Proposal Stament 1

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BA (Hons.) GRAPHIC DESIGN PREPARATION & PROPOSAL – Part 1 Name William Cotterill


Module Code

Module Title


Final Major Project


Date 20/01/2013

REVISED POSITION STATEMENT AND RATIONALE I want to capitalize, on the skills I’ve been passionate about over the past 2 and a half years by producing work that continues to show my dedication to both art & design, through a significant and structured selection of briefs. I can work in a variety of different areas of practice, in a variety of media and I think within the design Industry I sit in-between the titles of Graphic Designer and Illustrator. I aim to be a Graphic Artist, who works mainly with branding, bookbinding, publishing and Illustration, concentrating outcomes mainly on print based medium. I plan to work mainly with image making and illustration exploring the relationship between manual mark marking and graphic design to communicate personal & memorable work. This module I’m aiming to produce content and concept driven client led briefs and establishing contacts that will help to build up a portfolio of diverse branding projects. I aim to complete an extensive exploration into Branding and Identity but at the same time working alongside Illustration and typographic briefs to keep my outcomes varied and exciting. My assortment of briefs lets me conduct work in a variety of different subject areas with a variety of techniques/processes. My design thrives off production, & I feel that I truly communicate myself as a graphic artist through handheld objects and pieces of print, I want to move away from working solely with print or solely with web and start to integrate then both consistently within my profession. Ethical design, Educational and Informative design is what I truly care about, I think that the audiences response to a piece of design is as important as the design itself and recording and analyzing this response is something that’s important to me.

THEMES / SUBJECTS What Themes/Subjects will form the basis of your work for the final major project? This should include Theoretical and non design based content and concerns.

Throughout this module I intend on working with a mixture of different themes and subjects, that not only interest me, but push my practice in the direction I desire to be in prior to leaving the course. I want to produce ethically considered work that deals with political/social/environmental issues and wants to educate its audience. GENERAL THEMES: -Ethical Modes of production & Educational design made to inform. -Graphic Art that verges between Graphic design and Illustration. -Exploration of Branding & Identity through in depth concept generation and idea building.

SPECIFIC SUBJECTS: -Textile Printing/garment manipulation/Current trends. -Extinct Animals/ Laser cutting and working with paper as form. -Raster Imagery and Pixels. -The Egyptian Pyramids and their relationship to the stars.

DESIGN CONTEXT Identify areas of professional/ creative practices that will inform the contextualization of the work that you produce. This should include specific designerʼs, studios, practitionerʼs and products as well as broader creative disciplines and methods of Production / Distribution.

DESIGNERS/STUDIOS: Leeds Royal Armories/Leeds Vaults // Working Format // Leif Podhasky AUDIENCE/CONTEXTS: Skateboarding culture, Music Culture, book shops, online clothing stores, Businessmen, Bar men, club owners. PRODUCTION /DISTRIBUTION METHODS:

In relation to my own promotion as a designer, I need to start making an impact on the online community networking and integrating my work in all different places on the web to gain awareness and recognition. Distribution methods will mainly conclude online, where I plan to weave in an online shop into my website giving users the ability to order prints and enquire about work for sale etc.

DESIGN DISCIPLINES What areas of graphic design practice do you intend to investigate in relation to the practical and conceptual production / distribution of work in response to selected briefs

I plan to produce substantial briefs of which the outcomes are derived from structured investigation and concept building, so that you can see progression throughout my work. This will be determined by my time management and project management, I want to investigate some of my personal briefs in relation to my dissertation, thinking about hyperreality and design for our perceived future.

DESIGN SKILLS What practical design skills do you intend to further develop and apply during your final major project. What do you intend to use the skills for. Consider extending the use of skills that you already have in order to deliver work of a professional standard as well as identifying new skills that you will need to develop.

The practical skills I intend of developing and applying during this module are mainly print based, I want to work with screen print and digital print to fully recognize and understand both print processes and perfected outcomes. I screen printed some garments during the last semester but want to expand on that this term gaining more knowledge of screen printing. I want to further establish my style of illustration as a unique approach to a style of drawing, Illustration drives my work, and therefore I want to keep this ongoing exploration of mark marking. Developing new skills is essential, I want to go back to After effects and work with video and motion graphics to produce animations and online promotional material. I want to build on my digital rendering skills and have varied outcomes within my nd portfolio of work After effects is a program I enjoyed working in 2 year and I feel Iʼve lost touch with some of the programs features. Understanding design works across a scale of time is something that really interests me. As most of my work is image/illustration based I want to complete a couple of briefs that are type based, showing that I can work with both type and image, whilst developing my hand rendered and digital type skills. Using fontographer is something I want to accomplish, these software skills would help to build up my experience of building typefaces.

PROPOSED BRIEFS List any briefs that you have already identified as possible starting points for your Final Major Project. You should include possible competition and Live briefs as well as identifying briefs

PERSONAL; Brief 1 | The Universes Pupils | Textile printing and design for web. Brief 2 | Pixels, Cells and Dots | 3d, type, process driven research brief. Brief 3 | Extinct Animal Pack | Illustration & Print making. COLLABORATION;

that will allow you to develop a significant body of research and development in relation to your stated Themes/subjects, Design disciplines and production / distribution methods

Brief 1 | The relationship between megalifts and the constellations | Oliver Cassell Publishing and Image Making BRANDING & IDENTITY; Brief 1 | Beth Owen | Photographer Brief 2 | Georgina Fay Verity | Fashion Designer Brief 3 | Rob Garner | Rugby Coach Brief 4 | Garner and sons | Bouncers & Security COMPETITION / LIVE; nd

Brief 1 | 2 International Reggae Poster Competition | Image making/Illustration Brief 2 | BICeBé 2013 International Poster | Poster competition Brief 3 | Poster for Tomorrow | Poster competition Brief 4 | Poster Heroes Social Communication | Poster competition Brief 5 | ISTD | Unsung Heroes and Heroines | Typographic KEY TEXTS. List a selected number of books, articles and texts that are central to your proposed area of practice. These should include a combination of design and nondesign based books, theoretical texts as well as visual publications.


- Illustration Play 2: An Expedition to the Extraordinary – Victor Chueng - Umberto Beco And his travels in hyperreality. - Graphic Artist's Guild Handbook of Pricing and Ethical Guidelines

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