Greetings from Our Chief Operating Officer
Thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your loved ones. The Victoria Hospital has over 100 years of history taking care of the residents of Winnipeg, specifically in the South End. We are grateful for the trust that you place in us as we care for you. We have had many changing roles over the years. We currently have approximately 200 inpatients beds that specialize in Community Medicine, Mental Health and Geriatric Rehabilitation. Our Urgent Care is host to over 40,000 patients per year and our Day Surgery Program performs more than 15,000 procedures annually. We are also the home to the Provincial Metabolic and Bariatric Centre of Excellence. As you can see, we have a strong program offering but our true strength is in our medical staff, employees and volunteers that are committed to the best care possible. At Victoria Hospital we support a philosophy that home, with appropriate supports, is the best place to recover from illness and injury. Research shows that returning home as soon as possible with the supports you need gives you the best chance to regain your strength and independence. You can trust that your care team will do everything they can to get you home safely.

Please take a few minutes to review this handbook on admission and feel free to use it as a reference guide during your stay. It may be able to answer many questions you may have regarding your care and what to expect during your stay. It will also be very helpful as you transition back to the community
Welcome to the Victoria Hospital. We are The Small Hospital with a Big Heart and a Clear Vision.
I am confident that you are in good hands.
Ray Sanchez, Chief Operating OfficerBienvenue,
L’Hôpital général Victoria offre des soins aux résidents du sud de Winnipeg depuis 1911. Nous sommes reconnaissants d’avoir la possibilité de prendre soin de vous et de vos proches aux moments où vous avez besoin de nos services.
Au cours des années, le rôle de l’hôpital a changé. Aujourd’hui, nous avons plus de 200 lits spécialisés en médecine communautaire, en santé mentale et en réadaptation gériatrique. Nous avons maintenant un centre de soins d’urgence mineure qui accueille plus de 40 000 patients par année, un programme de chirurgie d’un jour qui fait plus de 15 000 interventions par année et nous sommes le centre d’excellence du Manitoba en soins bariatriques. Malgré tous les changements survenus au fil des ans, une constante demeure: la détermination de notre personnel médical, de nos employés et de nos bénévoles de vous fournir les meilleurs soins possibles.
Àl’Hôpital général Victoria, nous soutenons la philosophie selon laquelle le meilleur endroit où se rétablir d’une maladie ou d’une blessure est chez soi, avec les supports appropriés. La recherche montre que retourner chez vous dès que possible avec le soutien dont vous avez besoin vous donne la meilleure chance de retrouver vos forces et votre autonomie. Vous pouvez être certain que votre équipe de soins fait tout ce qui est en son pouvoir pour vous aider à retourner chez vous en toute sécurité.
Je vous encourage à prendre un moment avec votre famille pour lire ce livret rempli de renseignementsimportants décrivant ce à quoi vous pouvez vous attendre pendant votre hospitalisation, comment vouspouvez aider votre équipe de soins à assurer votre sécurité et ce que vous devez comprendre avant de quitter l’hôpital.
Bienvenue à l’Hôpital général Victoria. Nous sommes le petit hôpital qui a un grand cœur et une vision claire. Vous êtes entre bonnes mains.
Ray Sanchez, directrice de l’exploitation

Hospital Map - Main Floor

Who We Are
VH offers:
Urgent Care
Victoria General Hospital Services

The Urgent Care Department is open 24 hours a day and provides care for unexpected, but non-lifethreatening health concerns that require same day treatment. Patients coming to Urgent Care may arrive on their own or be transported by ambulance. Urgent Care patients are seen by a triage nurse to determine the urgency of their condition and are then seen in priority order by an Urgent Care Physician, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner.
The Manitoba Blue Cross Mental Health Assessment Unit is an extension of our Urgent Care, providing a safe, calm, recovery focused environment for individuals with a Mental Health concern. This unit has 6 treatment spaces where patients receive individualized care to address and support their needs, including assessment and treatment from our Urgent Care and psychiatric teams, community follow up and crisis stabilization. To access the unit, individuals must be assessed by a Nurse and Urgent

Day Surgery/Short Stay

Through the use of innovative technology, the VH performs most of its surgical procedures on a day surgery basis. This allows patients to stay in their homes longer and return home sooner, and return to work and their usual activities of daily living more quickly. The Hospital’s Day Surgery department cares for patients admitted for surgery, scopes, and local procedures. When it is decided by the surgeon that a patient should stay overnight in the hospital following their surgery, patients are admitted to the short stay unit on the main floor for up to 23 hours and then

Victoria General Hospital Services

Patients served by the Medicine Program have multiple diagnoses, which often require the coordination and involvement of a variety of multidisciplinary caregivers to address complex physical and psychosocial needs. VH has 89 medicine beds on 3 Community Medicine Units. These offer high quality general medical care and intervention to adult patients in order to enhance/ maintain their physical, psychosocial, and spiritual well-being. Patients on these units generally do not require high technology monitoring or complex diagnostic procedures.
Mental Health

The Mental Health program at VH specializes in the care of adult and geriatric patients experiencing a variety of mental illnesses. Mental Health services embrace the Recovery Model of treatment, which emphasizes that although people may not be able to have full control over their symptoms, they can regain full control over their lives. VH offers specialized Inpatient Geriatric Mental Health services, along with Adult Inpatient and Outpatient Mental Health programs.

Geriatric Rehabilitation
Suitability for Geri Rehab services is determined by Geriatric Medicine/ Rehabilitation professionals. Patients are generally age 65 or older, medically stable and could benefit from rehabilitation support to safely return to their homes or alternative community living.

When I need healthcare I valuedignity respect open transparent feeling safe care compassion

equal partnership ge ng support
As an active partner in my care, I will:
Seen as an individual, with unique life experiences � needs
Treated with respect, without judgement of my condition, culture or life
Having my privacy respected
Caring � compassion, with me � my family
Understanding what is happening to me, having interpreters who help me communicate
Feeling truly listened to
Having my healthcare providers’ full attention
Information about my situation � options for treatment, in a way that I fully understand
Being a partner in my care, not just a patient receiving care
Including the people who support me on my healthcare team
Taking part in the decisions that affect me
Flexibility in responding to my changing needs
Enabling me to achieve my health goals to live as full a life as possible
My care is well-coordinated
Knowing what to expect—how long I might need to wait, resources to connect to � my options
Be open & share informa on about my symptoms, challenges, concerns & goals
Ask ques ons
Set a posi ve tone & be respec ul
Try my best to follow my care plan and ask for help when I can’t
Use health care resources wisely
Our Care Team
“I help prescribe the treatment program.”
“I assist patients with medical care, provide education about health issues, and offer emotional support.”
“I work with the care team to ensure medications are used safely and effectively.”
Occupational Therapist
“I help patients develop, recover, improve, as well as maintain the skills needed for daily living and work.”
Social Worker
“I work with patients and families to alleviate distress, promote optimal health and well-being while focusing on psychosocial needs.”
“I help people to restore, maintain or optimize their mobility and strength.”

Speech-Language Pathologist
“I assess and monitor your swallowing safety while in hospital as well as complete communication assessments when required.”
Rehabilitation Assistant
“I carry out treatment plans designed by physio and occupational therapists to help rehabilitate patients.”
“I help make sure patients receive the vitamins and nutrients needed to feel better.”
“I visit and welcome people to the hospital.”
Spiritual Health Practitioner
“I offer emotional and spiritual support to patients and families during their hospital stay.”
“I make sure rooms, halls, and visiting areas are clean.”

“I help keep our hospital safe for everyone.”

Health Care Assistant
“I help patients with their daily care needs.”
Physician Assistant
“I assist the doctor in planning care and answering patient/family questions.”
Nurse Practitioner
“I assess patients, order tests, treat illness and disease and develop care plans.”
Home Care Case Coordinator
“I plan the services patients need to continue recovering at home.”
“I receive medical treatment and work with my team to recover.”
“We support our loved one through their hospital journey.”
Recreation Therapist
“I help patients maximize their independence and provide meaningful leisure and recreational activities.”

to leave at
Speak Up! Share! If you have a question or concern, or identify a safety issue – share it with your nurse, the Manager of Patient Care or our Patient Relations Associate so that we can address your issue before more possible harm occurs.
Falls Prevention
What we will do:
• Complete a risk screening to identify if you are at risk for falls.
• If you are at risk of falls we will place a sign on your door and on your communication board to ensure everyone on the team knows.

• We will share a “Falls Prevention” information sheet and discuss your fall prevention plan with you.
• We may put strategies in place to help prevent falls such as: turn on the bed alarm, move you closer to the nursing station and instruct you not to get up without help.
What you can do:
• Bring in good fitting non-slip footwear.
• Ask about falls prevention strategies and how you can help.
• Purchase hip protectors if recommended by your health care team.
• Review the “Falls Prevention” sheet that your nurse shared with you at your admission.
• Use the call bell for assistance before getting up, especially if you feel weak, dizzy, or drowsy (sometimes it may take a few minutes, please wait.)
• Keep your glasses, hearing aids and other personal belongings within reach.
• Plan regular bathroom visits with your care team. We want to help ensure that you are safe.
Patient Identification
What we will do:
• To ensure that the right patient is getting

the right treatment every time, we will check your armband frequently and/or ask you for your name and date of birth.
you can do:
• Keep your patient ID visible at all times.
• Let a member of your health care team know if your wristband comes off, doesn’t fit, or becomes faded.
• Participate in the identification process by answering questions like: what is your name and your date of birth? This helps to keep you safe.
Skin Health/ Pressure Injury Prevention
What we will do:

• Complete a risk screening to identify if you are at risk for skin breakdown.
• Create a plan of care based on your level of risk that could include many different interventions, such as: using a turning schedule, using a different type of seating cushion or mattress, or applying moisturizer to your skin.
you can do:
• Check your skin frequently for rashes, red spots, swelling or pain.
• Tell the staff if you notice a change in your skin.
• Change your position at least every 2 hours or sooner.
• Use pillows or heel boots to support your heels if you have limited mobility.
Communication Board
What we will do:
• Update the whiteboard in your room each day.
• Write the name of your doctor, nurse and other team members on the board.
What you can do:
• Write questions and comments on the board.
• Pass on important information.

Call Bells
What we will do:
• Place your call bell where you can easily reach it.
• Respond as soon as possible when you push the call bell button.
What you can do:

• Tell us if your call bell is not working or if it is out of reach.
• Use your call bell to let us know when you need our help.
Allergies/Dietary Needs
What we will do:
• Ask about allergies, food preferences and special diets.
• Document these items in your chart. What you can do:
• Tell us about food you like or dislike.
• Check labels and packaging.
• Tell us if something looks wrong.

• Use unscented shampoo, deodorant, and avoid perfumes/ colognes.
Infection Prevention and Control
What we will do:
• Wash or sanitize our hands before and after helping you.
• Wear gloves, when required What you can do:

• Help prevent infection by washing your hands or using hand sanitizer often.
• Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 15 seconds.
• Don’t hesitate to remind your health care team to do the same.
• Cover your mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing with your elbow.
• Have visitors wash or sanitize their hands before and after seeing you. If they are sick, please ask them to stay home or leave.
• Don’t share personal care items such as razors, toothpaste, etc.
Violence/Abuse Prevention
What we will do:

• Treat visitors and patients with dignity, respect and care.
• Screen all patients for potential violence aggression/responsive behaviors.
• Report any incident of violence or abuse.
• Develop care plans to keep staff and patients safe.
• Alert Security and others when needed.
What you can do:
• Treat staff, visitors, and other patients with respect.
• Speak with your nurse or a member of the health care team if you have any concerns.
your medication record up to date. Remember to include: drug allergies vitamins and minerals herbal/natural products all medications including non-prescription products
Ask your doctor, nurse or pharmacist to review all your medications to see if any can be stopped or reduced.
To reduce falls with injury. You are in a new place. Pathways are different and we want to support you in being safe.
To reduce falls with injury. You are in a new place. Pathways are different and we want to support you in being safe.
• Have you fallen before?
• Do you ever get dizzy?
• Have you fallen before?
• Do you ever get dizzy?
• Is there a change in your vision? Do you need glasses?
• Are you weak or unsteady on your feet?
• Is there a change in your vision? Do you need glasses?
• Are you weak or unsteady on your feet?
• Do your shoes/slippers fit well?
• Do your shoes/slippers fit well?
• Are you taking more than four medications?
• Are you taking more than four medications?
• Do you have difficulty remembering things sometimes?
• Do you have difficulty remembering things sometimes?
• Do you often have an urgent need to go to the bathroom?
• Do you often have an urgent need to go to the bathroom?
• Are there cords or items to trip over?
• Are there cords or items to trip over?
• Is the floor wet or slippery?
• Is the floor wet or slippery?
All acute care hospitals in the Region have a falls prevention program. Your risk for falls will be assessed shortly after admission. We will work with you to reduce your risk. Questions? Please ask your health care providers.
All acute care hospitals in the Region have a falls prevention program. Your risk for falls will be assessed shortly after admission. We will work with you to reduce your risk.
Questions? Please ask your health care providers.
The following suggestions may help you to prevent a fall.
The following suggestions may help you to prevent a fall.
• Ask for help when you need to reach something. Call for help when you need to get out of bed. It is okay to call staff, we are here to help.
• Get out of bed slowly. Sit at the edge of the bed and give your body time to adjust before walking.
• Ask for help when you need to reach something. Call for help when you need to get out of bed. It is okay to call staff, we are here to help.
• When sitting on the toilet, stand up slowly and hold onto something solid that does not have wheels.
• Get out of bed slowly. Sit at the edge of the bed and give your body time to adjust before walking.
• When sitting on the toilet, stand up slowly and hold onto something solid that does not have wheels.
• Sit down or stay seated if you feel dizzy.
• Hip protectors may reduce the risk of breaking your hip.
• Sit down or stay seated if you feel dizzy.
• Hip protectors may reduce the risk of breaking your hip.
• If you have an assisting device (like a walker or cane), use it.
• If you have an assisting device (like a walker or cane), use it.
• If you get up to go to the bathroom during the night, wearing treaded shoes/slippers or non-slip socks is recommended. Ask for help putting these on if you need it.
• Keep moving... don’t sit for too long without movement.
• If you get up to go to the bathroom during the night, wearing treaded shoes/slippers or non-slip socks is recommended. Ask for help putting these on if you need it.
• Keep moving... don’t sit for too long without movement.
While older adults are at a higher risk for falls – falls can occur at any age. This handout contains general information only. For your own care, talk to your health care provider.
While older adults are at a higher risk for falls – falls can occur at any age.
This handout contains general information only. For your own care, talk to your health care provider.

Life Care
The Cherry Blossom sign was designed as a way to alert staff and visitors to be mindful and respectful because a patient death is imminent or has just occurred. The visual cue is an important tool that helps staff, volunteers and visitors maintain dignity in the dying process. End-of-life can be a difficult time; as health care providers, it is important we offer empathy, sensitivity and compassion. If this sign is posted on a patient’s door, please be mindful of privacy and minimizing disruptions.
Finding a Patient
Patient Inquiry, located in the Hospital’s lobby on the main floor, is open from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. daily. Inquiries about a patient’s location at Victoria Hospital can be made in person or by phone at 204-477-3377.
The following information may be available from Patient Inquiry:
• Confirmation that an individual is a patient at Victoria Hospital
• The location of the patient (provided in person, not over the phone)
• Whether or not a patient may have visitors
Some or all information, including whether a patient is in our facility, may not be available due to a number of circumstances, including a patient’s request for privacy.
The Personal Health Information Act (PHIA) is a provincial law that governs the collection, use, and disclosure (sharing) of personal health information. In accordance with PHIA, your personal health information
is collected and used in a confidential manner. VH will share your personal health information with members of your health care team, unless you tell us not to. We will also collect, use, and disclose information for other purposes permitted by PHIA, including quality improvement and risk management. Contact information is shared with our VH Foundation so that they can contact you for donating opportunities.
You have the right to access your personal health information, request corrections, and limit who may see it. For more information about PHIA and your personal health information, please speak with a member of your health care team or contact Health Information Services at 204-477-3105.
Confidentiality is Important to Us!
There may be times when you can’t help but overhear information about other patients. If this happens, please help us to maintain confidentiality and respect for the privacy of our patients by keeping this information to yourself.
Please note: you are not permitted to make photo, audio or video recordings of staff or other patients at VH.
Miracle Garden
Our Miracle Garden is a special place of comfort and healing for patients, staff and our community. It is a peaceful environment that is uniquely designed to feed the spirit and nurture physical, mental and spiritual health.
Gift Shop
The Victoria Hospital Gift Shop is staffed by volunteers and is located on the main floor of the hospital in the front lobby. Hours of operation are Monday to Friday: 10:00am - 4:00pm and Saturday: 12:00pm to 3:00pm.

Bank Machine
A Bank Machine is located on the main floor next to the front elevators and is available 24 hours a day.
Public parking is available in the Visitors Parking lot in the front of the hospital. Payment for hourly, daily and weekly passes is made at the parking machines in the front entrance. The parking machine does not give change or use debit. Monthly parking passes are available through Victoria Hospital Foundation in the main entrance breezeway. Street parking around the hospital is limited.
There are parking machines located at the front entrance, Urgent Care entrance, and Buhler Cancer Centre entrance. All parking fees are invested to advance healthcare at Victoria Hospital and in our community through Victoria Hospital Foundation.
Market Café
Market Café kiosk on the main floor is generally open Monday to Friday: 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
Saturday and Sunday and Holidays: 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Hours may vary.

Wi-Fi is available free of charge for all patients and families at VH.
Personal bedside television rental services are available on the medicine and geriatric rehabilitation units. HealthHub is pleased to provide patients with personal bedside television rental service. To order service, please call 1-866-223-3686 (or dial extension 6400 from your bedside phone) or visit
ConnectMyBed.ca. Proceeds from patient television rental services are invested to advance healthcare at Victoria Hospital and in our community through Victoria Hospital Foundation.
Bedside phones are available free of charge for patient use on the Medicine and Geriatric Rehabilitation units. Long distance calls cannot be charged to your room number. People wishing to call you must call the central call-in line at 204-477-3221 and then provide your room extension number (found on the patient phone). Outgoing local calls can be made by dialing 7 and then the 10-digit number.
VH Sanctuary
The VH Sanctuary on the main floor of the hospital is open 24-hours a day for patients, families, visitors and staff. This calming space offers a quiet area for meditation, reflection, prayer or simply a to catch your breath as you navigate your time at The Vic. For those times when you may desire a compassionate ear Spiritual Health Practitioners can also be reached weekdays 8-4pm.
Language Services
For non-English speaking patients, interpretation services are available at no cost. Ask your care team about this service.

Indigenous Health Service
VH partners with the WRHA Indigenous Health Service to support the holistic needs of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people. Please speak with a member of your health care team or call Indigenous Health Patient Services at: (204) 940-8880 or Toll Free: 1-877-940-8880.
Indigenous Health Services offer:
• Language Interpretation
• Advocacy
• Spiritual & Cultural Care
Tranquility Trail
The Tranquility Trail greenspace, opened at the corner of Dartmouth and Pembina in Spring 2023, is a purpose-built outdoor environment designed to support the mental wellness of our community.
Follow Us on:

Resource Coordination
Discharge Planning

https://www.instagram.com › thevicwinnipeg

Leaving the Hospital
Preparing to Go Home
Most people do not want to stay in the hospital any longer than they need to. Once you no longer need hospital care, the best place for you to recover is at home with the support you need.

Your doctor will discharge you when you are medically stable and it is safe for you to go home.
A member of your health care team will review any instructions or prescriptions with you. A discharge summary from the hospital will be provided to you and to your family doctor after discharge.
Be sure you understand:
3 the reason for your admission and any follow-up appointments;
3 any diet or activity restrictions;
3 any danger signs to watch for after your discharge;
3 changes to your medications;
3 who to call with questions;

3 any community services that you might need to access.
Community Services
If support services are required, a member of your health care team will discuss the following options for discharge with you and your family:
Home Care
A professional assessment by a Home Care Coordinator will determine your eligibility for home care. Home care is provided based on assessed need and in consideration of other resources available to you including your family/friends, community resources and other programs. For more information, please see: https://www.gov.mb.ca/health/homecare/guide.pdf

Priority Home Services
A professional assessment will determine your eligibility for Priority Home Care. This program offers a comprehensive range of services to promote independence and well-being. The goal is to support individuals to live at home, to remain independent for as long as possible, and to prevent avoidable emergency department visits and hospital/personal care home admissions. Priority Home Care includes:
• Intensive case coordination;
• Health care aide/home support worker assistance;
• Rehabilitation services available based on assessment (occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech language pathology and rehabilitation assistants); and
• Other home care supports.
http://www.wrha.mb.ca/extranet/priority-home/files/ ClientHandbookEnglish.pdf
Assisted Living
Independent Living or a Retirement Residence (sometimes referred to as Independent Living with Services or Assisted Living), is a private seniors living building where you rent your own suite and pay for a service package. The residence may offer various services such as housekeeping, meals, and recreation. Many offer much more.

Costs vary depending on the accommodation and services. Also see: http://www.ltcam.mb.ca/ assisted-living-options-home-care.html for more information.
Long Term Care: Supportive Housing/ Personnel Care Home
A Long Term Care Navigator will assess and determine eligibility for Long Term Care options. When patients are paneled from hospital rather than from the community, the placement is considered urgent and the patient and family must accept the first available bed that is offered.

Supportive Housing may be appropriate for you if you require access to 24-hour supervision and some assistance managing with physical limitations, or ongoing health conditions such as dementia. Residents receive support and cueing with activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, and medication reminders.
Personal care home may be the appropriate care setting when you can no longer remain safely at home, even with Priority Home care services.
Patient Relations
Our Patient/Client Relations Office offers patients/clients and/or family members an opportunity to confidentially voice compliments and concerns about their experience or the care they received. This feedback helps us track the quality of patient experiences and identify opportunities for quality improvement. Patient/Client Relations can also assist people in navigating the health care system. We ask that you speak to any member of the health care team, the Manager of Patient Care for your unit, and then if necessary, to our Patient / Client Relations Officer. If you would like to talk to the Patient/Client Relations Officer, please call: 204-477-3419 or send an email to: PCRO@vgh.mb.ca.
Volunteer Opportunities
Victoria Hospital has a long history of volunteer involvement. Our vibrant volunteer community helps by sharing their time, talents and life experiences to enrich the lives of our patients and visitors. Through their dedication, our organization is able to provide that little bit extra to make the experience of patients and visitors more comfortable and welcoming.
Patient Care Programs
Many volunteers want the opportunity to assist directly in-patient care areas. We have several areas that provide this experience including Friendly Visitor, Day Surgery, Diagnostic Imaging and Recreation. These roles are for individuals who like to be active, meet people and who can work independently.
Non-Patient Care Programs
We have a few different roles that allow for someone to contribute their time but not work directly with patients. These include: Way Finder, Popcorn Day and Administrative Support. There are also opportunities to work in the Gift Shop and a wide variety of other positions working with the Volunteer Guild, our volunteerpowered fundraising organization.
Junior Program:
Victoria Hospital Volunteer Services offers a Junior Program for high school students in grades 11 and 12. Junior volunteers have a variety of volunteer opportunities to choose from in a non-direct patient care role; Way finder, special events, admin support. Once students reach the age of 18 they can be crossed trained in a direct patient care role.
Volunteer Guild of Victoria Hospital:

The Volunteer Guild is a registered charity dedicated to fundraising for The Vic. We are inspired by patients and powered by volunteers! For 70 years our members have donated their time to raise approximately $5 million; we have purchased everything from pet therapy to a CT Scanner, from clothing and toothpaste for patients in need to wheelchairs and state-of-the-art rehabilitation equipment. Every dollar raised stays at the hospital.
The Gift Shop
We operate the beautiful Gift Shop in the hospital’s main entrance. Staffed by enthusiastic volunteers, we carry get-well gifts, cards, snacks, books and supplies for patients which can be delivered for free. We also carry a lovely selection of clothing, purses, jewellery, housewares, and all-occasion gifts.
Raffles & Special Events
You’ll also see our volunteers raising money in a variety of other ways: selling raffle tickets, organizing book sales, and hosting events on special occasions. We’ll welcome your support!
We also accept direct donations to support patient care initiatives as well as scholarships for both students and staff. Tax receipts are provided for donations of $10 and above. If you prefer to send a cheque, please make it payable to the “Volunteer Guild of Victoria Hospital” and mail it to us at the hospital. Alternatively, visit our website at http:// vicguild.ca to donate online.

How Can I Say Thank You?

Have you or a loved one received compassionate care at Victoria Hospital? Show your appreciation for an exceptional caregiver or program in a meaningful way by making a gift of gratitude to the Victoria Hospital Foundation.
We will invest your generous contributions in initiatives that advance discovery and innovation, enhance care and comfort, improve mental health and wellness, and support aging with dignity.
A letter acknowledging your gift will be sent to the caregiver(s) who went the extra mile for you or a loved one with no amount mentioned. By showing your gratitude in this way, you are helping patients and families at Victoria Hospital receive the best possible care today while making a lasting impact on patient care in the future.

We Want To Hear From You!
Patients and families who share their stories of gratitude with our supporters help us to raise funds and show our community the impact of their gifts. Please contact us at 204-477-3513 to learn more or share your story online at TheVicFoundation.ca.
Thank your caregiver today!
Contact Victoria Hospital Foundation at (204) 477-3513 or visit us online at TheVicFoundation.ca.
About Victoria Hospital Foundation
Victoria Hospital Foundation is dedicated to advancing healthcare at Victoria Hospital and in our community to create healthier futures for us all. We are committed to supporting, enhancing, and transforming mental healthcare and the care of older adults across the continuum of care. Since 2009, we have invested more than $17 million in innovations that enhance patient care and improve the health and wellbeing of our community.
Our community service Victoria Lifeline has been helping Manitobans lead safe and independent lives for over 30 years. Our medical alert service provides subscribers with 24/7 access to help both inside the home and out. With innovative aging in place solutions, Victoria Lifeline is a valuable support system for older adults and people living with chronic conditions. All proceeds are re- invested in Victoria Hospital Foundation to advance healthcare at Victoria Hospital and in our community.
For more information on Victoria Lifeline, please call 204-956-6777 or toll-free 1-888-722-522 or visit VictoriaLifeline.ca

Chaque expérience compte. Partagez la vôtre avec nous.
Téléphone : 204-926-7825
Courriel : clientrelations@wrha.mb.ca
Prenez 2 minutes pour remplir le sondage à wrha.mb.ca/sondage ou balayez le code QR.
Votre rétroaction dans le cadre du sondage sur votre expérience des services offerts par l’ORSW nous aide à améliorer les services et mieux répondre à vos besoins en matière de soins de santé.
Faites-nous part de vos pensées et idées! Même les plus petits changements peuvent faire une grande différence.
Community Supporters
Victoria Hospital is grateful to all advertisers for helping to make this guide possible. Please note: an advertisement in this guide is not an endorsement by Victoria Hospital.

Boulton Bay

• Nighttime HCA Fully Furnished Suites are Available for temporary stays at any one of the All Seniors Care Residences in Winnipeg and Victoria Landing in Brandon. Please call to arrange a complimentary consultation with one of our professional staff. Daily rates based on services required.*
in Assisted Living
• Well Designed Spacious Suites
• Full Service Fine Dining
• Daily Activities & Outings
• Nurse on Staff
Luxury Secured Living on
• 24 hour Supervision in a Secure Setting
• 3 Delicious, Home-cooked Meals & Snack
• Caring, Supportive, Family Environment
• Planned Social Activities