Grow In Love Philippians 1:9 And this I pray, that your love abound more and more in knowledge and in all judgment. Today's focus discussion is growing in love with explanations of why and how believers can grow in love. First, let's define love according to scripture (Genesis 37:3 and Matthew 5:46 as a deep enduring concern for others and their well-being. This can be seen in believers' treatment and care for his or her fellowman. Second, love is a characteristic of God which was demonstrated by His affectionate care and love for mankind in His plan of salvation. God would not allow His prize creation to remain in a state of lostness. In doing so He gave His best as man's propitiator. Third, believers are to love as it is essential to the Christian faith and must be from the heart as the heart is the epicenter of all actions. Love is to be based on Biblical truth as revealed by God and represents a personal relationship with Him. Believers grow in love through knowing God's Word which comes from studying God's Word and yielding to its revelations as the Word is given for the betterment of men. Prayer must be a part of believers' daily lives. Lastly, believers grow in love as they become more Christ-like. Grow in love and manifest Christ in your life as He commanded us to love one another. Comments are welcome Author's contact
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