The Mark Willis Leadership Journal | Volume 1

Page 8


THE “HI-WI’S” lead GENERATION CHALLENGE “Pair the Hi-Wi’s, or as I like to call it, the “High Why’s” challenge with my AMWD1 goal setting and accountability tool to increase your productivity and growth 10x+. Focus on the highest dollar productive activities with the highest returns. Knowing who you are + your vision + your goals = YOUR WHY” - Mark Willis You should know by now that your income is

Think of it as climbing three mountains every

“directly proportional to the size and quality of

day. You climb hard, rest, and repeat until you

your database.” This statement coined by agent

have reached your goal. With the HI-WI’s Lead

trainer and coach, DJ Berg, is the best way to

Generation Challenge, I want you to completely

sum up what your daily, weekly, monthly, and

isolate yourself and commit to doing three hours

yearly focus should be on: lead generation. By

of lead generation a day in this format. Work on

focusing heavily on lead generation and building

generating leads for 45 minutes straight, and

your database, you greatly increase your odds

then take a break and step away from it all for 15

of reaching a six to seven f igure income year

minutes. Repeat this 3x a day. You can go longer,

over year. At Mark Willis Leadership, we have a

but never shorter. During your off time, check

number of strategies and systems that we use

your texts and email, call your significant other,

to help us increase our productivity, but the one

take a walk, grab a snack; do whatever you need

that has shown the most positive results has

to do to disconnect from the task and keep your

been the HI-WI’s method…

energy positive and uplifted. After your short break, get back after it.

“Your income is directly proportional to the size and quality of your database.” Everybody has heard about HIIT training. For those that may not be familiar, HIIT 2 is a form of interval training, a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense

What we have found through applying the HI-WI’s method to our daily activities is that the quality of our lead generation goes up dramatically, which, in-turn, helps us to build stronger databases. The stronger your database is, the more money you will make. It’s as simple as that.

anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery

Interested in being featured in the Mark Willis

periods. Basically, you take your heart rate and

Leadership Journal? Try the HI-WI’s method for a

excitement up, and then you bring it down.

month and let us know the results you achieved!

Then you push it back up again, then you bring it back down again. You expend high amounts of focused and intense effort in intervals and

Email Participants will be chosen to be featured in our next addition.

then take brief breaks to recover. This method is See page 16 for more information on the AMWD Source: Interval Training: How to Redesign Your Day to Amplify Your Impact. Interval Training: How to Redesign Your Day to Amplify Your Impact.

believed to increase muscular strength and size


quicker and more effectively than traditional


exercise. What we are proposing with the HI-WI’s method is similar, however, instead of the focus being on physical exercise, the focus is specif ically on daily lead generation.





VOL. 1

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