Print - Out of the shell

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out of the shell.




out of the shell.



William Elks. Bachelor of industrial design (Honour s) - Thesis 2015 super visor : Dr. Scott Mayson All photography and graphics by William Elks Š 2015 unless other wise stated.


C o n t e n t .

content. Contents Abstract Introduction Printing Project overview

10 12

Field Outside printing Inside printing How a printer prints? Where a printer is found? Reality of printing Printing.. then theres

16 18 20 22 24 28

Context proposal in context Context requirments Precedence Tech requirments User performance Underpinings and intent

32 34 36 44 46 48

Methods Intro to methods Research Idea exploration Sketching Ideology Printer pull down Exploration Proof of concept Tech

52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68

Point of change Direction change Components Codeing

72 74 76


78 80 82 84 86 88 90 94 96 98 100 104 106 112 114 116 118 120 124 126 130

Eveluation Ambitions The change Outcome

142 144 146

Reflection Feild Context Methods Project

150 152 154 156



C o n t e n t .

Inksheild Letter to image Image-bitmap-binary-print Adafruit motorsheild Motor control Electronic Protoype Design touchpoints Exploation ideology Chosen concept sketch CAD The first The middle The final Prototyping Iteration 1 Iteration 2 Final prototype The making Paint and Prep work Setup Heros

A b s t r a c t .



Keywords: Product Design, Interaction Design, Digital Printing, Modular Design.

Why is it a printer looks the way it looks, why do they all function in practically the same manor and does it need to be this way? Is there a reason why the design of a commercial printer has remained stagnate for years. With numerous amounts of energy going into the improvement of technological innovation, improving quality, speed and consumption, very little can be said for the design innovation. In order to disrupt and create change braking this stagnant cycle, the same amount of energy that goes into the technological innovations need to coincide with the design, Improving the overall look, while staying focused on making all aspects of the printing process interesting, interactive, predictable, and intuitive.

Accentually my project revolves around a product redesign of a digital consumer printer. How much do we actually know about how a printer works and do we really care? Its function is hidden away in a shell that’s been hardened due to years upon years of repetitive forms. For most this product is used regularly and is an over complicated process to say the least. You don’t often hear people giving rave reviews of their printers; waste comes in paper and ink, connectivity breeds frustration, ink prices continually increase and ecological concern point to a time past.

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

The title for this projects is literal. Intentionally removing the outer shell from the printer, celebrating its electronic intricacy and innovation. By removing this shell along with components deemed unnecessary, I am able to produce a printer that is far more artistic in its form and over all function, thus breaking this stagnant cycle.

A b s t r a c t .





I n t r o d u c t i o n




p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

and small businesses.

History. The world’s first computer printer was a 19th-century mechanically driven apparatus invented by Charles Babbage for his difference engine.[2] This system used a series of metal rods with characters printed on them and stuck a roll of paper against the rods to print the characters. The first commercial printers generally used mechanisms from electric typewriters and Teletype machines, which operated in a similar fashion. The introduction of the low-cost laser printer in 1984 with the first HP LaserJet, and the addition of PostScript in next year’s Apple LaserWriter, set off a revolution in printing known as desktop publishing. Laser printers using PostScript mixed text and graphics, like dot-matrix printers, but at quality levels formerly available only from commercial typesetting systems.

I n t r o d u c t i o n .

A Printer, it’s a product we all know and most likely own. But how much do we actually know about how it works and do we really care? Paper goes in, and if all goes to plan paper comes out, with the desired graphics attached. For most this product is used regularly and is a over complicated process to say the least. You don’t often hear people giving rave reviews of their printers; waste comes in paper and ink, connectivity breeds frustration, ink prices continually increase and ecological concern point to a time past. However The field of printing has advanced phenomenally over the years, bringing possibilities of not only Digital printing but also 3d printing allowing mass additive manufacturing on a whole other level. How fare has Digital printing advanced? On a commercial level, quality along with size of prints have improved greatly, making large clear and beautiful pictures possible. Consumer printers have vastly improved too; increasing speed, quality, opening up brilliant opportunities in a smaller scale environment - home

I n t r o d u c t i o n


project overview.


This is what I’ve set out to change. Not only the way we see a printer but also the way in which we interact with this product and where it can be used. My aims for the project are to recreate in a fun and intuitive manor how a printer prints, Focusing strongly on its interaction and user experience. I see a printer as having fare greater possibility and applications -

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

way must a consumer printer be bound to a4 or a3 formate with out greatly increasing the overall size. Why cant they be fare more versatile in there use. Versatility and customization are key to this project, giving the user total control over how they use and what they use there printer for. Working through this project, you can see my stages of the design process - starting through my in depth field research, following into the context of the project, the methods used and my design outcome.

I n t r o d u c t i o n

Essentially I’m doing what you might say ‘a product re-design of a digital consumer printer’, i like to think its much more. No longer driven by technology innovation but the design itself. What do you see when you think digital printer? A square box of hard plastic that sits somewhere within your study or workplace? Not to many people would have positive thoughts towards a printer and i don’t blame them, there temperamental and unsatisfying products - needed rather then wanted.




F i e l d

o v e r v i e w


outside printing.


F i e l d

the loss of the printer, nor profess any emotional attachment to it as they do with other digital victims such as books, CDs, Vinyl, etc. The main reason is that, even today, consumer printing is still a complicated and painful experience.

p rin t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

o v e r v i e w

However, there are very few people who would disagree that the design of consumer printer is stagnant, remaining unchanged for years. With numerous amounts of energy going into the improvement of technological innovation, improving quality, speed and consumption, very little can be said for the design innovation. In order to disrupt and create change braking this stagnant cycle, the same amount of energy that goes into the technological innovations need to coincide with the design, Changing how it is we see a printer. Improving the overall look, while staying focused on making all aspects of the printing interaction more natural, predictable, and intuitive. The printer is such a necessary office item, yet it is a product always overlooked, needed rather than wanted. Along with the advance of digital technologies, increasing printing costs, and ecological concerns paint a bleak future for the printer as we know it today. You won’t hear people lament

P r i n t i n g

Te c h n o l o g y


inside printing.


P r i n t i n g

manufacturing of the product. The only profit for printing company is found in the sales of the ink and cartridges sold opposed to the units. At the end of a printers life cycle, it is usually cheaper to by an entirely new unit rather then topping up the old one.

Most printers are a cheap piece of technology, with many if not all company loosing money in the making and

p rin t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

Te c h n o l o g y

A printer is based on highly engineered ink technology that is embedded in complicated mechanisms. The internal engineering is somewhat beautiful, in its own way, but the plastic that wraps around it and its symmetrical repetitive form says otherwise. There are an overwhelming number of parts and many individuals who contribute to a printers design and construction. There is an internal substructure that holds the printing mechanisms, and gray, white or black plastic is then molded to this required shape. However the outside surface is rarely considered with the same level of detail, it’s not elegant and sometimes it’s just plain ugly. Be reversing this, starting with the external surface opposed to the complexity of the inner components I hope to change how it is we see and interact with a printer.

P r i n t i n g

Te c h n o l o g y


how a printer prints.


laser. Samsung

- Laser printer - A4


- Laser printer - A4


- Laser printer - A4


- Laser printer - A4


- Inkjet printer - A4



inkjet. Epson

- Inkjet printer - A4


- Inkjet printer - A4


- Inkjet printer - Solid Ink Printer - A4 - A4


- Solid Ink Printer - A4


- Solid Ink Printer - A4


- Solid Ink Printer - A4

Zink - hA

- Zero ink prin - smaller then


- Laser Printer -A4


- Laser Printer -A4


- Laser Printer -A4


- Laser Printer -A4

of the printer itself.

- Inkjet Printer - A4


- Inkjet Printer - A4


- Inkjet Printer - A4

Canon Xerox - Inkjet Printer

- Solid Ink Printer - A4 - A4 - A3

Xerox have developed their own method of printing using Solid ink technology that utilizes solid ink sticks instead of the liquid ink or toner powder usually used in printers. The wax is melted and used to produce images on paper in a process similar to offset printing, generating up to 90% less printing waste than comparable color laser printers while enabling an incredibly low total cost of ownership. An interesting method is zero ink printing which uses very similar technology seen in Polaroid cameras and has been emerging just recently on a very small scale, working very similar to thermal printing but with the capability of vast and vibrant colors. The technology is held within the paper; tiny color crystals are heated then rolled to bring forward your image onto paper. The cost to

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.


- Solid Ink Printer - A4 - A3


- Solid Ink Printer - A4 - A3


- Solid Ink Printer - A4 - A3

run is extremely minimal however this is equaled out due to the cost of the paper greatly outweighing cost of regular cartridge paper.


- zero ink printin - Smaller then

Te c h n o l o g y

There are a variety of different printers as well as printing methods on the market, all of which claim to be the most reliable, sustainable or cheapest option. The two most common printing platforms are inkjet printing, which recreates a digital image by propelling droplets of ink onto the material and is most commonly used within a large commercial business. The upside to this method is the ability to top up ink. Opposed to this is Laser printing, the second most common platform. This uses an electronic digital printing process, transferring electrically charged powered ink contained within a cartridge to the paper; this is most commonly seen on a consumer level, and has no method of topping up cartridge resulting in the cost of replacing color outweighing the cost


P r i n t i n g

An interesting Xerox have developeda their their own have developed theirXerox own have developed their ownmeth inkjet printing, inkjet printing, this recreates inkjet printing, a digital this recreates inkjet a digital printing, this recreates digitalownXerox have developed Xerox to Laser printing which uses an to Laser printing whichtouses Laser anprinting which usestoanLaser printing which uses an this recreates a digital which uses very of printing Solid ink method of printing using method Solid ink of printing using Solid method ink of printing using Solid inksim byprocess, propelling droplets of ink image by propelling droplets image by of ink propelling droplets image of inkbymethod propelling dropletsusing of ink electrostatic digital printing process, electrostatic digital printing electrostatic process,digital printingelectrostatic process, digital image printing Polaroid cameras h that commonly utilizes solid inktechnology sticks that utilizestechnology solid ink sticks that utilizes solid technology ink sticks that utilizes solid ink stic ontocharged the material, most commonly onto the material, most onto commonly the material, most commonly onto thetechnology material, most transferring electrically charged transferring electricallytransferring charged electrically charged transferring electrically peasantry on apow very instead of the fluid ink or toner powinstead of the fluid ink instead or toner of powthe fluid ink or toner instead powof the fluid ink or toner used within a large commercial busiused within a large commercial used within busia large commercial used busiwithin a large commercial busipowdered ink contained within apowdered ink contained powdered within a ink contained within powdered a ink contained within a very similarThe to ther in printers. waxusually used in printers. der usually The wax used in printers.der Theusually wax used in printers. wax nessthis andisthe upside to this method nessisand the upside toness this and method the upside is to this ness method andder istheusually upsideused to this method isTheder cartridge to the paper; this is most cartridge to the paper;cartridge this is most to the paper; this cartridge is most to the paper; most thetoability of vast a is melted andink. used to produce images is melted and used to produce is meltedimages and used to produce is melted imagesand used produce image ability to top up ink. the ability to top up ink. the ability to top up ink. the ability to top up commonly seen on a consumer commonly seen on a consumer commonly seen on a consumer commonly seen on the a consumer technology on paper in a process similar to on offset paper in a process similar on paper to offset in a process similar ontopaper offsetin a process similaristoheld offsew level, and has no method of toping level, and has no method level, of and toping has no method oflevel, toping and has no method of toping color printing, generating up to 90% less printing, generating upprinting, to 90% less generating up to 90% printing, less generating upcrystals to 90% are lesshe up cartridge resulting in the costup ofcartridge resulting in upthe cartridge cost ofresulting in theup cost cartridge of resulting in the cost of bring forward your printing waste than comparableprinting color waste than comparable printing waste colorthan comparable printing color waste than comparable colo replacing color outweighing thereplacing cost color outweighing replacing the color cost outweighingreplacing the cost color outweighing the cost cost to run isanextrem laser printers while enabling an laser incredprinters while enabling laser printers an incredwhile enablinglaser an incredprinters while enabling incre of the printer itself. of the printer itself. of the printer itself. of the printer itself. is equaled out d ibly low total cost of ownership.ibly low total cost of ownership. ibly low total cost of ownership. ibly low total costthis of ownership. paper greatly outw cartridge paper.


F i e l d

C o n t e x t


where a printer is found.



F i e l d

p rin t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.


C o n t e x t

There a two main identifying segments in this field; commercial large scale and domestic small scale printing, and in a field that is flooded with competition, it's no wonder that printers are seen and used almost everywhere. Through user research it was made abundantly clear that printers are simply unattractive. In most cases the printer was found tucked away, isolated in a corner of a study or office space, hidden to the eye. Some were too big to be hidden however, this resulting in a large waste of desk and bench space. A printer is most defiantly NOT a mobile device and is usually stationary, however there are some small scale photo printers that could be found away from a desk or house environment.

U s e r


P e r f o r m a n c e

R e q u i r e m e n t s


reality of printing.


U s e r &

these tiny nozzles that you have to keep moist or they'll clog, which will result in missing dots on the page," Steven Feldstein from the Brother team explains. "Once every couple of days most inkjets will go through a cleaning cycle to keep the print head clean and wet, so the ink jet will use a small amount of ink when sitting in idol." What this user should have done is taken home a laser printer as they use toners, which is a powder opposed to ink. Toner doesn't mind if you leave it unattended for a long period of time, and it has a faster print speed then ink. Making it super efficient for large volume document printing. The catch is it lacks in colour vibrancy and efficiency opposed to the inkjet.

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

Beleive me, im not suggesting that every flashing error light is a realt of human error or lack of printing knolage. quite the oposite. It is nine times out of ten the products fualt. so many things are ready to go wrong, paper jams, scatered and dicoloured ink, conectivity breeds frustration and to top it all off, ink prices continually increase. The interaction with these mahines is almost none excitant, and its not somthing we enjoy doing.

R e q u i r e m e n t s

How is it that a Smartphone can do 20 things we never knew we needed to do, when in most cases a printer can't do the task it's named after without turning us into angry, screaming, desk-pounding, hair-pulling wrecks? however is the printer always at fault? This is partially to do with the user making poor decisions when buying a printer. For example, a user buying an inkjet when all they really need is a laser printer. Ink isn't bad, it just isn't right for a lot of us. If you're into turning your digital photos into paper-based memories, ink is the ticket as it will produce stunning photo quality images. However if you go for months without printing anything and then demand a 60 page report, the printer is most likely going to let you down. The problem being, when not using an inkjet for a sufficient amount of time it will dry out. "The print head has all

product error.

P e r f o r m a n c e

human error.

U s e r


P e r f o r m a n c e

R e q u i r e m e n t s



U s e r & P e r f o r m a n c e R e q u i r e m e n t s

As almost all hardware manufacturers is, by definition, focused on creating good hardware. A printer company is going to spend their marginal dollar improving the hardware itself since that is what they understand and specialize in, making it cheaper to manufacture, print faster, less ink, better color, etc. Due to this all other aspects of design tends to lake in attention. This is exactly the problem with the commercial printer. Design touchpoints most in need of improving - paper jam and maintenance entrance, ink top up, paper refiles, and the machine interface.

I d e o l o g i c a l / P h i l o s o p h i c a l

U n d e r p i n n i n g s

a n d

I n t e n t


printing, then there’s ...


U n d e r p i n n i n g s

From underlining what it is that makes a printer a printer, at the same time discovering the issues that come with the current consumer printers on the market i found it easy to benchmark my project. Establishing my core aims which are to improve versatility, ease of use and setup; while changing how it is we see and use a printer. Making a product far more interactive and interactive.

I d e o l o g i c a l / P h i l o s o p h i c a l


a n d

The title for this projects is literal Intentionally removing the outer shell from the printer, celebrating its electronic intricacy and innovation. By removing this shell along with components deemed unnecessary, I will produce a printer that is far more artistic in its form and over all function. It will be a product no longer locked away in a dark corner of a study collecting dist.

I n t e n t

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.




C o n t e x t

O v e r v i e w


proposal in context.


p rin t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

O v e r v i e w

As printing is accentually a means to apply or lay down a series of small pixels to create an image why must it be limited to these spaces. The context for my project with be far different from previous printers, with an artistic approach rather then product based design. This isn’t ruling out the possibility for my project to become a product towards the end. As for now ,anything outcome is possible.

C o n t e x t

A consumer printer is generally found in two underlining segments - within a home or a company building - study or office space generally for personal or business use. Designing for the user and user interaction it was best to start within this area or operation. However these are the only areas where a printer is used to its full potential, this seems like a wast. A printer should be something inspiring more creativity through application in more areas other then work situations or one of personal documentations.

C o n t e x t u a l

R e q u i r e m e n t s


contextual requirements.


Taking a printer away from its usual context is of great interest to me, seeing where a printer cold be applied in deferent environments for different needs. Focusing more on the application of information and imagery itself.

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

R e q u i r e m e n t s

I will spend time considering all interaction points on existing printers along with generating ideas for my own. These points will include, ink top ups or cartridge changes, paper in and out points, opportunities for repairs, jams or modifications and of cause the machines interface.

C o n t e x t u a l

There a two main identifying segments in this field; commercial large scale and domestic small scale printing. With these two I intend to draw a bridge between, creating a new product within this gap and bring the versatility of commercial scale printing to the domestic market through a modular design. Considerations, how does the printer sit within the required space, is it raised or sit directly, is it wall mounted or hand held. These are all determining Spending a great deal of time applying research into artistic and experimental forms of printing not meant for commercial application. Its projects like these that build up a frame work for my project, allowing me to pull away from a conventional printer, almost inventing a new form of digital applicator.

P r e c e d e n c e




P r e c e d e n c e

While conducting market research into current consumer and industrial printers on the market i found myself taking a huge interest in more artistic approaches to applying imagery or text to surfaces. These projects i found will help to build a precedence for my project, pulling more abstract ideas into what is accentually a very product orientated design project. The projects i explored helped me to think outside of the box, developing new ideas of how a printer could operate. I found myself asking so many questions as to why the printer design aesthetic has remained the same for soling, as there is literally no reason for it. Why must the paper be pulled through an array of complex and expensive mechanisms? Why does the print head or cartridge move side to side in a horizontal line? Is there a reason they are entirely unclosed in a shell? Etc. All these things could be done differently through design thinking and practice.

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

P r e c e d e n c e


Image : Graffiti writer - Permission by Institute of applied autonomy to show this image as reference to my project.

Graffiti Writer

GraffitiWriter is a tele-operated field programable robot which employs a custom built array of spray cans to write linear text messages on the ground at a rate of 15 kilometers per hour. The printing process is similar to that of a dot matrix printer. GraffitiWriter can be deployed in any highly controlled space or public event from a remote location.


This takes a different approach to the way a print head moves. In this case the car is the print-head and the floor is the printing surface. Its only capable of transferring letters or lines onto the floor, but the way in which it does this is and interesting experience to the user. I imagine it would be extremely fun and an enjoyably experience to drive the printhead around on the ground while everyone reads whats on your mind. Would it be possible for this project to be taken further, maybe the car could print images on the floor using different colors.


Paintball Printer

The two product-designers, Martin Fussenegger and Michael Sebastian Haas, met during their studies in 2000 at the HfG Karlsruhe (State University of Art and Design, Karlsruhe Germany). While at Karlsruhe they developed several experimental machines and visions for products

The Facadeprinter is a simple robot. Its purpose: shooting out large scale graphics onto walls. Calculating movements based on digital artwork, software controlled motors position an airpressure-marker to fire thousands of colorballs and print the work on a distant surface. The artwork grows dot by dot, like the drawing of a magic pen. An inkjet-printer in architectonical dimensions.


This project takes the idea of printing to the extreme. Shooting large scale pixels onto walls to produce large images. Looking into projects like these i am able to widen my scope of ideas to produce something the strays away from conventional consumer printers and printing methods. It changes the very why an image is placed onto a surface, using a paintball gun as a precedence to its means. Each paintball is represented as a pixel in a larger image.

P r e c e d e n c e

Image : FacadePrinter - Permission by Julian, A to show this image as reference to my project.

P r e c e d e n c e


Image : Fire writer- Permission by Jonathan Fincher to show this image as reference to my project.


For the most part, printing out an image on an inkjet printer is a pretty mundane task – unless you add fire of course. That's exactly what Lucien Langton, a student at ECAL (Ecole cantonale d'art de Lausanne), did when he built the FireWriter, a hand held printer that burns pictures onto wood with a torch, while an optical sensor keeps track of the image's positioning. To make the FireWriter, Langton hacked a standard inkjet printer to connect it to an Arduino Uno and attached a set of rollers and hand grips to the sides. Then, for the most important detail, he replaced the print head with a Dremel torch filled with a butane/propane mix that heats up to a scorching 1200 degrees Celsius

By Jonathan Fincher April 10, 2013


This sounds like extremely cool but dangerous project, one mistake could result in a catastrophe. However its interesting the way in which this product works, the decide is hand guided and all moments are scened, when the printer goes over and area the fire will shoot onto the area printing the image, it only firs when it is in the right area using coordinates. Could this be applied to my project?


Graffiti Drone

KATSU, LIKE many graffiti artists, has a preoccupation with leaving his mark in hard-to-reach places. The artist’s latest innovation has the potential to extend his reach even further. It’s a spray-paint-wielding drone. Katsu, who gained graffiti fame in the 1990s in New York City, showed a series of paintings created by the flying machine at the Silicon Valley Contemporary art fair last weekend. The splotchy canvasses wouldn’t necessary stop you in your tracks, but the process by which they were created is entirely new. Katsu pilots the craft remotely, but every movement is translated through the machine’s need to keep itself aloft.


Its extremely interesting this project, in the way that it can apply paint to any surface out of reach - eventually the graphic artist ticket to the hard to reach places. However in terms of accuracy to its art, its far from functional. Electronically driven artistic design. The way the drone follows the drawing is what makes this project its own. The drone follows a pens movement on a drawing pad, and fly to match its movements, literally drawing onto the wall as you draw on the pad!

P r e c e d e n c e

Image : Fire writer- Permission by Katsu to show this image as reference to my project.


P r e c e d e n c e

Image : TXTBomber: Permission by Felix, V. to show this image as reference to my project.


The txtBOMBER is a one-hand-guerilliatool - a machine not much bigger than a pressing iron - that generates political statements on the fly and immediately prints them on any flat surface. If you feel you are part of our modern viewless generation, the txtBOMBER is the perfect tool for you! Just switch it on, it's powered by a strong battery. And move it along a wall. It's that easy to show your (?) its (?) someones (?) opinion of something (?) someone?! Hell! You should reconsider whether you're keen enough to use it! The txtBOMBER has seven build-in pens to "print" the letters and a micro-controllerbrain (Arduino), no need for a computer or any other brain. Oh and it speaks German at the moment.


This project is what inspired me to look into a printer that is hand held, on the go, quick and easy. What makes it so great is its independent brain that intemperate the pint without an external connection. However i envision it quit differently, instead of pens, it could be a cartridge that works along with sensors to know when it is on a surface, then apply pixels in the right area to form a picture.


Image : Polargraph : Permission by Sandy, N. to show this image as reference to my project.

The machine is a simple device, that draws picture using a normal pen, some motors and some string. It uses graverty along with stepper motors to loosen or wind string to drop or pull a mounted pen actros a vertical mounted page. A dual-polar coordinates system internally, rather than the regular cartesian system we (and computer systems) tend to use.


I feel this system could have the potential to drive my project in an interesting direction. It essentially removes the balk plastic shell from a printer and users the essential ink cartridge running it across the page in a diagonal method. This could also be possible for my to make and adjust to my project, potentially moving a ink cartridge apposed to a pen, printing rather then drawing.

P r e c e d e n c e


Te c h .

R e q u i r e m e n t s


tech. requirements


Te c h .

and at the same time overall look and structural integrate of the product. The difference between these to segments is huge and when i say huge, i am referring literally to the difference in size. The size is drastically bigger when increasing versatility in other format or materials. If you are printing small the printer stays small However. If you want to print large scale, not surprisingly the printer becomes large. In context to my project, the tech required would be something redly available and open source. At this stage i see it being operated and controlled by arduino, an open source coding system. The arduino would be responsible for controlling two things, one the printhead and cartridge. At this stage I’m still investigating it to how this while

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

be done and with what technology. 2 is controlling the movement, this could be through the application of stepper motors moving the printhead or moving the unit itself. However if it is hand guide this might not be necessary.

R e q u i r e m e n t s

Research shows that logistically there are two types of printers ‘In a market where companies make no profit on printers but with the ink sold’. (I Miss My Pencil2009-p46) One, the cost of the printer is great but with reason, as running costs are far less. Second, the machine is overwhelmingly cheap, this results in expensive running costs, replacing ink cartridges usually outweighs the total overall cost of the machines base model. Taking the running costs strongly into perspective, while at the same time maintaining a total low cost machine I hope to develop an printer somewhere between this gape in the market. As the outer shell is something constantly over looked and designed solely to house the interior it is something made entirely from cheap quality materials and nearly always plastic. Steering as far from this I intended to design a printer from the outside in. With my focus directed on the exterior I can decipher the best material to improve quality

U s e r

P e r f o r m a n c e


user & performance


U s e r

This printing method would open up new opportunities allowing the user to print on many different surfaces from clothing, industrial materials, walls and of cause paper. The application is almost limitless. This is not all that makes it versatile, the ability to print large a0 formates all the way to a5 with the same devise. This is what makes it unique. depending on how this project takes place, i plan on working towards a printer that is fare more intuative in the way it is used, technology and design orientated.

p r i n t - o u t of t h e s h e l l .

P e r f o r m a n c e

With so many applications for this printer, there will be no need for it to be abandoned, somewhere tucked away in a corner. It will be something to take with you, into university, the office at work, on the factory floor labeling. It will encouraging creation and design for small business, clothing designs, shop displays and signage.


under pinnings & intent.


After market observation the underlying issue of printing is its overwhelming lack of form. For years printers have been altered and redesigned and every single time they result in the same form and very similar layouts. If you identify the main segments within a printer - paper tray/s, ink cartridge/s, interface and ink Jet/Laser head; you find yourself asking why this is? These elements could be arranged in various different ways making the user experience far greater then what is offered today. You usually only have a dinky LCD screen at best or a 1 line crystal display at worst, in which case the printer is littered with hardware buttons. The type of people who care about creating good/ intuitive/beautiful interfaces are not the type of people who end up working at a hardware manufacturer, exactly because they want to work on product where they have the opportunity to build a beautiful user interface. Working on a printer interface is not such an opportunity. Even if such a designer were to create a user friendly interface for a printer, it would probably go under-appreciated at a hardware company, compared to

someone who made the hardware x% cheaper to manufacture. The interface is what will make or break a printer to the user, if there experience is poor when interacting with a product the problem will be found within these interaction points. By underlining all these points of interaction - loading paper, ink refill, connectivity and printing - comparing exciting products then resolving any issues improving the user experience. With so many applications for this printer, there will be no need for it to be abandoned, somewhere tucked away in a corner. It will be something to take with you, into university, the office at work, on the factory floor labeling. It will encouraging creation and design for small business, clothing designs, shop displays and signage. It is my aim for this project to dramatically change what a printer is, recreate how it is we interact and use a printer, While removing unnecessary components, reducing its overall size dramatically. At this stage the context for my project

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

is unjustifiable, as i want it to be something that can be set up anywhere and on anything, it hard to say. However its something that will defiantly be in an exhibition as a piece of art, showing the possibility of where a printer could be taken.





methods overview.


After establishing a direction that seemed almost impossible, I had to work on a proof of concept. Doing this through a series of methodology starting with design research and idea development and ending with a product prototype, that i hope will be functional. Starting off by using the printer i acquired for the product autopsy . i was able to see what makes a printer tick and how i could take these off the market components and use them in my own project to make my printer. I was able to mash together a working prototype of a hand guided printer that applied ink to paper. It was slapped together to say the least, but it gave me a sense of what would be needed, technology wise to make this printer work. This then guided my towards a different direction and working with design developments like sketching, cad work and prototypes i was able to work throughout the project with ease.

p rin t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

R e s e a r c h


research. Feild research

Conducing research into the feild itself was how i enitially found the problems and the need to re design/ re think the consumer printer.


Then folling through to the context, where are printers found, who is using them, the issues and the reviews.

Market research

Looking into the market of consimer printers, seeing what is avalable to the consumer and who is buying what. Some printers are better then others and the pricers variy. however this comes down to personal choice too, as there is such a large variaty of printing aplications, you need to knwo what is best for you.

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.


R e s e a r c h

I d e a

e x p l o r a t i o n


idea exploration.


I d e a

simple building platform in which the printer can take form in a way most beneficial to the user. While exploring deeply into the logistics of my machine, I plan to implement the lowest cost of manufacturing and use and create a platform that is not only modular in design but also evolving to the user. Implementing a smart interaction system with a Smartphone, will enable making prints from any device possible at any time anywhere, and with great intention change how people use and interact with their printer. Again, none have the ability to print on a multi level platform without drastically increasing the printer in size. Almost all domestic machines print a4 paper which may be the

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

most common document size for some, however this is not the case for small businesses, students, studios and photographers all of which will print a3 or higher. While still maintaining a small possibly portable platform, I want to rethink the way a printer is made; a way in which the printer you buy will be the only printer you need. I plan to do this through a modular and versatile design; or a printer that is customizable to the user, allowing possibilities for them to fit and change new innovative or existing parts to extend their printing platform

e x p l o r a t i o n

After market observation the underlying issue of printing is its overwhelming lack of form. What makes a printer a printer?. Why does it look the way it looks?. For years printers have been altered and redesigned and every single time they result in the same form and very similar layouts. With my design I intend to rethink the layout of a printer and how it can be more versatile to the user allowing them to modify it to print any format and size. Targeting at consumers, and small business owners this printer can be taken and set up anywhere making it great for students or people on the move. Focusing a percentage of this project into identifying common problems with versatility, I plan to design and construct a modular product - a




I d e o l o g y




Instead of paper being pulled through a large plastic shell to the printing heads, the paper will lay flat, motionless and the print head or cartridge will move accordingly across the page. This is not mechanical, it is something hand held, manual. It would work by sensing where exactly it is on the page, whether this be through infer red sensing, pressure sensing or another method. Starting in a corner of the page, the print head can be glided across the page with ease. The cartridge will know where to apply the ink

However this idea slowly faded away, not only cause i new such a project would be difficult for me to make in a year with little knowledge about electronic prototyping. But that i was staying to focused on make a product, and not exploring more into the possibility of artistic methods.

Consumer printers are generally found within the consumers hands. Even more literally then usual as the user will be he hands on with the inLINE printer. I in vision a new image for this printer being used in a creative manure apposed to a small production product. This does not mean however that the printer can produce this on a production level. It will open opportunity for new business being able to print directly onto materials such as clothing or walls.

p r i n t - o u t of t h e s h e ll.


printer pull down.


My idea for the project begins by pulling apart a consumer printer currently on the market. Doing this allowed me to get a deeper understanding of what makes up a printer, while deciphering the essential components from the unnecessary. I was able to establish a project proposal and set up potential directions. In order to determine whether my idea was possible i bought a cheap consumer inkjet printer (canon pixma $18) At the same time pulling away the plastic shell of a standard printer would allow me to see exactly how a printer operates. Taking what i believe to be the most essential parts of a printer, i was able to construct a printer that i could manually move across the page to produce a print. The out come was far from perfect, however the information received from this test allowed my to imagine a future fro this idea. p rin t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

E x p l o r a t i o n




Using open source tech such as arduino and motor shield it would be possible so me top construct a printer using existing printer parts. Exploring first with a printer directly off the market, the cheapest i could find; i ran a series of tests.

With such a large amount of printer modifications and hacks being performed by users around the world, Pulling apart broken printers and using component to construct something new and interesting. How could i not bring inspiration from these to my own project. From this i compiled many ideas in my head. One of which was a hand guided printer that could be guided along any surface to print an image. Another was a printing machine that could be grabbed and stretched over a surface (wall) then remotely move around the area to print.

p r i n t - o u t of t he s h e ll.

E x p l o r a t i o n

After removing the sell from components i thought it would be interesting to run some tests as to whether i could print using only the ink cartridges and the sliding rails. The idea was to guide the printhead across the page while the paper remains motionless. Reducing the overall size of the printer removing the paper rollers and rails


proof of concept.





The is a huge amount of printer modifications and hacks being performed by users around the would. Pulling apart broken printers and using component to construct something new and interesting. From this i was able to develop ideas of interest. Taking an arduino brain and an ink cartridge, it is possible to hack an ink shield that allows you to print words on a free flowing line with a press of a button. It would be interesting to take this but add additional sensors - creating a free flowing printer that can accurately determine its location on a page to print an image quickly and simply.

p rin t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.


point of change.


D i r e c t i o n

c h a n g e


direction change.

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

75 versatility ease of setup and use user interaction user software connectivity

Prerequisits for the project Scale adjustment from regular printing formats to large scale aplications. Interective, hands on and customisable. (modular) Ease of use and setup simplisity. Interesting and unique. Changing how it is we see a conventional printer

c h a n g e

Working on a mechanical printing machine that could be wall mounted and scaled to any size, thats where i ended up. These machines could take on any form or work in many different ways. After vigorous research the one system that i found to work best for my project was the polar system. Polar coordinate system is a two-dimensional coordinate system in which each point on a plane is determined by a distance from 2 reference points and an angle from a reference direction.

D i r e c t i o n

The diction change was brought about after midterm presentations, from what i presented it was apparent that my only diction was to take a fair more artistic approach to designing a printer. If not my design would swing back to what was already available on the market and the reason why I’m designing for change would be lost. Taking this approach i am able to be fair more exploratory in my work, and if theres an opportunity in the end to make my product more consumable i will.



I constructed a quick slapped together prototype to run and setup code on. Making a simple pivoting mount for the motors to attach to a go pro suction cup. Mount straight onto any flat non porous surface. With this i was able to test and run some simple code to get my printer printing, and the results were good. x2 stepper motors (200 steps) x2 motor cables x2 Arduino uno’s Adafruit motorsheild Inksheild board Print head Ink cartridge





The coding is split into two sections. The first is the motor code which allows full control over the movement of the printhead across the page. The second is fare more complicated, it involves controlling the ink flow from the cartridge at appropriate times. The first - coding is measure by number and speed of motor rotation. By rotating one side of the printer the print head will move diagonally across the page. If there a turn simultaneous as one pushes and other pulls it can move in horizontal and vertical lines across the page. The second - the code for the print-head is broken down using binary inscription (1-0). the ones indicate the release of ink, while the zeros are the opposite.

// ‘W’ 0b0000111111111111, 0b0000111111111110, 0b0000000000000100, 0b0000000000011000, 0b0000000001110000, 0b0000000001110000, 0b0000000000011000, 0b0000000000000100, 0b0000111111111110, 0b0000111111111111,

c o d e i n g




What is Binary?

inksheild is an open source circuit board. This shield allows you to connect a HP C6602 inkjet cartridge to your Arduino turning it into a 96dpi print platform. It only uses 5 pins which can be jumper selected to avoid other shields. It is designed with an Arduino Mega footprint but fully supports both the Arduino and the Arduino Mega. It uses all through-hole components to make assembly easy even for beginners.

A binary code represents text or computer processor instructions using the binary number system’s two binary digits, 0 and 1. The binary code assigns a bit string to each symbol or instruction. For example, a binary string of eight binary digits (bits) can represent any of 256 possible values and can therefore correspond to a variety of different symbols, letters or instructions

With this sheild i was able to see a posibility of creating a printer prototype that would be functional in its build and aperance but at the same time function as it should. As this board and it firm ware is still quite new on the open source market, it has limited source code avalable. so working with what i am provided with and what i can add to it, ive atempted to control the aplication of ink onto paper and it primary source of doing this is done through the aplication of binary code.

Once relising this i had to research into methods of converting image to binary code that the inksheild would understand. through experimental codeing and proccessing i ran test with this inksheild and was able to apply an image to paper using 3 differant methods.

Methods. The first with the aplication of ASCII. ASCII codes represent text in computers, communications equipment, and other devices that use text. Most modern character-encoding schemes are based on ASCII, though they support many additional characters and is one of the most common charater encoding.

p r i n t - o u t of t h e s h e ll.

c o d e i n g

What is inksheild?

C o d e i n g


letters to image. Test prints. The inksheild came with multiple test codes for printing words and line textures. starting off by printing lines using the code script above. the ink sheild uses binary as a method of telling the cartridge which inkjets to open and what time. the ‘1’ is the inked patch and the ‘0’ the blank. Printing letters is much the same as printing lines, however it works in grids of 12 digits by 8. you simple make the letter within the grid of 0 out of 1’s.


// ‘W’ 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000, 0b0000000000000000,

// ‘W’ 0b0000111111111111, 0b0000111111111110, 0b0000000000000100, 0b0000000000011000, 0b0000000001110000, 0b0000000001110000, 0b0000000000011000, 0b0000000000000100, 0b0000111111111110, 0b0000111111111111,

C o d e i n g

#include <InkShield.h> //initialize shield on pin 2 InkShieldA0A3 MyInkShield(2); //For shields set to A2A5 use InkShieldA2A5 to initialize instead of InkShieldA0A3 //InkShieldA2A5 MyInkShield(2); void setup() { //nothing to setup } void loop() { //spray all 12 nozzles as fast as possible //(blackout pattern 0x0FFF = 0000111111111111) MyInkShield.spray_ink(0x0FFF); //or other patterns //(every other nozzle 0x0AAA = 0000101010101010) //MyInkShield.spray_ink(0x0AAA); //(every other nozzle 0x0555 = 0000010101010101) //MyInkShield.spray_ink(0x0555); }

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C o d e i n g


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Processing. Processing is a flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. Since 2001, Processing has promoted software literacy within the visual arts and visual literacy within technology. Using processing as a means to covert an image into a string of code that the inksheild can understand, this being binary

Method. This method takes a standard JPG or tiff image, converts it into a black & white bitmap. The BMP is then broken down using Processing. The processing code then converts it into binary code that the inksheild can directly understand and print.

C o d e i n g

0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

C o d e i n g


adafruit motorsheild.


Polar Controller.

In short this sheild allows full and total control over two stepper motors and two servos at once. its stackable and compatable with both arduino and arduino mega. Fortunatly it will also work along side my inksheild with no overlapping pins.

Polargraph is an open sorce drawing machine that runs on the polar system. using the same system i intend to use

As this sheild is a long running open source board it has redilly avalable source go on it website along with plenty of previous projects using this control system. extracting these codes i can change them to fit my project. With this sheild not only wll i be able to control the positioning of my inksheld cardridge using the polar method but will also be able to run ‘Polargraphs’ already excisting open soucre code.

pri n t - o u t of t h e s h e l l .

C o d e i n g

What is Adafruit motorsheild?

C o d e i n g


motor control.


Essentially this code serves as a path for the print head to follow. Working alongside this piece of code the print head will apply ink accordingly as ink passes over the image.

Setup. There are a few steps before printing as the printer needs to know its positioning to the serface. First the paper size, print area. and the motor distance. After this the image can be placed onto the page. After running the script for the outlined sketch the program will map out its movments in red. this my need to be adjusted. at first a total of 15 438 commands came up, this was going to take approximately 28 hours to draw. manually changing the scriot to move allong the line make it fair easier.

C o d e i n g

Again using processing to control the motor positioning to move the printhead around the page. Processing helps to visualize the code that is being implemented.


electronic prototype.


D e s i g n

t o u c h p o i n t s


design touchpionts. Four areas/ touch-points that need addressing when working towards a wall mounted printer. The first is the form and make of the overall product. What does it look like? Is simple or soft? Maybe complex and exposed? There is allot to explore in the products form. The second is the interaction that the user will have with the machine. Whether there be interaction points on the printer itself, for instance - power, reset or upload. The printer itself might be seamless and simple and all interaction is on an external device smart-phone, tablet or computer. However interaction also covers the user experience with the operating of the machine, this could be during set

up or pack down or with the printing itself. The third is the installation. How and with what will the printer be mounted onto the wall or surface with? Being dependent on the surface in which the printer is being attached, means there is need for different attachment ideas for the different surfaces. At the same time thinking how the components will intuitively attach to this wall mount. The forth is the printer connectivity. Pretty self explanatory, but this is the different options for pairing and sinking the printer - Blue tooth, wifi or cable. Wither these connections be via a smart-phone, laptop or tablet the connectivity is something that will need to be addressed.

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.


D e s i g n t o u c h p o i n t s














After discovering this heavy duty suction cup and running multiple tests on different surfaces with numerous amounts of pressure and weight, i found that other mounting solutions would be unnecessary. These cups can attach to almost any flat surface while supporting up to 40 kg of pressure. It was expected that a suction cup could have a strong hold on glass and metal, however i was never expecting it to work on a plaster wall most common found in any household; along with other surfaces such as pin board and concrete.

E c p l o r a t i o n

i d e o l o g y



Prerequisites When developing ideas for the form of this project i was guided by the tolerances of m the components i new i had to include or fit. Suction mounting - it has to have a suction cup attachment and with this some form of handle or grip to flex the rubber cup. Motor and circuitry - the model had to fit within it at 45mm by 45mm nema stepper motor along with a 100mm by 50mm circuit board and arduino brain. These all played a huge part in shaping this project.

p r i n t - o u t of t h e sh e ll.

Wanting the components to have level of exposure to, showing of its electronic intricacy or in this case simplicity.

i d e o l o g y

Having a firm direction and a working, fully functional electronic prototype with all components, it was time to visualize the housings. Working through sketches, hookups and rough cad models i explored the possibilities.

e x p l o r a t i o n

exploration ideology.

S k e t c h i n g


chosen concept sketch.


The housing for the electronic housing is an extremely simple form. Its accentually an arch with a suction cup backing. When then right and the left motor housing are pressed together and the handles cranked back they will suck together creating a carry handle for your printer. The right side mount has no electronics, it is simply a mirror of its left side. However this vacant space within the right mount will make perfect storage for the printhead when packed away or traveling.

S k e t c h i n g

C A D .




solidworks is a solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) software program that runs on Microsoft Windows. Using this program for not only solid modeling but also surface modeling, it gave me the opportunity to not only help visually as my design but also produce a detailed ans accurate model in which a prototype can be produced from. Using solid modeling as starting block, i am able to get a feel of overall scale of individualizer parts due to electronic constraints, After which i am able to focus on making the cad model appeal as the sketch does using surface modeling; Mimicking the overall shape and form that i want to achieve.

p rin t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

C A D .


C A D .


the first. Starting initially to take what i had sketched and transfer that into a digital CAD file - to do this my initial step was to block out the model using solidworks solid modeling. This is essentially a model produced solely from simple extrudes and cuts. With this first model i was able to get a scene of size and proportion judging by the electronic capacity requirements. Doing this by carefully measuring the internal components then transferring them into my cad to build around. Problems with this model. - Square - Handle to short - Electronics don’t fit properly - No mountings

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

C A D .











C A D .



C A D .

C A D .


the middle. At this stage, i worked to perfect the model from the initial block model. I ended up with over 8 iterations, these on the surface however my have appeared the same, although each of them had small but dramatic differences. The body changed heaps from the eventual model, surfacing the base and the handles using lofts. Lofts are very temperamental and needs many reference lines and curves to get a smooth shape. The overall body size changed many time, and each time got slightly bigger. This was done to fit the electronics. Doors were added into the side of the model to cover the cable connection points. The circuit board need to be secured tightly into the unit so it could slide around. Adding in ribs i was able to change its mounting.

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.


C A D .

C A D .


the final. After as long and tedious development i ended up with my finial cad model before rough prototype. At this stage i know that things my need to be altered after physical testing, however this is my final model before physical model. In this model i went back to the start apposed to building off my original block model. This allowed me to amend the overall size of the product, increasing the shell. This time round i started using surface modeling to produce a far more soft and clean model from the beginning, its longer and more time consuming however using this method i am able to shape it to my original sketch. The handle was by far the most challenging, and the surface just would not cooperate. However using a loft with over 20 sketch references i modeled a handle that would line up perfectly when suctioned together to create a carry handle.

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.


C A D .


SCALE 1 : 2










SCALE 1 : 2

C A D .



C A D .



P r o t o t y p e . .




3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing (AM), refers to various processes used to synthesize a threedimensional object.[1] In 3D printing, successive layers of material are created under computer control.[2] These objects can be of almost any shape or geometry, and are produced from a 3D model or other electronic data source. A 3D printer is a type of industrial robot. For producing a first time accurate prototype of a product like mine, 3D printing is perfect. Not only will it give an accurate representation of how the product will look but work as well. Giving the opportunity for component and user testing; making sure it comes together with ease and functions as it should. First round prototypes also have the benefit of recognizing problems or current issues that my not be recognizable through sketching or cad alone. This is perfect for making amendments to the model for the final iteration prototype.

p rin t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

P r o t o t y p e .

3D print.

P r o t o t y p e .


Iteration 1. Using the maker-bot replicators on level 2 AMP building (advance manufacturing precinct) at RMIT. I am able to run quick and easy physical tests to my model before the final print. Printing the middle section only in this first iteration in order to make sure all electronic components and cable fittings are aligned as should. When printing certain tolerances have to be taken into around for different machine. Drooping the components in found that everything aligned right, however there where sections where the circuit board was loose, so amendments had to be made to the mounting system. As this model has no screw points but rather a component sandwich, making for easy changes in the future. Rubber lining will be added to the top of the lid and the surface under the components, when it is shut these will squeeze the components in tight.

p rin t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.


P r o t o t y p e .

P r o t o t y p e .



Again Using the maker-bot replicators on level 2 AMP building (advance manufacturing precinct) at RMIT. This time getting a feel for the shape and form as an entirety while assessing amendments from the previous mid section. Printing the model in two split half i was able to print the shape far more effectively and with less support material increasing the overall speed too. Then putting the two parts together i can see physically the shape and scale of the overall printer. Testing the suction cup, again the electronic fittings and its carry function.

pr i n t - o u t of t h e s h e l l .

P r o t o t y p e .

Iteration 2.


final prototype.


Objet Eden 3D Printer. For the final prototype model i chose to get it 3D printer on the objet printer through RMIT university. having printed on the objet before, it was femiliar and produced strong and very detailed models. Together all 11 parts cost $812 It was extremely pricy, but in order to get such a fine fnish on my model the cost was worth it. Testing of the prototype found that the user experence from set up to pull down was easy and intuative. The coding and printing however is in need of serious improvments as the coding is somthing i am quite new to and took me many atempts just to get it working this fare.


the making.


The final prototype is a representation of how the final product would look and function. So its important that it looks and functions as close to the marketable product. First step after receiving the prints is to remove all support material away from the printed part. This is simply a matter of scraping away the large jell like mass. After the bulk of this material is removed the rest can be bathed away in a acid

Barth to remove all finer material and result in a smooth finish.


final prtotype prior to finishes. final prototype, with all emendments found from previous models fixed. changes include thinner wall thickness and higher level of detail due to the capabilitys of the objet 3d printer. motor and electroni mounts emended to fit properly. small flip up doors added to cover electronic ports . newly designed handle, serfaced for a clean finish. printed wheel attached to motor for moving printhead. printhead printed and fited to the cartridge. assembly before paint to make sure all is in check with fittings - electronic or components.



paint and prep work.


Sanding. Starting off by sanding each model carefully to remove all or most build lines created by the 3D printer. This stage is what take up the majority of time.

Priming. One i achieve a smooth surface i could work with and all support material is no more i can begin to apply a clear coat of plastic primer. This helps to fill in gaps that were difficult to remove by sanding alone; but it also adds an adhesive for the enamel paint.

Painting. After a long and repetitive process of applying primer, then sanding - primer then sanding and have achieved a smooth surface; it was time for painting . Using spray on enamel paint i simply coated once with a light layer then after draying sanded back the rough parts, then continued this three times till i was satisfied with the outcome.

p r i n t - o u t of t h e s h e l l .

s e t u p





Assembly was far easier the second time around, everything came together nicely. This time however i placed in rubber seals on the base underneath the electronics and on the roof above the circuit board , this was done to sandwich in the components without any need for screwing or clippings. The base and the top are attached simply using magnets. The magnets and opposing screws were glued in using liquid nails.

When assembled its time to set up the printer, this is done in 5 steps.

All the circuitry needed to be wired in this time around. Attaching a usb input into each of the left and right module for the motor connection. The wires were soldered to this then clamped onto the motor shield.

1 - Attach the paper you wish to print on to the wall. 2 - attach both left and right motor units onto the wall, on the top corners of the paper. 3 - open up the right side motor case and remove the printhead and the needed string. Rap the string through have of the motor wheels and attach a weight to ether end of the string. The other end of the string will clip through the printhead rings and attach to the other side. 4 - Then link up all units (left and right motors & printhead ) with cables. usb links the two motors, ribbon cable links the printhead and the power cable links the unit to the laptop. 5 - Send through the print code and start print once the set up presager has been done.

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

s e t u p


















E v a l u a t i o n




printing methods and functions, along with smart interaction touch points. As for my deliverables for this project, i plan to have a working prototype, this maybe just a finalized proof of concept prototype that functions correctly but might look slight slapped together. I will also deliver a concept prototype of exactly what the final product will look and feel, along with working interaction points.

p r i n t - o u t of t h e s h e ll.

E v a l u a t i o n

Starting this project working on a product re redesign of a printer, However my direction was altered dramatically when conducting research into how a printer operates, its problems and its benefit, its design touch points and interaction points. It has helped to alter my path, taking me in a direction that I had first not considered. I came to a cross road in my design thinking, every time i took one step forward with a concepts that manually feeds paper i came to a deed end. I felt as though fixing one problem was creating another. This was something i could not do, especially when I’m doing this to improve a product in need of design thinking. Ambitions for my project is to develop a printer that is greatly versatile, meaning it has the ability to print on almost anything flat, along with any format size. Designing this for the user, easy and intuitive

E v a l u a t i o n


the change.


When pulling apart a consumer inkjet printer it was clear to me the amount of wasted space materials and time that goes into building and constructing one. I immediately new that this product was in need of simplifying. Striping back the hard plastic case to its finer essential parts. A printer is mainly a device that eats paper, a hard shell that pulls through paper and spits out documents. My approach is to minimize the overall size and external mass be completely eliminating that function and applying a much more hands on approach.

p r i n t - o u t of t h e s h e ll.

E v a l u a t i o n

The field of printing is so vast. So many products on the market, so many different applications and yet it is always a product overlooked needed rather than wanted. When exploring the field i had to narrow down my interest, and at the time this was consumer printers. Looking into their technology, design and user interaction. However, I feel my approach has taken a new path from the consumer market to a more artistic, exploratory and interesting path with the focus of 'application being the means of applying image or text to a surface, any surface and in an intuitive and interesting way.

e v a l u a t i o n




e x a l u a t i o n

After initial prototype and the tests i ran with the circuit boards i acquired through research i found it extremely difficult, especially with the coding of the boards along with sourcing certain parts. However, the basis of the code i understand now, and to get as fair as i did with running test and printing out letters and lines i gradually got further and further. By the final prototype stage i had planed out exactly how it was that the components and electronics would come together as one.

unit. However the key part to my project was the print head itself. And the coding of that proved much harder then the movement of the motors. Running test after test of printing font and line work i wasn’t satisfied. I wanted to be able to print images. This i found after much research could be don’t by converting an image from jpg to bitmap then using source code from inksheild to convert this into binary code the unit could understand.

I had many hiccups along the road with running code from my computer to the unit. As i was extremely new to coding, this being the first project i worked on that involved such a method, i struggled to say the least. The first thing i accomplished was the movement of the printhead using the two stepper motors. This was accomplished using the source code founded by polargraph. With this i was able to draw lines and shaped onto the wall using my

SECTION p r i n t - o u t of t h e s h e ll.

SCALE 1 : 2





R e f l e c t i o n




least. A printer is based on highly engineered ink technology that is embedded in complicated mechanisms, ranging from inkjet, laser, solid ink and zink printing. The internal engineering is somewhat beautiful, in its own way, but the plastic that wraps around it and its symmetrical repetitive form says otherwise. There are an overwhelming number of parts and many individuals who contribute to a printers construction. There is an internal substructure that holds the printing mechanisms, then the gray, white or black plastic is molded to the required shape around this. The outside surface is rarely considered with the same level of detail, it’s not elegant and sometimes it’s just plain ugly. Understanding the field is important to start, helps to shape the project knowing about its past, what exists its pros and its cons. Reflecting on how this project started, its safe to say that my project took a very different direction to the field i first investigated into, focusing strongly on printing technology, and how to make a printer more sustainable,

p r i n t - o u t of t h e s he ll.

more usable and just fair better then what exists. However this is not what i ended up doing. Incited i shape the very why we see and use a printer. And doing this created a whole new field that the project is situated. The field of a versatile, customizable, wall mounted ink applicator. Is it a printer - this i am unsure.

R e f l e c t i o n

The field of printing is so vast. So many products on the market, so many different applications and yet it is always a product overlooked - needed rather than wanted. When exploring the field i had to narrow down my interest, and at the time this was consumer printers. Looking into their technology, design and user interaction. However, I feel my approach has taken a new path from the consumer market to a more artistic, exploratory and interesting path with the focus of ‘application being the means of applying image or text to a surface, any surface and in an intuitive and interesting way. Before this however, my field research revolved around the current printers available to the market, there benefits and concerns, the technology embedded and user mapping. It was obvious to me that printing technology had advance phenomenally across the years, increasing quality, speed and consumption. However the design was always suffering. Research showed that even though much was improved, the interaction and human experience with operating and using a printer where typically low and unsatisfying to say the

R e f l e c t i o n




The purpose for this product redesign is found when determining my target audience and its application, who is involved with the using, selling or housing of the product being developed. Establishing an accurate group of

potential buyers to design the printer for, small business, encouraging small scale production of creative materials from clothing design to sales graphics and signage.. Student, on the move at university, being able to create anytime anywhere. At the same time knowing that it is a printer I’m designing, a product that almost every person would own. This project is directed an improving for every used a fare more smart and intuitive printing experience. However the project changed after the first semester along with its context. Aiming on making an artistic product with the focus on how the printer will point rather then how it looks. Being artistic the project was leaning towards something that was simply conceptual; where a printer could be taken to in its design and artistic appeal. However in the end i was able to shape this project into a product that i could see being used in exhibitions or by artists as a means of applying text or imagery of large scale to almost any surface . Reflecting on its context now, i can say

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

that i never intended on ending up where i did with this project. However this is not a bad thing. I ended up working on something that in the past have never worked on, and it thought me lots. Electronic understanding being one .

R e f l e c t i o n

Working on the context for my project, I began by framing the precedence around the origin of my ideas and development. It was obvious to me that i was not only re-designing a commercial printer, but changing it dramatically, taking are fare different approach to that seen in large printing companies churning out tens of thousands of hard plastic shelled bricks. My project proposal is derived from more artistic studies and prototypes. Its artistic products like the ‘txtBOMBER’ that truly gave my project a base direction. I show this by braking down exactly what these case studies are, what exactly it is that court my eye and inspired me directionally or graphically. Piecing together a mood board, again helped me to graphically display my overall feel and look of the project I intend to pursue, the almost category it will fit with the market and field of printing.

R e f l e c t i o n




After establishing my approach within the market, concluded from conducting precise research within the field of printing i then started my ideology development. I did this through more research into projects that I feel frame my project and give it a stronger direction. From these, using design sketches I put my ideas onto paper, envisaging what direction my printer could take focusing on the human interaction and versatility of the printer at all times. I do this by touching on each interaction point on a

printer - paper application, ink top ups and of cause interface. Using element arrangements was a fantastic way for me to develop ideas more different from the last, just be applying different components of a printer in a different order. Creating a Proof of concept for these ideas was important to benchmark possibilities and whether the idea could actually become a working prototype. Conducting a printer autopsy of a product currently on the market i was able to see exactly what lay inside an inkjet printer, how it is constructed and arranged. At the same time doing this, it became abundantly clear to me that there were numerous amounts of components within the hard shell of a printer that proved to be unnecessary. This is where a had the idea of removing these parts and constructing from the necessary parts a proof of concept prototype. I’m still working on this prototype today, but what i did was take the cartridge head and attempted to make a printer that was hand guided along the page. It was a great success to see that something I envision

p r in t - ou t of t h e s h e ll.

was possible. It also gave me clear understanding on what technologies I would then need to research in order to take my concept to the finished stage. The project then took a differant aprouch after my midsemester presentation, which lead me to designing a fare more artistic electronic printing machine that could be wall mounted and adjusted to the users needs and requirments.

R e f l e c t i o n

Researching was my number one concern when starting out this project, all about printers and printing. Starting with market research, what printers and printing methods are currently on the market to the public. I spent a considerable amount of time building up my knowledge on different printing applications, from inkjet, laser, solid ink to Zink. And determining what method would best suit my project direction. To pick one of these technologies I would first have to weigh up the pros and cons of each, which is fastest, clearest or most cost effective, running cost opposed to machines cast.

R e f l e c t i o n


project reflection.


Now that its all over, i feel like everything i have done and achieved was at a high standard, and that i did all that i could to get to this point. The design of the unit is interesting when compared to what it is redesigned from. Obviously the project could be taken and developed further, and this excites me. In the end my project of creating a wall mounted digital inkjet printer was a success. Maybe not the extent that I had planned, but the fact that i was able to. Create something extremely different from what is redly available on the market is great. When you first look at

my concept its not seen as a printer, in fact most people are interested as they don’t know what it is. Its an exciting project as it is something that needs explain, however when it does what it is assigned to do people know immediately what it is and how it works. There are of cause things through this project that i am disappointed about. This being the electronic aspect. If i was fare more electronically m,indeed i would have been able to make it work to the extent i first had hoped. But the fact i had gone through all this process wasn’t a waste of time, as i know and have proved it is possible due to the test i was able to conduct. The success of the project was One, being able to manipulate and control the positioning of the swing print head using two stepper motors via a motor shield and Two, transfer an image using an inksheild and printer cartridge onto paper made it all worthwhile. When first purchasing the inksheild pvc board, i believed its capabilities to be far more extensive. Printing high quality images with ease. But after receiving and assembling this board and looking through its source code, i felt as if i was mistaken. The code was very particular to itself and couldn’t be persuaded. If i wanted to do something, i would have to do it in its way. At the start i didn’t even

know what binary code was, this was something i had to learn and learn fast as binary is the primary means the inkshield uses. However it is clear through my exploration and coding that i was able to get a basic understanding of this coding method and found several ways of printing an image using this system. Even though some of these i wasn’t able to put into use. However the other side to my project, which involved the coding of the two stepper motors I was extremely fortunate. There was an abundance of pre existing source code available that i could simple critique to work for my project. With a stronger reference to previous drawing machines that run of the same polar system. Undertaking this project allowed me to see the absolute importance of electronics when prototyping, and how it can vastly improve a product. Scott for the semesters work, its good and well structured class.

R e f l e c t i o n

The final few weeks of this project proved extremely challenging for me, not particularly due to the work load I chose to take on but simply my time management. With a numerous amount of time going into the coding of the printer, making it do what i intended it to do proved a struggle. However this being said i am extremely happy with the way the project turned out and the work I’ve been dong within the electronic prototyping class, (an elective id been studying on the side); has assisted me greatly in my over all knowledge of coding and electronic. This work contributed to my final project on a whole.

R e f r e n c e s


references. Printing: Martin, B. I miss my pencil. (2009) Project Ink. (pp. 26–51) History: Lucien, F. Henri-Jean, M. The Coming of the Book: The Impact of Printing 14501800. (1940) Project history. Retrieved from books?isbn=1859841082 Direction Change: Sandy, N. Polargraph. Retrieved from Precedence: Sandy, N. Polargraph. http://www. Who: Sandy, N. Polargraph. http://www. Coding: Sandy, N. Polargraph. http://www. Source code: Sandy, N. Polargraph. https://

Precedence: TXTBomber. Felix, V. (2010) Retreved from gallery/txtbomber/406136 Precedence: Julian, A. And Michael, H. Facade printer. Retrieved from http:// Precedence: Institute of applied autonomy. Graffiti Writer, Retrieved from http://www. Precedence: FireWriter. By Lucien, L. (2012) Retrieved from http://www. Precedence: Sang-won, L. Graffiti drone. Retrieved from http://dronegraffiti.tumblr. com/ Precedence: graffiti artist KATSU published by Arthur Holland, M. (2005) retrieved from


how-to-make-a-graffiti-drone-456 Arduino: retrieved from https://www.arduino. cc/ Adafruit : Limor, L. (2005) About. Retrieved from Limor, L. (2005) Adafruit. Retrieved from Inksheild: Nicholas C, L. History, Retrieved from history/ Inksheild: Nicholas C, L. What is inkseild. http:// Thingiverse. Nicolas C, L. (2011) Retrieved from

All source code : 3D print: Stratasys, Objeteden. Retrieved from 3D print: 2009–2015 MakerBot, Retrieved from CAD: Computer aided design. Retrieved from design Solidworks: Jon Hirschtick (1993), Retrieved from HTML.htm Tojan tools: Suction cup, Retrieved from http:// Processing: Ben Fry & Casey Reas (2001) Retrieved from Printer pull down: Cannon, retrieved from Binary: binary numbers, retrieved from https://

Bitmap: (BMP) Information, Retrieved from Coding: Image to bitmap converter. online software, Retrieved from ASCii: Ascii coding table, Retrieved from http:// Ascii cam: Andrei Gheorghe, (2010) Github. Retrieved from ascii-camera Online ascii cam: retrieved from http:// Made by Andrei Gheorghe, Swipe printer projet: Matthew Humphries (2011) swyp-a-super-simple-touchscreen-printerconcept-1423499/ Inkjet : What is inkjet, Retrieved from https:// laser printer: What is laser printing, Retrieved from printing Waxx printing: Fuji Xerox Co. (1986 ). Retrieved from consumables/solidinktechnology.aspx ZINK Imaging Inc. Retrieved from https://www. Research : Commercial p[rinting blogs, Retrieved from CommercialPrinting/

r e f r e n c e s

Github: source code. Nicholas C, L. Retrieved from InkShield




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