Making money from home-Matched Betting,UK Hi, I’m Sarah. I have a passion for both saving and making money from home. I always have lots of ‘projects’ on the go, but out of all of them, earning money through matched betting is the easiest and the most profitable and so you can perhaps understand why it’s my favorite. I’m probably the most unlikely candidate for starting matched betting that you could come across, but I know that generating a second income with this risk free betting is ‘hot’ at the moment so I’m glad to share my story. I’m aware that matched betting sounds complicated but actually once you get your head around it, it’s a really simple process and very lucrative. If it works for me, then I know it can work for many more people too. A former social worker, I took a break from work when my eldest child was born. Since then, I’ve had another baby. As a stay at home mother, my day to day life is very much dictated by the school run, toddler groups, clubs, feeding, shopping and the bed and bath routine. I love that I’m able to be there for my children but I do miss the freedom of earning my own money. Not to mention things are inevitably tighter when there’s only one household income coming in. I set up a cottage industry up cycling second hand furniture and although I thoroughly enjoyed it, it took a tremendous amount of time and effort for relatively small rewards. And if I’m honest, it was tricky fitting it in when my second child arrived. When browsing the internet about a year ago I saw matched betting mentioned on the forum on the Martin Lewis Money saving expert website. I read all of the comments and posts and then that lead me into reading up on it elsewhere. I was pleasantly surprised to see it affirmed in the national press; The Guardian and The Telegraph as a legitimate and 100% legal way of earning a lucrative second income. After some more research, everyone advised that it was easier to make this money by using Matched Bet, a dedicated matched betting website who provide all of the offers and the tools that you need to be a successful matched bettor. It didn’t take me long to sign up and get stuck in and fast forward 6 months and I’m nearly £4000 up. Of course, I do always research everything thoroughly and I did look in to other matched betting sites. To me, they seemed very ‘manly’ and only aimed at the real hard core betting type of person and that put me off immensely. Also the cost of the membership on these sites