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Art Portfolio Valentina Cuellar

Art process •  Throughout this year I´ve developed my art abili6es and I think it has been successful. At first I don’t really knew which were my strengths so I started exploring. Now I consider I am good using charcoal and is my favorite technique. I also like using acrylic and mixing techniques to create strange figures. Is difficult for me to create a perfec6onist piece of art with paint. On drawing camp I learned how to do paint on live human figures. At last I realized I am good at it and that is why I did my inves6ga6on on human figure. This inves6ga6on has a big amount of works in charcoal and sanguine. My art works include works in charcoal, acrylic, sanguine, and mixed techniques. Even though it was hard to produce 24 works I at last enjoyed it.

Exploration works •  In the first semester of this art class I explored different techniques and different composi6ons. My first work in class was one in nega6ve and posi6ve. I used charcoal to create a symmetrical composi6on. Another technique I explored was linoleum prin6ng and I tried a different composi6on. I also learned how to do scratching with many colors. One of my favorite works was one of three oranges which I did in mixed media. I realized I liked used mixed media to create different works. I also explored the use of watercolors. Finally, in my explora6on I include some of my favorite works of my sketchbook because with it I experimented with different ideas and materials. In concentra6on class I made a s6ll life with markers and color pencils.

•  Title: “An orange” •  Media: Mixed media

•  Title: “Forest” •  Medium: Charcoal

•  Title: “Cocuy” •  Medium: Watercolors

•  Title: “Mom” •  Medium: Charcoal

•  Title: “Bodegón a color” •  Media: Markers and color pencils

•  Title: “Katrina” •  Medium: Scratching

•  Title: “A series of figures 1” •  Media: Watercolors and India ink

•  Title: “Black and white nature” •  Medium: Charcoal

•  Title: “Fruit” •  Medium: Color pencils

•  Title: “Dark” •  Medium: Charcoal

•  Title: “Two dogs” •  Medium: Linoleum prin6ng

•  Title: “ThoughBul” •  Medium: Charcoal

Inves6ga6on •  The central idea of my inves6ga6on is the human figure. It shows different angle perspec6ves of the human female body. For me it is important to show the perfect and harmonious complexity of humans. The specific body parts are made through lights and shadows in these works. My concentra6on varies in composi6on with different poses and body parts. It also varies in medium. I liked trying different techniques for these art works. •  The explora6on of my concentra6on started when I had to draw a real life model in art class. These works were my inspira6on to start working in human female figure. I started drawing complete bodies but then, aUer seeing several ar6sts who depicted body parts, I began trying composi6ons with specific body parts. In one work I drew some feet and in other work the most important part is the back. Looking further to how our bodies develop, in other work I drew a human fetus. I also was inspired by the Colombian ar6st Luis Caballero to create a black and white pain6ng of his style. In the process I have been geVng beWer in working with lights to be able to show the shape of the body.

•  Title: “Shadows” •  Medium: Acrylic on canvas

•  Title: “Back” •  Media: Mixed media on cardboard

•  Title: “Woman in green” •  Media: Charcoal and acrylic on canvas

•  Title: “Vida” •  Media: Mixed media on carboard

•  Title: “Hot hat” •  Medium: Sanguine

•  Title: “A strong backbone” •  Medium: Charcoal

•  Title: “Skin shoes” •  Medium: Charcoal

•  Title: “Skin bra” •  Medium: Charcoal

•  Title: “Look” •  Medium: Charcoal

•  Title: “A series of figures 2” •  Media: Watercolor and India ink

•  Title: “Amazon girl” •  Media: Mixed media

•  Title: “Colorful woman” •  Medium: Oil pastels

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