Paulina Sรกchica D.
UNTITLED 50x 35 cm
UNTITLED 35 x 50 cm
UNTITLED 50 x 35 cm
UNTITLED 35 x 25 cm
UNTITLED 25 x 35 cm
UNTITLED 35 x 50 cm
UNTITLED 35 x 50 cm
UNTITLED 15 x 25 cm
UNTITLED 35 x 50 cm
UNTITLED 28 x 20 cm
My idea started as a simple connec?on between two things I like to do, play with colors and the unexpected stains that can be created, and the tradi?onal and stricter pain?ng and drawing of human faces. At the beginning of my process, the drawing was somewhat separated from the different ink stains, but, as I con?nued drawing over some random stains, I wanted to integrate more these two things. This was how I got to change the techniques and, instead of drawing with pencil, started to integrate the color with the drawing by using the stains created with different color tones to create the faces I liked. I got to inves?gate ar?sts like Gerhard Richter, which allowed me to be more flexible and with the stains; I tried to do them with acrylic. Also, exploring ar?st like Jenny Saville and Francis Bacon allowed me to play with the different tones in humans face and create different stains within the face. My works ended up being human faces drawn and painted with the variety of stains made by acrylic and oil. GeUng to explore more ar?sts like Juan Antonio Roda made me change a liVle my pain?ngs, and try to erase that human face by using the same pain?ng.
35 x 50 cm
UNTITLED 1 25 x 35 cm
35 x 50 cm
UNTITLED 2 35 x 25 cm
UNTITLED 3 25 x 35 cm
UNTITLED 4 35 x 25 cm
UNTITLED 5 25 x 35 cm
UNTITLED 5 25 x 35 cm
UNTITLED 6 25 x 35 cm
UNTITLED 7 25 x 35 cm
UNTITLED 8 25 x 35 cm
UNTITLED 9 25 x 35 cm