Hi Division 9! I am honored and thrilled to be your LtG for the upcoming year! I am excited to see what we can accomplish together this year as a division! I hope to see growth and more involvement in our division by the end of the year. I know that if we work together we can accomplish this! We can do it! Remember that I am here to serve all of you, so if you have any questions and/or concerns don’t be afraid to reach me. It doesn’t have to be about key club! In Love and Service, William Suastegui Lieutenant Governor of Division 9 Suastmar000@gmail.com (509) 846-9333
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Division 9 Being mighty Fine!
Hello Pacific Northwest District Key Clubbers, My name is Juliet Yu and I’m your 2016-2017 District Governor. I am both honored and thrilled to serve alongside the PNW District Board and with caring leaders like you! Being apart of Key Club has been one of the best experiences in my life and I can’t wait to continue this in our Pacific Northwest District! For our journey together, I truly believe this year will be one of the greatest the Pacific Northwest District has ever seen. By taking the steps of Service, Unity and a Kiwanis Family plan, we will see the heart of Key Club, connection of our district, and reminders of our past/inspirations for our future. One of my mottos in life is “We over Me.” We together are equals in creating an impact and change for this year and beyond. It’s not about me, myself or I. We are all Key Clubbers with passion of calling Key Club our adventure. So please feel free to message me anytime via email, Facebook message or phone on any questions you have or if you want to talk.
Hey Pacific Northwest District Key Clubbers! My name is Bryan Lee and I am honored to have the opportunity to serve you as your District Treasurer for the 2016-17 term. My goal this year is to serve and increase connection with Lieutenant Governors and you, the members. Through my quarterly Treasurer newsletters, I hope to provide you the opportunity to learn and engage with the District. Similarly, I look to increase contact with your Lt.Gs to ensure they have the information necessary to help you. Throughout these past 3 years, I have had the opportunity to personally serve at every level in Key Club up to the District, and one message that has never lost strength is the importance of assisting the members. If you have any questions this year, don’t hesitate to contact me: I’m still a Key Club member like you, and I’m only a message away.
Hello PNW! My name is Audrey Chow and I am your 2016 - 2017 District Editor. As an avid Key Clubber and a bit of a Photoshop geek, I am beyond excited to serve in a position where I am able to capture and curate your hard work in our district newsletter, THE ESPRESSO. I plan on publishing four seasonal publications during my term, in addition to making divisional newsletters more accessible for the rest of the district. With the spirit and eagerness to serve still buzzing from DCON, I am confident that great days are ahead of us. Work together, lend a hand where you can, and show the world that you are “Proud ‘N’ Willing to Serve!” Also, if you ever need help or you just want to talk, don’t be afraid to say hello. Especially you, bulletin editors!
Greetings Pacific Northwest District, I'm Amy Hung and I will be your Convention Chair for the 2016-2017 service year. Through my experiences, I plan to make DCON 2017 an even greater DCON than the year before. A goal of mine for Convention is to increase attendance and to strengthen workshops for all attendees. From serving as a member, club officer, Convention Aide, and now Convention Chair, I have learned that us Key Clubbers, all have the same objective. We all work together to make a difference in our home, schools, and communities. Like the great Troy Bolton once said, “we’re all in this together!” If you have questions about this upcoming District Convention, please feel free to contact me through Facebook, text, call, or email!
Relay for Life is just around the corner with only a few weeks left till May 13. This year Relay for Life will take place in the Okanogan High School Track. Donations received will go towards helping fight every birthday threatened by, every cancer,in every community.
Sign up for Relay for Life today! You can sign up to join our Division team. Help us make a difference. Be a Star and click the Star.
Anyone is welcomed. Incoming and outgoing Club officers are highly recommended to attend.
For Outgoing Presidents to give their last club report and to officially install the incoming officers.
Hey Key Clubbers! Have a favorite Key Club moment or a reason to join Key Club that you are dying to share? Well now you can! You can Email me or text me your response and you could be featured in the next Newsletter!
Suastmar000@gmail.com (509) 846-9333
julietyu.pnwgov@gmail.com (253) 218-5979
bryanlee.pnwtreasurer@gmail.com (971) 258-7236
audreychow.pnweditor@gmail.com (604) 831-0101
pnwconventionchair@gmail.com (253) 353-5496