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Volume 2 - Issue 22

November 20, 2009 - December 5, 2009

FREE / gratis

odd fellows donate to local athletics

COMING EVENTS November 20 Holiday farmers market November 21 FWA Hot Cajun Night November 21 - 22 Holiday craft faire november 26

thanksgiving day december 4 olde tyme christmas December 5 williams Home & Business Decorating Contest december 6 14th annual chocolate festival

From the staff at the Williams Pioneer Review

we wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!

The local Odd Fellows at Spring Valley Lodge #316 of Arbuckle, have generously donated money to the area high school athletic programs. The donations were a $1000 to each surrounding school with the local school, Pierce, getting $2000. The Odd Fellows works very hard to contribute to all organizations in the community. (Courtesy Photo)

Arbuckle parks & recreation Halloween parade a success

WPD gives k9 demonstration for local schools

What’s Inside This Issue Section


Opinion ............................... 4 News Back Then................ 5 Community Breifs...........14 Classifieds..........................14 Home & Garden...............15 Spanish.....................12 & 13

WILLIAMS PIONEER REVIEW 317 Fifth Street Colusa, CA 95932 Direct: 530.383.4861 Fax: 1.530.458.2675 SUBMIT STORIES TO submissions@ williamspioneerreview.com ADVERTISING graphics@ williamspioneerreview.com EDITOR & PUBLISHER publisher@ williamspioneerreview.com

(Photo Courtesy of Sarah Marsh: Emily and Jack Ehrke show their patriotic sides for the costume contest. The pair won the K-2nd Grade Award for Best Theme.)

Scariest Preschool & Under – Dragon K-2nd Grade – Vampire witch 3rd-5th Grade – Skeleton Men Cutest Preschool & Under – Tinkerbell, Skunk, Ladybug, Chicken, Raggedy Anne K-2nd Grade – Sunflower Witch 3rd-5th Grade – Southern

Bell 6th Grade and up – Cat & Cheese Best Preschool & Under – Army Drivers K-2nd Grade – Uncle Sam & Statue of Liberty 3rd-5th Grade – Gangsters 6th Grade and up – Cheerleader & Football Player Most Creative Preschool & Under – Kings Lion K-2nd Grade – Dragon (Horse) 3rd-5th Grade – Witch & Cat

(Photo by Kendra Hester)


ecently Officer Keith Swift and his K9 partner Sarek from the Williams Police Department gave a demonstration for the students at Our Lady of Lourdes in Colusa. Sarek was purchased with donated funds two years ago when the need for a K9 unit in the county became apparent. The six year old Belgian Malimois has become an integral tool for police and has had five encounters with criminals and no bites (all surrendered because of the dog). Having the dog has increased the safety of the officers on patrol and assisted in the capture of suspects. The WPD has been giving demonstrations to school children throughout the county. To learn more about Sarek and the K9 program visit: http://www.cityofwilliams.org/police/canine-program.htm

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