Based on the original matchbook design patented in 1892, Seedsticks are our most popular promotional item. Each stick contains a seed that will grow when placed in soil, sprouting a lasting impression of your business and reinforcing its eco-friendly credentials.
Available with a variety of seeds and pack s, Seedsticks can be customised with your business branding and logo.
range of designs to suit any industry, brand or campaign.
touch and we’ll be happy to create a unique shape for a truly memorable giveaway.
Seedsticks are exceptionally versatile and can meet any promotional requirements and budget. Use them as a memorable giveaway, a corporate gift in trade show goodie bags, or sell custom-made versions in your retail space to add another revenue stream to your business.
We manufacture Seedsticks in-house to the highest standards at our UK factory, using 100% recycled FSCensuring the highest germination rates in the industry. All of our seeds have a long shelf life of 18 to 24 months
Planting depth-line indicato
contact encour
Patent es to release seeds after sow
Enough seeds to ensure high germination rat
Code: SE-SST-027
Pack when folded: 25mm x 46mm
Printed both sides, full colour with a standard seed.
Code: SE -SST-001
Pack when folded: 38mm x 46mm
Printed both sides, full colour with a standard seed.
Full mailing service availableuponrequest
Code: SE-SST-002
Pack when folded: 75mm x 46mm
Printed both sides, full colour with a standard seed.
Large Standard Seedsticks®
Code: SE-SST-028
Pack when folded: 112mm x 46mm
Printed both sides, full colour with a standard seed.
Code: SE-SST-049
Pack when folded: 38mm x 46mm
These Seedsticks come with a standard card case with a fully customisable label on the front, that can be printed in full colour and are available with wildflower or mixed herb seeds. The product is Made in Britain certified.
Code: SE -SST-048
: 80mm x 110mm x 55mm
Seedstick Retail Pack 5 Stick, 8cm x 11cm x 5.5cm, printed full colour with a standard seed. Each box contains 50 x 5 Stick Seedsticks (38mm x 47mm).
Code: SE-SST-047
: 160mm x 180mm x 100mm
Printed full colour with a standard seed.
Each box contains 50 x 10 Stick Seedsticks (76mm x 47mm).
A range of small Seedsticks Shapes printed in full colour on the front, back and inside. Each come with standard seed seedsticks (refer to seed list on page 23).
Telephone Seedsticks®
Code: SE-SST-008
Lipstick Seedsticks®
Code: SE-SST-007
Pack when folded: 38mm x
Bottle Seedsticks®
Code: SE-SST-033
Pack when folded: 38mm x 97mm
Heart Seedsticks®
ode: SE-SST-044
ack when folded: 56mm x 79mm
Bee Seedsticks®
Plant Pot Seedsticks® Code:
Egg Seedsticks® Code: SE-SST-041 Pack
Dog Seedsticks® Code:
A range of medium Seedsticks Shapes printed in full colour on the front, back and inside. Each come with standard seed seedsticks (refer to seed list on page 23).
Rocket Seedsticks® Code:
T-Shirt Seedsticks® Code:
A range of large Seedsticks Shapes printed in full colour on the front, back and inside. Each come with standard seed seedsticks (refer to seed list on page 23).
Tractor Seedsticks®
Code: SE-SST-004
Wellington Boot Seedsticks®
Code: SE-SST-031
Pack when folded: 85mm x 100mm
Herb Mix (Parsley, Chives, Basil) - 10-20 days
Wildflower Mix (Forget me not, Chamomile , Field Poppy) - 14-21 days
Chamomile – 10-14 days
Forget-me-Not - 14-21 days
Lavender - 14-21 days
Love in a Mist - 14-21 days
Poppy - 10-14 days
Sunflower ** - 10-14 days
Wildflower Mix - 14-21 days
Basil - 12-20 days
Chives - 10-16 days
Cress - 5-15 days
Mint - 14-20 days
Parsley - 7-10 days
Rosemary* - 15-25 days
Sage* - 14-21 days
Thyme - 8-12 days
Herb Mix - 10 - 20 days
Broccoli - 10-14 days
Carrot - 14-21 days
Chilli - 7-10 days
Lettuce - 2-12 days
Onion - 7-10 days
Strawberry - 10-14 days
Tomato - 7-14 days
Norway Spruce* - 24-28 days
Guerrilla gardening is all about planting flowers in often neglected public spaces to enhance wildlife habitat and benefit the local environment Traditionally it’s done with forks and flowers, but our Seedboms and natural beauty The beauty for your company is that these tools can provide a perfect floral fit for your requirements, and also highlight your long-term commitment to your local community
Ta ke t h e S ee db o m – a g re nad e -shap e b io d e g radab le sh ell � l l e d w i th o rgani c compo s t and w i ld� owe r see ds. C o mpac t and li gh t wei ght , i t ’ s e a sy to po st, and idea l for ignit i n g co nve rs a ti o n a t eve n t s and spa rki ng awa re n e ss of yo u r b rand. Ful l y cu stomisab l e f ro m th e pa c k aging d own to t h e s ee ds , i t ’ s a un i qu e p ro du ct manu fa ct u red to th e high e st standa rds
Th e awa rd - w i nn i ng S ee dba ll co nta i ns a m i x o f s ee ds , cl ay, p e a t -f re e co mpo st and a l itt l e ch i l l i p owd e r in a 1cm-d i am e ter sph e re P ro tec te d aga i n st p re d a to rs, th ey a re e a sy to s c a t ter o n s oil and wi l l g row i n to w il d � ower s , h er b s and sa l ads , h el p i ng to popu l a te b e es and but ter � i e s wh i l e su cce ssfu lly p rom o t i ng yo ur bus i n e ss Ava il ab le i n cl a ss i c (and reusab l e) t i ns o r m a tc hb oxe s, t h ey a re f u ll y c u stom i sab l e
Code: SE-GGS-002
: 50mm x 50mm x 80mm
Guerrilla gardening grenades filled with flower power potential. Throw and grow a Seedbom to spread wildflowers and support pollinating insects. Made from 100% compostable and organic materials. Created in the UK. Full branding available. Full colour print on front. Internal instructions have an editable background colour.
Code: SE-GGS-004
: 37mm x 55mm x 16mm
Easy to scatter and grow wildflowers. Matchbox of six seed balls. Choose from any of our set wildflower mixes, or create a combination.
Seedball Tins
Code: SE-GGS-003
: 64mm x 24mm
Easy to scatter and grow wildflowers. Tin available.
Bomb seed growing kit presented in carton box Including bee flower seeds. Made in EU Ø2,5cm
Bomb seed growing kit presented in carton box Including anise, artemisia vulgaris, dill, fennel, chamomile and cow parsley seeds Made in EU Ø2,5cm
Bomb seed growing kit presented in carton box. Including wildflower mix seeds. Made in EU 4x4x4cm
Gingerbread Man-Shaped Seed Bombs. Inside three gingerbread man-shaped seed bombs,
A budget-friendly option that packs a promotional punch
Seed Packets are an inexpensive and versatile promotional item that can help your relationships with customers to truly blossom. Available in and lightweight. Pop them in the post for direct mail campaigns, hang them round a bottle or jar for food and drink promotions, or use them as magazine cover mounts, gifts and giveaways.
Ou r S e e d Pac ket E nvelo p e s a re
i on h aving a stunn i ng n a tu ral tex t u re than
o f ye a r
i n to woo d pu l p co n si
roudl y
We a l so o �er S ee
f rom m o i s tu re and e n s u ri ng a lo ng sh elf li fe, wh ic h ma ke s t h e m suitab l e for use a t a ny t i m e
A w i d e s e l ect i o n of � owe r, ve g et ab le and h e rb s ee ds o r m i xe d vari e ti e s a re availabl e Al l o f o ur s ee ds h ave a lo ng sh elf l i fe of 18 to 24 m o n t h s A ll pr i n ti ng us e s s oy and ve getabl e in k o n 100% re c yc l e d g lo ss , m a t te o r k ra f t b o a rd fo r m i n i ma l e nv i ro nmenta l i mpact
Seedlopebee MO6501
Honey bee flowers mixed seeds in a kraf t envelope
MAde in EU 10,5x6,5cm
Basilop MO2216
Basil seeds in a craf t envelope. Made in EU 10,5x6,5 cm
Seedlope MO6502
Summer flowers mixed seeds in a kraf t envelope Made in EU 10,5x6,5cm
Girasol MO2217
Sunflower seeds in a craf t envelope Made in EU Not available for sale in the UK. Soil tablet included 10,5x6,5 cm
Pack when folded: 55mm x 55mm
Full colour customisation (front & back), kraft, envelope style, with flower, vegetable, or herb Seedsticks x 5.
Pack when folded: 95mm x 65mm
Full colour customisation (front & back), kraft, envelope style, with flower, vegetable, or herb Seedsticks x 5.
Pack when folded: 150mm x 101mm
Full colour customisation (front & back), kraft, envelope style, with flower, vegetable, or herb Seedsticks x 5.
elopes - Gloss
Full colour customisation (front & back), gloss, envelope style, with
Pack when folded: 95mm x 65mm
Full colour customisation (front & back), gloss, envelope style, with flower, vegetable,or herb Seedsticks x 5.
Pack when folded: 150mm x101mm
Full colour customisation (front & back), gloss, envelope style, with flower, vegetable,or herb Seedsticks x 5.
Pack when folded: 55mm x 55mm
Full colour customisation (front & back), gloss, sealed to all sides, with flower, vegetable, herb or tree seeds.
Pack when folded: 80mm x 60mm
Full colour customisation (front & back), gloss, sealed to all sides, with flower, vegetable, herb or tree seeds.
Pack when folded: 150mm x 101mm
Full colour customisation (front & back), gloss, sealed to all sides, with flower, vegetable, herb or tree seeds.
e f rom a w i d e rang e of c u stom i sab le shap e s and fo rm a ts , i nc l uding i nn ova ti ve busin e ss c a rds, b o okma rk s , p o stc a rd s , g reeti ng c a rds , re p lic a ban k n o te s, dr i nks coa ste rs , and mo re !
See d e d Pap er i te m s can b e us e d a ll ye a r ro und and h ave a lo ng sh e l f l i f e o f up to t wo ye ars i f sto re d i n a co o l , d ry p l a ce f or opt i mum re su l ts All s ee ds a re n o n-G M O, te ste d fo r purit y, an d comp li an t wi t h I P PC and E P P O s tanda rds
Code: SE-SPR-030
: 105 mm x 148mm
Plantable greeting card, printed both sides, up to 40% coverage per side (full colour cmyk), with wildflower seed. Includes a white recycled paper envelope.
Code: SE-SPR-029
: 50mm x 60mm
Seeded paper medium shape on white paper, embedded with wildflower seed, printed one colour, up to 40% coverage (full colour cmyk).
Postcards A5
Code: SE-SPR-031
: 148mm x 210mm
Seeded paper A5 postcards on white paper, embedded with wildflower seed, printed one side full colour, up to 40% coverage (full colour cmyk).
Postcards A6
Code: SE-SPR-032
: 105mm x 148mm
Seeded paper A6 postcards on white paper, embedded with wildflower seed, printed one side full colour, up to 40% coverage (full colour cmyk).
Code: SE-SPR-037
: 148mm x 210mm
Seeded paper A5 flyers on white paper, embedded with wildflower seed, printed one side full colour, up to 40% coverage (full colour cmyk).
Code: SE-SPR-039
: 105mm x 148mm
Seeded paper A6 flyers on white paper, embedded with wildflower seed, printed one side full colour, up to 40% coverage (full colour cmyk).
Envelopes A6/C6
Code: SE-SPR-017
: 114mm x 162mm (A6/C6)
Full colour print on front (up to 50% coverage) and growing instructions on the back. This envelope has a resin adhesive with tape liner for closing. Available in blue, yellow, orange, red and green.
Envelopes C5/C6/DL
Code: SE-SPR-024
114mm x 229mm (C5/6) or 110mm x 220mm (DL)
Full colour print on front (up to 50% coverage) and growing instructions on the back. This envelope has a resin adhesive with tape liner for closing. Available in blue, yellow, orange, red and green.
Code: SE-SPR-025
156mm x 220mm (EA5)
Full colour print on front (up to 50% coverage) and growing instructions on the back. This envelope has a resin adhesive with tape liner for closing. Available in blue, yellow, orange, red and green.
Our Grow Kits have a long-lasting impact and contain everything customers need to get growing straight away On average, it takes seeds from as little as two weeks to germinate, which means maximum visibility for your company ’ s branding, logos or promotional messages while the plant grows on a desk in the o�ce or a windowsill at home. All of our seeds have a long shelf life of 18 to 24 months
Ch o os e f rom a w rap-a round s le eve o r b oxe d pa c k ag i ng , mad e w i th FSC ce rti � e d m a ter i al , and pr i n ted using s oy and ve g et ab le i nks Th e coir p elle ts i n e ach kit a re e nvi ronm e ntal l y f r ie nd ly pe a t -f ree and e a sy to us e w it h ma ny i n cl ud i ng e a sy- to-g row Se e d s t i cks® th a t a re p roudl y Mad e in B rit a i n® cert i � ed Si mp l y p l an t th e s ee ds , add wa te r, � nd sunlight, and wa tc h th e m g row
We also o � e r wor k s pa ce favo ur i te s E co Cub es and De s k to p G a rdens – re ad y- to-g row gi f t s th a t brigh te n up a ny d e s k Fo r po s t a l o pt io ns, t r y In s t an t G a rdens – o ur nar rowe s t g row ki t which � t s e a sily th rough a ny le t ter b ox. Th e pa c k ag i ng s l e eve d i sp l aying yo ur c l i en t ’ s
p rom ot i o na l m e s sag e i s w rapp e d a round t h e g row ki t , wh ic h is � l l ed w i th a co conut � b re tabl et and a sma ll p l an t s ee d bag
Mint MO9546
Bag with mint seeds By adding 300ml water you get 1 litre of garden compost 10x10,5x1,5cm
Basil MO9545
Bag with basil seeds By adding 300ml water you get 1 litre of garden compost 10x10,5x1,5cm
Parsely MO9547
Bag with parsley seeds By adding 300ml water you get 1 litre of garden compost 10x10,5x1,5cm
Seedlopebee MO6501
Honey bee flowers mixed seeds in a kraf t envelope MAde in EU 10,5x6,5cm
Set of 3 clay terracotta pots including 3 di�erent seeds of di�erent herbs: mint, parsley and basil. Made in EU
Set of 4 clay terracotta pots including cress seeds presented in an egg carton tray
Made in EU
Soil tablet included. 11x11x7cm
Herb pot in wooden case With mint seeds
Soil tablet included
Small clay terracotta pot including sunflower seeds
Made in EU Not available for sale in the UK Soil tablet included 6x5,5x5 cm
Small clay terracotta pot including ‘poppy’ seeds
Made in EU Soil tablet included 6x5,5x5cm
Small clay terracotta pot including mint seeds
Made in EU Not available for sale in the UK Soil tablet included 6x5,5x5
Small clay terracotta pot including ‘forget me not’ seeds Made in EU Soil tablet included. 6x5,5x5cm
Small clay terracotta pot including cress seeds
Made in EU Not available for sale in the UK
Soil tablet included 6x5,5x5
Flowers growing kit Box with lavender, forget me not, sunflower, white daisy and red poppy seeds
Salad growing kit Box with Onion, cucumber, bell pepper, cherry tomato and lettuce seeds
Not available for sale in the UK
Made in EU Soil tablet included 16,5x9,5x8,5cm
Made in EU Soil tablet included Not available for sale in the UK 16,5x9,5x8,5cm
Tomato growing kit in a wooden crate including garden compost.
Made in EU Not available for sale in the UK 20,5x13x7,5cm
Strawberry growing kit including garden compost in a wooden crate.
Made in EU.
Wooden desk stand with pen and phone holder and clover seeds
Soil tablet included. 23x7,3x7,5cm
Zinc plated plant tub with a selection of 3 herbs Basil, thyme and parsley seeds including garden compost Made in EU
WoW! Grow your own �owers or herbs with this growing kit. This set consists of a water-resistant grow bag with a coconut earth block and a bag of seeds from �owers or herbs of your choice: basil, parsley, mint, sun�ower, forget-me-not, and daisies. Simply add 300 ml of water to the pressed soil and 1 litre of garden compost is formed. This compost is then used to plant the seeds. Besides being fun to grow your own herbs or �owers, this gift contributes to maintaining a healthy bee population. Ideal to send as a letterbox gift. Includes a personalised full-colour cardboard sleeve. Made in Europe.
Options: Basil, Daisy, Forget-Me-Not, Mint, Parsely Or Sun�ower
A terracotta �ower pot (8.5 cm x 7 cm) with a coconut tablet (5 cm) and a bag of mixed �ower seeds. Includes a personalised full colour cardboard label. The bag contains the following �ower seeds:
Feverfew (daisy) – Veilweed – Snapdragon – Crooked Flower – Silver Shield – Mexican – Petunia – Salvia – Summer Azalea – Ice Flower. An environmentally friendly gift that also contributes to maintaining a healthy bee population.
WoW! This fully compostable �ower pot is made from the co�ee grounds that come from making one cup of co�ee. And it can be personalised with your company logo, making it the perfect �ower pot to bring a little green into your o�ce. Made in Holland. In the Netherlands, 120 million kilos of co�ee grounds are produced annually. The Co�ee Based material is a mixture of used co�ee grounds and a biopolymer. The biopolymer of the Co�ee Based material is based on recycled raw materials from potato, grain, root or seed �our. The used co�ee grounds are a waste stream from the co�ee industry or the o�ce environment. Made in Holland. As co�ee grounds are an organic material, they are naturally biodegradable. The biopolymer is also biodegradable and complies with EN13432 (standard for industrial composting). Each item is supplied in an individual brown cardboard box
1773Code: SE-GKS-017
: 57mm x 57mm x 47mm
Includes a fully customised wrap round, 55mm recycled plastic terracotta pot, coir pellet, 5 x Seedsticks with standard seed, Made from 100% recycled plastic.
Code: SE-GKS-025
: 60mm x 55mm x 50mm
Includes a fully customised wrap round, small terracotta clay pot, coir pellet (30mm), and 5 x Seedsticks with standard seed.
Code: SE-GKS-024
: 70mm x 70mm x 75mm
Fully customised wrap round, one side, Biodegradable wood fibre pot, coir pellet, x5 seedsticks, with flower, vegetable, herb or tree seeds.
Code: SE-GKS-004
: 60mm x 60mm x 60mm
Fully customised outer box, recycled plastic terracotta pot (55mm), coir pellet, x5 seedsticks, with flower, vegetable, herb or tree seeds.
Code: SE-GKS-023
: 105mm x 105mm x 15mm
Our narrowest grow kit is the an ideal promotional item for direct mail campaigns since it fits easily through any mailbox slot. Easy to grow - just add water.
Code: SE-GKS-021
: 75mm x 75mm x 75mm
Filled with a soil pellet and our Seedsticks®, the 100% compostable and biodegrable cube is made from alder wood with a fully customised sleeve in full colour. Weight is 170g.
Help protect the planet's bee population. Recycled brushed aluminium desktop garden pot comes complete with innovative seedball that will germinate in around 7-14 days. Complete with cork stopper, growing instructions and organic soil coin with full colour label, laser engraving or rotary screen to maximise your logo or message. Available in silver brushed or matt black �nish.
Fragrance: Foxglove, Wild Marjoram, Corn�ower and Red Clover
Why Sustainable?
Plants have been proven to boost your mood, improve memory, and increase productivity. Aluminium is the most recycled material on earth. Once your plants have grown you can re-use your pot to grow again, store or travel with your precious bits and bobs.
Key Information:
Flowers in April - Nov 100% wild �ower seeds
Reusable and recyclable New seedball technology
Shelf life: 24 months
Product size: 45mm x 115mm
Product weight: 35g
Colours: Black or Silver
Seeds: Herbs, Christmas Tree, Bee Mix
Branding Methods: Printed label
Help protect the planet's bee population. Recycled brushed aluminium desktop garden pot comes complete with innovative seedball that will germinate in around 7-14 days. Complete with cork stopper, growing instructions and organic soil coin with full colour label, laser engraving or rotary screen to maximise your logo or message. Available in silver brushed or matt black �nish.
Fragrance: Foxglove, Wild Marjoram, Corn�ower and Red Clover
Why Sustainable?
Plants have been proven to boost your mood, improve memory, and increase productivity. Aluminium is the most recycled material on earth. Once your plants have grown you can re-use your pot to grow again, store or travel with your precious bits and bobs.
Key Information:
Flowers in April - Nov 100% wild �ower seeds
Reusable and recyclable New seedball technology
Shelf life: 24 months
Product size: 45mm x 115mm
Product weight: 35g
Colours: Black, Silver or Mixed
Seeds: Herbs, Christmas Tree, Bee Mix
Branding Methods: Printed label
Modern and minimalist. Help protect the planet’s bee population and lift moods with the joy of growing your own plants, herbs and trees. Grow Pots are the perfect premium grow kit, complete with innovative seedball that will germinate in around 7-14 days. A modern concrete pot, growing instructions and organic soil coin complete our premium grow kit. Detailed laser engraving on one or more sides or full colour print. Packaged in a plain kraft box or optionally a kraft box with full colour belly wrap to create a premium retail presentation.
Pots can be bulk packed or boxed and sent individually by Royal Mail tracked 24 or 48hr service.
Colours: Concrete Grey
Seeds: Herb Mix, Christmas Tree, Bee Mix
Branding Methods: Engraved or Printed
Help protect the planet’s bee population and lift moods with the joy of growing your own plants, herbs and trees. Grow Pots are the perfect premium grow kit, complete with innovative seedball that will germinate in around 7-14 days. A modern Matt Black or O� White coated Aluminium pot (6cm x 6cm x 6cm), growing instructions and organic soil coin complete our premium grow kit. Full colour print to one or more sides. Packaged in a plain kraft box or optionally a kraft box with full colour belly wrap to create a premium retail presentation.
Pots can be bulk packed or boxed and sent individually by Royal Mail tracked 24 or 48hr service.
Colours: Matt Black or O� White
Seeds: Herb Mix, Christmas Tree, Bee Mix
Branding Methods: Printed only
Help protect the planet’s bee population and lift moods with the joy of growing your own plants, herbs and trees. Grow Pots are the perfect premium grow kit, complete with innovative seedball that will germinate in around 7-14 days. A modern Matt Black or O� White coated Aluminium pot (9cm x 9m x 9m), growing instructions and organic soil coin complete our premium grow kit. Full colour print to one or more sides. Packaged in a plain kraft box or optionally a kraft box with full colour belly wrap to create a premium retail presentation.
Pots can be bulk packed or boxed and sent individually by Royal Mail tracked 24 or 48hr service.
Colours: Matt Black or O� White
Seeds: Herb Mix, Christmas Tree, Bee Mix
Branding Methods: Printed only
Encourage busy bees! Biodegradeble kraft growing pouch, organic soil coins and instructions. Branded with a full colour label, perfect for your customers to take pics of and start sharing the Buzz about your new product or launch?
Fragrance: Foxglove, Wild Marjoram, Corn�ower and Red Clover
Why Sustainable?
Biodegradable pouch and organic soil coins. Plants are considered a critical resource because of the many ways they support life on Earth. They release oxygen into the atmosphere, absorb carbon dioxide and provide habitat and food for wildlife. Made in the UK to minimise carbon footprint.
Key Information:
Flowers in April - Nov
Made in the UK
Perfect for pollinators
New seedball technology
Shelf life: 24 months
Product size: 80mm x 137mm
Product weight: 25g
British Made Sustainable Merchandise
Seeds: Herb Mix, Christmas Tree, Bee Mix
Branding Methods: Full colour label
Why buy a Christmas tree when you can grow your own? Biodegradable kraft growing pouch, organic soil coins and instructions. Branded with a full colour label, perfect for your customers to take pics of and start sharing the Buzz about your new product or launch?
Fragrance: Fraser Fir, Abies fraseri is a popular Christmas tree as it is faster growing than the Nordmann Fir.
Why Sustainable?
Biodegradeble pouch and organic soil coins. Plants are considered a critical resource because of the many ways they support life on Earth. They release oxygen into the atmosphere, absorb carbon dioxide and provide habitat and food for wildlife. Made in the UK to minimise carbon footprint.
Key Information:
Flowers in April - Nov
Made in the UK
Shelf life: 24 months
Product size: 80mm x 143mm
Product weight: 25g
British Made Sustainable Merchandise
Seeds: Herb Mix, Christmas Tree, Bee Mix, Urban Mix, Sky Meadow, Snow Mix
Branding Methods: Full colour label
An extension of our best-selling Grow Pouch with the addition of an A6 postcard printed both sides to add extra brandable area to create extra buzz around your next campaign or event. Grow Pouches are the perfect simple grow kit, complete with innovative seedball that will germinate in around 7-14 days. A biodegradable kraft pouch, growing instructions and organic soil coin complete our best-seller. A full colour label or premium belly wrap maximise your logo or message.
Kits can be bulk packed or sent individually by Royal Mail
tracked 24 or 48hr service.
Seeds: Herb Mix, Christmas Tree, Bee Mix
Branding Methods: Full colour label & full colour postcard
All our plants are carefully hand selected from the �nest nurseries in Holland. Our partner holds strong stock of the core range and we have access to a vast range of specialist plants on quick turnarounds for special projects. Each plant comes with its own care card and plant passport for shipping within the UK [Excl. NI]
With a little time and volumes greater than 500 pcs we are able to source specialist plants to tie in with colours or themes of the brand or event.
Mailbox trees from the Treemore brand is a product range in which the tree takes centre stage where everyone can take care of their own tree at home watching them grow The trees are sourced from an Dutch nurseries and are delivered in a flower pot and packaging that has been specially developed to fit through a letterbox. The tree is supplied in the soil and in a bio-based flower pot made from elephant grass fibres. The packaging and the supplied information booklet are FSC
Meas. 18 x 7 cm. 172 g.
Modern and minimalist. This sustainable pot comes complete and planted with a plant of your choice ready to look good in any o�ce or home. Matt Black or O� White coated Aluminium pot with detailed print to one face. Recyclable. Reuseable.
Why Sustainable?
Plants are considered a critical resource because of the many ways they support life on Earth. They release oxygen into the atmosphere, absorb carbon dioxide and provide habitat and food for wildlife. Made in the UK to minimise carbon footprint.
Key Information:
Made in the UK
Reusable and recyclable
Shelf life: 24 months
Product size: 60mm x 60mm x 60mm
Product weight: 180g
Colours: Matt Black or O� White
Plants: Cactus, Succulent, Money Plant, Christmas Tree, Ginseng
Branding Methods: Printed only
Modern and minimalist. This sustainable pot comes complete and planted with a plant of your choice ready to look good in any o�ce or home. Matt Black or O� White coated Aluminium pot with detailed print to one face. Recyclable. Reuseable.
Why Sustainable?
Plants are considered a critical resource because of the many ways they support life on Earth. They release oxygen into the atmosphere, absorb carbon dioxide and provide habitat and food for wildlife. Made in the UK to minimise carbon footprint.
Key Information:
Made in the UK
Reusable and recyclable
Shelf life: 24 months
Product size: 90mm x 90mm x 90mm
Product weight: 180g
Colours: Matt Black or O� White
Plants: Cactus, Succulent, Money Plant, Christmas Tree, Ginseng
Branding Methods: Printed only
Modern and minimalist. This sustainable pot comes complete and planted with a small love heart plant ready to look good in any o�ce or home. Concrete pot with detailed laser engraving to one face. Recyclable. Reuseable.
Why Sustainable?
Plants are considered a critical resource because of the many ways they support life on Earth. They release oxygen into the atmosphere, absorb carbon dioxide and provide habitat and food for wildlife. Made in the UK to minimise carbon footprint.
Key Information:
Made in the UK
Reusable and recyclable
Shelf life: 24 months
Product size: 60mm x 60mm x 60mm
Product weight: 180g
Colours: Concrete Grey
Plants: Cactus, Succulent, Money Plant, Christmas Tree, Ginseng
Branding Methods: Engraved or Printed
Modern and minimalist. This sustainable pot comes complete and planted with a plant of your choice ready to look good in any o�ce or home. Concrete pot with detailed laser engraving to one face. Recyclable. Reusable.
Why Sustainable?
Plants are considered a critical resource because of the many ways they support life on Earth. They release oxygen into the atmosphere, absorb carbon dioxide and provide habitat and food for wildlife. Made in the UK to minimise carbon footprint.
Key Information:
Made in the UK
Reusable and recyclable
Shelf life: 24 months
Product size: 90mm x 90mm x 90mm
Product weight: 900g
Colours: Concrete Grey
Plants: Cactus, Succulent, Money Plant, Christmas Tree, Ginseng
Branding Methods: Engraved or Printed
Practical tools to draw attention to your brand
Our seed
the hands of clients and prospective customers on a daily basis Sustainable pens, pencils and pads make practical gifts or giveaways, and keep your name firmly in view They also illustrate your company ’ s commitment to sustainability, both externally and in-house
For e co- fr i e ndly a l ter n a t i ve s to p ro mo tio na l p l a stic p e ns , ta ke no te o f th e N a tu re P e n – mad e f rom re n ewabl e re s o u rce s i n cl ud i ng b io d e g radab le bi o -p l a st ic – and the su sta i nabl e Sp ro u t
P e n cil , wh ic h c an b e p l an te d a f te r us e wh e n i t b e co m e s too short to wri te or co l our with. A s i t g rows in to � owers , h er bs o r ve g et ab le s , i t ’ s a v i s i b le and l a sti ng re mind e r of your bus i n e ss B o th p rodu c ts a re ava il ab le i n d i � e re n t colo urs and c an b e cu stom i s e d – th e N a tu re
P e n o � e r s b rand i ng o p tio ns o n t h e bar rel, o r on t h e cli p a t add i tiona l co st, wh i l e the Sp rou t P e n cil c an b e e ng rave d w it h a lo go o r s h or t m e ssag e Fu ll - co l our pac k aging c an also b e p rov i d e d fo r e a c h i nd i v i dua l pen cil to i n c re as e i mpa ct a t p rodu c t laun c hes, con fe re n ce s and te am-bu i ld i ng eve nt s , as we ll as o n th e s h el ve s in g ift sto re s or ga rden cent re s
W hen yo u ’ re re ad y to pu t p e n o r p e n cil to pap e r, o p t for o ur S e eded P aper N o te pad – thes e po c ke t-d no te pad s h ave plantab le cove rs e mb e dd e d w it h se e ds and co ntain 40 p o stconsume r pag e s Th e ma ke g re a t co r po ra te g if ts and a re p er fec t g ree n p romot i ons to add to bags, hand o u t to clie nt s , o r to s e r ve as a ‘ than k yo u’ g ift
Grow Me MO6234
Eco-friendly Grow Me sticky notes memo pad. Soft wildflower mix seed paper cover. 50 sheets sticky grass paper memo pad. After recording your thoughts on the last sheet, plant the cover and watch it grow into a wildflower patch.
Idea Seed MO651
Grow Me 2 MO6235
Eco-friendly Grow Me sticky notes memo pad Soft wildflower mix seed paper cover 3 piece sticky note memo pad in grass paper of 25 sheets each. Large and medium sticky notes pads and 3 assorted colours page markers After recording your thoughts on the last sheet, plant the cover and watch it grow into a wildflower patch. Made in 10x7,2x0,9cm.
Vison Seed MO6510
Lightbulb-shaped bookmark in seed paper 2 piece sticky note memo pad. Medium yellow sticky notes pad and 5 assorted colours page markers 13 cm ruler After recording your thoughts on the last sheet, plant the cover and watch it grow into a beautiful patch of red popies 22,3x6cm
Sticky note memo pad with a soft seed grass paper cover. Large yellow sticky notes pads and 5 assorted colours page markers After recording your thoughts on the last sheet plant the cover and watch it grow into a beautiful patch of red poppies 6x8,5x0,65cm
Memo Seed MO6511
Sticky page markers pad in 5 assorted colours and soft seed paper cover After recording your thoughts on the last sheet, plant the cover and watch it grow into a beautiful patch of red poppies 8 3x5 4x0,4 cm
Square sticky note (: 72x72 mm, glue on 72 mm) with 25, 50 or 100 sticky notes (80 gsm) and standard “yourNote” back sheet.
Hard cover Standard paper
Recycled soft cover sticky notes 50 sheets
Hard cover Recycled paper
Grass paper soft cover with grass paper sticky notes, 50 sheets
Markers Markers
Recycled paper
Hard cover Recycled paper with grass fibers
Co�ee paper soft cover with recycled paper sticky notes, 50 sheets
Hard cover Recycled paper with co�ee waste
Seeds paper soft cover with grass paper sticky notes, 50 sheets
Soft cover Seeds paper and grass paper
Markers Markers
Recycled paper
Full colour printing on the sheets and on the cover
Code: SE-STA-005
: 84mm x 140mm
Pocket seeded paper notepad, coil bound with 40 post-consumer inner pages, with a fully customisable cover embedded with wildflower seeds, printed on one side full colour.
Notebook in A5 format with approx. 80 sheets/160 pages lined paper (70 g/m²). The cover of this notebook is made from socalled seed paper with flower seeds. This kind of paper is biodegradable and ecologically friendly, made by hand from recycled materials rather than from trees. The seeds are then embedded into the paper If you plant the paper in the soil, the paper perishes, the seeds grow, and you are left with beautiful flowers. Meas. 14 x 2 x 21 cm. Each item is supplied in an individual brown cardboard box. 180 g.
Grass Book MO6541
A5 grass paper notebook. Grass paper hard cover Twin-wire 160 lined grass paper pages (80 sheets). 95 gsm paper. Grass paper containing 40% grass fibers 21x15x1,5 cm
Grownotebook™ MO6225
Pine tree GROWNOTEBOOK™. Record your thoughts and give a tree back to the Earth with this sustainably harvested paper notebook You can help to save our planet by planting a pine tree which will grow approx. 30 cm a year. Hard cover 144 lined pages (72 sheets). Twin wire Contains pine tree seeds (pinius nigra) Made in EU 14x21,2x1,5cm
Seed Book MO2082
Seed Ring MO2083
A5 seed paper cover notebook 200 recycled lined pages (100 sheets) 21x14,8x1,2 cm Print techniqueScreen printing*
A5 seed paper cover notebook. Twin-wire 200 recycled lined pages (100 sheets). 21x16x1,2 cm
Sproutworld tells the story of how sustainable change can be made through small innovations. Sproutworld makes a pens, sustainable and giving them a second life in the form of flowers and herbs. These pencils, from the Sproutworld collection, are 100% sustainable and safe and have a green message to create environmental awareness.
The Sproutworld collection is produced according to the highest achievable ecological and social standards of Bcorp
100% sustainable Sproutworld pencil with a message for a greener planet. This sharpened point pencil is made from wood. Attached to the end of the pencil is a capsule (made from cellulose) which contains seeds. Once the pencil has become too small to use, plant the pencil along with the capsule into some soil. After 2-3 weeks, the seeds germinate and grow into beautiful flowers or fragrant herbs. Choose from sunflowers, forget-me-nots, arugula or basil. The name of the chosen plant will be engraved onto the pencil. The pencil contains no lead and is therefore completely safe Made in Europe Meas. Ø 0 73 x 18.5 cm. 4,3 g.
100% sustainable Sproutworld pencil with a message for a greener planet. This unsharpened pencil is made from wood. Attached to the end of the pencil is a capsule (made from cellulose) which contains seeds. Once the pencil has become too small to use, plant the pencil along with the capsule into some soil. After 2-3 weeks, the seeds germinate and grow into beautiful flowers or fragrant herbs. Choose from sunflowers, forget-me-nots, arugula or basil. The name of the chosen plant will be engraved onto the pencil. The pencil contains no lead and is therefore completely safe Made in Europe Meas. Ø 0 73 x 18.5 cm. 4,3 g.
Natural wood pencil with eraser. Presented in seed paper ( wildflowers) pouch. 19,7x6x0,8 cm
Code: SE-SPR-046
: 51mm
Seeded paper button badge with pin on white paper, embedded with wildflower seed, printed full colour, up to 40% coverage (full colour cmyk).
Code: SE-SPR-026
: 55mm x 85mm
Seeded paper business cards on white paper, embedded with wildflower seed, printed on one side, up to 40% coverage (full colour cmyk).
Code: SE-SPR-027
: 50mm x 127mm
Seeded paper bookmarks on white paper, embedded with wildflower seed, printed on one side, up to 40% coverage (full colour cmyk).
Code: SE-SPR-028
: 89mm x 89mm
Plantable coasters grow wildflowers when planted in soil. These seed paper promotional items are made with seed paper embedded with wildflower seeds. Choose from square or circular plantable coasters and customise with options to suit your needs.
Canbeprinted onbothsides atadditional cost
Code: SE-SPR-012
: 20mm x 240mm
Seeded paper wristbands on white paper, embedded with wildflower seed, printed one side full colour.
Code: SE-SPR-035
: 68mm x 130mm
Seeded paper wine bottle tag (with fold) on white paper, embedded with wildflower seed, printed one side full colour, up to 40% coverage (full colour cmyk)
Put your brand at the heart of every leisure activity with these diverse and fun gifts. Perfect for both indoors and outdoors, these gifts are suitable for all kinds of hobbies and activities. From gardening essentials to puzzles and games, they will delight adults and children alike. Dive into the following pages to get inspired and add a creative touch to your brand.
Fullhouse MO2223
Grow house set for kids. Including honey flower seeds and multicolour wooden pencil. 6 3x6 3x11,5cm
Give a tree back to the earth Including pine seeds (pinus nigra) which gives a new life to the planet The tree will grow approx 30 cm per year
Made in EU 7x6,5x13 cm
Painthouse MO2130
DIY wooden birdhouse kit in poplar wood Includes: 1 brushes and 6 waterbased pigments Pre-cut wooden pieces for self-assembly 10x10x13cm
Woohouse MO8532
Build your own wooden bird house. Made of MDF 17,5x12x3,4cm