How to cure the grunt - Learn English Elocution
The adolescent grunt is an amazing utterance. Interestingly, it appears to be culturally and linguistically universal. Moreover, it is particularly prevalent in young adolescent men learning English. Often, it is accompanied by lack of facial gesture or expression, which makes it even more difficult for the receiver to understand what is trying to said.
For such a significant and universal utterance which occurs at a set age and does not seem to be gender specific, you may wonder why this linguistic landmark does not feature in the stages of language development. Let’s see, we start with crying at birth, cooing at 6 weeks, babbling at six months, intonation patterns at eight months, one-word utterances at one year, two-word utterances at 18 months, word inflections at 24 months, question and negatives at 27 months, rare and complex constructions at five years, mature speech at 10 years, and . . . the single sounded grunt at 13 years.