ART PORTFOL IO ar ar ar ar t t t NATALIA SILVA ar t
t r a A
About me
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My Life
Birth date: 04/26/1994 Birth place: Arlington, VA, USA Family: Live with my one younger sister and parents Schools: - Colegio Los Nogales Bogotá, Colombia (attended from ages 4-7 and 12-18) - Wood Acres Elementary Bethesda, Maryland, USA (attended from age 7-11) - Thomas W. Pyle Middle School Bethesda, Maryland, USA (attended from age 11-12)
My Art
• AP Studio Art Class – 2 semesters (end of the year: hand in 24 pieces) • Some work displayed in the Exposicion Uncoli de Arte • 6 week summer program at Cornell University, Introduction to Architecture • 2 week art camp that included sketching of models, photography and stencil
Architecture/Art and me
I have been interested in architecture since I was seven years old. I remember when my parents gave the “Sims Life” game to me as a Christmas present, at first I wasn’t as enthusiastic, since I had never played it, but as soon as I began I couldn’t stop. I would spend hours in front of the computer with my eyes red and baggy. Although I liked the game as a whole, my favorite part was the one that consisted of creating a living space for the characters. It took me hours to get the living spaces finished; being a perfectionist, I pushed myself to exploit my imagination and my creation to extremes in order to make the most wonderful houses that had ever crossed my mind. As my parents began to see this sort of artistic and design-inspired interest in me they began to enlarge my knowledge on the topic. They took me to art museums and buildings that were recognized around the world, and later on they showed me what a floor plan or an architectural blueprint was. Although they never directly taught me how to analyze or interpret various works or pieces of art and architecture, I eventually taught myself how to look farther into these artistic works. Through the years my knowledge became more developed as I had teachers who fed my knowledge and magazines and books that did the same. Eventually my interest for architecture grew very prominent and started to become a part of me. Most of what I did was in search of succeeding and increment in architectural creativity. I felt that an important aspect that should be covered in order to develop this architectural creativity dependent on my artistic ability. This inspired me to enroll in an art class at school that required a large amount of focus on art and creativity. Thanks to this class I was allowed to further develop an artistic mind and my hand adapted into an artist’s hand. I believe I still have a lot to learn, which is why I am still enthusiastic with moving forward into the art world and searching for more opportunities in which I can improve my artistic side. The projects included in this portfolio are a variety of those that I used to help develop this certain artistic ability I so strongly search.
Digital Pictures of Art Work
Hand holding vertebra Pencil on paper
Kandinsky-inspired Buildings Acrylic paints, casseine, wire, and marker on wood.
Wooden house Chinese ink on paper
Street parts Pencil, colored pencils, and marker on paper
Faces Acrylics and newspaper on canvas.
Balloons 1 Pencil, colored pencils, water colors, and floss on black paper.
Apples Soft pastels and marker on paper
Balloons 2 Paper scraps, and pencil on paper.
Punto de Fuga Colored pencils on paper.
Shoo, Baby Pencil on paper.
Wrinkles Pencil and paper scraps on paper.
Theme Project As one of my art projects I decided to focus on exploring the various aspects there are to fluids and water and how they can be portrayed in art. While I began searching my topic I became fascinated with the way that the specific fluid of water caught the light and seemed to move with stealth. Due to this fascination by project began to center around water, hence the repetitive inclusion of water. Later on, I decided to expand and broaden into my inicial topic so I began to work with other fluids such as paint, or milk.
Drop Photo with small digital adjustments
Splash Digital photo
Bubbles Colored pencils on black paper
H20 Oil paints mixed with water on paper, pencil and markers on such paper
WatHer Photo with digital alterations
Drop Dancing Pencil, vynil, glue, and marker on canvas.
Paint cans Colored pencils and pencil, on paper.
Pollock influenced- Milk Acrylics , pencil and ecolin on canvas.
What’s in my coffee? Acrylics on canvas
Girlspill Pencil and acrylics on paper
Falling Glass Pencil on paper with oil paints mixed with water
Waterfight Photo with digital alterations