The Soul Collective of
The Soul Collective of Collaborative Arts (S.C.C.A.) in association with The Source of Universal Love, ( S.O.U.L.) Seeks, Writers, Poets, Artists, Musicians,
TUESDAY NIGHTS! Starting on Tuesday, July 28th The Soul Community house will host Poetry workshops from 7.p.m. to 9 p.m. These workshops will be facilitated and hosted by Authors and Poets, William B. Burkholder and Matvey Troitsky. Join us in sharing your works, your inspirations and learn how to find your poetic voice via hands on exercises and more!
Collaborative Arts
This will be an ongoing weekly series of workshops.
and all others in the creative arts to join our collective of creative minds. The S.C.C.A. exists for you, the artist.
The Art and Soul of Creativity
We hold events, meetings, and fundraisers to further the arts in Michigan, and seek local and regional artist to become members of our collective. The S.C.C.A. operates under the auspices of S.O.U.L. a 501 C3. Non-profit organization. S.O.U.L. helps those in need, and the S.C.C.A. works creatively and in partnership to further that mission via creativity, collaboration, and artistry. For further information, please contact us at:, or visit the S.O.U.L. website at: /
Come join us!
S.C.C.A. T h e S o u l C o m m u n i ty H o u s e 3 2 9 0 5 G ra n d R i v e r Av e . Fa r m i n g t o n Mi c h i g a n
Come join us!
Vision/Mission The S.O.U.L. Collective of Collaborative Arts S.C.C.A. VISION STATEMENT The Vision of the S.C.C.A. will be to bring aspiring and established artists in all disciplines together to make a lasting difference in the lives of those who are assisted by S.O.U.L. (Source of Universal Love), via collaborative, collective, and creative effort. The organization shall fall under the auspices of S.O.U.L. and all efforts, to include programming and events will be utilized to support and positively affect that organization. (Source of Universal Love). MISSION STATEMENT: The S.C.C.A. will establish and manage a “Artists in Residence Program” They will hold meetings and events, along with fundraisers, and perform community outreach to spread the literary and combined arts throughout the community whenever, and where ever possible. Within these groups of artisans, they will recruit volunteers, and solicit donations to move the collective forward in order to meet its vision of support for S.O.U.L., (Source of Universal Love).
The S.C.C.A., in close partnership with S.O.U.L. will sponsor an annual creative anthology of written and artistic works, where all proceeds garnered from said anthology will go to support The Source of Universal Love’s mission of helping those in need. The S.C.C.A. shall seek local, regional, national, and international artists to lend their creative power to this effort, using their works, with their permission, to raise funds and awareness for the S.C.C.A. and for S.O.U.L.
They will furthermore endeavor to create public awareness via local and social media wherever possible for S.C.C.A. and For S.O.U.L.
Call for Artists to join our collective. We seek Writers, Artists, Photographers, Film makers, storytellers and all those in the creative arts. Please consider joining our Artist in Residence Program today. Artists in Residence Registration Form Name Address Cost:$50.00 annual Cash or check E-mail Phone Please return this registration slip along with cash or check payment TO: S.O.U.L.(Source of Universal Love) C/O Ginger B Weichers P.O. Box 5 Farmington Mi. 48332 ALL REGISTRATION FEES GO DIRECTLY TO SUPPORT SOUL AND ITS MISSION OF HELPING THOSE IN NEED. S.O.U.L., a 501(C)3 non-profit corporation, was established to serve those in need. We assist the homeless, the grieving, people who are choosing to leave abusive situations, single parents and their children, those who are re-establishing their life after divorce, and people recovering from major illnesses. Source of Universal Love also supports other organizations with a similar purpose. S.O.U.L. serves all those who are in genuine need through compassion, dedication and integrity. All donations and money are used to directly benefit the needy. The organization is operated by a group of devoted volunteers.