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gabrielaortiz portafolio 2013!

CONCENTRATION:My concentra4on is about uniqueness, iden4ty through 4me and space. Throughout genera4ons and countries, people have evolved and changed, humans are born and humans die but each human is unique. Each human has a DNA code, no DNA code will repeat throughout the history of the world. Each code iden4fies each person, it ´s uniqueness, it's traits, it's personality. My concentra4on wants to show this uniqueness through the whole world by placing codes of different types that imitate the DNA. PROCESS:My first idea for the concentra4on was to show the uniqueness of each person, but my first idea was to show this by drawing people that stood out from society, that were different. I started this project as you can see in image 1, I chose a very flamboyant person to show this. AOer some thinking I realized that not only flamboyant people are unique. Everyone is unique. I started doing some other drawings and then I found an old family album and I started thinking that even then each person was unique and no one will be the same, never. But then I thought about the gene4c code which is what makes us unique and how families have repea4ng traits along genera4ons, but even then each code is unique. This was what I found the most interes4ng. When I had this clear I started drawing people of different genera4ons and na4onali4es. When I had this done I wanted to add something that would help me show that each person is unique in 4me and space, and then I thought about the codes. Everything has a code, and there are infinite types of codes and varia4ons, just like people. I evolved from just using codes to use different forms of iden4fica4on and differen4a4on.



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