1 minute read
The HarvestRight home freeze dryer. Now available at Scio Hardware.

You might even win one! As a part of their frequent charitable gifts, Scio Hardware is selling raffle tickets to benefit the Scio High class of 23. Stop in and buy a ticket, someone has to win!
to go Scio Hardware, and Go Loggers!
Blueberries Carrots
If you're looking to preserve food, the freeze dried method is the way to go. For example, frozen food lasts about two years, canned, maybe three years, dehydrated, one to four years, but freeze dried food can last up to an amazing twenty five years! Or if you are a backpacker who wants to shed weight, freeze dried food weighs almost nothing! Or if you have pets you're trying to train, or if you want to just have a constant supply of treats around, freeze dried liver lasts a long time, pets love it, and it's so much less expensive when you do it yourself!
Freeze dried food is also a great option for babies, since freeze dried food melts in your mouth, there's less chance for baby to have any issues eating it. Mmmm!
Freeze drying also preserves all the flavor. For example, try a freeze dried banana, they tase just like a fresh banana, but crunchy! A great snack! Another popular item to freeze dry is, believe it or not, candy! Freeze dried candy cane becomes puffy and light. Santa could save a lot of weight in the sleigh if he'd just freeze dry!
Freeze drying retains 97% of the nutritional value of fresh food! Because it is fresh food, minus water.