Works Of The Holy Spirit John 16:8 And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment. Teaching a class on The Presence and Works of the Holy Spirit where one of the topics were the Works of the Holy Spirit; therefore, this scripture came to mind which gives insight into His works of reproving the world of its sin. The term reprove is to expose, refute, convict and convince the world and sinners of their sins. The Holy Spirit will expose and or make known to sinners their sins while convincing sinners of the need for salvation which is by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior who died on the cross atoning the world's sins. The Holy Spirit's awakening unbelievers to the shame of guilt and the consequences for an unrepentant heart whereas forgiveness brings salvation. The righteous component of the Holy Spirit's work is convincing the unbeliever that Jesus Christ is the righteous judge as He is the Son of God and it is by God the Father's standards that the world will be judged. Christ died for our sins and rose for our justifications. Christ rose with all power in heaven and earth in His hands. He has overcomed the world's sins. In the judgment part of His works, the Holy Spirit convinces the unbeliever that Satan is a defeated foe who was defeated at Calvary's cross. This gives believers have an assured hope in Jesus Christ and the power to live holy lives. This question comes to mind, how will the Holy Spirit's work of convicting unbelievers of sin, righteous living and judgment be manifested? This will be seen as all who come to Christ and be baptized in the Holy Spirit the person can and will live a Spirit-filled life for the world to see. Accepting Christ as Lord and Savior the person becomes a new creature in Christ and a member of God's holy nation of people. The Holy Spirit is God in the third person living inside every believer as our helper. What a loving God? We welcome your comments. Author's contacts: Š All Rights Reserved November 1, 2016 Willie B. White