1 minute read
from Transformation
by williamsto
versatile liked by many sweet & tart fresh bountiful & plenty
growing in a field, a hanging pot, or in a garden
either way it still grows green with leaves like hearts vines winding and twirling down soft summer breeze warm and invigorating
I see myself in that small strawberry
it begins green and lush & flowers into beautiful white petals yellow in the middle the flower then evolves into a small green pear shape leaves sprouting all around it like a crown given by mother nature
the leaves grow smaller as the strawberry forms and gets larger seeds fill and create the small pores of the fruit round, narrow, white, green, yellow, and red
if a strawberry is this loved, this beautiful, an evolution of life like this…
Why are you not as loved?
As beautiful?
As purposeful? As needed by the world?