Negative aspects of Pentedrone Gregory Johnson
This drug has a requirement to be tested thoroughly before it can be used for therapeutic uses. The reasons for this drug to be used restrictively lies in the fact that administration of this drug to a human being can cause of lot or reactions which may be harmful for the person.
Pentedrone is another new drug in the market which is available for research use and is sold without any restrictions in the open market. This drug also induces different kinds of effect when taken by a person to stimulate his senses.
This drug is toxic in nature and causes all the problems which other drugs have on the human body. Furthermore it reacts with the delicate tissues inside the mouth and the nose and can burn the skin. The drug can be detrimental to the health of children if ingested by them. It should be sold under conditions where the buyer is well aware of the negative issues related with the drug. The warnings in the advertisements should act as a preventive measure so that there is not misuse. Though the drug like all drugs belonging to the cathinone family induces euphoria and concentration it also increases the pulse rate of the individual on whom it is being administered. If the information that the person was suffering from some heart ailment before he was administered this drug is somehow missed then the drug can have very serious implications on his well-being. The minimum thing that can affect him is a heart seizure which can lead to death even. This is why the heart condition of the subject should be checked before this drug is administered on him. The drug affects the nervous system directly and the result of this effect on the nervous system can result in cardio vascular problems. Along with the increased pulse rate the other negative effect of this drug on the human body is that it causes the muscles around the chest to contract. This leads to a difficulty in breathing and the sensation of breathlessness can lead to anxiety and stress. This anxiety and stress can lead to a further increase in pulse rate which the subject’s heart may not be able to withstand after all. Therapeutic use of this drug is also not recommended as the anxiety caused by increased heart beats and the shortness of breath may lead to paranoia which causes a huge stress on the mental condition of the subject. The disorientation caused by the drug along with the other effects may lead the subject to lose all contacts with reality and it may be very difficult to bring him back to his original state from this state of psychosis. Once the drug is administered there is no going back and hence enough precaution has to be taken at all costs to prevent any major mishap. Both the mental and the physical status of the subject have to be considered before using the subject in any kind of experiment where Pentedrone is being used to find out its stimulating properties.