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919-928-2866 + + 113 Hogan Woods Circle, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 919-928-2866 + + 113 Hogan Woods Circle, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 + + + +

E D U C A T I O N Bachelor of Arts, Elon University, Elon, NC Major: Communications – Media Arts & Entertainment - Cinema

Graduation Date: May 2013

S K I L L S Final Cut Pro, Motion, DVD Studio Pro, Soundtrack Pro, LiveType, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Final Draft, iMovie, iDVD, Microsoft Office, Mac OS X, Windows, DSLR cameras, Videographer competent with Sony A1U, Sony V1U, Sony EX-1, Panasonic HD P2, Nikon D90, D300, Canon T2i, 7D P R O D U C T I O N E X P E R I E N C E Elon Television Video Services Video Production Assistant + Filmed and edited various cultural events and lectures on campus + Transferred tapes onto DVDs on deadline The Pendulum [Elon University’s newspaper] Multimedia Editor + Assisted newspaper Online Editor-in-Chief by producing news videos + Exported and uploaded videos to newspaper’s YouTube page

August 2009 – October 2010

February 2010 – May 2010

Warner & Company, Chapel Hill, NC Video Production Intern + Edited videos for clients of Warner & Company + Assisted with reverse scripting videos in Final Draft

June 2009 – August 2009

Fox 50, Durham, NC [Explorer Post 50] Production Assistant + Operated HD cameras and controlled graphics during Durham Bulls baseball games + Assisted the director in all game operations

June 2009 – August 2009

V I D E O P R O D U C T I O N S Director of Photography – “Hooked on Phoenix” Elon Tonight 5 minute music video highlighting Elon’s mascot, the phoenix Producer/Editor – “Zero Distractions” 2 minute public service announcement about reconnecting

Elon University, Digital Art 260



Crash the Super Bowl Co-Producer/Co-Editor – “DO_RI_TO” 30 second commercial for Dorito’s Crash the Super Bowl contest


ESPN2 Producer – Elon Phoenix Weekly – Fall 2010 - Episode 5 30 minute episode including 5 segments that highlight Elon’s Fall athletics


Director – B Organized – Fall 2010 – Episode 1 30 minute episode of giving dorm a makeover


Elon Television

Learning Community Director – “Hall Rock” 3 minute reverse lip dub music video for Learning Community Video Challenge – 1st Place Winner A C H I E V E M E N T S Eagle Scout Award Recipient The highest rank attainable in the Boy Scouting program of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Elon Communications Fellow Selected based on academic achievement and a demonstrable enthusiasm for a career in communications


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Resume by Will Anderson - Issuu