2025-2026 Goals, Initiatives, and Outcomes

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the Williamsburg City Council identifies new strategic initiatives for our city government every two years. The Williamsburg City Council and staff are excited to present the 2025-2026 Goals, Initiatives, and Outcomes.

In 2020, the City of Williamsburg launched a new vision statement that is meant to carry us through the next two decades. It is our vision for the Williamsburg of 2040, and we will fulfill that vision with a strategic approach.

The City is also concentrating on a more immediate milestone: 2026 is both the last year of the GIO period and the 250th anniversary of the American Revolution. Williamsburg has the opportunity to serve as the center of national and international attention as we commemorate our city’s crucial role in the founding of our nation. The Williamsburg 250th Committee has identified legacy projects, and you will see those projects reflected in this document.

Goals, Initiatives, and Outcomes (GIOs) are an expression of priorities, as specific and measurable as possible, and cover a two-year period. They are not intended to be a comprehensive list of all city services and activities. Instead, GIOs are a concrete, coordinated expression of the City Council’s direction and focus.


One Williamsburg that is courageously leading, innovating a modern city, prioritizing safety and wellness, engaging with our partners, while connecting with the world.

One Williamsburg

Courageously Leading Innovating a Modern City

Prioritizing Safety and Wellness

Engaging with Our Partners

Connecting with the World


A welcoming city where all people who live, work, and visit have the opportunity to thrive, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, income, sexual orientation, religion, or gender identity. The culture of our city will promote a variety of housing and employment options that welcome a diversity of backgrounds and opinions.

Affordable Housing Implementation

Evaluate the establishment of a City of Williamsburg first-time homebuyers program, including consideration of lower down payments, better interest rates, closing costs assistance, grants, tax credits, and education.

Investigate the expansion of the City’s workforce housing program to include the development of low-density, low-impact housing on the City’s surplus properties.

Propose zoning amendments to enable additional detached accessory dwelling units for owner-occupied homes as a vehicle to make the home more affordable and facilitate aging in place.

Assess neighborhood support for a Highland Park CDBG Housing Rehabilitation Program as a tool to slow gentrification and enable generational home improvement.

Neighborhood Balance Implementation

Continue to preserve downtown neighborhoods and community character by considering the impact of a Preservation Assistance Program for those with incomebased restrictions or first-time homebuyer status to make historic properties more accessible by defraying the costs of Architectural Review Board-compliant renovations in historic neighborhoods.

Analyze the potential impact of a Contingent Interest Mortgage Program by identifying a lending partner or partners.

Truth & Reconciliation Advancements

Continue to advance Truth & Reconciliation by issuing a Request for Proposals for the redevelopment of the Blayton and Triangle buildings that encourages minority respondents and provides for minority commercial tenants post-redevelopment.

Secure funding for Phase 2 of the African American Heritage Trail and substantially complete its construction by July 4, 2026, to include a trailhead at the corner of Virginia and Lafayette streets, offering an appropriate space for reflecting and gathering.


A commitment to leadership that is willing to embrace change with compassion, innovation, and aspiration to serve and engage the community. Our creativity, professionalism, and ability to deliver results will be recognized as a national governance model.

Carbon Emission Reduction

Formally establish the 40-By-40 Plan – the City Council’s desire to reduce the City’s carbon emission footprint 40% by the year 2040 – and identify reduction strategies.

Early Childhood Education

Quantify the City resident student pre-K demand and identify strategies to supplement early childhood education inside the City, focusing on affordability and opportunity.

Equity in Education

Review existing equity in education standards within the joint school division and research methods of pairing innovative curricula with the City of Williamsburg assets, such as William & Mary and Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, to improve opportunities for all children.

Reimagine K-12 Education

Modernize the joint operating contract for the public school division to identify existing models that have successfully differentiated and targeted resources to address specific challenges; facilitate improved student performance; streamline the educationto-career pipeline; and allow for smaller-scale additive programs within the larger public school division.

Smart City Initiatives

Consider the deployment of Smart City infrastructure to enable better data collection and policy development in service areas such as parking, downtown trash collection, visitation, air quality, lighting, road conditions, and code enforcement.

Transitional and Emergency Housing

Consolidate existing transitional and emergency housing programs in a new responsive housing model that is less reliant on grant funding.


The equitable enhancement and protection of our entire city’s natural beauty by respecting our past and building our tomorrow. Our modern city will include attractive streetscapes, diverse housing and employment options, inviting public spaces, appropriately located infill redevelopment, and modern connectivity — all to position our city so it can attract the next big opportunity.

Capitol Landing Road

Complete utility relocation and roadway improvements for the Capitol Landing Road Corridor and intersection of Capitol Landing and Bypass roads.

Children’s Park

Identify a funding strategy for and work toward completing the construction of a downtown children’s park that complements the design requirements of the Historic Area and facilitates interactive history.

Comprehensive Plan Update

Commission the completion of a Comprehensive Plan that, when complete, recommends a Complete Streets Policy; considers the appropriateness of existing Architectural Review Board District boundaries; reviews opportunities for additional housing downtown, infill development, and two-story development requirements; identifies school planning concerns; includes a citywide pedestrian/bike plan that considers existing facility improvements, expansion of assets, and trail connectivity; and a revised economic development strategic plan that emphasizes economic diversification, including opportunities for a Research Village as part of the megaregion that satisfies requirements of the Virginia Business Ready Sites Program.

Downtown Library

Following public input on the building’s design, select a general contractor, approve a finance plan, and begin construction for the replacement of the downtown library.


Continue to support existing special events inside the City and identify opportunities to further diversify the type and location of events offered.

Public Art

Facilitate the expansion of public art by developing approved art installation locations, evaluating a temporary or rotating exhibit approach, and completing the installation of the first gateway lantern feature.

Road Access to Sports Center

Initiate design and secure funding for additional access to the regional indoor sports center such that completion of the work coincides with the improvement of the Bypass-Capitol Landing Road intersection.

Tourism Product Renewal

Focus economic development recruitment efforts on the redevelopment of existing hotel properties and consider highest and best use of City-owned properties along Capitol Landing Road.


Targeted services that support, improve, and sustain individual health and community safety. Our city will proactively address public safety and social health by daring to be creative in our practices as we address homelessness and racial equity, as well as pursue a robust parks and recreation system that reimagines the use of green space.

Enhance Existing Park Facilities

Continue implementation of the comprehensive enhancements plan for the City’s Parks & Recreation facilities to boost visitation through the reconstruction of the Kiwanis Park tennis courts, completion of a new Wales neighborhood playground and fence, and redevelopment of the Strawberry Plains neighborhood playground.



Identify locations for public restrooms and construct two public restroom sites.

Shoreline Access

Replace the stationary canoe/kayak launch at College Landing Park with a structured shoreline ADA-compliant launch that includes an accessible pathway.

Utilities Infrastructure

Complete the utilities master planning process, establish a funding plan, and initiate two identified infrastructure improvements for the City’s system.

Waller Mill Usage Plan

Consider opportunities for increased usage of the existing Waller Mill Park, reservoir, and surrounding City-owned land through the development of a Waller Mill Usage Plan.

Waller Mill Dam Improvements

Complete the improvement of Waller Mill Dam fortification to comply with the Department of Conservation and Recreation to secure against failure in the result of a worst-case rainfall event.


Collaborations that re-energize and reimagine relationships with our partners that result in mutual success. The city will leverage our position in the middle of the evolving Hampton Roads / Richmond Mega Region, establish future priorities with William & Mary and Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, and explore other partnership opportunities. The city will maximize strategic partnerships with James City and York counties, as well as expand our partner base to reinforce our national prominence and top-tier brand.

Leverage External Funding

Research and deploy local government best practices for employment of or contracting for grant writing and management services as well as private fundraising for municipal projects.

Live Performance Venue

Complete initial design of the Williamsburg live performance venue, determine regional support, and evaluate facility completion by July 4, 2026.

Parking Technology

Continue to evaluate consistent parking hardware, software, and pricing models that emphasize convenience, ease of use, and turnover while implementing a new parking solution in the Prince George Parking Garage.

Regional Homelessness Strategy

Consider the findings of the regional Virginia Peninsula Homelessness Study and work to identify two regionally supported strategies.

Rent Ready

Complete public review of the Williamsburg Rent Ready Program and consider adoption while planning for staffing needs.

Sports Tourism Development

Evaluate the cost, economic impact, and local need of additional sports tourism facilities associated with the regional indoor sports center, including aquatic and ice sports.


Leverage our strategic location on the Interstate 64 corridor to our economic advantage by expanding technology and infrastructure and ensuring the daily mobility of our residents and visitors.

15-Minute City

Expand Williamsburg Area Transit Authority Route 15 to connect the Colonial Williamsburg Historic Area and Transportation Center with the Monticello commercial corridor, including pharmacies, grocery stores, and general shopping areas using a 15-minute frequency and electric bus infrastructure.

250th Commemoration

Facilitate the work of the Williamsburg 250th Committee, with particular focus placed on completing the identified 250th legacy projects and measuring tourism impacts of 250th-related travel.

Bus Stop Improvements

Identify the needed improvements to provide each City bus stop with a defined standard level of service, including a shelter and trash can, and then improve five stops to the new standard of service.

Internet Connectivity

Support the continued expansion of broadband providers to improve pricing, availability, and speed while seeking an appropriate solution to provide internet connectivity as a next-generation public utility.

Revised Communication Strategy

Evaluate current public outreach tools for effectiveness; identify new approaches aligned with community input; and redesign communication approaches for greater engagement.


Establish the Williamsburg portions of Trail757, including connection to the expanded Capital Trail by obtaining funding for Phase 3 of the College Woods Circuit and planning for the trail’s continued routing through the City.

The Williamsburg City Council adopted the 2025/2026 Goals, Initiatives, and Outcomes (GIOs) on Nov. 14, 2024. Follow progress at williamsburgva.gov/gio.


The City Manager’s Office Municipal Building 401 Lafayette St. Williamsburg, VA 23185



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