension of time), the First Section of the so-called Interoceanic Railroad from its connection with the leased section in Pimienta to the Bay of Fonseca on the Pacific, with the right of way and other valuable concessions of lands and other kind. 1902 – March 7 - Decree granting extension of time for one year to the Honduras Syndicate to fulfill its obligations. 42 1902 – Ashbell Hubbard and Samuel Zemmuray (jewish) had joined forces in 1900. They purchased two tramp steamers, and began buying cargoes from independent plantations in Honduras and selling them in New Orleans. They then began buying land and created the Cuyamel Fruit Company in 1902. Zemurray was known as "Sam the Banana Man." He was a banana plantation owner in Honduras. 40

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Sam the banana man 1902 – May 20 – The end of the jurisdiction of the United States Military Government is announced and Cuba is now allowed to form its own civil government and attained independence. However, the United States imposed various restrictions on the new government, including prohibiting alliances with other countries, and reserved for itself the right of intervention. The US also established a perpetual lease of Guantanamo Bay. They must have had an “appropriate” President for the place! This also allowed United Fruit 3 years to establish their massive plantations with slave labor, backed by the U.S. military.

Panama Declares Independence From Columbia US Military Assists Panama For Rights To Panama Canal Military Coup in Honduras By Manuel Bonilla Bonilla Bestows Favors On Banana Companies In 1903 the United States government became very active in Central American affairs when the Colombian state of Panama declared independence. The U.S. provided military support for the Panamanian separatists, and in return is granted sovereignty of a strip of land on which the United States planned to build a canal allowing shipping between the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean. Also in 1903, United States troops intervened in Honduras and in the Dominican Republic. 88

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Central America countries

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Panama was part of Columbia until it declared independence Honduran Presidents Policarpo Bonilla and General Sierra had not performed to the satisfaction of the jewish oligarchy. They had cooperated with Astor and the Honduras Syndicate. A new man was needed for president of Honduras. Honduran President Sierra is overthrown in 1903 by General Manuel Bonilla, who proved to be an even greater friend of the banana companies than Sierra had been. Companies gained exemptions from taxes and permission to construct wharves and roads, as well as permission to improve interior waterways and to obtain charters for new railroad construction.

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Manuel Bonilla Manuel Bonilla was president of Honduras from 1903 to 1907 and again from 1912 to 1913. 42 (He was not related to a previous Honduran president named Policarpo Bonilla. Rather, they were enemies and Manuel Bonilla had Policarpo Bonilla jailed for 2 years.) 1903 – The U.S. State Department refuses to support the Honduras Syndicate claims against the Honduras. The State Department declares the old Honduras Bonds were illegally and fraudulently issued and disposed of, and that it would be opposed to any deal in respect to a debt relative to which is alleged grave frauds, illegalities and injustice. 42 Note: This is a false reason because in 1909 the U.S.government supports J.P. Morgan when he revives this “dead claim.” What they’re doing is wrecking Astor. The US government is again assisting the interests of the jewish oligarchy in Central America by eliminating competition from Astor. October 29, 1903 - The offices of New Orleans & Central American Trading Company and the Bluefield Steamship Company - in Bluefields, Nicaragua - were burned down. 91 Both companies were owned by IOBB members in New Orleans. 1903 - United Fruit commenced the first refrigerated steamship service. 88 1904 - Guatemalan dictator Manuel Estrada Cabrera granted United Fruit a ninety-nine year tax-free concession to construct and maintain the country's main rail line from Guatemala City to Puerto Barrios. Jacob and Charles Weinberger were in the banana business with United Fruit. Jacob was a member of the IOBB. Charles Weinberger, as manager of the United Fruit Despatch company in New Orleans, negotiated a concession for exclusive navigation rights on the Escondido River from Zelaya in 1904. This gave United Fruit an iron grip on the banana industry in the Bluefields, Nicaragua area. The six hundred small American and creole planters who worked land on the edge of the river, were now dependent on United Fruit to get their bananas “out”. 90

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United Fruit

US Government Organizes "Peace Treaty" In Central America By 1907 the United States looked with considerable disfavor on the role Zelaya of Nicaragua was playing in regional affairs. When the Nicaraguan army entered Honduras in 1907 to overthrow Manuel Bonilla, the U.S.government, believing that Zelaya wanted to dominate the entire region, landed marines at Puerto Cortés to protect the North American bananas trade. United States naval units prevented a Nicaraguan attack on Manuel Bonilla's last position at Amapala. Bonilla sought refuge on the USS Chicago, and the fighting came to an end. The United States representative in Tegucigalpa arranged a final peace settlement, with which Zelaya was less than happy. The settlement provided for the installation of a compromise regime, headed by General Miguel Dávila. Dávila was a liberal but was distrusted by Zelaya, who made a secret arrangement with El Salvador to oust him from office. This plan failed to reach fruition, but the United States, alarmed by the threat of renewed conflict in Central America, called the five Central American presidents to a conference in Washington in November.

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Opening Conference of the Peace Treaty The treaty signed in Washington December 20, 1907: “No Government of Central America shall, in case of civil war, intervene in favor of or against the Government of the country where the struggle takes place.” 59 Note: Under the guise of a "peace treaty", the US government performs a war tactic called divide and conquer. What really happened here was an agreement to not assist each other when a country in Central America was under attack by revolutionaries. This would allow the jewish oligarchy to hire revolutionaries to overthrow any given Central American country, and no other country would come to the aid of the country that was under attack. That way, they could pick off the leaders of these countries, one by one, and these countries would not unite together for their common defense. These countries were being set up for some major moves that were about to take place by the jewish oligarchy. In 1908, opponents of President Dávila, likely supported by Guatemala and El Salvador, invaded Honduras. Nicaragua supported the Honduran president, and war seemed imminent. Perhaps motivated by the possibility of United States intervention, however, the parties agreed to submit the dispute to the new Central American court. The court ultimately rejected the Honduran and Nicaraguan complaints, but in the meantime the revolt collapsed, thus briefly restoring peace to Honduras. Samuel Zemurray (Cuyamel Fruit Company) had encouraged and even helped finance the 1908 invasion and was to continue to make trouble for the Dávila administration. In 1908, Minor Cooper Keith completed a railroad in Guatemala from Puerto Barrios to Guatemala City. This allowed the United Fruit Company to develop banana plantations in the Guatemalan lowlands. He also bought the Western Guatemala Railroad between Guatemala City and the Pacific Coast. 1908 – Washington Valentine negotiated with Jose Santos Zelaya an interoceanic canal in Nicaragua. 6

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IOBB Members In New Orleans And Their Connections Before discussing what the jewish oligarchy did next to dominate the countries in Central America, it is necessary to know who some of the IOBB members in New Orleans were and the people who were connected to them, that they used to assist them. Jacob and Charles Weinberger owned the Bluefields Banana Company that was consolidated with 2 competitors and renamed the Bluefields Steamship Company. It was involved in the banana trade. Jacob was a member of the IOBB in New Orleans. United Fruit Company owned a large number of shares in Bluefields Steamship Company, thus these two companies were in business together. This conglomerate was controlling almost the entire fresh fruit market. Their business interests in Central America was not limited to bananas and fruit. They had railroad concessions, owned land and plantations, owned steamships that transported freight, etc. For example, Jacob Weinberger was also Secretary of the Nicaragua Electric Company and President of the Bluefields Lumber Company in Bluefields, Nicaragua. Jacob Weinberger was also President of the Adler-Weinberger Steamship Company, which was a leading factor in tropic fruit and Central American business. 48, 89, 90

Member of IOBB William Adler was a Director in Bluefields Steamship Company and vice president of Schwartz Foundry Company. 48 (A foundry melts metals and pours the molten metal into molds to make products.) Nathan S. Stern had worked at Schwartz Foundry Company for 18 years as of 1906.

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In 1906 The Stern Foundry & Machinery Co., New Orleans, was incorporated with 100k, and Nathan is President. 92 Nathan S. Stern was married to Bertha Kaufman, they lived in New Orleans. Her father was Charles A. Kaufman, a

member of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith (IOBB). 46

Charles A. Kaufmann - Member of IOBB Nathan S. Stern is important because in 1910 he bought a ship that was used to bring mercenaries and guns to the so-called "revolutionaries" in Central American countries. The ship was named the Hornet, and its ownership was then transferred to Joseph Beer, member of the IOBB. Ferdinand Beer and his son Joseph Wolf Beer were both members of the IOBB. Ferdinand Beer owned the New Orleans & Central American Trading Company, one of the most aggressive in Central American trade. His Central American headquarters was in Bluefields, Nicaragua. When Ferdinand Beer died on Jan. 22, 1909, his sons Joseph W. Beer and Alfred Victor Beer managed the business until it had been fully liquidated. Then Joseph Beer entered the same line of business on his own account. Alfred Victor Beer entered the export and commission business - A.V. Beer, Inc. Both gentlemen maintaining offices and general headquarters in New Orleans. Alfred Beer enjoys the distinction of being Danish consul to Nicaragua. 49, 53, 89 Joseph W. Beer was married to Beulah Strauss, daughter of Leopold Strauss.

Leopold Strauss – Member of IOBB

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Leopold Strauss worked for Lehman, Durr & Co., owned by Emanuel and Mayer Lehman of New York. 51, 52 The Lehmans were members of Temple Emanu-el. Charles A. Kaufman’s daughter, Viola Kaufman, wed Stanford M. Beer, of New Orleans, commission broker. 49 Note: It’s no wonder the common people in these Caribbean countries were so poor. There were many foreigners coming in and taking the natural resources of these countries for their personal profits – such as mining, forests, sugar, tobacco, fruits, etc. The leaders of these countries were often getting personally rich by cooperation with the foreigners, but the only “benefit” for the common people was to work as slave labor in the companies owned by the foreigners. And if the leaders were not cooperative enough, military action was used to oust them and replace them with someone more cooperative.

US Government – Tool of the Jewish Oligarchy President Lincoln’s famous speech was – government of the people, by the people, and for the people. Everyone assumed he meant the common people in the country. Nope. That needs to be translated into what people he meant – the New World Order people. Government of the New World Order people, government by the New World Order people, and government for the New World Order people. Well, now that we got that sorted out, everything starts making more sense. In 1909, J.P. Morgan and associates, with full backing of the United States Government, began strong-arming all the Central-American countries, plus Cuba and the Dominican, to turn over the collection of the customs taxes in Central America, in order to pay off Central American debts to European Banks. Yes, you heard that right, the U.S. will interfere in another country’s affairs to make sure the European Bankers get their loan payments. So, now, that makes our U.S. military guys actually reduced to the metaphoric role, of Vinnie the knee-breaker debt collector! The soldiers were probably told they are "making the world safe for democracry". On 17 July 1909, J.P. Morgan begins controlling the “condemned bonds” of Honduras, with the U.S. State Department backing his deal with the Bondholders. He controls the Honduran Railroad and the “Wharf” – this means the Customs income. The Honduran government is simply “informed” of this! The U.S. Minister to Honduras, Philip Brown, writes a letter informing the Honduran government that the J.P. Morgan firm is agreeing to handle the Foreign Debt of Honduras, the delivery of the Railway and Wharf, and the advancement of money for internal improvements, including new bonds. Adds a line that basically says the U.S. Government (and ergo it’s military) is behind this. Full text of letter:

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Under instructions from my Government, which I have just received by telegraph, I have the honour and pleasure to inform the Government of Honduras that the firm of J.P. Morgan & Co. has informed my Government that they are prepared to agree in the arrangement of the Foreign Debt of Honduras, the delivery of the Railway and Wharf of Puerto Cortes, and the advancement of a substantial amount for internal improvements which may be necessary, acquiring new Bonds which must be duly secured. Messr.s Morgan & Co. have notified my Government that the Council of Foreign Bondholders had accepted the proposal of Morgan & Co., who now have control of the British and American securities, including the Railway and Wharf, and that the Council of Foreign Bondholders, acting in behalf of the holders of the Bonds, have informed the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the foregoing, and that the Secretary of State of Foreign Affairs having cordially approved the new project, has, by request of the Council of Bondholders, given notice to Minister Carden of the change in the situation. I have instructions to manifest that if the Government of Honduras would send a special agent to the United States with full powers to negotiate with Morgan & Co., the Government of the United States would extend to him all facilities. I beg to add that the Government of the United States feels itself happy to see, in the said proposals, the prospect of a good result and for a settlement upon a favourable basis for the amortization of the National Debt, which would be for the prosperity, tranquility and National strength of Honduras. Tegucigalpa, July 17, 1909 (Signed) Philip Brown 42 1909 - Honduras is approached by the US State Department with an agreement from a "syndicate of bankers" of New York (J.P. Morgan & Co.) intimating to the Honduran Government the advisability of sending a representative to Washington with a view to taking advantage of the offer of a syndicate of Wall Street bankers to settle the foreign debt, to advance funds for the carrying out of progressive public works, and for the redemption of the internal debt, assuring the government that this proposition would be more advantageous to the country than the settlement made with the Minister of Great Britain, who was at the same time representing the foreign bondholders. Prior to this the State Department used it and the Bankers influence to get the Foreign Office in London to annul the settlement previously made with Honduras by the British Minister. “Messrs. Morgan & Co. have notified my government that the Council of Foreign Bondholders had accepted the proposal of Morgan & Co., who now have control of the British and American securities, including the railway and wharf, and that the Council of Foreign Bondholders, acting in behalf of the holders of bonds, have informed the British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs of the foregoing, and that the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs having cordially approved the new project, has, by request of the Council of Bondholders, given notice to Minister (Honduras)” Honduras sent a commission to Washington and New York, and listened to the propositions, which were conditional on signing that the U.S. Government would assume the administration of the Honduran Custom Houses, through employees appointed or dismissed by the President of the United States. Of the loan amount proposed, not even 10 percent would reach Honduras, and most of that was to be “invested in railroad supplies, machinery, rolling stock, etc.” This is basically asking Honduras to turn over their sovereignty to the United States. U.S. President Taft, and Mr. Knox’s proposal bottom line, is that instead of eight million Honduras would have to pay based on the British Minister’s proposal (with no degrading conditions and stipulations), they would “get” to pay 26 million dollars! And meanwhile Taft and Knox persisted in claiming to the world that

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they were “holding out a generous hand to the Latin-American countries, in order to lighten the weight of their foreign debts”. Truthfully, they were devising means of cornering these countries into essentially slave states. All these maneuverings were kept secret in the United States and in Honduras. The Envoy of Honduras in Washington, Juan E. Paredes, refused to sign the Loan Treaty and contract, acting under instructions from his government, so then steps had to be taken by the bankers. 57 (Juan E. Parades wrote a book about this - The Morgan-Honduras Loan.) Note: What a deal! Instead of paying 8 million to the British, you can now pay 26 million to Morgan (agent for the Rothschilds and other elements of the Jewish oligarchy.) But wait! There’s more! If you act now, you can also get this free set of Ginsu knives, compliments of Morgan and associates! 1909 - The Costa Rican Government is approached by the US State Department with an agreement from a "syndicate of bankers" of New York (J.P. Morgan & Co.) to "settle the foreign debt” and a new loan; the principal condition being the delivery of the Custom Houses to collectors to be named by the President of the United States. They did not approve, but the same contract was entered into with Minor C. Keith, it just didn’t mention the US government as one of the contracting parties now. (Since the 1890's Minor Cooper Keith (United Fruit) had worked as the main negotiator of the Costa Rican foreign debt with English banks.) 1909 - The Dominican is approached by the US State Department with an agreement from a “syndicate of bankers” of New York (J.P. Morgan & Co.) to “settle the foreign debt” and a new loan; the principal condition being the delivery of the Custom Houses to collectors to be named by the President of the United States. They did not approve. So a “revolution” is backed by the US Government, causing the fall of President Victoria and a Catholic Bishop is made president. July 1909 - Nicaragua President, Jose Santos Zelaya, is approached by the US State Department with an agreement from a “syndicate of bankers” of New York (J.P. Morgan & Co.) to “settle the foreign debt” and a new loan; the principal condition being the delivery of the Custom Houses to collectors to be named by the President of the United States. Zelaya refused.

U.S. Government Supports Revolution in Nicaragua Two American Mercenaries Assisting the Revolution Are Executed U.S. Marines Landed in Nicaragua 1909 – October - Astor and his son Vincent set sail to the Caribbean.

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1909 – November 2 – New York Times – there are reports about Nicaraguan President Zelaya receiving help from Honduran government, President Davila, in the form of arms, money, and men. (Zelaya and Davila are allied because they are both liberals and they are both refusing to accept the Morgan propositions.) The article quotes the treaty signed in Washington December 20, 1907: “No Government of Central America shall, in case of civil war, intervene in favor of or against the Government of the country where the struggle takes place.” 93

1909 – November - in 1867, the USA ascertained the right to build and run a canal from Pacific to Atlantic in Nicaragua. The Project of Nicaragua Canal was never realized, especially since, in November 1909, the Nicaraguan ruler Zelaya denied the USA the rights granted in the 1867 Treaty. Note: The US government was building the Panama Canal from 1904 to 1914. In 1908, Washington Valentine, partner with John Jacob Astor in the Honduras Syndicate, negotiated with Jose Santos Zelaya an interoceanic canal in Nicaragua. This would compete with the US government Panama Canal, they would no longer be a monopoly. Zelaya's determination to resist US hegemony, most notably in his efforts to entice European and Japanese canal builders to his country, brought on the wrath of the US government. Tariff increases by Nicaragua alienated the foreign businesses on the coast of Nicaragua. A tariff is money charged by a government on imports and exports. In 1909, the United States provided political support to conservative-led forces rebelling against President Zelaya. U.S. motives included differences over the proposed Nicaragua Canal, Nicaragua's potential as a destabilizing influence in the region, and Zelaya's attempts to regulate foreign access to Nicaraguan natural resources. Note: The governor on the Nicaraguan coast was Juan J. Estrada. He was in bed with New Orleans members of the IOBB who had businesses on the Nicaraguan coast at Bluefields. Estrada lead “revolutionaries” against Zelaya. His “revolution” was financed by IOBB members who also supplied mercenaries, guns, and supplies at Bluefields, Nicaragua. The revolution would also receive support from the U.S. military. By supporting the Estrada revolution the IOBB members in New Orleans were not just helping their personal businesses in Nicaragua, they were supporting the efforts of the jewish oligarchy to take control of the Caribbean countries through their agent – Morgan.

1909 – November 5 – Astor and son Vincent allegedly set sail from Kingston, Jamaica on the Nourmahal. (They are going to Central America, likely to negotiate terms for building the canal in Nicaragua. But US newspapers will falsely report they went to Porta Rico.) 1909 – November 6 – Davila, President of Honduras, requires all vessels of 100 tons and under must give bond before they can operate in the coast-wise trade, and this has almost put a stop to the exportation of coconuts.

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On November 17, 1909, two Americans were executed in Nicaragua by order of Zelaya after the two men confessed to having laid a mine in the San Juan River with the intention of blowing up the Diamante. 1909 – November 18, American Ships sent to Nicaragua Philander Knox worked for the U.S. Secretary of State Department. In order to take action against Zelaya openly, Mr. Knox needed some pretext to start the open hostilities. Such a pretext presented itself in the execution of Groce and Cannon, the two American adventurers who had been actively engaged in the ranks of the Estrada revolution, and who had been taken prisoner when in the act of blowing up with dynamite some government river boats, and who had been condemned to death by a court martial. Mr. Knox pronounced the sentence imposed upon Cannon and Groce unjust, declared Zalaya's government tyrannical and despised by public opinion, and asserted that all Nicaragua had risen in arms. This was not the truth, it being well known that the revolution was at that time localized on part of the Atlantic Coast. He declared Zelaya the perturber of peace in Central America and a violator of the Washington conventions, who had merited the complaints from the other governments of Central America, who considered his stay in power a constant menace. And so a “revolution” was engineered. [see New York Times article November 28, 1909 also see October 1910 and 1912]

1909 – November 21 – the New York Times starts reporting Astor’s ship as missing, and a supposed wreck is sighted off Cuba that is being “investigated”. He’s in the Honduras, per a later article in New Orleans. Note: Valentine had a house in Honduras. Valentine and Astor were business partners. Valentine was friends with Zelaya and had negotiated a deal with Zelaya to build an inter-ocean canal in Nicaragua. And the US government was infuriated about that. 1909 – New York Times says Astor is in San Juan, Porta Rico. Col. John Jacob Astor's steam yacht Nourmahal, about the whereabouts of which so much alarm has been felt in the last two weeks, was never in danger during that time. Last Wednesday afternoon she was riding peacefully at anchor in San Juan harbor, while her owner and friends were taking in the sights of Porta Rico in one of Col. Astor's big automobiles. …arrived in San Juan November 14… (Right, then why didn’t they “see her”. Sounds like a cover.Yep…the last part of the article says): Last night, in spite of the Nourmahal’s undoubted safety in San Juan, Capt. Ross, head of the service in Washington, said that the Yamacraw would continue her quest until she had found the yacht. Note: So, they had a US warship searching for Astor’s yacht, under the pretext that it was “missing”. Good thing they didn’t find it, they probably would have sunk it. Well, they would get another opportunity later…

1909 – November 28

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American armed forces landed yesterday at the Nicaraguan port Bluefields, according to a dispatch sent by an insurgent, Col. F. Golarza, to G. Spencer Holland, who has “considerable property and mining interests” in the country. New York Tribune, December 6, 1909 December 5 – Astor has fever, lands in Jacksonville, Florida and takes train home. Colonel John Jacob Astor and party, on his steam yacht Nourmahal, reached port this morning from San Juan, Porta Rico by way of the coast of Cuba, and remained aboard the yacht tonight. The party will leave tomorrow evening on Colonel Astor’s private car for the north. Colonel Astor could not be seen, being indisposed on account of a slight fever contracted while in San Juan.

1910 – President Dávila of Honduras granted the Vaccaro brothers a generous rail concession that included a provision prohibiting any rival line within twenty kilometers. This concession angered Sam Zemurray of the newly formed Cuyamel Fruit Company, which United Fruit Company had a 60 percent ownership in. 95 1910 – Congressional Anti-Trust hearing - Andrew Preston, co-owner of United Fruit, barely admitted to knowing who Sam Zemurray was when he testified at a congressional antitrust hearing in 1910. 96 (He barely knew him even though United Fruit owned 60% of Zemurray’s Cuyamel Fruit Company?) Note:

United Fruit was ordered to divest itself of all shares in the Bluefields Steamship Company. 88 Bluefields Steamship Co. was owned by Jacob and Charles Weinberger. Jacob Weinberger was an IOBB member in New Orleans.

Nathan Stern, Connected to IOBB, Buys the Hornet Hornet Used To Bring Guns And Mercenaries To "Revolutionaries" The Hornet was a ship the U.S. government sold on 12 July 1910 to Nathan S. Stern of New Orleans for $5,100. 45

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Newspaper called: The Day – Jul 22, 1910

The Hornet Nathan S. Stern was married to Bertha Kaufman, they lived in New Orleans. Her father was Charles A. Kaufman, a member of the Independent Order of B’nai B’rith (IOBB). 46 They used the Hornet to bring mercenaries and guns to the so-called "revolutionaries" in Central American countries. One instance of this took place in Honduras. 47 General Miguel E. Davila was the President of Honduras. Davila refused to re-assign all of his countries loans exclusively to J.P. Morgan, and sign a treaty with the U.S. to turn over the collection of the customs taxes in

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Honduras to American collectors in order to pay off the Honduras debt to Morgan. Sam Zemurray, co-owner of Cuyamel Fruit Co., wanted his own "concessions" from Honduras to grow bananas. Due to the fact that Honduras also wasn’t co-operating well with the U.S. bankers, Sam the banana man helped launch a "revolution" to get rid of President Davila. Manuel Bonilla was a deposed President of Honduras. Zemurray gets together a crew composed of himself, Lee Christmas, Guy "Machine Gun" Molony, and Manuel Bonilla. They get together some arms, and some machine guns, they sneak out from New Orleans in the Hornet. The boats they used to invade Honduras was the Hornet, the Centinella, and the Emma. In July 1910 they invaded the Atlantic Coast of Honduras. Normally American Navy ships closely watched the Bay of Honduras, on this occasion they were nowhere in sight. This particular invasion did not succeed in overthrowing Davila, but the US government threatened further revolutions unless Davila accepted the Morgan loan proposition. Davila was in a dilemma, if he accepted the Morgan loan, his countrymen would turn against him. If he rejected the Morgan loan, then Manuel Bonilla would overthrow him. Sam Zemurray forged a personal friendship and political alliance with Manuel Bonilla, who had taken refuge in the French Quarter of New Orleans following an aborted invasion of Honduras in July 1910. In order to break President Davila's resistance, they had the press of this country publish hints that should President Davilla not accept the Loan Proposition in totality soon, it would be accepted anyway by Honduras, as a revolution in that country was unavoidable, and the leader of the revolution had beforehand pledged himself to accept the Morgan proposition. 57 That leader was Manuel Bonilla, he was the banker’s man who would accept the Morgan propositions if he were president of Honduras.

IOBB Members Finance Revolution in Nicaragua US Military Enforces Morgan/Jewish Oligarchy Proposition Common People Revolt Against The Rape Of Their Country Common People Machine Gunned Down By The U.S. Military Another instance of using the Hornet to bring mercenaries and guns to the so-called "revolutionaries" took place in Bluefields, Nicaragua. 47 Philander Knox, who worked for the U.S. Secretary of State Department, had made an "offer" to Zelaya, President of Nicaragua. The "offer" was for Zelaya to re-assign all of Nicaragua’s loans exclusively to J.P. Morgan, and sign away their sovereignty in a treaty with the U.S. Government. Zelaya refused the offer. October 1910 - Juan J. Estrada was governor on the Nicaraguan coast. Estrada declared against Zelaya in October 1910. 47 IOBB members had businesses on the Nicaraguan coast at Bluefields. They financed Estrada’s “revolution”. Quote from a New York Times article on September 10, 1912: "Mr. Estrada was frank enough to admit that the revolution headed by him which overthrew Zelaya had received

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financial aid from certain American companies established on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua. He said these companies had contributed something close to $1,000,000. The house of Joseph W. Beers was in for $200,000, and that of Samuel Weil for about $150,000." (Joseph Beers was an IOBB member.) IOBB members also supplied the Estrada revolutionaries with guns, supplies and hired mercenaries from the U.S. They also provided a secure base for the revolutionaries at Bluefields, Nicaragua. The revolution would also receive support from the U.S. military. The U.S. government aided the rebel cause through its naval muscle, declaring the rebel stronghold of Bluefields "off limits" to fighting. The U.S. military warned the Nicaraguan government not to interfere with the movement of ships in and out of Bluefields. Faced with such a massive array of forces directed at such a tiny country, Zelaya finally abandoned the presidency‌ 47 Zelaya, stunned by the violent attitude of the U.S. State Department, turned executive power over to Dr. Jose Madriz. But the U.S. State Department refused to recognize the government of Madriz. The revolutionary forces continued the revolt against Zelaya's successor, Madriz. The forces of the Madriz government routed the revolutionary troops in the interior of the country, thus leaving the revolutionists reduced to one stronghold in Kama, and its base of supplies, Bluefields, on the Atlantic Coast. The government army marched to Bluefields, where the Customs House was, and finally reached the two strongholds of the rebels on the Coast, Kama and Bluefields, simultaneously with the government navy occupying the ports and all the river outlets along the Coast. After a combined attack, they captured the bluff, the key to the port and town of Bluefields. When the Nicaraguan forces were preparing to attack Bluefields by land and sea, American marines were landed, and the commander gave notice that he would not permit any hostile acts against the town of Bluefields; that he would not allow the detention of any mercantile vessel, not even to be searched for contraband of war, and that he would not allow the collection of import duties by the Madriz government at the Bluff Custom House. The revolutionists, being guaranteed the safety of Bluefields by the presence of American marines, assed all their forces for the defense of Rama, and being assured of Bluefields as a base of supplies, as the marines were there with the avowed purpose of defending the town against an attack by the Madriz forces, that the demoralization which had been noticeable in the ranks of the revolutionists was replaced by a firm confidence in an ultimate victory. The lack of war munitions which had been noticeable in the revolutionary headquarters was replaced by an abundance of everything necessary for a campaign, for American marines were sent aboard all incoming vessels, thus rendering the importation of all war material safe and sure for the carrying on of the revolution. The American commander notified the Madriz forces, that should an attempt be made to detain these vessels, or should a shot be fired at them, it would be considered a declaration of war against the United States, and that then the American war vessels would bombard the fort and sink the Nicaraguan war vessels. The Madriz forces realized that it would be useless to continue fighting against such odds, a retreat was ordered, equal to a defeat. When these disheartened troops arrived back in the interior, they contaminated the balance of the army, and before long every man in the ranks was convinced that they had been fighting a hopeless battle, not against the revolutionists, but against the gigantic power of the United States. Madriz deposited the executive power in a deputy, who, in turn, turned it over soon afterwards, to the leader of the revolutionists. ‌the "Knox-Castrillo" treaty was convened upon as a basis for a loan, which contract was signed by Castrillo

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and a group of bankers of New York (J.P. Morgan & Co.). These Castrillo Contracts contain the clause that their validity depends on a ratification by the Senate of the United States. …an advance loan of a million and a half to be made on the condition of delivery of the custom houses to American collectors. But something more scandalous was committed. Philander Knox, of the U.S. State Department, forced an additional loan contract on Nicaragua to the amount of $750,000, taking in guaranty the National Railroad and river and lake steamers, on conditions which make these national properties appear to have been almost given away. It is but natural to suppose that with the ingress of such large sums of money, the Nicaraguan Government should, at least in the beginning, have been in comfortable monetary circumstances, and the country in a favorable economic condition, but the truth is that never in the history of that country has the treasury been emptier than then, nor has the poverty of the masses ever been so noticeable, and the stagnation of commerce and progress more pronounced. The reason for this is clear; of all these sums that were apparently being loaned nothing reached the public treasuries of Nicaragua, and of the resources derived from the Custom Houses of the country, but a very small percentage has been turned over by the American collectors to the Nicaragua government. It was easily to be seen, in Nicaragua as well as abroad, that the election of General Mena, brought about by the National Assembly, was not looked upon with favor by the U.S. State Department, and at the same time letting it be understood that the favorite of the U.S. State Department was the actual President, Adolfo Diaz, who, it is believed was encouraged by the American Minister (Philander Knox) to relieve General Mena from his post as Minister of War. Mena had the support of the armed forces in the country. The greater part of all the officers in the army were his creations, and it was notoriously known that Mena was the real power in the government. It is to be presumed that Knox was convinced that his favored candidate could not succeed himself through the vote of a public election, and in order that Mena's advantage of the control of the army might be counterbalanced, and to ignore public opinion as represented by the Liberal Party, a civil war was necessary, in which Diaz was to be victorious, aided by outside support. Had the U.S. State Department wished to avoid the loss of life in Nicaragua of the last two revolutions, it could easily have done so by disembarking armed forces and by the military occupation of the most important strategic points throughout the country, as it has done lately. However, the State Department proceeded in a directly opposite way. The removal of General Mena from the Ministry of War advised by the American Minister, was a step which had to bring the results which were presently realized. Mena, having in his possession most of the armament in the country, placed all that he could in the hands of his followers, and then, securing the help of the Liberals from the eastern part of the country, he succeeded in bringing an army of volunteers together, superior in numbers and quality to the forces Diaz could muster against him. Mena succeeded in a very short time in seriously menacing the capital, and in taking a good many important towns. Public sentiment was from the very beginning in favor of the uprising, because the government of Diaz, which never had enjoyed popular favor, became positively hated, and unpopular from the very moment it entered upon the loan negotiations, which meant the selling of the country. But the uprising against Diaz's government did not spread over the country until the Diaz forces became reduced to Managua, and, no doubt, the capital would have fallen into the hands of the revolution, had it not been for the defense for the presidential palace by American marines. It was then that the masses in Leon, who had up to then remained passive, rose up in arms as one man, and attacked the government garrison, which was annihilated. They also

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decimated the armed expedition sent to subjugate them, and recalled to the country some of the exiled leaders, whose orders for an uprising they had not expected. Admiral Sutherland declared expressly that if the railroad and steamship lines were returned to him by the revolutionists, he would observe a strict neutrality, and that he would abstain from transporting either troops or war supplies of either belligerents, thus obtaining control of both railroad and steamers, without any resistance having been offered. However, once in possession of the railroad lines and stations, and the American forces having established themselves firmly in protected positions along these lines, Sutherland invented the pretext of having to go to the rescue of a French school for girls who were perishing from hunger. All of this was pure fabrication, as there were no pupils at that school except native children, who had the protection and support of their parents, and who were suffering no greater hardship than any of the other residents. Thus a considerable military force was assembled in the stronghold of Mena, and Mena was asked to surrender, having been told that in case of his noncompliance, armed force would be used against him, whereupon Mena surrendered without having offered resistance. Admiral Sutherland tried these tactics with General (Doctor) Benjamin Zeledon, but this leader resolved to defend the honor of Nicaragua, and refused to surrender. The U.S. military forces, after the fortifications protecting Masaya had been ineffectively attacked by the Diaz forces for three days, started to shell the Barranca Forts, and, having silenced the revolutionary fire, took the positions by storm. A simultaneous attack was made by the so-called Diaz Government forces upon the town of Masaya, nearby, which was captured a few hours later than Barranca. Zeledon succeeded in escaping, but was overtaken and put to death the same day. Leon and some other towns in the North were still in the hands of the revolutionists, although suffering for lack of war supplies. Admiral Sutherland then demanded the surrender of all the revolutionary leaders, and these, convinced of the impossibility of success against the American invading forces, surrendered; but the masses, highly inflamed by the injustice committed against their country, tried to offer resistance. Unorganized as they were, the machine guns of the American marines were turned upon them. A similar incident had taken place in Chichigalpa. From the American engagements ‌there were hundreds of Nicaraguan victims, killed and wounded, many of them noncombatants. It seems that the U.S. State Department has tried to make the Senate appear responsible for its actions. This is indicated by certain press articles inspired by the State Department, and by a declaration made by Mr. Taft in a speech in which he asserted that the responsibility for the occurrence in Nicaragua rests with the Senate, and that the Senate alone is responsible for the fact that dollars have not substituted rifle bullets, because the Senate had not ratified the Loan Treaty which would have given the custom houses of the country into the hands of American collectors, thus doing away with the inducement and object of revolution. The fact is that the Nicaraguan custom houses had been under the administration of American collectors for many months before the revolution started, and it can be safely asserted that the delivery of the country's resources to the American banking syndicate actually was the cause of the war. 57

Note: We can add the deaths of the people in Nicaragua to the mounting death toll at the hands of the jewish oligarchy. It was another chapter in the work of the “brothers of light�. The death toll by now was already in the

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millions, but it does not end here, millions more will lose their lives as the High Priests of IOBB/Temple Emanu-el carry out “Gods work” in fulfilling their mission to humanity. Here is some of their mission statement as given at Temple Emanu-El's website: The Jewish people has a mission to humankind, a mission ordained of God... This mission requires that the people born or adopted in the covenant of Abraham must persuade the entire human family, through teaching and example, that the One and Only God can be worshipped in holiness only as we human beings serve each other with love. The mission of Israel will not have been fulfilled until righteousness and peace prevail everywhere for everyone. If you consider dead people in their graves to be at peace, only then could you say the “brothers of light” are succussfully carrying out their so-called mission to humanity. Additional Note: The U.S. government does not stand for democracy, as we have been led to believe. The U.S. government, through various means - the military, the CIA, revolutionaries and assassinations – has repeatedly interferred with popular and elected leaders of foreign countries, against what the majority of the people in the country wanted. That fact is a result of particular people in the U.S. government being a tool of the jewish oligarchy.

Hornet Used In Another Attack On Honduras Manuel Bonilla, The Banker’s Man - Made Honduras President The Hornet had been used in a July 1910 invasion of Honduras, using Manuel Bonilla as the leader of the “revolutionaries”. That was a failed attempt to overthrow Davila, the Honduran President. Davila was still refusing to sign the Morgan proposition, so another assualt was organized. Borrowing money from Sam Zemurray, Manuel Bonilla allegedly “bought” the Hornet. In reality he only had a power of attorney from the Hornet’s owner, Joseph Beer, a member of the IOBB. In early December General Juan E. Paredes, Honduran representative in Washington, told the US State Department that Manuel Bonilla had purchased the Hornet for a strike on the north shore of Honduras and that the Hornet was ready to depart for a rendezvous on the Guatemala coast, where it would take on arms and ammunition, in preparation for invading Honduras. The U.S. State Department told Paredes to inform Davila that only on the condition that he accept the Morgan loan proposition, could Davila insure himself against a repetition of revolutionary uprisings. If he signed, then the State Department would bind itself to crush such revolutions. Davila then began to change his instructions to his envoy in Washington, Juan Paredes. He still instructed Paredes not to submit to any clause which could possibly endanger the sovereignty of Honduras. 40 1910 – December 10 - Finally Davila gave orders to Paredes to sign the Loan Treaty, which instruction the Honduran representative at first refused to obey. Tegucigalpa Dec. 10, 1910

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Paredes, Honduras Consulate, New York: Accept agreement; sign agreement and return. (Signed) Davila 1910 – December – Juan Paredes refuses to sign the Loan Treaty. 1910 – December 20 - the Hornet, under close scrutiny, receives permission to depart (permission from the US government in Washington) over the vigorous protest of the Honduran government. 47 1910 – December 24 – The Hornet arrived where Manuel Bonilla, Lee Christmas, and Guy “machine gun” Malony were waiting and they loaded weapons and the machine gun onto the Hornet. Another mercenary was on board the Hornet, Samuel Dreben.

Samuel Dreben - Called “the fighting jew” Samuel Dreben joined the US Army and fought in the Philippines during the Spanish-American War. He then fought in other wars, finally becoming a hired mercenary who was skillful with a machine gun. Sam Zemurray hired Lee Christmas, most noted of the Central American soldiers of fortune, to overthrow the Honduras government. Christmas then hired Dreben. 106 This revolutionary expedition aboard the Hornet, started from the Atlantic Coast of the United States. Meanwhile, in Livingston, Guatemala, United Fruit had loaded onto the Centinella and the Emma, guns and a company of 45 men raised by Minor Cooper Keith from United Fruit Company plantations in Guatemala. The Hornet went to Guatemala and met up with several other ships obtained for the revolutionary cause – the Centinella, the Brittanic, and the Emma. They were not stopped by any military ships as they head for Manabique Point, Guatemala. A couple of days later, another 24 Honduran strangers had slipped into town,

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waiting to board the Hornet.

47, 100

1911 – January 3 – The revolutionary expedition, led by the Hornet, reached the coast of Honduras. The commander of the USS Tacoma, without knowing whether Paredes had signed the treaty or not, didn’t know what to do, so stopped Bonilla’s ship. Bonilla had anticipated this. After bringing the ship into Roatan harbor, the captain of the Hornet, who held the power of attorney from Joseph Beer, the ship’s owner, sold the ship to Florian Davadi for $40,000, $1.00 down and the rest in mortgage. They signed the papers in front of the local U.S. Consul. 47, 57 (Joseph Beer is a member of the IOBB.) 1911 – January 10 – After the USS Tacoma suddenly takes off for some reason, Sam Zemurray’s revolutionary men, led by Manuel Bonilla, invaded Trujillo. On the same day, Lee Christmas and Guy Maloney invaded Honduras and joined the Bonilla forces, which had already taken Trujillo. 57

Lee Christmas

Lee Christmas

Col. Guy R. Malony

1911 – January 10 – After the revolution had been started and two ports had been taken, Juan E. Paredes, after filing a protest, signed the Loan Treaty [U.S. government part], but irrevocably refuses to sign the loan contract with the Morgan bankers. 101 1911 – January 31 - This Loan Treaty was almost unanimously vetoed and declined by the Honduran Congress on the last day of January, the US State Department, however, insisting right along that the agreement with the Morgan banking syndicate should also be accepted and signed. 1911 – February – Honduras President, General Miguel E. Davila, signs the Loan Treaty. After Davila had signed the Loan Treaty, the USS Tacoma was ordered to capture the Hornet, but the Hornet had had time to land the war supplies she had aboard. 57 The U.S. finally intervened in February, 1911 when Knox arranged to install Francisco Bertrand as provisional Honduras president. Bertrand was affiliated with the revolution, and actively engaged in the ranks of the revolutionists, and was one of the most intimate friends of Manuel Bonilla, the revolutionary leader. Bertrand promised to hold free elections, and Dávila resigned. Manuel Bonilla soon won election as president. 57, 102

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Note: We see from all of this that the IOBB members in New Orleans, United Fruit Company, Cuyamel Fruit Company, the US government and its military, and J.P. Morgan – all worked together to help the jewish oligarchy get control of the Caribbean countries. Military action was used as the means to overthrow uncooperative presidents and to install men who were favorable to the jewish bankers. 1911 – September – Due to the fact that U.S. Department of Justice is “looking into” the Bonilla revolution, United Fruit distances itself from Sam Zemurray and sold it’s interest in Cuyamel Fruit Company, Atlantic Fruit Company and Vaccaro Brothers. They maintained a close working relationship with Zemurray for 2 years thereafter though, because he could get whatever he wanted from Manuel Bonilla. 95

Agenda Of Jewish Oligarchy – Monopoly & Centralized Power 1911 – October – Morgan’s agenda, as acting agent for the Rothschilds and the I.O.B.B. (New World Order) aka the jewish oligarchy, is about monopoly and centralized power in banking, business, and government. They are working towards a One World Government and a One World Bank, controlled and run by them…

Morgan now controls and directs the Astor Trust Company! 104

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Monopoly – Exclusive possession. Ownership or control that permits domination of the means of production or the market in a business or occupation, usually for controlling prices. Oligarchy – despotic power exercised by a privileged clique. Government by the few. Control of any group or organizaton by a small faction… control by a privileged few. Clique – a narrow exclusive group of persons held together by presumed identical interests.

Honduras Deeply In Debt With Little Income Bonilla Giving Away Honduras Natural Resources Astor Killed When Titanic Is Sunk In 1911, Minor Cooper Keith decided to organize all his railway network in a new company called the International Railways of Central America (IRCA). This corporation consolidated his Guatemalan lines and one line in El Salvador. He also bought the Western Guatemala Railroad between Guatemala City and the Pacific Coast, creating an inter-coast system. The line was eventually extended to the Mexican border, and connected Mexican lines. 1911 – Debt of Honduras is now 113,000,000, with allowed annual revenue of 2 million and only 600,000 residents, most of which are Indians that do not work for anyone. 103 1912 - Manuel Bonilla was now President of Honduras for the second time.

Manuel Bonilla Manuel Bonilla appoints Sam Zemurray the fiscal agent of Honduras with authority to negotiate a 500,000 loan [from Morgan] to defray the expenses of the recent revolution. Lee Christmas was made head of the Honduran Army after Manuel Bonilla is in power.

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Bonilla happily grants Sam Zemurray the contracts he needs to incorporate the Cuyamel Fruit Company in Honduras, and no taxes for 25 years. Nice deal. 57 Bonilla awarded three railways, a port concession, and ten thousand acres of land to Sam Zemurray. 6 1912 – March 4 - Zemurray receives rights to select an additional 24,700 acres between Cuyamel and the Guatemalan frontier. 95 1912 - United Fruit gets two railway and land concessions, and they begin producing bananas large scale in Honduras. 40

Bonilla cancelled a major railway concession that was awarded to Washington Valentine. 6 Note: That railway concession belonged to the Honduras Syndicate, wherein Valentine and Astor were partners. They are making moves to stop Astor, he keeps interferring with their Grand Plan to dominate and control the entire world. 1912 – April 15 – The Titanic is sunk, killing John Jacob Astor IV. In 1912 the United States Army sends troops to Cuba. The U.S. marines land in Panama during the presidential elections. The United States Army also intervened in Honduras. 1912 – The Morgan loan to Honduras is in the US legislature for approval. Attempted cover-up by Morgan to deflect the justified attacks on his new “loan arrangement” with the Honduras. Morgan’s name is removed from the bill, and a Bank of the South and a Banker of the North are “substituted.” Quote from The Morgan-Honduras Loan by Juan E. Paredes: “We have submitted the proofs to the fair-minded people of the United States, and have appealed to their sense of justice to support us in our fight against greediness and extortion, when they, too, are fighting against the same money power, and made clearly to see the great injustice of converting into trusts the trade and resources of the small countries of Central America for the benefit of the Wall Street potentates. Although at the fifty-ninth minute of the eleventh hour the State Department has withdrawn from the Senate Morgan’s name and substituted it with a Bank of the South and a Banker of the North, in order to checkmate the attacks against the Morgan-Honduras Loan Scheme, the situation has not changed, because Honduras has not changed her attitude on the Bondholders’ Agreement with Morgan; neither on the American Claims.” Note: The bank of the south was the Whitney Bank Charles Godchaux, a jew, was president of Whitney Central National Bank and Whitney Central Trust and Savings Bank, which had acquired the Morgan State Bank, in 1911. 48, 49

1912 – August approximately – Hubbard and Zemurray re-organized all these properties as the Cuyamel Fruit Company of New Orleans, a 5 million dollar enterprise in which Zemurray held majority interest. He then got

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another concession in the vicinity of Tela, but he gave this to the Tela Railroad Company, a United Fruit Company subsidiary. Through another subsidiary, the Trujillo Railroad Company, United Fruit began development of lands around Trujillo. 95 New York Times, September 10, 1912 reports: In the course of an interview with a Times reporter yesterday, Ex-President Estrada, of Nicaragua, who is stopping at the Hotel St. George, Brooklyn….Mr. Estrada was frank enough to admit that the revolution headed by him which overthrew Zelaya had received financial aid from certain American companies established on the Atlantic coast of Nicaragua. He said these companies had contributed, off and on, something close to $1,000,000. The house of Joseph W. Beers was in for $200,000, and that of Samuel Weil for about $150,000. 1912 – November - A heartfelt, and certainly well-justified plea to the American people from Juan E. Paredes: “Honduras asks only to be let alone to arrange terms with her creditors and to contract a loan, if deemed necessary, to settle her indebtedness. But by no means will Honduras allow a Foreign Government to manage her National affairs. We are fighting for a principle. We are defending our self-government. Juan E. Paredes, New Orleans, Louisiana November 1912

Press Directs Public Attention Away From Personal Income Tax Law In 1913, in a truly astounding display of "don’t look there, look over here" tactic, the enactment of a true personal income tax passed right on through the US legislature, because of a banana "furor" show for the public. The Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act proposed to put taxes on the sale of dozens of items, one of which was bananas. However, part of this act was also levying a true personal income tax for the first time. The public was whipped into a furor by the press over the "outrage" of making their beloved bananas more expensive by the evil money-grubbing government. United Fruit lead the cast of characters in this soap opera for the American public, complete with impassioned pleas from the National Housewives League. On July 13, the New York Times says that the banana was not only a staple food - and it was amoral to tax such - but also one of the few genuine pleasures available to the common man: "They are entitled to their little luxuries exactly because they are poor." (To my mind, that is an absolutely disgusting display of condescending arrogance by the New York Times. Adolph Och, member of Temple Emanu-el, owns the New York Times.) So…while everyone is looking at all that, nobody looks at what else is in that Act, and were led to all heave a collective sigh of "relief" that the dearly beloved banana had it’s tax “defeated” by our United Fruit heroes. Meanwhile, look what slipped through. Because of course, if the public had been TOLD about the personal income tax, and what that’s going to do to their weekly grocery money, nobody would have given a good goddamn about banana taxes. Personal income tax, makes the bankers (whom the U.S. government owes money to of course) many, many, many, times richer than bananas, or a tax on them, ever could. Most of the money from collection of personal

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income tax goes towards paying the national debt to the bankers. That is the true purpose of this tax and why the jewish oligarchy wanted this tax levied on the American people. Personally, I think the fortunes of the jewish oligarchy and their wealthy associates should be used to pay off the national debt, as a step towards rectifying all the harm they have caused. Then, personal income tax should be eliminated entirely or brought down to a low amount, such as 5%. Currently, personal income tax is around 33-50% of a person’s annual income. Without that burden on a family, think of what that would do for their life and the economy! This current “recession” in the United States was also brought about by the oligarchy, largely due to them taking manufacturing companies out of the U.S. and putting them overseas, where they can employ people at slave labor wages. This results in many unemployed people in the U.S. and unemployed people don’t have money to spend on goods and services. The U.S. government should impose such a heavy tariff on imported goods from overseas factories, that it would be cheaper to bring those manufacturing companies back to the United States, resulting in employment for American workers, who would then have money to spend, and the economy would improve. And, guess what else the U.S. government could do to help? They could stop hiding Tesla’s research into free electricity and use it to provide everyone with free electricity. There are many ways the U.S government could help to improve things if it actually represented the people, rather than acting in the interests of the oligarchy.

US Military Keeps Those Banana Profits Rolling In The United States Army invades Haiti in 1915 and the Dominican Republic in 1916. 40 The United States Army invades Cuba in 1917. The American occupation lasts until 1933. One of the first U.S. businesses to enter Cuba was United Fruit. It established banana and sugar plantations that would grow to cover 300,000 acres. In 1918 U.S. military forces put down banana-workers strikes in Panama, Colombia, and Guatemala. Thereafter, the US military kept a police force in Panama. The United Fruit workers were demanding a six-day labor week and an eight-hour labor day, plus health care. 96 Note: Gee, how dare they! Not to be worked like slaves? The nerve! How dare you try to cut into our 1000 percent profit? The use of the U.S. military to gain concessions and "keep those bananas coming", sounds like Mafia tactics - "let me make you an offer you can’t refuse" – work or die. In Columbia the U.S. ambassador, Caffery, reported the events to Washington. The tone and language of the memo are beyond chilling. They are as clear a manifestation of terrible indifference as you will ever read: “I have the honor to report, that the Bogota representative of the United Fruit Company told me yesterday that the total number of strikers killed by the Colombian military exceeded one thousand.” The United States Army lands in Guatemala and fights as union-busters for two weeks on behalf of the United

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Fruit Company in 1920. 96 The Bluefields Steamship Co. goes under the Cuyamel Fruit Company in 1922. 88 In January 1924, López Gutiérrez, President of Honduras, announced his intention to remain in office until new elections could be held, but he repeatedly refused to specify a date for the elections. General Tiburcio Carías Andino, candidate of the National Party of Honduras, reportedly with the support of United Fruit, declared himself president, and an armed conflict broke out. In February the United States, warning that recognition would be withheld from anyone coming to power by revolutionary means, suspended relations with the López Gutiérrez government for its failure to hold elections.

Rafael López Gutiérrez On February 28, a pitched battle took place in La Ceiba between government troops and rebels. U.S. marines were landed in Honduras. General Carías and a variety of other rebel leaders controlled most of the countryside but failed to coordinate their activities effectively enough to seize the capital. Gutiérrez died in March 1924, suffering from diabetes, after a failed attempt to escape to the United States for insulin treatment. More U.S. forces invaded Honduras to “protect American interests” by controlling the outcome of an election in favor of U.S. corporate interests. The corporate interests were bananas, those represented big money, especially to a company called United Fruit. Due to the use of slave labor on the banana plantations, the profit was 1000 per cent. So, our army gets sent to Honduras because of bananas. The United States government dispatched Sumner Welles to the port of Amapala; he had instructions to try to produce a settlement. An agreement was worked out that provided for an interim presidency headed by General Vicente Tosta. Presidential elections were to be held, and on December 28 Miguel Paz Barahona was elected president. The Honduran government, after years of negotiations, finally concluded an agreement with the British bondholders to liquidate most of the immense national debt. The bonds were to be redeemed at 20 percent of face value over a thirty-year period. Back interest was forgiven, and new interest accrued only over the last fifteen years of this arrangement. Under the terms of this agreement, Honduras, at last, seemed on the road to

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fiscal solvency. 1924 - A New York Times article published in 1924 implied that the reign of United Fruit would be remembered as a pinnacle of human achievement. The story, headlined “Lowly Banana Rebuilds an Empire,” described the presence of U.S. enterprises in Central America as “the rehabilitation of an ancient empire . . . that flourished long before Columbus.” The story continued: “The opening up of the humid lowlands of Central America by the new seaports, railroads, and banana plantations of the United Fruit Company is more than a story of business faith and commercial enterprise. It is a demonstration of empire building with a new ingredient capable of correcting the mistakes of the past.” [referring to the preservation of the Mayan ruins found in 1912 by United Fruit Company during jungle clearing] In the U.S. in 1924, Dr. Sidney Haas makes it public that bananas are a "good cure for children suffering from celiac disease". United Fruit uses this finding, to promote banana consumption for many years. 40 The Guatemalan government gives a concession to the United Fruit company for all the uncultivated lands in a 100 kilometers territory November 7, 1924. 1925 - US troops in Panama break up a plantation strike against United Fruit in 1925. 96 The biggest labor action ever faced by a banana company began in October 1928, when 32,000 workers went on strike. They demanded to be granted medical treatment and proper toilet facilities; they insisted on being paid in cash rather than company-issued scrip only redeemable in United Fruit-owned stores. They asked that they be considered true employees rather than subcontractors who weren’t even afforded the minimal protection of Colombia’s weakly drawn labor laws. The strike panicked United Fruit. Martial law was declared on December 5, 1928. On December 6, in the town of Cienaga, banana workers gathered in the town square. The city hall stood at one end and the main church at the other. The workers were not there, specifically, to protest. December 6 was a Sunday; they’d attended mass and were waiting to hear a speech by the regional governor. Because the address would follow church services, the workers were accompanied by their wives and families. General Cortes Vargas - the military official in charge of the region, who claimed he acted only to prevent an even worse intervention by the U.S. military - had given his commanders these orders: “Prepare your mind to face the crowds of rebels, and kill before foreign troops tread upon our soil.” Four machine gun positions surrounded the square, on rooftops, one at each corner. An order was given. The area was to be cleared in five minutes. The countdown had begun. Packed into the square as they were, the crowd couldn’t, and didn’t, disperse. The troops opened fire. 96 Note: The United States military, in it’s metaphorical role as Vinnie the knee-breaker, sure spends a lot of time invading other countries where these cash crops are, and where the working conditions for said crops, are absolutely atrocious! Total slave labor.

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But the New York Times, owned by a Temple Emanu-el member, applauds United Fruit.

More Propaganda From IOBB From an article in the Menorah, the monthly magazine of the IOBB We barely open our morning's paper without seeing or reading several columns and pages of homicides in various degrees, lynching and other heinous crimes committed by persons born in Christian faith. Among these you never find a Jew. After the conquest of Palestine they hardly ever engaged in war of aggression or conquest and only waged war in self-defense, and since the destruction of the second Temple, Jews took no interest in killing their brother men except under compulsion of king or state. 1 Note: Who are they kidding? Millions have died at the hands of the jewish oligarchy.

The IOBB and Temple Emanu-el members practice reform Judaism. Here is a statement by Moses Mendelssohn, the father of Reform Judaism The test of religion is its effect on conduct. Considering the conduct of the jewish oligarchy – what does that say about Judaism?

References 1. The Menorah, monthly magazine of Independent Order B'ne B'rith, Vol XXII, Jan-June 1897 2. Article in Menorah titled Manual Training And The Jews, by Dr. Henry M. Leipziger 3. 4. 5. An Encylopedia article 6. Wikipedia Encyclopedia 7. 8. 9. A Treasury of Titanic Tales by Webb Garrison, published by Rutledge Hill Press, 1998 10. Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters published May 1912 11. New Columbia Encyclopedia 12. 13.

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14. History Channel special "Titanic's Final Moments" 15. Testimony before the US Senate hearings into Titanic sinking 16. 17. 18. Chicago Tribune 28 Dec 1997 - Radio Notes Bring Titanic’s Pleas For Help Back To Life 19. 20. 21. Robert Hunston’s Log – "The Titanic Disaster as Viewed from Cape Race" 22. New York Times 26 April 1912 – Did Not See Titanic Capt. Moore Insists 23. 24. Official Report to the Cunard Line, by A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia 25. 26. 27. Hudson Dispatch 18 Nov 1943 Hero of Titanic Lifeboat 13, Which Rescued Mrs. Astor… 28. New York Times April 22, 1912 – Astor Saved Us, Say Women 29. 30. The Hudson Observer 20 April 1912 31. Titanic & Olympic: The Truth Behind the Conspiracy By Bruce Beveridge, Steve Hall 2004 32. Worcester Evening Gazette 19 April 1912 - Astor Put Boy By Wife's Side 33. New York Times 18 April 1912 – Marconi Cheered for Wireless Feats 34. NY Times 25th July 1912 - Financier Refuses to Discuss Business or Politics 35. Causes and Effects of the Rapid Sinking of the Titanic by Vicki Bassett 36. 37. 38. 39. ] 40. Scientology – The Blind Leading the Blind Part 2 41. 42. The Morgan-Honduras Loan by Juan E. Paredes – 1912 vol. 3 43. Nikola Tesla and John Jacob Astor, by Marc J. Seifer 44. 45. 46. 47. The Banana Men: American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America by Lester D. Langley, Thomas D. Schoonover 48. History of The Jews of Louisiana 49. 50. 51. 52. New Orleans and the New South By Andrew Morrison, published 1888 53. US genweb for Louisiana birth records 54. 55. 56. 57. United States and Latin America: Dollar Diplomacy, Juan Leets, New Orleans 1912 58. New York Times, June 22, 1913 - Appraisement of Estate Reveals Astor’s Personality

59. 60. George Westinghouse: gentle genius by Quentin R. Skrabec, Jr., Quentin R. Skrabec

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61. 62. New York Times, May 1910

63. 64. 65. 66. 67. New York Times article January 12, 1913 – Big Morgan Concern In Ship Inquiry 68. Wizard: the life and times of Nikola Tesla: biography of a genius - Marc J. Seifer - 1998 69. 70. New York Times, April 15, 1913 - Titanic Claims…. 71. New York Times - August 9, 1903 72. The New International Year Book 1911 73. J. Pierpont Morgan: An Intimate Portrait by Herbert L. Satterlee 1939 74. Nikola Tesla: The Lost Wizard by Marc J. Seifer 75. Nikola Tesla, My Inventions - Originally published, 1919 - Electrical Engineer 76. 77. A summary from World Class Business by Phillip Mattera 78. The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance by Ron Chernow 79. Quentin P. Taylor (2004) "Money and Politics in the Land of Oz" The Independent Institute – Wikipedia 80. The life story of J. Pierpont Morgan : a biography - published October 1911 81. Article By Christopher Gray Published: March 5, 2009 New York Times 82. 83. Combination in the mining industry: a study of concentration… by Henry Raymond Mussey 1905 84. 85. 86. Reinterpreting the Banana Republic: region and state in Honduras, 1870-1972 by Darío A. Euraque 87. The Empire State Building: the making of a landmark, by John Tauranac, 1997 88. 89. The Bluefields Messenger, 1890 - 90. The Revolutionary Mission; American Enterprise in Latin America, 1900-1945 by Thomas F. O’Brien 91. New York Times October 30, 1903 92. Book - Foundry, Volumes 29-30 93. 94. 95. Doing Business With the Dictators: A Political History of United Fruit in ... By Paul J. Dosal 96. The Banana – The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World by Dan Koeppel 97. International Finance by Hartley Withers 1918 98. The American Cyclopaedia – authors George Ripley and Charles A. Dana - 1873 99. 100. Bananas: How the United Fruit Company Shaped the World By Peter Chapman 101. Letter of President Davilla to Minister Paredes, Tegucigalpa, Jan. 12, 1911 102. 103. Refunding the Foreign Debt of Honduras by Samuel MacClintock, The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 19, No. 3 (Mar., 1911), pp. 216-228 -

104. The life story of J. Pierpont Morgan : a biography Published October 1911 105. 106. 107.

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John Jacob Astor IV

Book 5 of

Sinking Titanic

by Seven

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Put Out The Light Sinking the Titanic – Death of Astor

The Scenario Of The Titanic Sinking Laid Out Beforehand Morgan Robertson authored a novel titled Futility. It was published in 1898 by M.F. Mansfield in New York. The novel features a ship called the Titan. It was the largest ship afloat and no expense was spared on making the ship luxurious. The steamship Titan had nineteen water-tight compartments.. With nine compartments flooded the ship would still float, thus the Titan was considered practically unsinkable. Titan only carried the minimum number of lifeboats required by law - 24 - able to carry 500 people. This was not enough for the 3000 passengers on board. Due to excessive speed, the Titan hit an iceberg in the North Atlantic Ocean and sank. This happened near midnight in the month of April. There were not enough lifeboats. 2987 people died in the disaster. Morgan Robertson republished Futility after the sinking of the Titanic in 1912. The 1912 edition was titled Futility and the Wreck of the Titan. A happier ‘Hollywood style’ ending was added. The similarities between The Titan and Titanic are striking:

1898 Version

1912 Version


















Horse Power












Watertight compartments




Number of Lifeboats




Passenger Capacity




Passengers on board




Speed at Impact

25 knots

25 knots

22.5 knots

Time of Impact

near midnight

near midnight


Point of Impact








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Number of Survivors

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There have been a few editions of the book since 1912. 65

J. Bruce Ismay takes over the White Star Line (ships) after his father's death in 1899. 66 J.P. Morgan Owns International Mercantile Marine Company and Ships The International Mercantile Marine shipping trust was formed in 1902 by J.P. Morgan. The International Mercantile Marine Company (IMMC) owns the entire capital stock of : Oceanic Steam Navigation Company (the White Star Line) International Navigation Company, (the American and Red Star Lines) Mississippi and Dominion Steamship Company British and North Atlantic Steam Navigation Company IMMC owns the controlling interest in the firm of Frederick Leyland & Co. Frederick Leyland & Co. was listed as owner of the Cunard Line steamship Carpathia. 67

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J. P. Morgan

Ismay President of International Mercantile Marine Company By 1904 many British ships were equipped with wireless. The wireless operators came from the ranks of railroad and postal telegraphers. A general call on the landline wire was a "CQ." By using "CQ," each station receives a message from a single transmission. The 'CQ' is an international signal which meant that all stations should cease sending except the one using the call. In 1904, the Marconi company suggested the use of "CQD" for a distress signal. It is a general call, "CQ," followed by "D," meaning distress. A strict interpretation would be "All stations, Distress." Naturally, "CQ," went with the operators to sea and was likewise used for a general call. This sign for "all stations" was adopted soon after wireless came into being by both ships and shore stations. 7 J. Bruce Ismay, with J.P. Morgan's full support, becomes president of International Mercantile Marine with complete control, in 1904. 66

J. Bruce Ismay John Jacob Astor IV married nineteen-year-old Madeline Force on September 9, 1911. They were on a trip to Egypt and were booked on Titanic to return to New York. 10

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Cancellations by Frick, Morgan,Vanderbilt Titanic was scheduled to depart on its maiden voyage on April 10, 1912. The American steel magnate Henry Clay Frick canceled when Mrs. Frick sprained her ankle. 8

Frick and Wife The following is one of the propaganda stories released to cover up the real explanation for J.P. Morgan’s sudden change of plans in regards the maiden voyage of Titanic: J. Pierpont Morgan was with a French antiquities dealer at his hotel, in early April 1912. He spent the summer in Europe acquiring items for his 50 million dollar art collection. Now he was awaiting a deal to be accepted to purchase some treasured tapestries depicting events of the Third Crusade to the Holy Land. The Dealer asked Morgan, "it's common knowledge that you will make the maiden voyage of Titanic. I suppose that means you'll be embarking at Cherbourg?" Morgan replied, "I wouldn't miss that trip for a million dollars. But I will board at Southampton in order to make the entire voyage." Just as Morgan was preparing to leave for England, he received word that arrangements had been made and he could view the tapestries and make an offer on them. Morgan would be delayed for several more days for the purchase to be completed. While waiting, he sent this cancellation message: J. Pierpont Morgan to White Star in Southampton from Chartres: "Business will deny me the pleasure of being one of the first to cross on the finest vessel of I. M. M." 9

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J.P. Morgan quote: "A man always has two reasons for doing anything - a good reason and the real reason. " For example, here’s where Morgan really was during his winter vacation of 1912… 1912 – January – same time as Astors, Brown, Brewer, Bucknell and Dulles – Morgan goes to Egypt to his excavations. The NewYork Times, 16 March 1912 J. P. Morgan Dug Into Egypt’s Past New

Financier Superintended the Search for Early Christian Cemetery at Khargeh Built A House In Desert Had Force of Men at Work Under Egyptian Engineers J. P. Morgan spent his Winter vacation at the ancient oasis of Khargeh, which is four days' ride west of Thebes, on the old caravan route from the Nile to Berber and the Soudan. The principal object of Mr. Morgan's stay there before starting home by way of Italy was to watch the native laborers he has employed under Egyptian engineers to excavate at his expense in the desert around Khargeh in search of a Christian cemetery which dates back to the early days of the Christian era. … the financier had a small house erected close to the ruins of the Temple of Ammon, which contains some fine cartouches of Rameses II. There are also some fine Roman ruins in the district which are being excavated at Mr. Morgan's expense. Morgan is at Kharga, which is not far from where the Nag Hammadi Library was “later” found. April 28, 1912 New York Times Mr. Morgan Seeks More Coptic Manuscripts in Egypt … J. Pierpont Morgan is on his way home from a vacation junt to the site of the ancient oasis of Khargeh, four days’ ride west of the ruins of Thebes, in Egypt, and on the caravan route from the Nile to Berber, in the Soudan. … The newspapers recorded, when Mr. Morgan’s destination became known, that he had gone to the African desert to learn of the progress being made there by the native laborers he had employed under Egyptian engineers to excavate near Khargeh in a search for a Christian cemetery, which dates back to the early days of this era. Some fine Roman remains in the district were also mentioned vaguely as an object of Mr. Morgan’s researches. Mr. Morgan’s excavations have a much more definite object. He is seeking ancient manuscripts of the Coptic or Egyptian Christian Church, early examples of which, recently translated and elucidated have caused such a profound impression among scholars and students of exegetics. …Mr. Morgan’s journey to Egypt, moreover, followed closely on the announcement of his purchase in Paris of what is regarded as the most complete and valuable collection of Coptic manuscripts that has ever been unearthed in Egypt.

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Reprise: J.P. Morgan quote: "A man always has two reasons for doing anything - a good reason and the real reason. " As you can see, there has been a major cover-up as to the real whereabouts of Morgan at this time. This coverup was engendered because of what happened in Egypt which led directly to the sudden formation of the plan to bring about the sinking of Titanic. This is covered in greater detail in Sinking Titanic – Book 4. Mr. George W. Vanderbilt and his wife Edith cancelled on April 9. The explanation given to us for this cancellation, is that someone in his or her family objected to their sailing aboard the new ship, "because so many things can go wrong on a maiden voyage. " 8 This was not why.

George W. Vanderbilt Decision to Equip Titanic With Inadequate Number of Lifeboats Davits are the small cranes that project over the side of a ship and are used to raise and lower lifeboats. At the design stage Alexander Carlisle suggested that Titanic use a new, larger type of davit, each one could handle four lifeboats. Sixteen sets of these davits were installed, giving Titanic the ability to carry 64 wooden lifeboats—a capacity of over 4,000 people, compared with Titanic's total carrying capacity of 3,600 passengers and crew.

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The deck of the Titanic - davits and lifeboats on the left – April 1912 The White Star Line, while agreeing to the new davits, decided that only 16 wooden lifeboats would be carried (16 being the minimum required by the Board of Trade). There were also four folding lifeboats, called collapsibles. The lifeboat capacity was 1,178 people. 8

Decision To Not Provide Binoculars To Lookouts Titanic Leaves Southampton on Fire Testimony of Frederick Fleet: Frederick Fleet, lookout man in the crow’s nest on the Titanic, testified that the lookout men asked to be provided with binoculars at Southampton and were told there were none for them. 15 Titanic departs on its maiden voyage at noon from Southampton, England on April 10. Titanic was on fire from the first day she sailed. J. Dilley, fireman on the Titanic, said; "from the day we sailed the Titanic was on fire, and my sole duty, together with eleven other men, had been to fight that fire. We had made no headway against it." "The fire started in coal bunker No. 6. There were hundreds of tons of coal stored there. The coal on top of the bunker was wet, as all the coal should have been, but down at the bottom of the bunker the coal had been permitted to get dry. The dry coal at the bottom of the pile took fire... down in the bottom of the bunkers the flames were raging." "No, we didn't get that fire out..." 10 Titanic arrives at Cherbourg, France at 7:00 PM.

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Notables on Board – Astor, Guggenheim, Straus John Jacob Astor IV and his wife board the Titanic at Cherbourg. Their good friend, Margaret Brown, also boards. Wealthy notables on board are: John Jacob Astor IV, whose fortune is estimated at $150,000,000 Benjamin Guggenheim, head of the Guggenheim family ($95,000,000) Isidor Straus, merchant and banker ($50,000,000) J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the International Mercantile Marine ($40,000,000) George D. Widener, son of P.A.B. Widener, traction magnate and financier ($5,000,000) Charles M. Hays, president of the Grand Trunk Railway Major Archibald Butt, military aide to President Taft 10 Astor was one of the world's wealthiest men. He built the Astor Hotel in New York. Benjamin Guggenheim, his father founded M. Guggenheim and Sons, in 1894 he married Floretta Seligman, daughter of James Seligman, the New York banker. Isidor Straus was a partner with his brother, Nathan Straus, in R. H. Macy & Co. J. Bruce Ismay is president and one of the founders of International Mercantile Marine. Ismay, with J. P. Morgan, consolidated the British steamship lines under the control of International Mercantile Marine. George Widener is a son of Peter A. B. Widener. He and his father were recognized as one of the foremost financiers of Philadelphia. P. A. B. Widener is a director of the International Mercantile Marine. 10 J. Bruce Ismay occupied Cabins B-52, B-54 and B-56. This was J.P. Morgan’s booking before he cancelled.

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Margaret Brown occupied Cabin B-4 and Cabin B-6. Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Astor occupied First Class Room C-85. Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Straus occupied First Class Room C-55. Titanic departs from Cherbourg, France on April 10 and arrives at 12:30 PM at Queens Town, Ireland.on April 11. She departs for New York at 2:00 PM with more than 2200 persons aboard. But, her lifeboats will only hold 1,178 people. 11 Titanic Headed Into Iceberg Alley – Starts Receiving Iceberg Warnings by Radio Between April 12 and 13, the Captain decides to increase her speed. At the US Senate hearing, Third Officer Pitman gave evidence showing that Titanic's average speed was 22.1 knots.

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Recreation of Titanic’s radio room The equipment's guaranteed working range was 250 miles, but communications could be maintained for up to 400 miles during daylight and up to 2,000 miles at night. The wireless equipment was owned by the White Star Line. The wireless set was operated by employees of Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd, they were not part of the ship’s crew. Jack Phillips and Harold Bride were the radio operators on the Titanic. They were paid to relay messages to and from the passengers. Radio messages were very popular with the passengers and were regarded as important navigational aids, but there use still lacked regulation. The Titanic tragedy highlighted this fact, since several ice warnings had been received but not reported to the bridge.

John George Phillips First Radio Operator

Harold Sidney Bride Assistant Radio Operator

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Harold Bride at the "Marconi Wireless" on Titanic (Actual picture)


The "Marconi Room" was located about 40 feet aft from the Bridge. The Titanic started to receive ice warnings. Captain Edward Smith had been traveling those waters for twentysix years. He knew there were icebergs in that area. 12, 13, 14

Iceberg alley – around Newfoundland

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Titanic position on Sunday, 14 April 1912 – heading into Iceberg alley

Ice Field Reported to Titanic by Radio Ismay Pressures Captain to Increase Speed 14 April 1912 – (each event on the day of April 14 is given under the time of day) 13:40 Baltic to Titanic: "Captain Smith, Titanic. Greek steamer Athinai reports passing icebergs and large quantity of field ice today in latitude 41° 51' N, longitude 49° 52' W. The Baltic had told Titanic about a large quantity of field ice about 250 miles ahead of the Titanic. The message is given to Captain Smith, who later gives it to Bruce Ismay. Ismay puts the message in his pocket. Some passengers testified that during the voyage they heard Ismay pressuring Captain Edward J. Smith to go faster, in order to arrive in New York ahead of schedule and generate some press about the new liner. One passenger claimed to have seen Ismay flaunting one of the iceberg warnings at dinner time, waving it around, then placing it back in his pocket.

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Captain Edward J. Smith

J. Bruce Ismay

13:45 At 13:45, Jack Phillips received a message from the SS Amerika. Amerika had passed two large icebergs in latitude 41째 27' N, longitude 50째 08' W. Phillips relayed the message to the radio operator at Cape Race, Newfoundland but never relayed the message to the bridge. 6, 10, 12 An ice field is a large expanse of floating ice that is more than 5 miles across. By Sunday afternoon, April 14, the weather turns suddenly cold - due to nearby ice field.

Ice field as indicated by reports to the Titanic

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18:00 In the afternoon of April 14, around 5 p.m., Marian Thayer went to the stateroom of her friend Emily Ryerson to ask if she would care to join her for a walk. The two ladies walked for nearly an hour before settling into deck chairs... they were approached by Bruce Ismay. He sat down, and after asking whether the ladies were comfortable and enjoying the trip, he explained to them about the possibility of meeting icebergs in the area. He showed them the ice warning from the Baltic that Captain Smith had passed to him. 8 18:30 Antillian to Titanic: "6.30 p.m., apparent time, ship; latitude 42° 3' N, longitude 49° 9' W. Three large bergs five mile to southward of us". Note A degree of latitude is 68.704 miles at the equator and 69.407 miles at the poles. A degree is divided into 60 minutes. 1 minute of latitude is 69 miles ¸ 60 = 1.15 miles So, a minute of latitude is a little over a mile. Roughly speaking, a minute of latitude up around where Titanic was = 1 mile. A degree of longitude is 69.65 miles at the equator and 53.43 miles at 40 degrees latitude. A degree is divided into 60 minutes. 1 minute of longitude (at 40 degrees latitude) is 53.43 miles ¸ 60 = 0.89 miles So, a minute of longitude (at 40 degrees latitude) is a little less than a mile. Roughly speaking, a minute of longitude up around where Titanic was = 1 mile. For estimating, consider a minute of latitude or longitude around Titanic as about 1 mile. That places the 3 icebergs reported by Antillian at 41° 58' N 49° 9' W.

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The Carmania arrived in New York on April ice field. 10

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and she had seen 25 large icebergs during her passage by the

Taking the iceberg warnings into account, the ice field was at least 31 miles long from North to South, and at least 59 miles wide from East to West.

Captain Smith Orders Titanic Nearly Full Speed Ahead Into Middle of Ice Field 19:00 By 7:00 PM Sunday evening, the Titanic has received 6 ice warnings. Captain Smith moves his course 10 miles further south, but still heading right into the reported ice field!

Blue line shows Titanic intended course. Yellow line is the course change. Titanic’s heading was on a course of 242° True. Her final change of course to 266° True brought her heading back towards the ice field. 13 The northern edge of the ice field was at 41° 58' N. The southern edge of the ice field was at 41° 27' N. Titanic steered a course of 41° 46' N – right into the middle of the reported ice field! Finding of the US Senate hearings: Ice positions, so definitely reported to the Titanic just preceding the accident, located ice on both sides of the lane in which she was traveling. Third Officer H. J. Pitman testified that Titanic's average speed was 22.1 knots and when the collision occurred the Titanic was going at the greatest speed attained during the trip, even though the ship was entering the Grand Banks and had been advised of the ice field.

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Bruce Ismay testified the ship was not going at full speed because full speed would be from seventy-eight to eighty revolutions, and we were making only seventy-five. 10, 15 Captain Smith propelled the Titanic nearly full speed ahead, twenty-two knots, on a moonless dark night - into an ice field! 6 19:30 At 7:30 p.m., three warning messages from the SS Californian concerning large icebergs are received. The messages are relayed to the Captain. 21:20 At 9:20 p.m., Captain Smith retires for the night, asking to be wakened only if necessary. 12 21:30 Mesaba to Titanic and All Eastbound Ships: "Ice report: In latitude 42° N to 41° 25' N, longitude 49° W to 50° 3' W. Saw much heavy pack ice and great number of large icebergs, also field ice. Weather good, clear". This report also failed to reach the bridge. 21:35 Titanic to Mesaba: "Received, thanks". 21:38 Mesaba to Titanic: "Stand by". (Mesaba, was waiting for Titanic to indicate the message had been given to the Captain. Jack Phillips did not respond, but continued to send passenger messages to Cape Race.) 63

SS Californian Surrounded By Ice, Stops For the Night Californian is 10-16 Miles North of Titanic – Can See Titanic Californian Ice Warning Ignored By Titanic Radio Operator Californian Radio Operator Goes To Bed

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22:10 At 22:10 the SS Californian observed the lights of a ship to the south; it was later agreed between Captain Stanley Lord and Third Officer Groves that this was a passenger liner. At 22:10 Captain Lord was relieved of duty by Third Officer C.V. Groves. 15 22:30 At 10:30 p.m. the SS Californian stopped for the night because of the ice in the water.

S.S. Californian Californian was under the influence of the southerly current in the area of the icefield and therefore was drifting south. The Californian was 10 to 16 miles north of the Titanic. 6, 11 23:10 Californian to Titanic: "Say, old man, we are stopped and surrounded by ice." Titanic to Californian: "Keep out! Shut up, shut up! I am busy, I am working Cape Race." Titanic's on-duty wireless operator, Jack Phillips, was busy working off a substantial backlog of passenger messages with the wireless station at Cape Race, Newfoundland. The wireless operator aboard the Californian, Cyril Evans, sent Titanic the message that the Californian was stopped for the night because they were surrounded by ice. The reply from Phillips on Titanic said "Shut up. I’m busy. I’m working Cape Race." 8 Testimony of Cyril Evans: Evans told of having warned the Titanic only a brief time before the great vessel crashed into the berg that the sea was crowded with ice. The Titanic's operators, he said, at the time were working with the wireless station at Cape Race, and they told him to "shut up" and keep out. 15

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23:30 Cyril Evans, the radio operator on the Californian, had been on duty since 7 am, therefore he turned off the wireless telegraph at 11.30 p.m. and went to bed. Captain Lord orders Morse light signals to be sent to the ship. The Californian sent Morse light signals to the Titanic on five occasions between 23:30 and 01:00, but they were not acknowledged. (In testimony, it was stated that the Californian's Morse lamp had a range of about four miles, so could not have been seen from Titanic.) 8

Titanic Lookouts Without Binoculars Murdock on Bridge Does Not Respond To Lookout Warnings

23:30 Testimony of Frederick Fleet: Frederick Fleet, lookout man on the Titanic, was in the crow's nest at the time of the collision. Fleet stated that he had kept a sharp lookout for ice, and testified to seeing the iceberg and signaling the bridge. Fleet acknowledged that if he had been aided in his observations by a good glass he probably could have spied the berg into which the ship crashed in time to have warned the bridge to avoid it. The blame for being without glasses did not rest with the lookout men. Fleet said they had asked for them at Southampton and were told there were none for them. 15 Statement of crewman Thomas Whiteley: First Officer William T. Murdock was in charge of the bridge. Three warnings were transmitted from the crow's nest of the Titanic to the officer on the bridge 15 minutes before she struck, according to Thomas Whiteley, a steward. Whiteley was on a lifeboat that contained both the crow's nest lookouts. He heard a conversation between them, in which they discussed the iceberg warnings they gave to the bridge. "I heard one of them say that at 11.15 o'clock, 15 minutes before the Titanic struck, he had reported to First Officer Murdock, on the bridge, that he fancied he saw an iceberg!" said Whiteley. "Twice after that, the lookout said, he warned Murdock that a berg was ahead. They were very indignant that no attention was paid to their warnings." Murdock's tardy answering of a telephone call from the crow's nest is assigned by Whiteley as the cause of the disaster. When Murdock answered the call he received the information that the iceberg was due ahead. This information was imparted just a few seconds before the crash, and had the officer promptly answered the ring of the bell it is probable that the accident could have been avoided, or at least, been reduced by the lowered speed. The lookout saw a towering "blue berg" looming up in the sea path of the Titanic, and called the bridge on the ship's telephone. When, after the passing of those two or three fateful minutes an officer on the bridge lifted the telephone receiver from its hook to answer the lookout, it was

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too late. The speeding liner had reached the floating mountain of ice, which the ship struck with her starboard bow. 10

Titanic Hits Iceberg But Iceberg Damage Is Minimal Huge Hole In Bottom of Ship Not Caused By Iceberg 23:40 Titanic hit an iceberg about 350 miles southeast of Newfoundland. 8

The bow section is buried in mud on the ocean floor. Thus the damage caused to the starboard hull by the iceberg can’t be seen. In 1996, a special acoustic device known as sub-bottom profiler was used to look at the Titanic's hull through the muddy ocean floor. The images revealed that the collision did not cause a gaping hole. Instead, there were six narrow non-contiguous openings in the starboard side of the forward hull. The openings are about 10 feet above the bottom of the ship.

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The six openings in Titanic's hull (indicated in green). The openings vary in length, with the longest being about 36 feet and are no wider than an adult hand. The longest gap extends between boiler rooms No. 5 and No. 6, just crossing the watertight bulkhead. Naval architects and engineers believe that Titanic would not have sank had it been traveling at a slightly slower rate of speed. The iceberg's impact and the extent of its damage across the hull plates would have been less severe. At the British inquiry in 1912, Edward Wilding, a naval architect, proposed that the uneven flooding in the six watertight compartments meant each had suffered unique, uncontinuous damage. 16 There is a hole in the bow that many like to believe was caused by a coal explosion. 29 Statement of passenger Miss Elizabeth Dowdell: I looked and saw the gaping hole in the side of the big ship.30 Several passengers said they could see the gaping hole in the side of the Titanic. There is a hole in the starboard side of the hull at about the area of the forward well deck. 31 The forecastle is the raised deck on the bow of the ship. Between the forecastle and the bridge is the well deck. Coal bunker 6 was on fire, it is the one located below the bridge.

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Margaret Brown was in Cabins B4 and B6. These are on the port side, by the bridge and above coal bunker 6.

Cabins B4 and B6

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Cabins B4 and B6 Statement of passenger Margaret Brown: I stretched on the brass bed, at the side of which was a lamp. So completely absorbed in my reading I gave little thought to the crash that struck at my window overhead and threw me to the floor. 19 Important Note: As you read further you will see that a large section of the bottom of the ship was blown off, causing a huge hole. The gaping hole in the bottom was not caused by the iceberg. Rather, it was caused by an explosion violent enough to knock Mrs. Brown out of bed. It was the large hole in the bottom that caused Titanic to sink rapidly, not the narrow slits in the hull caused by the iceberg.

Coal bunker 6 is next to watertight bulkhead D. An explosion there would cause the simultaneous flooding of

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the compartments to the left and right of WTB D. The explosion would not have been caused by coal dust because the firemen were constantly spraying coal bunker 6 with water in an effort to put out the fire there. And it would not have been caused by cold seawater surrounding the hot boilers at this point in time. An explosion at this point in time would have to be a bomb going off. At the time of the sinking of the Titanic, the Morgan-Schiff cartel had access to a radio-controlled detonation device, used to explode a bomb from a distance. That device could have been used to sink the Titanic. 23:40 The Californian was between five to ten miles away from the Titanic at the time of the disaster and reported in its log that they had experienced drift. 17 At the time of the collision Californian, having drifted one mile south since stopping, would have been ten miles north of the collision position. Several hours of the night of April 14th, 1912, were not written up in the log of the SS Californian. 13 Statement of crewman K. Whiteman: The officers on the bridge, one of them First Officer Murdock, promptly worked the electrical apparatus for closing the watertight compartments. Statement of radio operator Harold Bride: "I was standing by Phillips, the chief operator, when the captain put his head in the cabin. We've struck an iceberg, the captain said, and I'm having an inspection made to tell what it has done for us. You better get ready to send out a call for assistance. But don't send it until I tell you.

Titanic Turns Completely Around And Now Heading East Heroic Astor Takes Control To Save Women and Children 23:50 Statement of radio operator Harold Bride: The captain went away and in ten minutes he came back. Send the call for assistance, ordered the captain. Phillips asked, "What call shall I send? "The regulation international call for help. Just that." Then the captain was gone. Phillips began to send C.Q. D. 10 Distress call from Titanic received by Russian SS Birma at 11:50 pm on April 14, 1912 CQD - SOS from MGY We have struck an iceberg, sinking fast, come to our assistance

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Position Lat. 41.44 N. Lon. 50.24 W. MGY CQD and SOS were international distress signals. Titanic's call letters were MGY. 18 At 23:50, Third Officer Groves on the Californian had watched this ship's lights flash out, as if the ship had shut down or turned sharply, and that the port light was now observed. 8 Note - The Californian was North of Titanic. Titanic was headed East, so Californian would see the starboard light plus the white lights visible from the starboard side. Titanic was making a hard left turn trying to avoid the iceberg. As Titanic continued to turn, the stern of the Titanic was facing the Californian for a time, and that would make it appear to the Californian that the Titanic’s lights had flashed out. Then the Californian saw the port light on the Titanic and that tells you that the Titanic had turned all the way around and was now facing East. Statement of passenger L. Beasley: I had been in my berth for about ten minutes, when, I felt a slight jar, and then soon after a second one, but not sufficiently violent to cause any anxiety to anyone. However, the engines stopped immediately afterward, and my first thought was, `She has lost a propeller.' I went up on the top deck in a dressing gown, and found only a few persons there, who had come up similarly to inquire why we had stopped, but there was no sort of anxiety in the minds of anyone. Statement of passenger McGough: The collision occurred at 20 minutes of 12, said Mr. McGough. "I was sleeping in my cabin when I felt a wrench, not severe or terrifying. We dressed hurriedly and ran to the upper deck. There was little noise or tumult at the time. By this time the engines had been reversed, and I could feel the ship backing off. Officers and stewards ran through the corridors, shouting for all to be calm, that there was no danger. We were warned, however, to dress and put life-preservers on us. Statement of survivor M. Marechal: When three-quarters of a mile away we stopped... Statement of passenger Miss Elizabeth Dowdell: The impact was not very great but a terrible shiver seemed to go through the ship at the time. I went into the passageway and asked a stewart what was wrong. He assured me that everything was allright. I went back, to go to bed, but scarcely had I closed the door, when someone came running along the passage, ordering all hands to dress and put on lifebelts. When she tried to get to the deck, the stairways were so crowded with steerage passengers that she couldn’t get to the deck above. The stairways were so crowded that men passengers were lifting women and children to seamen who were in the gallery above. Statement of passenger Jack Thayer: Mr. and Mrs. John B. Thayer were on board the Titanic with their 17 year-old son, Jack Thayer. Mr. Thayer was vice-president of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which is under the Morgan conglomerate. Marian Thayer and her family were preparing for bed when the collision occurred. The boy's own account of his experience as told to one of his rescuers is one of the most remarkable. There was no great shock, I was on my feet at the time and I do not think it was enough to throw anyone down. We hurried

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up on deck and walked around, looking out at different places until the women were all ordered to collect on the port side. Statement of passenger Miss Minahan: We had retired when there was a dull shaking of the Titanic, which was not so much like a shake as it was a slowing down of the massive craft. I noticed that our boat had come to a standstill and then we heard the orders of the captain and went on deck to see what it all meant. I saw Guggenheim, Widener, Thayer and Ismay in conversation with Colonel Astor just after the ship struck the berg. I never saw such composure and cool bravery in my life as the men of the first and second cabins displayed. Colonel Astor seemed to be the controlling figure. He, Major Butt, Mr. Guggenheim, Mr. Widener and Mr. Thayer clustered in a group as if they were holding a quick consultation as to what steps should be taken next. Then Col. Astor came forward with the cry, 'Not a man until every woman and child is safe in the boats.' 10

Californian Is 10-16 Miles North of Titanic and Can See Titanic’s Lights Titanic Can See Californian’s Lights Titanic Sending Out Distress Call By Radio 15 April 1912 – (each event on the day of April 15 is given under the time of day) 00:10 Captain Lord testimony at the U.S. Senate hearings: "When the second officer (Herbert Stone) came on the bridge, at 12 o’clock, or 10 minutes past 12, I told him to watch that steamer, which was stopped, and I pointed out the ice to him... " 8, 15 00:15 RMS Titanic to Any Ship: CQD Titanic 41° 44' N 50° 24' W The SS Californian was nearby and stopped for the night because of ice, and its officers could see the lights of the Titanic in the distance. The Californian's wireless was turned off, and the wireless operator had gone to bed for the night. The wireless operator was not awakened until morning. From the Titanic bridge, the lights of a nearby ship could be seen off the port side. As it was not responding to wireless, Fourth Officer Boxhall and Quartermaster Rowe attempted signalling the ship with a Morse lamp and later with distress rockets, but the ship never appeared to respond. 6

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The lights on the boat deck of Titanic were visible from the bridge of Californian at a range up to 16 miles. (From the Extreme Range Table) Rockets fired from a ship's deck are visible at 30 miles in theory. The range was limited by their brightness, rather than the curvature of the earth. 13 Testimony of Fourth Officer Boxhall: Boxhall testified that at Captain Smith's orders he took word of the ship's position to the wireless operators. "What position was that?" "41.46 north, 50.14 west." "Was that the last position taken?" "Yes, the Titanic stood not far from there when she sank." "After that I was on the bridge most of the time sending out distress signals, trying to attract the attention of boats ahead," he said. "I sent up distress rockets until I left the ship, to try to attract the attention of a ship directly ahead. I had seen her lights. She seemed to be meeting us and was not far away. She got close enough, so she seemed to me, to read our Morse electric signals." 10, 15

00:15 Walter Gray, Jack Goodwin and Robert Hunston were serving at the Marconi Company wireless station at Cape Race, Newfoundland. After the first distress call, Robert Hunston started this message log.

"The Titanic Disaster as Viewed from Cape Race"

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Titanic's shipboard time was 1 hour and 50 minutes ahead of Eastern Standard Time. EST was the time used at Cape Race. 10:25 pm (at Cape Race, EST) [ 12:15 am on Titanic ] J.C.R. Goodwin on watch hears Titanic calling C.Q.D. giving position 41° 44' N 50° 24' W about 380 miles SSE of Cape Race. His handwritten notes describing the minute-by-minute developments as he and two colleagues tried to get help for the Titanic are finally coming to light, 85 years later. 18, 20, 21

Mount Temple Is 50 Miles From Titanic, Goes To Aid Titanic Carpathia Is 58 Miles Away, Goes To Aid Titanic Baltic is 200 Miles Away, Goes To Aid Titanic 00:15 J. Durant, the Marconi wireless operator on the Mount Temple, caught the CQD call from Titanic at 10:25 (his ship’s time). He immediately asked Titanic for her position, which Titanic gave him along with "Come at once. Have struck berg." "As soon as I got the message I notified the Captain, who at once changed the ship’s course toward the position of Titanic. I did not call the Titanic again because other ships, which I judged to be closer, were working and I did not wish to jam them. Mount Temple was about 50 miles away from the Titanic. Captain Moore steamed back full speed toward the position given by Titanic. Captain Moore had a sharp lookout watching for signals and had the lifeboats swung out for instant use if necessary." 22 00:17 Titanic to Any Ship: "CQD CQD SOS Titanic Position 41° 44' N 50° 24' W. Require immediate assistance. Come at once. We struck an iceberg. Sinking". 63 00:21 Thomas Cottam (Carpathia radio operator) testimony: I heard Cape Cod trying to call the Titanic. I called the Titanic operator to inform him of the fact, and received the reply. `Come at once; this is a distress message. C. Q. D.' Carpathia to Titanic: "I say old man, do you know there is a batch of mesages coming through for you from MCC?" (MCC = Cape Cod) Titanic to Carpathia:

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Come at once; this is a distress message. C. Q. D.

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Statement of J. Durant, wireless operator on the Mount Temple: At 12:21 I heard Carpathia answer the CQD calls of the Titanic. I heard Titanic give her position to Carpathia, adding Have struck iceberg. Come to our assistance at once. 22 00:25 Titanic's 4th Officer Boxhall provided a corrected position to the radio room. MGY (Titanic) says CQD, Here (is my) corrected position 41° 46' N 50° 14' W. Require immediate assistance. We have collision with iceberg. Sinking. Can hear nothing for noise of steam (engineers releasing excess steam pressure from boilers to minimize risk of explosion). 23 Titanic gives corrected position as 41° 46' N 50° 14' W. A matter of 5 or six miles difference. He says "have struck iceberg". 21 Thomas Cottam (Carpathia radio operator) testimony: I confirmed the distress message by asking the Titanic if I should report the distress message to the captain of the Carpathia. Carpathia to Titanic: "Shall I tell my captain? Do you require assistance?" 15 00:26 Titanic to Carpathia: "Come at once. We have struck a berg. It's a CQD OM (it's a distress situation old man) Position 41° 46' N 50° 14' W." 23 Caronia to Baltic: MGY (Titanic) struck iceberg, require immediate assistance. 23 The Baltic, 200 miles to the eastward and westbound, turned to go to Titanic. 10 00:33 Titanic gives same information to Californian, giving Titanic's position. 21 (Robert Hunston's Log - "The Titanic Disaster as Viewed from Cape Race")

00:34 Statement of J. Durant, wireless operator on the Mount Temple:

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At 12:34 I heard Frankfurt answer the appeals of the Titanic. Frankfurt to Titanic: What is the matter with you? Titanic to Frankfurt: We have struck an iceberg. Please tell the Captain to come. Frankfurt to Titanic: OK Will tell the bridge right away. Titanic to Frankfurt: Yes. Quick. 22 The Frankfurt was 172 miles away from Titanic. 23

00:35 Official Report of A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia: At 12.35 A. M. Monday 18th inst. I was informed of urgent message from Titanic with her position. I immediately ordered ship turned around and put her in course for that position, we being then 58 miles S. 52 E. `True' from her; had heads of all departments called and issued what I considered the necessary orders, to be in preparation for any emergency. Carpathia to Titanic: "Putting about and heading for you".

10, 24

Statement of radio operator Harold Bride: The Carpathia answered our signal. We told her our position and said we were sinking by the head. The operator went to tell the captain, and in five minutes returned and told us that the captain of the Carpathia, was

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putting about and heading for us. Phillips told me to run and tell the captain what the Carpathia had answered. I did so, and I went through an awful mass of people to his cabin. The decks were full of scrambling men and women. I saw no fighting, but I heard tell of it. 10

Captain Lord On Californian Goes To Bed Titanic Lifeboats Launched With Half The Seats Left Empty 00:40 On the Californian, Captain Lord spoke to Officer Stone, as follows: " At 20 minutes to 1, I whistled up the speaking tube and asked him if she was getting any nearer." He said, No, she is not taking any notice of us. So, I said, " I will go and lie down a bit." 8, 15 Titanic to Carpathia: "SOS Titanic sinking by the head. We are about all down. Sinking. . ." 63 Statement of radio operator Harold Bride: I came back and heard Phillips giving the Carpathia fuller directions. Every few minutes Phillips would send me to the captain with little messages. They were merely telling how the Carpathia was coming our way and gave her speed. I noticed as I came back from one trip that they were putting off women and children in life-boats. I noticed that the list forward was increasing. 10 00:45 Starboard side Lifeboats were numbered 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 from bow-to-stern, those on the port side were numbered 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 from bow-to-stern. Collapsible lifeboats C and D were stowed on the boat deck immediately in-board of lifeboats 1 and 2 respectively. The Titanic is launching its lifeboats without filling them to full capacity: lifeboat # 7 launched with 37 seats empty – (the first one launched) lifeboat #3 launched with 33 seats empty lifeboat # 5 lauched with 28 seats empty lifeboat # 6 launched with 37 seats empty 14 On the starboard side, First Officer Murdoch loads women and children, but if no others are standing there, he allows men. On the port side Second Officer Lightoller says women and children only. 8

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After Margaret Brown helped fellow passengers she was taken a hold of and with the words "you are going too" was dropped four feet into the lowering lifeboat 6. 19

Margaret Brown Madeline Astor survived in Lifeboat 13. John Jacob Astor IV, Benjamin Guggenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Straus did not survive. Mrs. Straus elected to perish with her husband on the ship. 63 01:00 By 1 am, the Titanic is well down at the bow, water spilling aft. 17

01:00 Titanic gives distress signal. Olympic answers. (Olympic is 500 miles away) Titanic replies to Olympic and gives her position 41째 46 N 50째 14 W, and says, "We have struck an iceberg". 01:02 Virginian calls Titanic but gets no response. Cape Race tells Virginian to report to his Captain that the Titanic has struck iceberg and requires immediate assistance. 63

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01:10 Titanic to Olympic: We are in collision with berg. Sinking Head down. 41° 46' N 50° 14' W. Come soon as possible. Captain says, Get your boats ready. What is your position? 23 01:11 Frankfurt to Titanic: Our Captain will go for you. 22

Californian Sees Titanic Distress Rocket Captain Lord On Californian Does Not Respond To Distress Rocket Californian Crew Against Captain Lord Decision To Not Aid Titanic 01:15 On the Californian, Officer Stone told Captain Lord about seeing a rocket, as follows: At a quarter past 1 he said, “I think she has fired a rocket.” He said, “She did not answer the Morse lamp and she has commenced to go away from us.” I said, “Call her up and let me know what her name is.” So, he put the whistle back, and, apparently he was calling. I could hear him ticking over my head. Then I went to sleep.” 8, 15 Ernest Gill, a donkey engineman on the steamship Californian, said that Captain Stanley Lord, of the Californian, refused later to go to the aid of the Titanic, the rockets from which could be plainly seen. He says the captain was apprised of these signals, but made no effort to get up steam and go to the rescue. The Californian was drifting with the floe. So indignant did he become, said Gill, that he endeavored to recruit a committee of protest from among the crew, but the men failed him. Captain Lord entered a sweeping denial of Gill's accusations and read from the Californian's log to support his contention. Cyril Evans, the Californian's wireless operator, however, told of hearing much talk among the crew, who were critical of the captain's course. Conclusions of the US Senate hearings into the Titanic disaster: Captain Lord should have awakened the wireless operator after the rockets were first reported to him, and thus could have acted to prevent loss of life. 15 The steamship Californian, controlled by the same concern as the Titanic, was nearer the sinking steamship than the nineteen miles reported by her captain, and her officers and crew saw the distress signals of the Titanic and failed to respond to them in accordance with the dictates of humanity, international usage and the requirements of law. 10

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Note: Captain Lord’s pretense that he did not know that was the Titanic is important evidence. He knew it was the Titanic because the Californian and Titanic were in radio contact with each other just 30 minutes before Titanic hit the iceberg. 01:15 Baltic to Caronia: "Please tell Titanic we are making towards her". 23 From the Cape Race log: Establish communication with Virginian here and give him all information re: Titanic, telling him to inform captain immediately. OK. 21 The Virginian was 170 miles North of Titanic. She went about and headed for Titanic. 10 01:20 Virginian hears Cape Race inform Titanic - "That we are going to her assistance. Our position 170 miles N. of Titanic". 23

Three Explosions Heard on Titanic A Large Section of the Bottom of Titanic Blown Off – 80 feet by 180 feet Water Now Coming Up From Floor And Flooding Engine Room 01:20 Statement of crewman Thomas Whiteley: About one hour before the ship plunged to the bottom there were three separate explosions of bulkheads as the vessel filled. These were at intervals of about fifteen minutes. Statement of passenger Mellers and passenger Barkworth: Both declare there were three distinct explosions before the Titanic broke in two. 10 01:20 One hour and 40 minutes after the collision, per the inquiry, water was coming up from underneath the floor of boiler room number 4.

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These 2 pictures show boiler room # 4 is located in front of the second smokestack.

Boiler rooms numbered

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Boiler room # 4 is in front of the second smokestack (The orange shading should be in front of the 2nd smokestack, not behind it) The flooding of Boiler Room 4 was not part of the process of the forward compartments filling and overflowing into the next compartment aft. Rather, it came from a separate injury to the double bottom of the ship, entirely apart from the familiar gash along the starboard side that was caused by the iceberg. Underwater investigation of the wreckage found two hull pieces, each roughly 40 feet by 90 feet and lying about a third of a mile east from the rest of the wreckage. The explorers said the location of the wreckage indicates that the ship's bottom came off the ship intact and later broke in two. These two pieces of the hull are the result of a sudden and drastic hull failure. The pieces extend all the way across the ship from port to starboard. This sudden hole in the bottom of the ship finished the sinking abruptly. The finding of these 2 pieces far to the east, marks the moment when the breakup began, and these 2 pieces were on their way to the bottom while the bow and stern were still on the surface.

One of the hull pieces The hull pieces are lying upside down on the ocean floor. The edges appear to be broken outwards, as if an explosion inside the ship blew out the huge section of the bottom hull. An inspection of the starboard keel showed no damage to the keel, therefore the damage to these pieces of the hull was not caused by impact with the iceberg. 14, 25 Statement of ship barber K. Whiteman:

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"The explosions," Whiteman said; "were caused by the rushing in of the icy water on the boilers. "The bow went clean down, and I caught the pile of chairs as I was washed up against the rim. Then came the explosions which blew me fifteen feet. 10 01:25 Caronia to Titanic: "Baltic coming to your assistance". 23 Olympic to Titanic: Olympic position is 40° 52' N 61° 18' W, "Are you steering southerly to meet us?" Titanic to Olympic: "We are putting passengers off in small boats. Women and children in boats, can not last much longer". 63 01:30

At 01:30 the water has reached Titanic’s name at the bow. 14 01:35 Statement of radio operator Harold Bride: Phillips told me the wireless was growing weaker. The captain came and told us our engine rooms were taking water and that the dynamos might not last much longer. 10 Baltic hears Titanic say, "Engine room getting flooded." Mount Temple hears Frankfurt ask, "Are there any boats around you already?" No reply. 23 01:37

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Baltic to Titanic: "We are rushing to you". 01:40 Olympic to Titanic: "Am lighting up all possible boilers as fast as (we) can". 23 01:45 Last signals heard from Titanic by Carpathia, "Come as quickly as possible old man: our engine-room is filling up to the boilers". Statement of radio operator Harold Bride: We sent word to the Carpathia our engine rooms were taking water and that the dynamos might not last much longer. 10

Four More Titanic Distress Rockets Seen By Californian Officer Stone on Californian Could See Titanic Listing Californian Still Does Not Go To Aid Titanic Passengers See Gaping Hole In Side of Titanic Heroic Astor Saves Women and Children

01:50 Four more rockets were observed at 01:50 and Officer Stone noted that the ship looked strange in the water, as if she were listing. Stone told the London inquiry that he did not think anything about this first rocket. He was curious enough, however, to use his binoculars to look at the other ship. Officer Stone was questioned about additional rockets by Butler Aspinwall: Mr. Aspinwall: And how many more did you see? Mr. Stone: I saw four more then. Mr. Aspinwall: What were they, rockets? Mr. Stone: They had the appearance of white rockets bursting in the sky. Mr. Aspinwall: Did they come in quick succession? Mr. Stone: At intervals of about three or four minutes. Mr. Aspinwall: Now what did you think they were? Mr. Stone: White rockets. Second Officer Stone steadfastly refused to identify these rockets as distress signals. The closest he came was to admit that the other vessel must have been signaling to some other ship. Both inquiries into the disaster found that the SS Californian and her captain, Stanley Lord, failed to give proper assistance to the Titanic. 8

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01:55 Crewman Robert Hopkins was in charge of lifeboat 13, which carried Mrs. John Jacob Astor to safety. 27 Statement of passenger Miss Elizabeth Dowdell: By the time she arrived on deck nearly all the lifeboats were off and they were just filling lifeboat 13 and she got on it. Several men tried to rush in while the lifeboat was lowered and the ship officers shot three of them. The Titanic began to list alarmingly while lifeboat 13 was being lowered. 26 I stated before that we saw the iceberg plainly, after striking, the Titanic backed away. When we rowed towards the towering ice mountain I looked and saw the gaping hole in the side of the big ship. The sea rushed in in torrents. No sooner were we off than the Titanic began to go down rapidly. The bow disappeared first. 30 Note - The odd-numbered lifeboats are on the starboard side, so Elizabeth Dowdell is looking at the starboard side of the ship when she saw the gaping hole. Several passengers said they could see the gaping hole in the side of the Titanic. There is a hole in the starboard side of the hull at about the area of the forward well deck. 31 One of the passengers describing the courage of Mr. Astor said: Colonel Astor helped his wife get into the lifeboat. I saw that she was prostrated and said she would remain and take her chances with him, but Colonel Astor quietly insisted and tried to reassure her in a few words. As she took her place in the boat her eyes were fixed upon him. Colonel Astor smiled, touched his cap, and when the boat moved safely away from the ship's side he turned back to his place among the men. 26 Statement of George A. Harder: "When Col. Astor had assisted his tearful young wife and her maid into a life boat, he tried to put in a young boy, but sailors refused to let him in saying that the room was only for the children then. Col. Astor then picked up a woman's hat from the dock and placed it on the boy's head and brought him back to the boat. He said 'Here little girl, climb in' and the officers of the ship let the boy through. As the boat towered away, Col. Astor, stood on the deck waving good-bye." 32 Effort was made to persuade Colonel Aster to take a place in one of the lifeboats, but he emphatically refused to do so until every woman and child on board had been provided for, not excepting the women members of the ship's company. 26 Statement of passenger Ida Hippach: Mrs. Ida S. Hippach and her daughter Jean, survivors of the Titanic, said they were saved by John Jacob Astor, who forced the crew of the last lifeboat to wait for them. We saw Colonel Astor place Mrs. Astor in a boat and assure her that he would follow later," said Mrs. Hippach. "He turned to us with a smile and said, `Ladies, you are next.' The officer in charge of the boat protested that the craft was full, and the seamen started to lower it. Colonel Astor exclaimed, `Hold that boat,' in the voice of a man accustomed to being obeyed, and they did as he ordered. The boat had been lowered past the upper deck and the colonel took us to the deck below and put us in the boat, one after the other, through a port-hole. 28

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After lifeboat 4 was lowered at 01:55, Colonel Astor stood alone while others tried to free the remaining collapsible boats. 8 One of the Titanic's stewards, Johnson by name, carried this message to the widow of Benjamin Guggenheim: Mr. Guggenheim, who was cool and collected as he was pulling on his outer garments, said to the steward: "I think there is grave doubt that the men will get off safely. I am willing to remain and play the man's game, if there are not enough boats for more than the women and children. I won't die here like a beast. I'll meet my end as man. Tell my wife, Johnson, if it should happen that my secretary and I both go down and you are saved, tell her I played the game out straight and to the end. No woman shall be left aboard this ship because Ben Guggenheim was a coward. Tell her that my last thoughts will be of her and of our girls, but that my duty now is to these unfortunate women and children on this ship. Tell her I will meet whatever fate is in store for me, knowing she will approve of what I do." In telling the story the room steward said the last he saw of Mr. Guggenheim was when he stood fully dressed upon the upper deck talking calmly with Colonel Astor and Major Butt. Said one survivor, speaking of the men who remained on the ship. "There they stood--Major Butt, Colonel Astor waving a farewell to his wife, Mr. Thayer, Mr. Case, Mr. Clarence Moore, Mr. Widener, all multimillionaires, and hundreds of other men, bravely smiling at us all. Never have I seen such chivalry and fortitude. Such courage in the face of fate horrible to contemplate filled us even then with wonder and admiration." 26

Mount Temple Arrives But Doesn’t See Titanic Ismay Gets On Collapsible Lifeboat C 02:00 Statement of James Moore, Captain of Mount Temple: We raced along in the night until we came to a large field of ice. At 2:00 Mount Temple was ten miles away from Titanic. As we could not see signals I did not know just where to go. I had 1,600 passengers on board the Mount Temple, and not knowing where to go, I dare not take the risk of plowing my ship through the field of ice in the darkness, probably only to meet disaster. Had I seen any signals, however, I would have taken a risk and gone through the ice, but at night I could not tell just when I would run into a berg. Receiving no signal from any steamer I cruised around where I was. 22 02: 05 Only 2 life boats are left. Ismay and first-class passenger William Carter boarded collapsible lifeboat C. It was the last lifeboat launched. 6, 10, 14

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02:15 The final wireless message sent from the Titanic: Titanic to Carpathia: SOS SOS CQD CQD Titanic. We are sinking fast. Passengers are being put into boats. Titanic. Bride and Phillips left the wireless room after that message, after being urged to leave their post by Captain Smith. 63 Statement of radio operator Harold Bride: "I went out on deck and looked around. The water was pretty close up to the boat deck. There was a great scramble aft, and how poor Phillips worked through it right to the end I don't know. He was a brave man. I suddenly felt for him a great reverence to see him standing there sticking to his work while everybody else was raging about. I will never live to forget the work of Phillips for the last awful fifteen minutes. We picked up the Olympic and told her we were sinking by the head and were about all down. As Phillips was sending the message I strapped his life-belt to his back. From aft came the tunes of the band. Phillips ran aft and that was the last I ever saw of him. Statement of crewman Thomas Whiteley: Thomas Whiteley was a waiter on the Titanic. "Collapsible boat No. 2 on the starboard jammed. The second officer was hacking at the ropes with a knife and I was being dragged around the deck by that rope when I looked up and saw the boat, with all aboard, turn turtle. In some way I got overboard myself and clung to an oak dresser. I wasn't more than sixty feet from the Titanic when she went down. Her big stern rose up in the air and she went down bow first. I saw all the machinery drop out of her." Statement of ship barber K. Whiteman: The last man among the survivors to speak to Colonel Astor was K. Whiteman, the ship's barber. "He was a pleasant, affable man, and that awful night when I found myself standing beside him on the passenger deck, helping to put the women into the boats, I spoke to him. "Where is your lifebelt?' I asked him. "I didn't think there would be any need of it,' he said. "Get one while there is time,' I told him. `The last boat is gone, and we are done for.' "No, he said, `I think there are some lifeboats to be launched, and we may get on one of them.' "There are no liferafts,' I told him, `and the ship is going to sink. I am going to jump overboard and take a chance on swimming out and being picked up by one of the boats. Better come along.' "No, thank you,' he said, calmly, `I think I'll have to stick.' I asked him if he would mind shaking hands with me. He said, `With pleasure,' gave me a hearty grip, and then I climbed up on the rail and jumped overboard. 10

Titanic Breaks Into Two Sections Bow Section Sinks First

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02:15 2:15 AM, according to some witnesses, such as Edith Brown, Titanic’s stern rises higher. Big booming noises and other noises start. Screaming and crying is heard. Some claim the stern rises steeply. Just before she sank, some of the survivors say, the ship broke in two abaft the engine room after the bulkhead explosions had occurred. 10

Beneath and aft of the 3rd funnel, where she broke apart. At 02:15, Captain Lord was notified that the ship could no longer be seen. 6 02:17 At 2:17, the stricken ship suddenly lurches downwards. The No. 1 funnel, the bridge and forward officers’ quarters collapse. The weight of water causes the forward Grand Staircase roof to fall in.

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The stern rises out of the water until it is at an angle of 45 degrees or more. Just before sinking, the hull breaks in two. As the bow tears away, it rips off some of the hull of the stern. The upper decks begin to collapse. No. 3 funnel breaks off and No. 4 funnel falls aft. The stern settles deeper as it floods. Debris filters down – boilers, pieces of the hull, the funnels. The bow, now completely broken off, levels slightly as it begins its descent. The force of water wrenches the foremast aft and on the bridge the wheelhouse is swept away. 17 02:20 After the first 100 feet any air in the bow section would have been compressed to zero. Terminal velocity for large irregular shaped objects in water is about 30 miles per hour. The water depth was 12,500 feet. Since the bow went nearly straight down, it would have traversed the 2.5 mile vertical distance in almost exactly five minutes.

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Bow section on ocean floor

The after part of the bow slams into the mud, and decks near the tear in the hull collapse. 8

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Bow section where it seperated from the stern section Statement of Second Officer Charles H. Lightoller: I stuck to the ship until the water came up to my ankles. There had been no lamentations, no demonstrations either from the men passengers as they saw the last life-boat go, and there was no wailing or crying, no outburst from the men who lined the ship's rail as the Titanic disappeared from sight. Finally, the ship took a dive, reeling for a moment, then plunging. I was sucked to the side of the ship against the grating over the blower for the exhaust. There was an explosion. It blew me to the surface again, only to be sucked back again by the water rushing into the ship. This time I landed against the grating over the pipes, which furnish a draught for the funnels, and stuck there. There was another explosion, and I came to the surface. I found myself not many feet from the ship, but on the other side of it. The ship had turned around while I was under the water. 10 02:20 Statement of Mellers: There were three distinct explosions and the ship broke in the center. The bow settled headlong first, and the stern last. I was looking toward her from the raft to which young Thayer and I had clung. I was not far from where Captain Smith stood on the bridge, giving full orders to his men, said Mellers. The brave old seaman was crying, but he had stuck heroically to the last. He jumped from the bridge when he had done all he could. I heard his final instructions to his crew, and recall that his last words were: "You have done your duty, boys. Now every man for himself." 10

Stern Section Sinks The stern pivots round. The heavy engines forward cause the hull to assume an increasingly steep angle until it points nearly straight up. As the stern sinks, the poop deck tears up and the stern levels out. 17

Titanic’s stern slides beneath the waves. There are cries for help, almost none of the half empty lifeboats go back to help them. A few survivors that were pulled from the water, remembered that it felt like a thousand knives being stuck into them. More than 1500 lives were lost. 11, 14

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Stern section on ocean floor The stern crashes into the sea bottom and buries itself 40ft to 50ft at the rudder.

The stern lies 1,970 ft from the bow. 17

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Map shows where the bow and stern are located. Dots show debris.

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Map shows where the bow and stern are located. Line shows debris. The Titanic sent out her collision position by radio as 41째 46' N 50째 14' W. The debris trail shows Titanic broke apart and sank at about 41째 43' 55'' N, 49째 57' W. The Titanic sank about 2 miles south and about 17 miles east from the collision point.

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The stern section is 800 meters south of the bow section. 800 meters = 2624 feet The bow and stern are pointing in opposite directions on the ocean floor. Two hull pieces are lying about a third of a mile east from the rest of the wreckage. Also, they found a trail of coal extending nearly a mile south of where the Stern lies on the ocean floor. This suggests that Titanic traveled a long distance with a sizeable hole in her. There had to be an opening in the bottom, thousands of feet away, for this coal to escape from.

Trail of coal on the ocean floor

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A boxed out beam is found 1,968 feet South of the Stern 14 Statement of passenger Elizabeth Dowdell (on lifeboat # 13): Many aboard the lifeboats, when they saw their dear ones on deck doomed, threw themselves overboard. The last thing she heard was the Captain’s voice crying “Every man for himself!” All during this time, rockets were being sent up from the doomed vessel. She heard revolver shots. Then there was one great explosion that she guessed was the boilers. The Titanic did not stay up long after that, but tilted, bow downward, with a great part of the stern in the air. She stayed for a moment, then plunged under. Her lights were burning to the last. 30 Statement of passenger Jack Thayer: As she started to sink we left the davits and went back and stood by the rail about even with the second funnel. I jumped out, feet first. I came up facing the ship, and one of the funnels seemed to be lifted off and fell towards me about 15 yards away. I saw the ship in a sort of a red glare, and it seemed to me that she broke in two just in front of the third funnel. The stern then seemed to rise in the air and stopped at about an angle of 60 degrees. It seemed to hold there for a time and then with a hissing sound it shot right down out of sight with people jumping from the stern. The stern either pivoted around towards our overturned lifeboat, or we were sucked towards it, and as we only had one oar we could not keep away. The assistant wireless operator was right next to me, holding on to me and kneeling in the water. Statement of Second Officer Charles H. Lightoller: "I stuck to the ship until the water came up to my ankles. There had been no lamentations, no demonstrations either from the men passengers as they saw the last lifeboat go, and there was no wailing or crying, no outburst from the men who lined the ship's rail as the Titanic disappeared from sight. Statement of Philip Mock: "Many men were hanging on to rafts in the sea. William T. Stead and Colonel Astor were among them. Their feet and hands froze and they had to let go. Both were drowned." 10 After the Titanic sank, Margaret Brown and several other women passengers took control of Lifeboat 6, rowing "to keep warm" but headed back, against the demands of the head crewman, to find survivors in the water. These actions earned her the nickname of "The Unsinkable Molly Brown" 8

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Margaret Brown 02.35 Mount Temple hears Carpathia send, "If you are there we are firing rockets". 23 02.40 Official Report of A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia: At 2.40 A. M. saw flare half a point on port bow. Taking this for granted to be ship, shortly after we sighted our first iceberg. I had previously had lookouts doubled, knowing that Titanic had struck ice, and so took every care and precaution. We soon found ourselves in a field of bergs, and had to alter course several times to clear bergs; weather fine, and clear, light air on sea, beautifully clear night, though dark. 10, 24 Entered into the Cape Race Radio Log: Virginian says last he heard of Titanic was at 12:27 am (02:17 Titanic time) when latters signals were blurred and ended abruptly. From now on boats working amongst themselves relative to Titanic disaster. Nothing more heard from Titanic. 21 02:58 Birma to Titanic: Steaming full speed for you. Shall arrive you 6.00 in morning. Hope you are safe. We are only 50 miles now. 23

Carpathia Arrives And Starts Picking Up Survivors Californian Sees Carpathia Rockets And Still Does Not Respond

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04:00 Lifeboat 2 was commanded by Fourth Officer Boxhall. At 4:00 a.m. Boxhall fired a final green flare.. Lifeboat 2 was the most southerly lifeboat and at 4:00 a.m. was found by Carpathia 2 miles south of the wreck site. On Californian Second Officer Stone and Apprentice Gibson were looking towards lifeboat 2 but saw only Carpathia's rockets. The flares, visible at ten miles, were not seen on Californian. The crew on the Californian were able to see the lights on the boat deck of Titanic, and their limit of visibility is 16 miles. Therefore, Californian was between 10 and 16 miles away from Titanic during the sinking. 13 04:10 Official Report of A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia: We stopped at 4 A. M., thus doing distance in three hours and a half, picking up the first boat at 4.10 A. M.; boat in charge of officer, and he reported that Titanic had foundered. 10, 24 04:24 Birma says, "We are 30 miles S.W. off Titanic". 23 04:30 Official Report of A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia: By the time we had cleared first boat it was breaking day, and I could see all within area of four miles. We also saw that we were surrounded by icebergs, large and small, huge field of drift ice with large and small bergs in it, the ice field trending from N. W. round W. and S. to S. E., as far as we could see either way. 10, 24 Testimony of James H. Moore, Captain of Mount Temple: Captain Moore told of the great stretch of field ice which held him off. Within his view from the bridge he discerned a strange steamship, probably a "tramp," and a schooner which was making her way out of the ice. The lights of this schooner, he thought, probably were those seen by the anxious survivors of the Titanic and which they were frantically trying to reach. 15 Statement of James Moore, Captain of Mount Temple: When daylight came and we could see across the large field of ice we made out the steamship Carpathia, the steamer Californian, and a tramp steamer. The Carpathia had steamed from the eastward when she received the distress call, and was on the same side of the ice fields as the Titanic, and could thus reach the scene in clear water. I did not receive any word from the Carpathia, so I started after daylight to steam southward, and around the ice field to the place where the Carpathia was. 22

Californian Informed By Radio That Titanic Sank Californian Takes Three Hours To Travel 10 Miles

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Carpathia Rescues About 700 People 05:11 Statement of J. Durant, wireless operator on the Mount Temple: At 5:11 I had a call from the Californian and told that boat of the disaster, and I gave the position in which it occurred. 22 05:51 Statement of J. Durant, radio operator on the Mount Temple: About 5:51 we saw the Carpathia and Californian, with the Russian steamer Birma. There was also a tramp steamer cruising about, apparently going in the same direction as us, but as she had no wireless installed and never approached very near we could not find out what she was. As soon as I saw Carpathia I asked for news of the Titanic and if she had seen anything but got no reply. Other ships asked the same question, but she kept silent to all. 22 06:00 Second Officer Bisset was on board the Carpathia. In his statement he said he saw the Californian getting underway about ten miles north of his ship, at 6:00 AM. 13 06:45 "Mr. Ismay reached the Carpathia in about the tenth lifeboat," said an officer. "The steward who waited on him, McGuire, says Mr. Ismay came dashing into the dining room, and throwing himself in a chair, said: 'Hurry, for God's sake, and get me something to eat. I'm starved. I don't care what it costs or what it is; bring it to me.' I did not see Mr. Ismay after the first few hours. He must have kept to his cabin." A woman passenger on the Carpathia said "Mr. Ismay was beside himself, and on most of the voyage after we had picked him up he was being quieted with opiates on orders of the ship's doctor." 10 After being picked up by the Carpathia, Ismay was led to the cabin belonging to the ship's doctor, which he reportedly did not leave for the entire journey. He ate nothing solid, received only a single visitor, and was kept under the influence of opiates. 8 08:00 Official Report of A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia: At 8 A.M. the Leyland SS Californian came up. I gave him the principal news and asked him to search and I would proceed to New York. 10, 24

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08:30 Official Report of A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia: At 8.30 A. M. last boat picked up. All survivors aboard and all boats accounted for, viz., fifteen lifeboats, one boat abandoned, two Berthon boats alongside (saw one floating upwards among wreckage), and according to second officer (senior officer saved) one Berthon boat had not been launched, it having got jammed, making sixteen lifeboats and four Berthon boats accounted for. 10, 24 Statement of James Moore, Captain of Mount Temple: We were steaming to the location of Carpathia as fast as we could when at 8:30 in the morning I got a wireless from the Carpathia that nothing more could be done. I then turned, like the others, to St. John. 22 08:50 Official Report of A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia: At 8.50 proceeded full speed while researching over vicinity of disaster, and while we were getting people aboard I gave orders to get spare hands along and swing in all our boats, disconnect the fall and hoist up as many Titanic boats as possible in our davits; also get some on forecastle heads by derricks. We got thirteen lifeboats, six on forward deck and seven in davits. "Before deciding definitely where to make for, I conferred with Mr. Ismay, and as he told me to do what I thought best, I informed him, I considered New York best. We have experienced great difficulty in transmitting news, also names of survivors. Our wireless is very poor, and again we have had so many interruptions from other ships and also messages from shore (principally press, which we ignored). I gave instructions to send first all official messages, then names of passengers, then survivors' private messages. 10, 24 08:55 Carpathia replies to Baltic: "Am proceeding to Halifax or New York full speed. You had better proceed to Liverpool. Have about 700 passengers on board". 09:00 Carpathia to Virginian: "We are leaving here with all on board about 700 passengers. Please return to your Northern course". 63 Photograph of an iceberg in the vicinity of the Titanic's sinking taken on 15 April 1912 by the chief steward of the liner Prinz Adelbert who stated the berg had red anti-fouling paint on it. 6

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White Star Line Telegrams A Lie That All Titanic Passengers Saved Congressman Hughes, of West Virginia, receives a telegram from the White Star Line: dated New York, April 15th addressed to J. A. Hughes, Huntington, W. Va. "Titanic proceeding to Halifax. Passengers probably land on Wednesday. All safe. (Signed) "The White Star Line " 10 "The Titanic in Collision, But Everybody Safe" The sad awakening like a bolt out of a clear sky came the wireless message on Monday, April 15, 1912, that on Sunday night the great Titanic, on her maiden voyage across the Atlantic, had struck a gigantic iceberg, but that all the passengers were saved. The ship had signaled her distress and another victory was set down to wireless. Twenty-one hundred lives saved! At 4.15 Monday morning the Canadian Government Marine Agency received a wireless message that the Titanic was sinking and that the steamers towing her were trying to get her into shoal water near Cape Race, for the purpose of beaching her. Wireless despatches up to noon Monday showed that the passengers of the Titanic were being transferred aboard the steamer Carpathia. Twenty boatloads of the Titanic's passengers were said to have been transferred to the Carpathia... Monday night the world slept in peace and assurance. A wireless message had finally been received, reading: "All Titanic's passengers safe." With the dawning of Tuesday morning came the awful news of the true fate of the Titanic. 10 Evening Telegram - 16 April 1912: The stock exchange is not at all likely to suffer serious disturbance in consequence of the White Star disaster. John Jacob Astor is on the board of several railroads and financial institutions, but the great bulk of his fortune is in real estate. He has never been looked upon, however, as an important factor in the stock market. It was the biggest financial loss ever suffered by marine insurance brokers. The value of the policy covering the vessel was $5,000,000. The actual amount of insurance was $3,700,000, of which the owners themselves held $750,000. 10

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Marconi, at his first speech in America on 18 April 1912, speaks of the Titanic: I know that you will understand me if I say that all those who have been working with me entertain a true feeling of gratitude that wireless telegraphy has again in this instance helped to save human lives. 33 The Carpathia arrives in New York on April 18th. 10 Captain A. H. Rostron, of the steamship Carpathia, addressed an official report April 19, giving his account of the Carpathia's rescue work, to the general manager of the Cunard Line, Liverpool. 10

US Senate Hearings On Titanic Disaster Ismay Lies About Pressuring Captain Smith To Increase Speed Vice-President of IMMC Shows No Responsibility For Inadequate Lifeboats Californian Captain Guilty Of Not Responding To Distress Rockets U.S. Senate investigation into the Titanic sinking begins at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The White Star Line attempted to persuade surviving crewmen not to state that the hull broke in half. 6 The U.S. Senate Committee began its investigation in New York on Friday, April 19th. Bruce Ismay, the first witness, came to the witness chair with a smile upon his face. He told the committee that he made the voyage on the Titanic only as a voluntary passenger. He said "The ship was not going at full speed, because full speed would be from seventy-eight to eighty revolutions, and we were making only seventy-five." Ismay said that he never interfered in any way with the handling of the ship. Ismay was asked about his departure from the ship. He said: "The boat was ready to be lowered away and the officer called out if there were any more women or children to go or any more passengers on deck, but there was none, and I got on board." Ismay said that he had not heard explosions before the Titanic settled. Captain Rostron, of the Carpathia, followed Mr. Ismay. Why so few messages came from the Carpathia was gone into. Captain Rostron declared the first messages were sent to the White Star Line, the Cunard Line and the Associated Press. Then the first and second cabin passenger lists were sent, when the wireless failed. Captain Rostron declared he issued orders for no messages to be sent except upon orders from him, and for official business to go first, then private messages from the Titanic survivors in order of filing. Absolutely no censorship was exercised, he said. The wireless continued working all the way in, the Marconi operator being constantly at the key. Guglielmo Marconi said he was chairman of the British Marconi Company. Under instructions of the company,

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he said, operators must take their orders from the captain of the ship on which they are employed. Marconi said "The CQ is an international signal which meant that all stations should cease sending except the one using the call. The D was added to indicate danger." Thomas Cottam, the Marconi operator on the Carpathia, denied that he had sent any message that all passengers had been saved, or anything on which such a report could be based. Cottam said he was at work Monday and until Wednesday. He had been without sleep throughout Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and until late Wednesday afternoon when he had been relieved by Bride. "Did you or Bride send any message declaring that the Titanic was being towed into Halifax?" "No, sir," said the witness, with emphasis. P.A.S. Franklin, vice-president of International Mercantile Marine Company, testified. Senator Smith then showed Mr. Franklin the telegram received by Congressman Hughes, of West Virginia, from the White Star Line, dated New York, April 15th, and addressed to J. A. Hughes, Huntington, W. Va., as follows: "Titanic proceeding to Halifax. Passengers probably land on Wednesday. All safe. (Signed) "The White Star Line " "I ask you,"continued the senator, "whether you know about the sending of that telegram, by whom it was authorized and from whom it was sent?" "I do not, sir," said Franklin. "The Titanic's equipment was in excess of the law," said the witness. "It carried its clearance in the shape of a certificate from the British Board of Trade. I might say that no vessel can leave a British port without a certificate that it is equipped to care for human lives aboard in case of accident. It is the law." "Do you know of anyone, any officer or man or any official, whom you deem could be held responsible for the accident and its attendant loss of life?" "Positively not. No one thought such an accident could happen. I think it would be absurd to try to hold some individual responsible. Every precaution was taken; that the precautions were of no avail is a source of the deepest sorrow. But the accident was unavoidable." The committee reported its findings as follows: General Conclusions No particular person is named as being responsible, though attention is called to the fact that on the day of the disaster three distinct warnings of ice were sent to Captain Smith. J. Bruce Ismay, managing director of the White Star Line, is not held responsible for the ship's high speed. Ice positions, so definitely reported to the Titanic just preceding the accident, located ice on both sides of the lane in which she was traveling. No discussion took place among the officers, no conference was called to consider these warnings, no heed was given to them. The speed was not relaxed, the lookout was not increased. The supposedly water-tight compartments of the Titanic were not watertight, because of the non-water-tight condition of the decks where the transverse bulkheads ended. The steamship Californian, controlled by the same concern as the Titanic, was nearer the sinking steamship than the nineteen miles reported by her captain, and her officers and crew saw the distress signals of the Titanic and failed to respond to them in accordance with the dictates of humanity, international usage and the requirements of law. Had assistance been promptly proffered the Californian might have had the proud

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distinction of rescuing the lives of the passengers and crew of the Titanic. The mysterious lights on an unknown ship, seen by the passengers on the Titanic, undoubtedly were on the Californian, less than nineteen miles away. The full capacity of the Titanic's lifeboats was not utilized, because, while only 705 persons were saved, the ship's boats could have carried 1176. It was fifteen or twenty minutes after the collision before Captain Smith ordered the Titanic's wireless operator to send out a distress message. The first official information of the disaster was the message from Captain Haddock, of the Olympic, received by the White Star Line at 6.16 P. M., Monday, April 15. In the face of this information a message reporting the Titanic being towed to Halifax was sent to Representative J. A. Hughes, at Huntington, W. Va., at 7.51 P. M. that day. The message was delivered to the Western Union office in the same building as the White Star Line offices. "Whoever sent this message," says the report, "under the circumstances, is guilty of the most reprehensible conduct." The wireless operator on the Carpathia was not duly vigilant in handling his messages after the accident. Recommendations of the US Senate Committee: It is recommended that all ships carrying more than 100 passengers shall have two searchlights. That a revision be made of steamship inspection laws of foreign countries to conform to the standard proposed in the United States. That every ship be required to carry sufficient lifeboats for all passengers and crew. That the use of wireless be regulated to prevent interference by amateurs, and that all ships have a wireless operator on constant duty. Detailed recommendations are made as to water-tight bulkhead construction on ocean-going ships. Bulkheads should be so spaced that any two adjacent compartments of a ship might be flooded without sinking. Transverse bulkheads forward and abaft the machinery should be continued watertight to the uppermost continuous structural deck, and this deck should be fitted water-tight. 10 Over the weeks following the sinking, hundreds of bodies are retrieved from the wreck site. Mr. Astor was recovered body 124. When Hart’s body (musician who kept playing) is recovered on April 25th, his family gets tributes from all over the world, but White Star sends the family a bill for “un-returned uniforms”! 14

British Inquiry Into Titanic Sinking Ismay Charged With Urging A Speed Record & Ignoring Ice Warnings The British inquiry into the Titanic sinking begins circa 10 May 1912.

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The London newspapers commented adversely on the lack of boats. British indignation was aroused over the knowledge that an antiquated law enables steamship companies to fail to provide sufficient life-boats to accommodate the passengers and crew of the largest liners. London society ostracised Ismay and labelled him one of the biggest cowards in history. His critics insisted that as managing director of the White Star Line his responsibility was greater even than Captain Smith's. Even in England his survival was held to be the one great blot on an otherwise noble display of masculine courage. A prominent official of the White Star Line shook his head meaningly when asked what he thought of Ismay's escape with the women and children. He was also charged with urging a speed record and with ignoring information received with regard to icebergs. The belief in England was that the captain of the Carpathia had acted under Ismay's influence in refusing to permit any account of the disaster to be transmitted previous to the arrival of the vessel in New York. Ismay's telegram making arrangements for the immediate deportation of the survivors among the Titanic's crew was taken to be part of the same scheme to delay, if not to prevent, their stories of the wreck from being obtained in New York. Another circumstance which created a damaging impression was Ismay's failure to give the names of the surviving crew to the distraught families. Ismay's actions while on the Carpathia were also criticised as selfish and unwarrantable. "For God's sake get me something to eat, I'm starved. I don't care what it costs or what it is. Bring it to me." This was the first statement made by Mr. Ismay a few minutes after he was landed on the Carpathia. Reply To Charges Mr. Ismay's plans had been to return immediately to England, and he had wired that the steamer Cedric be held for himself and officers and members of the crew; but public sentiment and subpoenas of the Senate's investigating committee prevented. In the face of the criticism aimed against him Mr. Ismay issued a long statement in which he not only disclaimed responsibility for the Titanic's fatal collision, but also sought to clear himself of blame for everything that happened after the big ship was wrecked. He laid the responsibility for the tragedy on Captain Smith. He denied that he gave any order to Captain Smith. He denied telling anyone that he wished the ship to make a speed record. He told of helping to send women and children away in lifeboats on the starboard side, and said there was no woman in sight on deck when he and William E. Carter, of Bryn Mawr, Pa., entered the collapsible boat - the last small craft left on that side of the vessel. He denied that in sending the three messages from the Carpathia, urging the White Star officials to hold the Cedric for the survivors of the Titanic's officers and crew, he had any intention to block investigation of the tragedy. Ismay asserted that he did not know there was to be an investigation until the Cunarder docked. Mr. William E. Carter, of Bryn Mawr, who, with his family, was saved, confirmed Mr. Ismay's assertions. "Mr. Ismay's statement is absolutely correct," said Mr. Carter. "There were no women on the deck when that boat was launched. We were the very last to leave the deck, and we entered the lifeboat because there were no

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women to enter it. The deck was deserted when the boat was launched, and Mr. Ismay and myself decided that we might as well enter the boat and pull away from the wreck. We left the boat together and were picked up together, and, further than that, we were the very last to leave the deck. 10

Vindictive Bankers Tear Down Astor Mansion Temple Emanu-el Built Where Astor’s Mansion Once Stood New York Times, June 22, 1913 - Appraisement of Estate Reveals Astor’s Personality The appraiser’s report of the estate of John Jacob Astor… shows a fortune of $87,000,000. Behind the summary of millions lurked another man... a man who could have been a scientist. There is a historical pattern of the vindictive bankers, wherein they destroy the house and other creations of anyone who significantly opposed them and build something else where it once stood. Astor had two buildings he constructed that he was proud of, his mansion and the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. John Jacob Astor IV had built a mansion in 1894 located at 840 Fifth Ave in New York. In 1926, Temple Emanu-El buys the mansion from Astor’s son.

Astor’s Mansion

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Temple Emanu-El They tear Astor’s mansion down and build their temple there. 44

Bankers Tear Down Astor’s Luxury Hotel Build Empire State Building Where Hotel Once Stood Inferior Hotel Built Elsewhere The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel was built by Astor and his cousin William Waldorf . It was completed in 1897 and was the tallest building in the world. This was a class hotel, a regal fragrance wafted from every corner of the hotel with exquisite porcelain, exotic flowers and expensive furniture decorating the halls, dining rooms and suites. This was the alley where the peacocks came to strut. They bankers tore down the original Waldorf-Astoria and built the Empire State Building where it once stood. Then they built a replacement Waldorf-Astoria in another location, but it lacked the qualities of the original hotel.

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Fake Waldorf Astoria more currently

Fake Waldorf Astoria Original Waldorf Astoria

The Waldorf-Astoria Hotel is sold in 1928, by Vincent Astor to Bethlehem Engineering Corporation for an estimated $20 million.


Louis G. Kaufman son of jewish immigrants

Charles A. Kaufmann Member of the IOBB in New Orleans

Charles A. Kaufman was married in April, 1869, and is the father of 6 children, namely: Arthur, Cora, wife of B. Kiam; Bertha, now Mrs. N. S. Stern, of New Orleans; Claud M., Percy S., and Viola, wife of Stanford M. Beers, of New Orleans, commission broker. 49

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Mr. N.S. Stern mentioned above, or Nathan S. Stern, is an important figure to some of the atrocious acts on the part of the Unites States government occurring in Nicaragua, vis-à-vis United Fruit and J.P. Morgan. The 1916 directors list of Chatham Phenix has August Belmont [Rothschild representative] on it, as well as Pierre Du Pont. Louis Kaufman defaulted on his payments in 1929, and in August, Raskob and others bought it.


1929: John Jakob Raskob (creator of General Motors), Coleman du Pont, Pierre S. du Pont (president of E.I. Du Pont de Nemours), Louis Graveraet Kaufman [who is part American Indian Juliette P. GRAVERAET, b. c. 1841 in MI., She married Samuel KAUFFMAN, Children: i. Louis G. KAUFMAN, he is also mixed up in the general motors chrysler thing] and Ellis P. Earle, form Empire State, Inc. and name Alfred E. Smith, former Governor of New York, to head the corporation, and they completely demolish the Waldorf-Astoria in 1929, and replaced it with the Empire State Building. To add insult to injury, a different hotel was built in 1931 and then named the Waldorf-Astoria. A friend of mine stayed stayed there once in the 1970’s, which by report – had a very creepy feel to it. The Empire State building project was financed primarily by John J. Raskob and Pierre S. du Pont, who are the two J.P. Morgan guys who kept going after William C. Durant’s car companies.

John J. Raskob

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Pierre S. duPont was elected Chairman of the General Motors Company following the dissolution of the banker’s trust that controlled GM from 1910-1915. At that time, duPont was an individual investor with 2000 GM shares. His election served as a truce between the bankers, who had taken control of GM in 1910, and GM founder William C. Durant, who was by 1915 in a position to “take back” GM after having accrued a narrow majority of the company’s stock using the profits of the Chevrolet Motor Company. Durant, like George Westinghouse was also targeted by the Morgan/Schiff cartel in the “panic” of 1907, and lost his company to them, which was Buick Motors (which he took over in 1904), he then formed General Motors in 1908, and lost that in 1910 to the same people, then he formed Chrysler in 1910, and in 1916 Billy Durant announced to the GM Board of Directors that his Chevrolet Motor Company owned 54.5 percent of GM’s outstanding shares of stock and took over the GM presidency from Charles Nash, who had once been Billy’s protégé. In 1920, he lost it again, and in 1929, was suggested to him (ha ha) to help bail out the 1929 crash, and he lost all of his money.

Buick – 1906

William C. Durant

Under the guidance and persistence of Billy Durant, a company called General Motors was established on September 16, 1908.

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Its initial holdings included only Durant’s Buick Motor Company. 1919 - In 1914 Raskob became treasurer of DuPont, was elected to the Board of Directors, and joined the Executive Committee. The next year Raskob was named secretary treasurer of the Christiana Securities Company and also joined the General Motors board of directors. In 1918, John J. Raskob was GM’s vice president and chaired its Finance Committee. In 1919 - Pierre du Pont put family friends onto GM’s board: Nobel, their European gunpowder ally and J.P. Morgan. By 1920, with financial trickery and $35 million from Morgan, du Pont’s empire owned GM. The treatment of William Durant is another chapter in the self-serving business practices of the jewish oligarchy. These same bankers then went on to destroy Astor’s hotel.

Summary Astor had funded Nikola Tesla research into free electricity. The research was successful. Free electricity posed a huge financial threat to the jewish bankers – think of the lost income to them if homes and electric cars were operated with free electricity. That threat was finally over when the Titanic was sunk, killing Astor. But there was also Egypt…….

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References 1. The Menorah, monthly magazine of Independent Order B'ne B'rith, Vol XXII, Jan-June 1897 2. Article in Menorah titled Manual Training And The Jews, by Dr. Henry M. Leipziger 3. 4. 5. An Encylopedia article 6. Wikipedia Encyclopedia 7. 8. 9. A Treasury of Titanic Tales by Webb Garrison, published by Rutledge Hill Press, 1998 10. Sinking of the Titanic and Great Sea Disasters published May 1912 11. New Columbia Encyclopedia 12. 13. 14. History Channel special "Titanic's Final Moments" 15. Testimony before the US Senate hearings into Titanic sinking 16. 17. 18. Chicago Tribune 28 Dec 1997 - Radio Notes Bring Titanic’s Pleas For Help Back To Life 19. 20. 21. Robert Hunston’s Log – "The Titanic Disaster as Viewed from Cape Race" 22. New York Times 26 April 1912 – Did Not See Titanic Capt. Moore Insists 23. 24. Official Report to the Cunard Line, by A. H. Rostron, Captain of the Carpathia 25. 26. 27. Hudson Dispatch 18 Nov 1943 Hero of Titanic Lifeboat 13, Which Rescued Mrs. Astor… 28. New York Times April 22, 1912 – Astor Saved Us, Say Women 29. 30. The Hudson Observer 20 April 1912 31. Titanic & Olympic: The Truth Behind the Conspiracy By Bruce Beveridge, Steve Hall 2004 32. Worcester Evening Gazette 19 April 1912 - Astor Put Boy By Wife's Side 33. New York Times 18 April 1912 – Marconi Cheered for Wireless Feats 34. NY Times 25th July 1912 - Financier Refuses to Discuss Business or Politics 35. Causes and Effects of the Rapid Sinking of the Titanic by Vicki Bassett 36. 37. 38. 39. ] 40. Scientology – The Blind Leading the Blind Part 2 41. 42. The Morgan-Honduras Loan by Juan E. Paredes – 1912 vol. 3 43. Nikola Tesla and John Jacob Astor, by Marc J. Seifer 44. 45.

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46. 47. The Banana Men: American Mercenaries and Entrepreneurs in Central America by Lester D. Langley, Thomas D. Schoonover 48. History of The Jews of Louisiana 49. 50. 51. 52. New Orleans and the New South By Andrew Morrison, published 1888 53. US genweb for Louisiana birth records 54. 55. 56. 57. United States and Latin America: Dollar Diplomacy, Juan Leets, New Orleans 1912 58. New York Times, June 22, 1913 - Appraisement of Estate Reveals Astor’s Personality

59. 60. George Westinghouse: gentle genius by Quentin R. Skrabec, Jr., Quentin R. Skrabec 61. 62. New York Times, May 1910

63. 64. 65. 66. 67. New York Times article January 12, 1913 – Big Morgan Concern In Ship Inquiry 68. Wizard: the life and times of Nikola Tesla: biography of a genius - Marc J. Seifer - 1998 69. 70. New York Times, April 15, 1913 - Titanic Claims…. 71. New York Times - August 9, 1903 72. The New International Year Book 1911 73. J. Pierpont Morgan: An Intimate Portrait by Herbert L. Satterlee 1939 74. Nikola Tesla: The Lost Wizard by Marc J. Seifer 75. Nikola Tesla, My Inventions - Originally published, 1919 - Electrical Engineer 76. 77. A summary from World Class Business by Phillip Mattera 78. The House of Morgan: An American Banking Dynasty and the Rise of Modern Finance by Ron Chernow 79. Quentin P. Taylor (2004) "Money and Politics in the Land of Oz" The Independent Institute – Wikipedia 80. The life story of J. Pierpont Morgan : a biography - published October 1911 81. Article By Christopher Gray Published: March 5, 2009 New York Times 82. 83. Combination in the mining industry: a study of concentration… by Henry Raymond Mussey 1905 84. 85. 86. Reinterpreting the Banana Republic: region and state in Honduras, 1870-1972 by Darío A. Euraque 87. The Empire State Building: the making of a landmark, by John Tauranac, 1997

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