Gardening Is Healthy For You And The Environment

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Gardening Is Healthy For You And The Environment Gardening is a great way to improve your health and the health of the environment. This article will focus on just a few of the reasons why spending a few hours a week growing crops outside increases the vitality of your body and your yard. Get motivated to start your garden this year so you too can gain from the rewarding hobby of gardening.

Gardening for yourself means you have total control of what goes into the earth. Using organic fertilizers like household compost is a safe, effective, and cheap way to improve your garden. Gardening without synthetic chemical additives will save money and improve the long-term quality of the soil. Synthetic fertilizers are like steroids for plants. They promote fast growth, but don't actually enrich the ground. Industrial farms use millions of herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers that end up in fresh water sources. Organic and safe materials can be composted and added to soil for long term improvement and short term results. Plus there is no chance of harsh and toxic additives running into the sources of our drinking water like the water table, rivers and lakes, and sewers.

Gardening in an environmentally friendly way is as healthy for you as it is for the planet. When you eat food that you've grown, you will not have to eat any of the chemicals or genetically modified organisms that are completely unavoidable in the supermarket produce aisles. You will be consuming fresher and more densely nutritious foods than you can get at the grocery store.

Another reason to start a garden plot is bio-diversity and ecosystem stability. By nurturing a small crop plot in your yard, you will foster the habitats of beneficial insects and birds. Pests thrive in poor soils because the checks and balances provided by nature are out of whack. The crops themselves will have weakened defenses, and there will not be be enough natural predators to combat the pests. Caring for your garden will attract a beneficial mix of all kinds of life that will help with your hobby. Worms are another example. If you take steps to improve your soil, then worms will notice. They will come to your plot and help your crops by aerating the soil, breaking down matter into nutrients plants can use, and fertilizing the soil with their manure. When you put time into enhancing the health of your yard nature notices and helps out as well.

Don't forget that your garden is a healthy hobby that allows you to relax outside and spend quality time with friends and family. Gardening can be a very thrifty stress reliever that even doubles as a moderate exercise routine and a soothing social event. The tangible, visible, and edible rewards of a healthy garden make it an even more fulfilling pastime.

If you're looking for a healthy and economical pastime, then look no further than gardening. This article was written to inspire you to go ahead and get started on your own garden this year. Whether you do it for your own health or the health of your yard, get outside and start reaping the benefits of gardening. For more information click here

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