PORTAFOLIO Manuela Lüchau
• Me llamo Manuela Lüchau y me gusta pintar para desahogarme. Generalmente cuando pinto es con el fin de darle ese dibujo a alguien. Casi nunca pinto porque sí, ya que me encanta tener un propósito. • Lo que más me gusta pintar es la representación de fotos o de dibujo ya hechos.
• My concentraIon had lots of ups and downs it started been something then changed it something else. Finally I decided my concentraIon had to be about zebras. It seems like a very basic theme but it is not. The paNern that these animals have in their fur fascinates every observer’s eyes. Millions of black or white stripes create a volume and a mystery in the zebra’s body. This volume, this mystery, this paNern and this fascinaIon are what made me want to base my concentraIon in the zebras. In my work you can see some basic drawings of the black and white animal but then there is a transiIon into what the paNern looks like in my head. The colors and shapes represented in my drawings show how the zebra’s paNern could be seen from many perspecIves and the places were they are but you don’t noIce them at all.
• The pa'ern that these animals have in their fur fascinates every observer’s eyes. Millions of black or white stripes create a volume and a mystery in the zebra’s body. This volume, this mystery, this pa'ern and this fascina>on are what made me want to base my concentra>on in the zebras. My work started with my fascina>on of how those lines created the volume and the rhythm. Then, over >me I got to something non-‐objec>ve mixing shapes, colors and forms. I had a lot of >me to experiment with the shades, the direc>on the texture and materials. I found out that brightness in colors is essen>al to a'ract observers. All these ideas can be seem reflected on my work as the drawings 6, 7 and 9 that show the daily place where this Stripes can appear. As you can see the first 4 or 5 drawings show the basic pa'ern, show the zebra but with the change of color that gives movement.
PaNerns and stripes
PaNerns and stripes
Pa'erns and stripes
Pa'erns and stripes
PaNerns and stripes
PaNerns and stripes
PaNerns and stripes
PaNerns and stripes
PaNerns and stripes
PaNerns and stripes
Patrones de líneas y colores