Within the velvet embrace of darkness, a symphony of light and shadow unfolds, revealing the soul of the nocturnal world. Night photography captures the whispered secrets of the stars and the untamed beauty that dances beneath the moon's gentle glow."
Beforestartingtoeditphotos,youhaveto understand a few things about photography at night. Try to click photos where the darkness is mighty and a little bit of lights look tiny. That will bring the vibes of aesthetic photos Set your vantage before the photoshoot. Dark nightpicturesornightcityphotosarealso fineforthistutorial.
You can use a tripod If it’s not always possibletohaveatripodeverywhere,then don’t worry.You don’t alwaysneedtohave all the necessary equipment to do photography the way you want to. If you have anything that can click a picture is good. Yes, the better-quality camera you have,thebetterpicturesyouwillget.
Inshort,ifyou don’t haveatripod,youcan still work Put your camera on a chair/table or a stable object that will be abletoholdthecamerasteadily.Thenyou canclickthepicture.Ifyou don’t evenget anything close to a tripod or anything steady then set your camera on timer. Only3secwillalsobefine Sothatthereis no chance of any handshakes while clickingthebuttononthecamera.
If you are shooting with a professional camera then make sure you make proper use of that camera. How? Shoot it as perfectly as you can. Start with the perfect camera setting.
Set the camera in M (manual) - Set the camera into manual so that you can modify the settings according to your preference.
Shutter speed – Shutter speed indicates the length of time that the camera will be exposed to the lights while taking a picture. So, in nighttime photoshoots, it is better to have longer time exposure. So, every single detail will be captured.
Aperture – Keep the aperture in F8, F11 or F16. A large F stop means a smaller aperture and a smaller F stop means a larger aperture. For example, F4 is larger than F14 or F16. A smaller aperture captures every detail and blurs less. But larger apertures will blur out most of the space. It will focus on lesser things. So, it is wise to capture night pictures in smaller apertures.
ISO - Keep ISO at 100 or 200. ISO controls the image quality. It controls the amount of light required in an image. ISO depends on the sensitivity. If the sensitivity is more, the amount of light required is less.
In short, if you are shooting in bright daylight, where everything is visible then shoot it in low ISO. But if you shoot in a very dark place, go for a lighter ISO.
To make sure you have a crisp clean photo without any noise keep ISO in between 100 to 200.
Set White Balance to Auto – During night time there can be various kinds of lights with various undertones. So, if the white color balance is not proper then the picture might look very off.
These were some major settings that you should follow. There are also some points that will help you to improve your photography like manual focus and shooting in RAW.
After taking the proper photo with the proper settings, it will not always be perfect. To make the picture perfect, you havetotakethehelpofphotoretouching here Therearevarioussoftwareandapps for retouching. But let’s focus on Lightroom for today’s blog. Let’s see how to edit photos taken at night.
1 First, look for the temperature Adjust the temperature. The temperature of a picture is very important. In the summer vibepicture,theundertoneoftheimageis more warm-toned. And in a winter-vibe picture, the undertone of the image is morecool-toned.Sinceweareworkingon a nighttime photo. The undertone of the picture is definitely cool-toned. Like blue, purple, teal green, etc. So, drag the temperature into acooler tone Decrease the temperature. Tocompensate for that, adjust the white balance to more of a purplish-blue tone. (You can do it in whatevercolorthemeyouwantbutgofor acoolertone)
2 Bring up the saturation and vibrance Add more vibrance to the picture. We can adjust that slowly according to the color theme of the picture.
3 HSL is amazing for these types of color adjustments HSL is used to define color more beautifully. You can play around and see what adjustment would work for you.
4.For gradients focus on shadows and highlights Increase them both Don’t overdo it. You don’t need to worry about the midtone since it’s a nighttime picture.
These were all basic editing. Basic stuff that you can adjust in almost every picture Now let’s make this picture more dramatic. The perfect way to make a nighttime photo dreamy is to focus on the little lights that are peeking through in the picture and make it dreamy How? Let me tell you how
5.Go to the histogram. Here you will find exposure, contrast, Highlights, shadow, whites, and blacks You can adjust them according to your preference, but our focus is not here. We are here for the “selective tools” like the Radial filter. Select the Radial filter.
6.Now go to the picture and find the light that can add a dramatic view to the picture. Draw the filter over the lights where you think it will fit perfectly.
7.Now decrease the dehaze. You will soon notice a volume in the aura of those lights. You can also change the color of the light here. (If you even want to change the color of the light try to maintain the undertone of the picture Because that can be tricky to adjust sometimes)
8.Now the lights are lit up. But yet there are more we can do. Select the graduated filter and put it on the dark side of the picture. Decrease the exposure. You will find a more beautiful contrast
⚬ Use a tripod: Stability is crucial for long exposure shots in low light conditions.
⚬ Use manual mode: Take control of your camera settings, including aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, to get the desired exposure.
⚬ Experiment with different shutter speeds: Try longer exposures to capture light trails or starry skies, and shorter exposures to freeze motion
⚬ Utilize a remote shutter release or self-timer: Minimize camera shake by avoiding direct contact when pressing the shutter button.
⚬ Consider light sources: Incorporate ambient light, such as city lights or moonlight, to add depth and atmosphere to your shots.
⚬ Experiment with light painting: Use a flashlight or other light source to selectively illuminate elements in your frame.
⚬ Shoot in RAW format: RAW files retain more data and provide greater flexibility for editing.
⚬ Adjust white balance: Fine-tune the color temperature to enhance the mood and eliminate unwanted color casts.
⚬ Enhance contrast and clarity: Increase contrast and clarity to bring out details and make your subjects pop
⚬ Reduce noise: Use noise reduction techniques to minimize grain and maintain image quality.
⚬ Adjust exposure selectively: Use adjustment brushes or masks to target specific areas and fine-tune exposure without affecting the entire image.
⚬ Enhance colors selectively: Use saturation or vibrance adjustments to boost colors in specific areas or elements.
⚬ Experiment with black and white conversions: Night scenes can often make stunning black and white images, emphasizing shapes and textures.
Night photography is a captivating endeavor that demands patience and experimentation. Embracing imperfections and understanding the technical challenges inherent in low-light conditions is crucial. It is a realm where time slows down, and composition remains essential. Through practice and dedication, one can develop a distinct style, capturing the unique mood and atmosphere of the nocturnal world. Attention to detail in both capturing and editing is vital, as it allows for the enhancement of colors, reduction of noise, and the fine-tuning of exposure. Ultimately, night photography is an art form that requires perseverance and a willingness to push boundaries, leading to the discovery of captivating images that convey the allure and magic of the night.
Perfect Retouching is an image Retouching Service provider that offers high-quality image retouching for any occasion Our team of experts has years of experience in the field and is dedicated to providing the best possible retouching services. We offer a wide range of services including jewelry, beauty, product shots, and headshots.