FAIR & SOCIAL Respectful and fair
friendships. Together we
partnerships are the
define and pursue goals that
most important factors
ensure the sustainability of
in our cooperations.
our products. Compliance
Our manufacturers are
with the BSCI Code of
members of the Business
Conduct is regularly
Social Compliance Initiative
monitored by an independent
(BSCI), which aims to
auditing organisation.
improve working conditions worldwide. We have longstanding relationships with our manufacturers, which have now become mutual 3
S AV I N G R E S O U R C E S The responsible treatment
Beyond our production
of our environment is
processes, we strive to keep
very important to us. We
our company‘s emissions to
constantly revaluate our
a minimum.
supply chain, initiate longterm changes in ourselves and our manufacturers and remain dynamic.
G O T S C E R T I F I C AT E The Global Organic Textile
the GOTS certification.
Standard (GOTS) is a globally
Our license number is:
recognised standard for the
processing of organically
These products are
produced natural fibers. It
GOTS certified:
ensures safety and hygiene
Bathroom textiles
conditions in production
Our fashion collection
facilities, ensures compliance
Kitchen textiles
with social criteria and
Pillow cases
defines environmental
Fabric bags
requirements along the entire
Cosmetic bags
production chain.
Baby blankets
We as a company also carry 5
O R G A N I C C O T T O N Organic cotton is a natural
cultivation is beneficial for
raw material the use of
the local people and soil, but
which has many advantages.
also for you and your skin.
The cultivation of organic
Organic cotton is cared for
cotton consumes less
by smallholder farmers and
water. Furthermore, no toxic
gently harvested, making
pesticides and herbicides
the fibers durable and long-
are used to treat the cotton.
lasting. We process this
Fertilization is also done
high-quality raw material in
with organic substances.
our GOTS-certified products.
This environmentally friendly
E C O V E R O™ V I S C O S E The EcoVero™ viscose used
The production process
in our fashion collections is
and the transparency of
developed and certified in
the supply chain make the
Austria. The raw material
flowing fabric a sustainable
comes from responsibly
cultivated forests. Compared to conventional viscose, the production of EcoVero™ viscose uses 50% less water and emissions are reduced.
G O O D W E A V E® The GoodWeave® seal of
Purchasing a certified
approval identifies carpets
product supports programs
the production of which no
that provide education for
child or forced labor is used.
children and decent work
It also takes into account
for adults. All of our carpets
social and environmental
carry the GoodWeave® seal
standards such as fair
of approval.
wages, safe and hygienic working conditions, and appropriate working hours.
V E G A N : P O R C E L A I N &C E R A M I C S In the conventional
and porcelain. The ceramics
production of ceramics
and porcelain are free of
and porcelain often bone
any animal substances and
meal from animals is used.
therefore vegan.
We deliberately avoid this and work exclusively with manufacturers who do not use animal byproducts in the production of our ceramics
B O R O S I L I C AT E G L A S S Our environmentally friendly
The glass does not contain
alternative to plastic is
any chemicals or substances
borosilicate glass, which we
that are hazardous to health,
use for our drinking straws.
it also has a neutral taste
This material is recyclable as
and does not take on any
it can be melted down. Due
to its chemical resistance, borosilicate glass is ideally suited for use in combination with food.
R E C YC L E D No new raw materials
reduces the generation of
were used for our recycled
waste. Many of our paper
products. They are made
stars and packaging are
exclusively from recycled
made from recycled material.
materials. This results in less waste of raw materials and
S TA I N L E S S S T E E L Stainless steel is a very
of this high quality material.
heat resistant, hygienic and
With them we offer you a
durable material. Our water
practical and sustainable
bottles, lunch boxes and
alternative to plastic
drinking straws are made
packaging. 11
F S C® S E A L The FSC® SEAL stands for
FSC® SEAL and resource-
Forest Stewardship Council®
conserving manner. To make
and is an international
our packaging materials
certification system for
even more environmentally
sustainable forest cultivation.
friendly, we are continuously
In order to obtain the seal,
revising them. We are
strict ecological and social
currently adapting the
principles must be adhered
packaging to FSC®-certified
to. This helps to ensure that
forests are cultivated in an environmentally friendly
H A N D M A D E Our handmade Blue-Pottery
without having to leave their
soap dishes come from a
homes in the countryside.
manufactory in Jaipur, India.
Meanwhile, the traditional
The founder fell in love with
pottery art secures the
traditional Blue-Pottery -
livelihood of more than 150
a special pottery art. She
potters from four different
realized that the needy rural
population could be given a chance to earn a living -
PA L M O I L F R E E Palm oil is contained in many
ched exclusively with essential
cosmetic products. The use
oils and natural ingredients
of palm oil has devastating
without the use of palm oil.
consequences for the en-
Furthermore, our producers
vironment, humans and
are members of the World Fair
animals. For this reason, our
Trade Organization and sup-
soaps and lotions are enri-
port social projects.
FA I R T R A D E Fair Trade products have been
conditions. Our soaps and
produced under responsible
lotions have been certified with
use of nature and fair working
the Fair Trade Seal.
DIS COVE R O U R PR OD UC TS: www.tranquillo-shop.de F O L LOW U S : /Fab u lo u sTran qui l l o / tranq u illo _sh op @Fab u lo u s_ Tran qui l l o
Marta-Fraenkel-Straße 1 01097 Dresden
T h i s m agazi n e i s P E FC TM - ce r t i f i e d .