I Know that at this moment you may feel very committed to apply or maybe you are doubting to start the process. But I want to tell you that a semester ago when I was going through the same situation many times I doubt and finally I decided that what I really wanted was to follow what my heart told me and my passion.
So, a semester later I can tell you that I do not regret any moment of the decision that I take, that showed me greatly to know me more. I know that first of all formed as a leader and more important as the leader that the world needs today is not easy. Therefore, the decision you're about to take, if you choose to accept it, is to run a process that will take you first to know too much and second to realize that the journey that every volcano must travel is too hard but it's the best decision you can take. AIESEC PASTO although has that has not had a very large growth, has shown that is creating leaders committed and that the advance of 2016, has 2017 take disruptively grow and be relevant nationally. We will demonstrate that for each of us if it's possible to do things. But more especially, that we can do things differently. It is for this reason that the coming year will be a year of many changes and should focus on learning how to manage change as an opportunity for sustainable growth and achieving the impossible to make something possible because #ImposibleNoEsVulcano. At this very moment we are on the shoulders of giants, we have a great responsibility to lead not only the next generation of leaders of AIESEC PASTO but the generation that began to be part of the "Youth Leadership Movement", the generation of AIESEC 2020. The challenge that I am proposing you is not easy, but if you decide to take it, I can promise you with my experience that I've had in a year that will be worthwhile in every way. But the most important thing is that you decide the experience you want to remember and this starts from now, from the moment you start to make the application. That the only time you decide to make the change will be when you take action. So without further ado, I invite you dear Volcano on an adventure where you will “Believe in AIESEC4PASTO“ but with RESULTS. AIESECly,
Jose William Mendez Erazo Local Committee President AIESEC PASTO 2017
Dear applicant, please keep in mind the followings points during your application process: 1. 2. 3.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Please fill out everything that says “mandatory” or “obligatory”, as it really is. Feel free to ask for a One-To-One with anyone of the EB 2016, as they will be there to support you in the process. Please, PLEASE, do not wait until the last moment to send your app, as Murphy Law is right around the corner. Be sure that, from 11:00pm on, your PC is going to shut down, the video is not going to upload, wi-fi connection will fail and the .zip or .rar file is not going to compress. At 6:00pm, there is a solution for all of the above. At 11:00pm, there isn’t. Content is more important than Design, but do not leave the latter behind. Remember that a good idea need a good design to become massive. Sometimes it is preferable for a candidate to show a lack of knowledge than a lack of results to support his/her application. So, please do not leave your obligations behind, as this will count towards the final decision. ENJOY. Enjoy the best and most complete process to be run for EB CAMELOT 2017 in AIESEC in Colombia, and try to take out of it as much as you can. This process may lead you to reflect on many challenging things and doubt yourself in some aspects that you may consider yourself to be strong, but never give up and keep in mind the purpose that made you start. Find some important information and help in a Drive only contact to LCP 2017 for link. I advice you to check it constantly. Finally, There may be changes in the structure during the process, which will be told in the immediate moment they occur. Therefore, I recommend you that be adaptable to change.
While the members of AIESEC in Colombia’s EBs come from diverse backgrounds and environments, several general characteristics, skills and knowledge are expected of everyone.
Many aspects of one’s personality can effect being part of a leadership team in AIESEC Local chapter. Some of them are obvious: constant learning, systematic thinking, creativity, adaptability to change, sense of responsibility, capacity of analysis, patience, listening, and supportiveness but also you have to keep in mind that the most important thing is to understand why as a leader of this amazing organization in AIESEC in Colombia you are doing what you are doing. Great leaders inspire action and lead consciously.
A broad knowledge of world and organizational systems, current trends and issues facing society and cultural issues are important to lead a Local Committee. Practical understanding of new management theories (e.g. learning organization, self- organizing systems) is also important in managing the diverse environments in which AIESEC operates. In addition, each position requires skills and knowledge in the areas of financial management and budgeting, project management, human resources management, and good understanding of English.
A broad understanding of the association is required in order to execute an LCEB position properly. An understanding of our vision, values, identity, current direction, country development, and systems is certainly something we will look for in all candidates.
Overall, there is no perfect candidate profile; however, good candidates will possess strong competencies in the areas of social behavior, motivation, task orientation, and people management skills. The key component is balance - within the individuals and within the team of individuals.
Application Lunch: March 18th Application Submission: 11:11pm March 20th Interviews: March 21st - 23rd Confidence Assembly: 6:30pm March 24th Annoucement: March 24th - 25th
For any EB candidate the selection criteria will come from an evaluation of the following facts by the elections subcommittee: Applicant profile (competencies level, soft skills level, past experiences). Organizational knowledge. External environment awareness. Functional knowledge. Emotional intelligence. Team member and team leader role. Local reality knowledge. The elections subcommittee will be composed by: 1. LCP 2. MCVP IGV (could be current or elect) 3. External *Elections team is free to decide any other interview in case it would be considerated appropiated.
If you want to undertake the role of an Executive Board Vice President of AIESEC PASTO for 2017 you must:
Working for results of the local committee for 2017-18. Attending to Nationals Conferences, VPMs & Summits 2016 y 2017. Attending to transition and final events of 2017. Being prepared for any situation that may arise in the process.
*Manual of functions are included in the Application Package. Read your MoF carefully. If you have any question concerning to the application process of the questionnaire please contact me: William Mendez LCP 2017 AIESEC for Pasto e-Mail: jose.mendez@aiesec.net Cell: 318 709 2421
The application process is divided into 4 parts:
Your Profile: Please fill your personal data in the application (max. 1 page) Questionnaire: Answer all the questions listed below. (max. 8 Pages) Resume Challenge: General explanation of your application. (max. 1 page) Video: attach the link of a 3 minutes video where you explain the summary of your application.
The entire application (profile, questionnaire, and video link) should be maximum 10 pages in font size 11 points. Make sure you create 1 file for your profile and all your answers.
We expect 1 PDF file only. Late applications won`t be received, no exceptions. Please submit your application in following format :
“LCVP2017_IGV_application_AIESECinColombia_PASTO_name surname + VideoLink ́ (e.g.: LCVP2017_IGV_application_AIESECinColombia_Pasto_DavidOspina) +VideoLink
Sent Application to: jose.mendez@aiesec.net
Name Mail Phone Skype
About Me Introduce yourself briefly and include 1 photo of yourself.
YOUR AIESEC EXPERIENCE 1. Positions held in AIESEC (Please include responsabilities, learning points and quantifiable achievements). 2. Please describe one of your greatest successes and one of your biggest failures in AIESEC. What did you learn out of them? 3. Why you are interested in be VP IGV? Please list them and explained why you choose the. PERSONAL 1. Why have you decided to run for LCVP of AIESEC in Pasto? 2. What are your personal long-term goals? How do you see your potential LCVP position contributing to them?
1. Please list your 3 main strengths and 3 main weaknesses and answer the following questions for each.  Personal strength: How this will make you a better LCVP?  Personal Weaknesses: What are you doing to overcome these weaknesses? 2. According to OD Model, which organizational changes will your EB need to focus during your term, in order to get you entity to the next stage.
1. GV projects have 2 main characteristics:  Solve a social issue that the country has and provide for the GV participant a cross-cultural living experience.  Opportunity to create a social impact and personal development (always focused in develop entrepreneurial and responsible leadership). Taking the points mentioned afore into consideration, what are the main social issues that your city has? What are the products (from the national portfolio) that you can offer to solve those social issues and how are you going to execute it? 2. Analyze the evolution of the Delivery & quality processes during the realization peak. What should be the next steps and how are you going to guarantee the financial sustainability of the area? Write down at least 3 strategies. 3. Make a timeline where you describe your monthly priorities and IP-APP-RE (April 2017- July 2017) 4. Mention at least 3 strategies to keep growing and describe what would be your goal (in terms of RE) as LCVP?