MaitĂŠ Ortiz
I am a child of the world, I don’t have a home. Nor someone I can call that either. I’ve moved around seven times and have traveled from where I reside, Bogota, Colombia; to far away places like small towns in the north of Italy and Thailand to places close to the heart like Guatemala City. My name is Maria Maité Ortiz Aguirre and so on and so on. I was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala but lived most of my life in a sister country, El Salvador. I wasn’t restrained to be from one place uniquely, but from many so I have no nationality, even if my passport says so. Many people have come and go, I remember all their names and how they’ve passed by my life. I am a child of the world; I have seen, done, heard and experienced many things I’d like to talk about to someone. But since no one listens, might as well express it somehow.
Don Quixote and Sancho Panza are two literary characters in two different realities but truly bound to the one they believe in. When Don Quixote sees giants, Sancho Panza tells him he is wrong, that they’re actually windmills. Even if Sancho doesn’t understand Don Quixote, he doesn’t abandon him. I have both characters in me, going through heaven and hell, dealing with dreams and nightmares, pleasure and fear. I am Don Quixote. I am Sancho Panza. I am creating a world of my own, a perfect world.