Don’t Flop is an online Rap Battle League based in the U.K, their online status dominates their fanbase and recognition. I intend to create a printed publication to showacse
Don’t Flops finest freestyle poets and provide a collectable poster pack with additional media for fans of the niche music market. Muis is loosing out to the online marketplace
and theres nothing collectable for Don’t Flop Fans to keep .
These are the items you will recieve in my collectable pack, a series of postcards, a pad and pen and some Don’t Flop buisness cards. I have also created letterheads and in-
voices for Don’t Flop to use in rlelation to their online shop. I have re-branded Don’t Flops identity to bring them up to date with current and interesting design as their old indentity
has outgrown the movement.
My collectable Pack will be aimed at music fans involved in the Grime/U.K Hip Hop subculture. Don’t Flop has an un and running merch store where t-shirts and jumpers
can be bought. Above is a few of my approaches to designing merchendize for them, I decided to take a differtent approach on things designing items that hadn’t been fea-
tured in their store, such as pocket t-shirts and 5 panel caps.
As Don’t Flop is part of our current online generation of music fans, the distribution for my collectable poster pack will be mainly sold through their online store.
By operating completely online fans who regulary keep up to date with weekly videos will become the perfect target market for purchasing my collectable pack.