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Art in the Mid-Valley
Finally, spring is here just in time for the Spring Garden Festival, May 7th from 10am to 4pm in The Arts Center Plaza at 7th and Madison in Corvallis. Along with the usual plants, shrubs and trees you will find garden-related arts and crafts. This year’s event includes approximately 40 vendors plus local music and other entertainment. This sounds like a great way to spend a springtime Sunday afternoon in Corvallis.
The Arts Center recognizes the evolving nature of artistic practice by celebrating 5 Years of Artist Accelerator Residencies
The Artist Accelerator Program provides professional development for creative people seeking to build community, with a strong foundation in small business and their art practices. This spring former AAP residents return in this two-location exhibit to share their evolving work in fiber, painting, design, and ceramics. The featured artists include Sabra Comins, Jess Felix, Caroline Feyling, Justin Lodge, Kimberly Long, Shagufta Mulla, Jill Myer, and Jessica Rehfield. Explore your own definitions and understandings of artistic practice. Visit both the Corvallis Footwise window and The Arts Center to enjoy the full breadth of work on display.
The Arts Center Main Gallery:
April 6, 2023 – May 13, 2023
Corvallis Footwise at 3rd and Madison:
April 28, 2023 – May 30, 2023
Reception for All Artists: The Arts Cen-
By Brian Egan
ter, Friday, May 12, 5:30 – 7:00 PM
The Arts Center’s Pre-Owned Art Sale is back! You can support The Arts Center’s exhibition program in two ways: First, you time. If you have questions about the status of your membership, contact Barbara Malloy, membership@theartscenter.net Then you can pat yourself on the back, for in just two days you have cleaned out your closet/garage/studio, acquired something beautiful/unique, had a great time seeing interesting things, and helped support The Arts Center’s exhibition program. can donate art on Friday, May 19, 12 – 5 PM. The Arts Center welcomes you to donate original art and useable art supplies you have stored in your closet, studio, garage, etc. Your donation is tax deductible and you must place a value the donation yourself, as there will be no appraiser on staff. Please be aware that the purpose of this event is to give art a second life. It is very likely your donation will be priced below it’s declared value in order to try and guarantee the art finds a new home. Please no giclee print or printed canvases. Posters from museums or galleries may be accepted. Secondly, you can buy art on Saturday, May 20, 12 – 4 PM. Be the second (or third) owner of original artwork – a bargain hunter’s delight! Frames, art supplies and other art related odds and ends will also be available. Arts Center members ONLY will have the opportunity to shop Saturday from 11 AM – Noon. You must be a verified member by Tuesday, May 15, 2023 to qualify for the early shop

Mary Frisbee Johnson will be featured in the main gallery of The Arts Center from June 8th to July 22nd. Her show, Pacific Waters, is a collection of thirty-five indigo ink drawings on heavy watercolor paper exploring the Central Oregon Coast. Mary works in the media areas of drawing, metals, and sculpture and in 2020 took a break from a long stretch of working in her metals studio and began the Pacific Waters collection. Johnson is fascinated with how water changes depending on light, weather, time, wind, tide, river flow, and geography. She thinks of words that relate to movement and shape: twist, eddy, rise, ebb, stream, spurt, surge. She listens to the myriad sounds of the ocean and the bays: gurgle, roar, crash, hiss. These words translate into mark-making with brushes and ink. As an extension of this exhibition, Oregon State University music students were invited to compose original works in response to Johnson's work. Selected music pieces will be available to listen to in the gallery. Visitors will be encouraged to choose a soundtrack and connect with Johnson's work while listening to the compositions through provided headphones. Reception: June 15, 5:30-7 PM
For 40 years, the Art About Agriculture program at Oregon State University’s College of Agricultural Sciences has invited artists from throughout the Pacific Northwest to creatively explore the uniquely diverse agricultural and natural resources of our region. As a world-class leader in agricultural, environmental, and life sciences, the College of Agricultural Sciences encourages diverse points of view and for 40 years has invested in visual arts as an important part of its mission. This annual exhibit at the Guistina Gallery at the LaSells Stewart Center opens on May 9th and closes on June 15th.

Artist Quote of the month: “Make sure that what you create is the best that you can do, not just what you can get away with simply because others do not know what is good. ” - Emil Milan
The Arts Center Hours Noon to 5pm Tuesday through Saturday (at time of publication, please check website for updates) • 541-754-1551 www.theartscenter.net

We have Chris Hannegan as our focus artist in May and Wild Women in June! Our Summer hours will be in effect beginning May 1st, 2023. We will be open from 12:00pm-5:00pm on Thursday - Sunday. Both of these exhibits will meet your hopes for some festive art and fun!

Artist Focus Show in May 2023 - Chris Hannegan
"I love the idea of living a very ordinary life, simple and private. One of my greatest joys is teaching fifth grade and sharing the hopes and potentials of my young charges. I've been accused of being in love with the line but it's more than that. I live to see what comes out of the end of my paintbrushes, the products of my imagination and memories -- my lifeline."
Wild Women Show in June 2023!!!
After a 2 year hiatus, River Gallery's Wild Women Show is returning in June 2023. Although we do not have a specific theme this year, we want our annual juried show to continue to celebrate the Spirit of Women. The world has changed in the last 2 years! Welcome Back! The exhibit is from June 1st - July 7th and the reception is on June 3rd from 5:00 - 9:00 PM. Join us and be prepared to have some fun!
Celebrating the Spirit of Women
Show: June 1 through July 7
Submission due date: no later than April 24, 2023
Submission is by email to : rivergalleryart97361@gmail.com
Use Subject Heading: Wild Women 2023
Up to 3 pieces may be submitted: two and three dimensional work of any type. Attach a photo of your piece to your email. Please don't embed the photo in the body of your email. It makes it much harder to set it up for jurying! Jpeg photos only. Each piece needs to be labeled with: title, medium, size, price (all work must be for sale), and your last name.
Submission fee: $10 each. If submitting 3 pieces, $25 for the three. Payment must be received by April 24th. Jurying will take place on May 8th. Notification of acceptance no later than May 12th. Accepted work can be brought in anytime after you are notified. We are open Thursday through Sunday noon to 5pm. NOTE: Plexiglass instead of glass if your piece requires it. Hanging method should be appropriate to size and weight of your piece if it is to be hung. Please do not use sawtooth hangers!
April 30 - May 29, 2023
Pacific Northwest Plein Air in the Columbia River Gorge

When the spring wildflowers arrive in the Columbia River Gorge in 2023, they will be greeted by more than 40 artists who will be working to capture their beauty.
After four days of painting en plein air, the completed works will be taken to Maryhill Museum of Art. The paintings will be available for purchase in the Event Sales Gallery in the M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust Education Center from April 30–May 29.
Pacific Northwest Plein Air in the Columbia River Gorge is a “wet paint” show. Purchased artworks are taken home by their buyers when they are sold.
NOTE: Our featured artist for this issue, Katia Kyte will be painting at this show.
2023 Artists
Charity Anderson
Celeste Bergin
Aimee Erickson
Amalia Fisch
Laura Gable
Scott Gellatly
Millie Gosch
Beth Grant
Carole Gray-Weihman
Susan Elwart Hall
Zachary Hixson
Shirl Ireland
Aaron Cordell
Thomas Kitts
Bhavani Krishnan
Katia Kyte
Tracy Leagjeld
Michael Lindstrom
Gretha Lindwood
Sergio Lopez
Janie Lowe
Tiffanie Mang
Steven McDonald
Lynn Mehta
Elizabeth Menand
Gia Moody
Erich Neubert
Anton Pavlenko
Margaret Plumb
Cathleen Rehfeld
Paul Rosiak
James Sampsel
Erik Sandgren
Mark Shasha
Melanie Thompson
Kathryn Townsend
Yer Vue
Jordan Walker
Durre Waseem
Elo Wobig
Rick Woods
Paul Zegers
Min Zhong
Learn More:
Sally Reichmuth
Yong Hong Zhong pacificnwpa.com