Op-Ed 2 People 10
News 3-4 Clubs 5 Features 6-7 Education 11 Entertainment 12-13 Kids’ Korner 14
Sports 8-9 International 15
He who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving comes from the heart. ~J.A. Shedd
The Wilson Billboard November 14, 2008 Wilson College Chambersburg, Pennsylvania Vol. XXXX, No. 8
Obama Hits it Off for 2008 Election
by Aysha Sultan
Finally after years of campaigning for the democratic cause, Barack Obama makes history by becoming the first African American to attain the nation’s highest office in a spectacular victory over the 2008 Presidential Elections. Obama, a junior Senator from the state of Illinois, began his political trek to reach presidency by securing his candidacy nearly 22 months ago. From then on, Obama began his struggle to win the hearts and the minds of the American people. “I was really happy with the election results,” says Christina Shick ’11. “Right after he won, we were pretty much screaming our heads off in the hall.” Obama paved the way for his victory by capturing votes in key states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, New Hampshire, Iowa and New Mexico. This is a striking victory because just two years ago having an African American as President would have seemed unthinkable. Over 500,000 young voters came to register to vote for this year’s election. However, not only was Obama able to secure the vote from young voters and the democratic vote from across the nation, but he was able to capture some unexpected votes as well. “I was surprised with Obama’s win in the South,” says Shick. “I wasn’t expecting him to win some of the states in the south, like Florida for example.” International students on campus were also excited with the outcome of the 2008 elections and anticipated change for the international community as well. “In Mexico, we depend on the states” says Noemi Lopez ’12. “Most of the time, we are waiting to increase relationships and I know the Mexican President is waiting to meet Obama.” The exhilaration and excitement of these elections motivates people to believe that Obama will bring about change. “I think he will make change,” says Cathy Smedley
’12. “He’s honest and sincere about what he’s going to do.” However, some students do not believe that Obama will bring about the changes that he promises he will. “The changes that he planned for the U.S. are a little too drastic for our country right now,” says Raquel Feliciano ’12. “I’m just hoping he does well but I’m a little hesitant to say that he will.” Whether he brings about change or not during his upcoming presidency, Obama was certainly able to bring about change in this year’s elections as he broke the barriers of race in the electoral process. “I think right now, the country needs something to believe in,” says Brook Katron ’12. “But we need to choose carefully what we believe in.”
by Danielle Gentry As the clock ticked by on the night of Tues. Nov. 4, the tension mounted. Fiber Fellowship, Political Science Club, and the Black Student Union joined together in Sarah’s Coffeehouse in anticipation to watch the results of the 2008 Presidential Election. The coffeehouse burst with both celebration and disappointment after the results had announced Sen. Barack Obama as the next president of the United States. One of the most watched elections in America’s history finally came to an end. Because Sen. John McCain represented the Republican ticket, many people assumed Sen. McCain to have the same ideas as President George W. Bush.
Jen Douglas ’12 says, “From what I heard on the news, it sounded like McCain agreed with a lot of Bush’s ideas and I believe given the state in which the country is in right now, a change was in order.” No matter what political party people affiliated with, each side had record numbers of voters. Suzanne W. Cole ’10 says, “I’m so excited! Finally, I have a reason to have hope and get involved in working with the government instead of protesting their every move.” While mudslinging is a prominent part of the campaign process, this election year seemed to promote more negative advertisement than any other. Story continued on page 7...
Letters to the Editor
by Sarah Martin America recently voted for our 44th president. The two top choices were Barack Obama, a 47 year old Senator from Illinois, and John McCain, a 72 year old prisoner of war, elected for the House of Representative in 1982, a Senator for 22 years and running the second time for president. The U.S. voted 52 percent for Obama, 44 percent for McCain, and four percent of Americans were undecided. What makes this election so different from any other election? Because this election broke through the racial barrier. President-elect Obama is the first African-American to be elected the President of the U.S. The majority of his cihildhood was spent in Hawaii with his grandparents. His father, originally from Kenya, seperated from his mother when Obama was two years old and returned to Kenya. High school teaches us that the majority of racial barriers wained with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation and later on the Civil Rights Movementeliminated those that remained. The reality is that there is still racism. A legacy left over from slavery. This election gives America hope for ending racial tension and inequality. The majority of America voted for Obama, showing that the color of a person’s skin means less to us today than an individual’s capabilities. Obama started his campaign with a successful record and legislative experience. This experience includes his time in the Illinois Senate, publishing several books based on his experiences, and became the first Black
president of the Harvard Law Review. He brings many innovative ideas into the White House. In his May ninth speech he talks about a few of the changes he wishes to enforce once he is in the White House. “We need to stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas, and put a tax cut in the pockets of middle class Americans.” He also wants “to invest in millions of Green Jobs, so that we finally develop renewable energy, end our addiction to oil, bring those gas prices down, and save our planet in the bargain.” In his South Carolina speech, he admits “that change will not be easy. Change will take time. There will be setbacks, and false starts and sometimes we’ll make mistakes.” But he firmly believes America can come together to make change possible. “This election is about the past vs. the future.” The past was racism and inequality, segregation and slavery. Today is the moment in history where racism begins to end. The future is up to America and the changes Obama will implement during his term in office. The rifts caused during slavery and segregation are still here and now is the time to finish healing these old wounds. From the words of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation.” Will President-elect Obama transform America into what it ought to be?
Diversity Team Wants You to POST A SECRET!
Share anonymously your secret thoughts on people, prejudices, stereotypes, discriminations, differences, fears, worries…anything that is on YOUR mind with Wilson community. Is there a thought you have on any of the above subjects that you don’t feel comfortable sharing with others? Is there a fear or worry that you cannot tell anybody? Is there something that you want to scream out loud, but can’t? If you answered yes to any of these questions, the DiversityTeam then urges you to write down your secret(s) on a postcard, paper, etc. and send it to us through the P.O. There are only two rules: (1) do not put your name on your artwork with your secret or any names of other people from Wilson College. (2) Please put clearly the word “secret” somewhere on your artwork so it safely reaches the Diversity Team. The rest is up to you.
For examples, visit www.postsecret.com. Look for display in the spring
To the Editor, I would like to applaud the efforts of the current members of WCGA as well as all members of WCGA since 1989 when I first had the privilege of serving on the Student Affairs Committee. Since that time I have served on SAC with three different executive boards and administrations. I have seen students at their best in these leadership roles and I have witnessed growth, maturity, and a development of ideas expressed in a sophisticated and respectful manner. As a faculty member, I have not always supported decisions made by WCGA. I have always been able to attend meetings and express my opinions and disagree openly. I have been repeatedly impressed with the way students patiently explain (to me) the reasons and rationale for their decisions and I have always found WCGA to be transparent. Sometimes it is best to express first hand my pleasure or displeasure with any given situation rather than communicate my ideas through a second or third party. There are always different interpretations/understandings of ideas, potential changes or policies. It is a daunting enough task to express with clarity different points of views in one on one conversation. We have all experienced misunderstandings when serious issues are communicated via email. If the issue is important and dear to our hearts it is certainly worth investing time participating in the discussions. It is our responsibility as citizens of a community to do so. It seems particularly poignant to be writing this on the day of our presidential elections. Our voices may be heard. We just have to show up. Paula Kellinger, Professor of Dance
Billboard Editors, from the 1960s onward
Last names are maiden names.
•1959-60: Co-editors: Betty Mohn and Sue Sunday •1960-61 Loretta Hunt •1961-62 Sue Fisher •1962-63 Judy Hummer •1963-64 Corinne Taube •1964-65 Sue Leighty •1965-66 Rosalyn (Roz) Muskat •1966-67 Kristina Sweval •1967-68 Peggy Cordwell •1968-69 Betsy Ryan •1969-70 Linda Davis Courtesy of Wanda J. Finney, College Archivist C. Elizabeth Boyd ‘33 Archives, Hankey Center
From Chaplain Kate’s Office • Thanksgiving Vespers will be held Wed. Nov. 19 at noon in Alumnae Chapel (Thomson Hall).
• Student Led Worship will be held Wed. Dec. 3 at noon in Alumnae Chapel (Thomson Hall). • Christmas Vespers will be held on Sun. Dec. 7 at 6:30pm in Alumnae Chapel (Thomson Hall).
You asked for it… More time to work, study, and access tutoring services! • Effective immediately, the Learning Resource Center will remain open until 2:00am through finals week. • Security will issue an alert at 1:30 am so any work in progress can be saved or finished. When the officer returns to lock the doors, everyone must leave the center. Please be aware that no exceptions will be granted for extra time!
Spanish Film Night El Amor en los Tiempos del Colera Nov. 16, 6:15pm Allen Auditorium Co-sponsored by the Spanish Dept. and the Spanish Club
TheWilsonBillboard November 14, 2008
So What is Up With The Heat? by Sarah Martin During our first cold snap many buildings had no heat. Why? Because Wilson is upgrading from its 26-year-old steam system to a new economically friendly Energy Management System (EMS). Under the old system, each floor in a building had one control. A control or valve is like a thermostat. It sends the temperatures to a main computer that then regulates the heat coming out of the piping system. The maintenance department worked overtime last year and again this year to get the heating systems working. Last year this included rebuilding several pumps and replacing boilers in Rosenkrans and Disert as well as the main boiler. This year the problems stem from annoying technical problems and from issues caused by the transition between the old system and the new system. One in particular stems from failed piping. Maintenance staff replaced leaky and rotting pipes in the library computer lab, as well as Laird, Disert and Rosenkrans Halls. To fix the pipes, the maintenance crew had to shut off the system in that building and wait form three to four hours for all the steam and water to drain from the piping and the pipes to be cool enough to touch. In order to produce steam, water must be heated to at least 212°F. Then the crew had to find the pipe and fix or replace it.
Wilson’s Aid Policy Favors Students
Danyelle Reid reads a book in the cold Photo by Deneisha Cauthen Afterwards, everything had to be put back together and the system had to be turned back on. “We have an excellent staff… They’ve all worked almost 16 hours of overtime in order to get the system funcitional,” says Dan Golliday. The staff he refers to consists of himself, Jack Kelly, Anthony Helfrick, Tom Faith, and Gary Akers. Intercon Automation is the company installing the new system and Frey Lutz is the subcontractor incorporating the wiring. Another problem for the campus is to is get the system computerized and functional sometime between the end of November 2008 and March 2009. Over 60 new valves and new wiring
were installed, and about six months of careful planning and system layout considered. 18 valves in Mac/Dav, 6 in Rosenkrans and Disert, 1 in South, Riddle and the Library, and 13 valves in the Patterson Lounge were either replaced or added, to ensure working components when the campus turns on the new system. Under it, every three rooms will be moitered by one valve. These new valves mean better control over the system because each valve will be its own thermostat. “For example: Mac/Dav had 18 valves being controlled by only 4 sensors, and now we will have 18 valves being controlled by 18 sensors. This holds true throughout Disert
to students. Wilson encourages students to apply for any outside scholarships to help out with educational expenses without cutting back on grants and financial aid.
does not reduce its institutional grant and scholarship aid.” Many students on campus feel that Wilson is unique in helping out students with the financial aid process in that it gives significant consideration to student’s needs. “Honestly, Wilson has helped me a lot with the financial aid process” says Victoria DeMarinis ’12. “They gave me a lot of grants and had everything worked out for me in the financial aid package so I wouldn’t have to depend a lot on my family.” The financial aid office also states that all students who applied for loans this year were able to find a lender despite the fact that many loan companies have cutback on lending to students. “While some banks have stopped
by Aysha Sultan The current financial situation and lack of financial aid availability has students across the nation worried about paying for college and continuing their education. However, Wilson College is taking steps to ensure that students will be able to afford their education. The Wilson College Office of Financial Aid is currently creating a listing of private scholarship opportunities that will be emailed
According to the financial aid office, “Wilson’s policy regarding outside scholarships is in your favor. Unlike many colleges, as additional outside resources are awarded to our students Wilson College
and Rosenkrans,”explains Anthony Helfrick, HVAC Manager. The information gathered from each valve will be sent to a main computer that will record the temperature and make necessary adjustments. After a few weeks the computer will be able to look at past data, current temperature readings, the class schedule, and will be able to determine how much energy and time will be needed to heat each room in the buildings to the desired 68°F. This computer will also have the ability to give energy consumption trends so the college can monitor the power consumption and work on finding ways to better conserve energy. Another positive feature of this system is it has the ability, in the future, to add a lighting system to it to further conserve energy. Golliday hopes, “the system will pay for itself in three years with the savings in utility costs…maybe even sooner then that.” The new system is the same system used by Shippensburg University and the Chambersburg School District. When this system becomes fully functional, the college plans on holding a powerpoint presentation so the campus community can learn more about the system. Golliday would also like to, “thank everybody for putting up with the inconveniences in order to help the environment.” He would also like to remind everyone that the heat is on in all the buildings and if anyone has any sort of heating issues, they need to call the maintenance department at x2013. Now it is only a matter of adjusting the valves and our patience. participating in the Stafford Loan or Alternative Loan programs” states the office. “There are still many lenders that students can select from.” Accessing loans has been very difficult for many students attending other small colleges because of small assets of the loan company. However, Wilson College is able to meet students’ needs through their scholarship programs. “Now,” says DeMarinis. “I have more scholarships than I do loans because of Wilson.”
Chinese Culture Express Class Gets Cancelled
New Programs Offer “Major” Opportunities
By Danielle Gentry
After preparing to teach two Chinese culture classes, international students, Xiaomeng Li and Jing Luan, discovered the class was cancelled due to lack of interest. “Chinese Culture Express” was set to begin on Oct. 20 and included topics about Chinese culture such as language, controversial issues, clothing styles, food, and western stereotypes of China. Xiaomeng Li ’11 says, “We sent a campus email about the newly established ‘Friends of China’ club and it drew the attention of Mary Foltz, who is in charge of the adult education program at Wilson. So she asked us if we like to teach a non-credit course.” “Chinese Culture Express” opened its doors to the entire community, and adult learners at Wilson College. The cost for the class was listed at $75 per person. Jing Luan ’11 says, “Not a small number. If I was an adult learner, I would give it a second thought.” The lack of publicity added to lost interest in the program. “Nobody
by Jacquelyn Valencia Jing Luan ‘11 and Xiaomeng Li ‘11 stand in an empty classroom with no one to teach Photo by Deneisha Cauthen [registered for] the class,” explains Li. “In order to draw more attention, the school contacted the Public Opinion. They came to interview us, but the news was to appear…on the day the class was supposed to start.” “Maybe earlier promotion and advertisement [could have changed the outcome]. Eye-catching fliers and posters would work. And it would have been nice if the news had come out earlier,” says Luan. “And maybe lower cost which would result in fewer hours of teaching and learning. But I think the very basic problem is how many people are actually interested in learning a foreign culture, another part of the world.” Chinese Culture Express is set to be rescheduled for next semester.
Recently, the Wilson College Board of Trustees voted to approve four new majors at Wilson that will begin in Spring 2009. These majors— Equine Journalism, Environmental Sustainability, Financial Mathematics and Sport Management—are a great addition to Wilson as they will broaden career opportunities for students interested in a unique and more specified major. More importantly, these majors are marketable and necessary, as they are a reflection of what society will need from our graduates in the coming years. Yet for the Wilson Woman and the Wilson community, these majors are also simply a perfect fit. “Wilson does Equestrian Studies and Communications Studies so well, that putting the two together really is putting together two of our many strengths,” says Dr. Cornelius. “An interdisciplinary major like Equine Journalism really works to help create bridges
between our different disciplines.” This is also true for Environmental Sustainability where the major cuts across any and all disciplines here at Wilson. “The possibilities for combining environmental studies with another field of study are not only endless, but necessary,” says Dr. Wells. The necessity is all in ones focus within the major. For example, Dr. Wells explains that a student interested in Equine may place an emphasis on sustainable pasture management. A student studying History and Political Science or Philosophy, on the other hand, may examine how politics, ethics, economics, and scientific principles shape environmental policy. All students here at Wilson College have different reasons as to why they choose their major, but sometimes passion alone is a great payoff in the future. “Often the math oriented student isn’t aware how she can turn her love for math into an exciting career,” says Dr. Crawford. “The Financial world provides numerous opportunities for women in a dynamic profession with this background.” Wilson is known for an academically challenging curriculum. Dr. Crawford believes that along with Financial Mathematics, these new majors only “add to the overall academic reputation of Wilson College where students get a rigorous and rewarding education.”
TheWilsonBillboard November 14, 2008
Poetry Read in Many Languages by Xiameng Li Every semester, there is an International Multilingual Poetry Reading Program on campus organized by Professor Jose Cordova. On Oct. 25, the last day of this semester’s Spanish Week, Professor Cordova held this program together with the Spanish Club. This semester’s poetry reading was held in the Patterson Lounge. There were 18 people from Wilson College and the community presented poems in 10 different languages including English, Chinese, Czech, French, and Spanish. There were also musical interludes during the program. Recently, the Wilson Billboard had an interview with Professor Cordova in order to let people know more about the significance of this program and encourage more people to join it in the future. 1. Why did you decide to hold a poetry reading program? Maybe Baudelaire overstated the case when he asserted that “any healthy man can go without food for two days; but not without poetry;” nevertheless, for us, students of literature, and even for those who would have nothing to do with things literary, poetry exists, it is a gift, and, as such, one receives it happily and gratefully, and, at times, even with discomfort --especially when we do not know what to do with [or make of] it. Do you want to know why I decided to have poetry readings? I guess I can say that I am one who does enjoy poetry and likes to share the experience of it with others. More yet, as a professor of literature, and a rather cosmopolitan individual, I believe that poetry is a unique medium of communication. And we can avail ourselves of it as a means to connect with the other. As we need dance, music, theater, etc. we also need poetry. A college cannot be without them. 2. Most of the poems read were not in English, in other words, couldn’t be understood by most of the people; what was the significance of reading them then? We can say that poems are verbal objects whose main reason for being is aesthetic; our enjoyment of them deriving from our non-utilitarian contemplation and appreciation of the beauty of their construction. But, obviously, that is just one position. Most poets seek to convey and most readers to find some knowledge, wisdom, or truth encoded or inscribed in poems. Shelley accustomed us to expect them to enlarge “the circumference of the imagination.” But how can all this happen in the Babelic experience of an “international multilingual poetry reading?” I can say that there is not always a guarantee that we will understand poems, even when they are written in our own language. A poem does not necessarily seek to convey a message, it offers itself as a special arrangement of words intended to provoke a certain aesthetic experience. But I hasten to admit that the idea of our multilingual poetry reading has also other more prosaic and extra-literary motivations. The most important being the need to recognize the other’s identity and difference in an act of solidarity. So the foreignness of the other’s language, which may not be foreign to everybody anyway, should not be an impediment to come together and share what we can. This is the significance of our poetry readings. Beyond that, I think that most people are interested in hearing other patterns of sound, unusual inflections and rhythms, which may not communicate rational meanings, but rather an emotional something, which is another way of establishing human connections and understanding. 3. What else do you want our Billboard readers to know about this program? These readings take place because there are people who are interested in them and are willing to sacrifice some of their time for something that will bring them neither glory nor profit. If there are any rewards, they are of a personal nature, and thus private to each individual. As should be well known, everybody can participate either as a reader or as a listener, and I hope the interest will continue to grow.
Allies Looking for a New Logo
Allies hopes to galvanize the Wilson campus as a safe place for the LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning) community. In an attempt to broaden its reach to students at Wilson, Allies is sponsoringgalvanize a logo design contest to create a new Wilson Allies logo. The contest runs until Dec. 12, with the winner receiving a $25 gift certificate to the store of his or her choice. After a period of inactivity, the club restarted in the spring of ’08, and the group would like a logo that reflects its new beginnings. To fulfill its mission, Allies needs the input of everyone in the community. Alyssa Yeip ’09, Allies’ president, explains that the new logo will be an important step in revitalizing the group on campus. She stated, “We do not really have a logo…and having a logo [means] we can post it around campus and help get our name out there.” With a new look, Allies can hopefully spread its message to students and become a more recognizable group on campus. Allies hopes that students and Staff on Wilson’s campus will join Allies whether they identify as LGBTQ or not. A new logo gives Allies a new voice and a new face on campus, and Allies expects that this new look can bring the group new input as well. The conversation is just beginning to start and Allies believes that others will begin to join in and start adding to the dialogue. Send all submissions to Alyssa Yeip no later than Dec. 12, 2008. Allies does need permission to use copyrighted Wilson symbols. If the club cannot secure permission, we will not be able to judge submissions that contain copyrighted material. The purpose of Wilson College Allies is to educate the college community about gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender issues, counter homophobic attitudes, and promote equal respect and treatment for everyone. The group gives all faculty, staff and students an avenue to be supportive with access to campus community members who provide support, recommend resources and maintain confidentiality. The club is open to all LGBTQ campus members and their straight Allies. Please contact Kayla Chagnon at kchagnon@wilson.edu or Alyssa Yeip at ayeip@wilson.edu
DANCE: Orchesis Show Success!
Orchesis performs “The Structure of Cocoons” Photo by Valerie and Deborah Barnes graduate of Wilson and this is her first by Sarah Martin Friday and Saturday at 8:00p.m. Guest Artist Residency at Wilson. Four other guests graced the Laird found Laird Hall full of community members sitting down together stage. These four people danced to watch Orchesis perform. The with Danza Antiqua, which is a performers glided, jumped, and rolled performance that represents an era across the stage in eight dances. such as the Renaissance or modern This year several guest artists ballroom dancing. Danza Antiquia performed with the students of began in England in 1993 under Orchesis. Madeline Newell is a 2008 the careful guidance of Nancy J.
Walker. Jef Savage, Jane and Evan Sutton also performed in the two dances, “The Tango” and “Ragtime Remembered,” of Danza Antiqua. As with Orchesis’other performances dance students choreographed their own pieces. Some like “The Bonnies,” “If I Could Change It,” and “Taciturning” the dancers moved with the music, but others like “Drop” were silent dances. Then the very different
“Frame of Mind,” which used a BBC Recording about a museum at night, caught the audience’s attention and held it through out the entire piece. Special thanks went out to everyone who helped make the performance possible, especially the three students, Ligmie Preval ‘10 and Suzanne Cole ‘10 and Katelin Reever ‘10, who stepped forward and manned the lights, sound and stage.
National Career Development Weeks Features Color War Essay Contests “Inspire your Career, Develop your Dream”
Orchesis performs “The Bonnies” Photo by Valerie and Deborah Barnes
Nov. 17- Entries for writing and art contest are due. Drop off entries in Lenfest 103 before 8:00am today. Include your name on the back! Each piece must reflect the theme but the genre is open. Top (3) entries in each category will receive prizes. Nov. 18 - Color War entries due in Lenfest 103 by 8:00am. Through participation as an Even or and Odd, how have the Color Wars and other traditions at Wilson prepared you for the World of Work? Top (3) winners from Evens
and from Odds will win color appropriate prizes. Visual and written works accepted. Nov. 19 - Career Quiz with prizes in Lenfest Lobby. You never know what prizes might appear! Nov. 20 -Watch your email for an online quiz. Top (3) winners will receive prizes. Nov. 21 Contestwinnersannounce. Vote all week for your favorite pieces. Entries and ballots will be displayed outside the Dining Hall all week!
TheWilsonBillboard November 14, 2008
Writers Series Presents Playwright Lavonne Mueller by Danielle Gentry Throughout the second week of Nov., world-renowned playwright, Lavonne Mueller, toured Wilson’s campus and hosted numerous events pertaining to her achievements. Wilson’s English Department hosts a Writers’ Series Event every semester. This semester, the event honored Lavonne Mueller in a week-long presentation of her oeuvre and accomplishments. Lavonne Mueller is currently a Woodrow Wilson Fellow in playwriting, but is also a published author, editor, and human rights activist. Her works include Baseball Monologues, Letters to a Daughter from Prison, and Hotel Splendid. New York City, Japan, London, India, Scotland, and the Czech Republic have all hosted productions of Mueller’s award-winning plays. “When my daughter was young, she was watching too much TV,” says Mueller. “And I decided to write a children’s play so she could see live theater. The community theater put it on, and I thought ‘Oh, that’s fun.’ It just snowballed from there.” Using the power of her writing,
Mueller focused on international affairs to make a difference in the world. “I felt that some of the theater in New York didn’t have an international impact which excited me,” says Mueller. “Also, I had three Fulbright’s, one to Argentina, Jordan, and England. I got very involved with those particular international connections. I really just wanted to have a more reaching theater experience.” Some of Mueller’s most profound works contain themes of gender, antiwar, and human rights. Mueller’s inspiration for such topics stemmed from actual worldly events. “When anybody is persecuted, whether it’s an individual or a group, it angers me. Anger sends me to my computer,” explains Mueller. “So, when I learned about the mothers of the disappeared in Argentina, I wrote about that. I also wrote about the pilot of the Enola Gay who dropped the atom bomb.” Her latest play relates to Korean women who were kidnapped and used as sex slaves for the Japanese Army. Mueller does not just use her writing to provoke activism, but actually
Hike & Pot-Luck The Environmental Club is going on a day hike to Kings Gap Environmental Education Center on Sunday, Nov. 23. We will leave at 11:00am and have a pot-luck, cook-out and take a day hike at the park. If anyone is interested, please contact Chrissy Schick cshick@wilson.edu by Wed., Nov. 19. We will return around 5:00pm
Lavonne Mueller participates in demonstrations around the world, including protesting in Seoul, Korea for the “comfort women,” and with the mothers of the disappeared in Argentina. Along with traveling all over the world, Mueller often tours the United States to establish and improve college writing programs. Her next work is set to be published in April 2009.
Nice to meet you again, by Yewon Suh
Continued from page 9…
Ms. Mueller
The world where we live is so big, but sometimes such an immense world can be smaller than we thought. Six months ago, I met Lavonne Mueller in Seoul, South Korea when she lectured at my university and I also watched her play “Hotel Splendid.” Thus, it is so special for me to meet her again at Wilson College. The topic that she wrote about Korea is “Comfort Women.” This term refers to the women who were 12 to 20 years old and serviced their bodies to 20 Japanese men day after day in World War II. “I chose this topic of ‘Comfort Women’,” she said “because I am very interested in women in war. “Also I have written a play about men in Vietnam during World War II. I feel we don’t hear the pain of the women; we mostly hear the pain of the men. So, ‘women’ as victims of war is important to me in the trilogy,” she says. Since she visited Korea I asked where she went and what the most impressive thing for her was in Korea.
“I concentrated on spending time with them (actors and people related to production) and then I lectured in 15 universities and I attended rehearsals. There was a lot of press too. I had to talk about my work a lot.” “I was just amazed at all the universities in Seoul,” she added, “and the students take their education seriously, very seriously. That impressed me a lot. Korean students were very bright, curious and very hardworking.” “Lavonne Mueller is a woman strongly telling a truth that would have disappeared without her work.
Continued from Front Page… “I don’t enjoy political mudslinging on either side,” says Sid Quilty ’11. She says, “I think it’s juvenile, even though it’s entertaining.” Quilty continues, “I’m honored and feel privileged to have been able to vote in this election. I’m full of hope for the future of our country and the people who live here.”
Christopher Newport won the Independent College’s Championships after beating Frostburg State 4:0. Four Wilson players were selected to the all-tournament team: Katelyn Alleman ’11, Emily Cecere ’12, Megan Dennis ’11, and Nikola Grafnetterova ’10. Coach Novak said after the last game that she was pleased with the way her team played by the end of the season. “But I am never satisfied...I believe that there are always things to improve upon, and that’s what we will work to do next year,” Novak said. Novak looks forward to next year’s season. She hopes for a large freshman class to add to her experienced upperclassmen players next year. “Anyone who knows me well knows my goals are high....BUT our goals for next season will ultimately belong to the TEAM,” Novak said. The soccer team traveled to Penn State Berks to play their first round North Easter Athletic Conference championships game. They lost 0:9 and did not advance to the next round. Keuka College won the NEAC women’s soccer championships after beating SUNY Cobleskill 3:1. The head soccer coach Sarah Tackling overall is satisfied with her team and their hard work and dedication for the game this season. “I am extremely pleased with what we accomplished this year. The girls improved their skills with each game, learning how to play as a team and move on the field as a single unit. This team was very coachable!” Tackling continues: “I couldn’t have asked for a better group of players for the season. They were at practice every day and worked hard for two months. Their positive attitudes and team spirit didn’t falter throughout the season. They were able to keep the game of soccer fun, which makes all the d i f f e r e n c e . ” Tackling has many plans for next year’s season. One of them is to recruit more players to the team and start building the soccer program at Wilson and to become more competitive in the NEAC next year.
The Fun Is Over, Now Fall Sports Seniors Say GoodBye
by Nikola Grafnetterova
There are five seniors who just finished their last fall season. Most of them plan on playing another sport at Wilson before graduating next May, but they still feel nostalgic and a little bit sad after their last college soccer and field hockey season ended. So who are these seniors and what are their stories?
Bobbie Ditzler, soccer
Ditzler is a VMT major who played soccer for four years at Wilson; she started as a midfielder but last year finished the season as a goalkeeper after another senior starter goalie broke her finger during one of the late season games. This year, Ditzler played goalie every game and was nationally ranked 2nd in saves per game for NCAA Division III soccer. “Bobbo (Ditzler’s nickname) really stepped up this year when we needed a goalie and did and amazing job!” teammate Beth Bush said. Ditzler says she has many happy memories from playing soccer at Wilson. One of her favorites is from her freshman year back in 2005 when Amanda Price, originally from Tennessee, said during a game, “ow, ow, why does this rain hurt?!” “Well, she had never encountered freezing rain which was what was happening that day,” Ditzler laughs. “I want to thank everyone that has played soccer with me. Your continual effort can be seen, not through the box scores, but in sweat, heart and the determination to do better every time. I’m going to miss not coming back for pre-season to play with you guys, so win one for me next year!” After graduating, Ditzler wants to go to the University of Pennsylvania for Veterinary school.
Sam May, soccer
May is an International Studies/ Art History major who played defense in soccer for four years. Her teammates say that she is a great leader on and off the field who made them push themselves to work harder and harder every practice and game. “We all learned a lot from Sam. She loves soccer and is fun to be around,” soccer player Alaina Hofer said. May admits that she will now spend more free afternoons working on her senior thesis, but she will still miss soccer. “It is really a surreal feeling knowing that it is over; appreciate it while it lasts because it will be over before you know it. I think it might only really sink in that it’s over when I don’t come back for preseason next
Soccer team had a lot of fun while playing soccer this season. From top left: Amy Weakley, Steph Greaney, Katie Quirk, Beth Bush, Sam May, Alaina Hofer, Tiffany Holmberg, Lindsay Kipp, Colleen O’Reilly, Bobbie Ditzler, Monique Hawkins, and Leah Adam. Photo by Sarah Tackling
year. But it is definitely depressing that I won’t ever get to put my jersey on and walk out onto that field again.” May says that she has many wonderful soccer memories she will always remember, even 30 years from now. “For example, I will never forget when we were getting ready to go into overtime in 1:1 game one year and Bobbie came over and sat on the bench and said, ‘Thank God there are no overtimes in soccer.’ We all just looked at her and tried not to laugh when we said she had five minutes before she had to go back on the field,” May smiles. May, who also plays tennis in spring semester, plans on going to a graduate school to get her PhD in Art History, in Italian Renaissance, after she graduates from Wilson.
Tiffany Holmberg, soccer
Holmberg is a VMT major who played soccer for first time in her life this year. She says she enjoyed playing and learning the game. “I wished I would have played earlier and would have been able to build on my skills. I’m positive I’m going to miss it even though I only played one season,” Holmberg says; she continues, “My overall accomplishment was making it through the season. This was my goal when I first set foot on the field, but looking back now I can see that overall I really played my best and did a great thing for my team simply by showing up.” “Tiff stepped up this year when we needed players. For just ‘pretending’ to
play soccer, she really did a great job. She also kept things light while working her hardest to improve,” Beth Bush says. Holmberg plays basketball at Wilson and considers trying another sport in the spring. She hopes to move to Hershey and attend Penn State Medical Center to do an internship that she needs before graduating in December 2008.
Amy Newmaster, field hockey
Newmaster is a VMT major who played field hockey offense for three years at Wilson College. “Before playing field hockey for Wilson, I had literally three weeks of summer camp of experience with the sport when I was 9 years old. I stepped on the field my sophomore year not knowing what to expect and not knowing if I’d make it through pre-season,” Newmaster reveals. “Amy worked every moment she was on the field,” says Newmaster’s coach Shelly Novak, “I had no doubt that she made sacrifices for her team, and her silent leadership had an impact far greater than anyone realized.” Newmaster admits that she already misses her field hockey teammates now, only a few days after the season is over. “I wish I could turn back time,” Newmaster said. After graduating, Newmaster hopes to get a six month long postgraduate internship at White Oak Conservation center in Florida.
Sam Valentine, field hockey
Valentine majors in Educational
Business Management and plans to open a day care center. She played field hockey for four years. At first she was in offense but her senior year the coach decided to put her in defense, which ended up being the best position on the field for Valentine since she excelled as a right defender and showed her great leadership skills. “As a coach you watch players develop during their career,” says coach Novak, “It was a joy to watch Sam Valentine develop into the player and leader on the field. She won’t easily be replaced.” Valentine will never forget when her team won Atlantic Women’s Colleges Conference Championships (AWCC) in 2006. She admits that she is not only going to miss playing field hockey, but most importantly will miss everyone on the team. “This season was amazing! I love you girls and I’m going to miss you so much!!” Valentine said. Valentine also plays softball at Wilson. Teammates of all five seniors say that they will miss them dearly and that they will never forget all the things they have done for the team. “They taught me a lot about what it is to be a Wilson athlete, how to lose with grace, and to have fun when odds are stacked severely against us,” Colleen O’Reilly said. Jami DeVanie adds, “Our seniors have impacted us with friendship, leadership, heart, and a strong bond as a team. Even being a freshman; no matter the results, I cried, and put out everything I had for them on our last game together. I love them.”
TheWilsonBillboard November 14, 2008
Did you know...? Excuses Not Accepted for All
Exceptional Wilson Student-Athletes by Nikola Grafnetterova Wilson College is not like high school. While teachers in most high schools automatically excuse students participating in the extracurricular activities and treat them differently, Wilson student-athletes do not benefit from any exceptions for playing sports. They have to work as hard as anybody else, sometimes even harder than other students just so they can participate in athletics since they have to fit in their schedules extra time spent on athletics each day. Every first year student-athlete and athlete on academic probation has to do five mandatory study hours each week in the Field House, library,
Learning Resource Center, and/or fitness center where she has to sign in and out on the sheet provided at each location. This time has to be spent on academic work only. If the student-athlete does not keep on track with her study hours, she receives a written warning. If she falls 15 hours behind or receives a third written warning, she is suspended from her next game/match. The game suspensions continue to accumulate until her balance is back to zero. Wilson College is a Division III institution that recognizes that academics must take precedence over athletics. Therefore, Wilson
Basketball Tips Off Its Season by Nikola Grafnetterova As it gets colder outside, fans of basketball at Wilson campus start to slowly wake up and prepare for the launch of the soonstarting hoop season. Slam dank da funk, basketball time is here! The head basketball coach Allison Steiger and her assistant coach Angie Grove look forward to this season to start with 11 players on the roster. She will have five returning players (Bobbie Ditzler ’09, Amanda Price ’09, and Tiffany Holmberg ’09, Megan Dennis ’11, and Alaina Hofer ’11) and
Scores Field Hockey
Notre Dame of MD 0, Wilson 2 (Megan Dennis, Jami DeVanie) Wilson 2, Wells 0 (Emily Cecere, Maggie Sipps) Wilson 0, Christopher Newport 4 Wilson 0, St. Vincent 1, 2OT
Penn State Berks 0, Wilson 8 Wilson 1, Penn State Harrisburg 12 (Colleen O’Reilly) Wilson 0, SUNY Cobleskill 12 Penn State Berks 9, Wilson 0
does not require professors to excuse students from classes if they have a game/match. However, since Wilson recognizes the importance of athletics in the education of its students, most professors generally consider an absence for scheduled athletic events as excused absence but the student has to make arrangements with the faculty to hand in the assignments - or take inclass exams - prior to the missed class. If the student-athlete is not doing well in the class, a faculty member may refuse to grant an excused absence. Thus, at Wilson, the studentathletes demonstrate strong commitment for academics as well as athletics. They all are proof that the commonly known stereotype that most athletes are just “dumb jocks” is wrong since they have to show good time-management skills when they juggle their responsibilities as students, athletes, and in other roles in their life at the same time.
Upcoming Sports Events Nov. 15-16 Home Tip-off Basketball Tournament Bring a Toy for “Toys for Tots!”
Athlete of the Week
Week of Nov. 5-12
Colleen O’Reilly’12 (Mardela Springs, MD/Salisbury) was athlete of the week for her overall outstanding performance in soccer. The NEAC recently announced Colleen as a third team all conference winner. The NEAC women’s soccer program consists of 9 teams from which 30 players were honored. Coach Sarah Tackling stated, “Colleen is a dedicated, hard-working player and deserves this honor. Colleen is a leader offensively to our team and I am excited to see her progress over the next three years.” Colleen O’Reilly is the daughter of Lynn and Patrick O’Reilly. and majors in Equestrian Studies
six new faces on the team (Leah Adam ’11, Liesel Troshak ’11, Emily Cecere ’12, Carmelia Johnson ’12, Katie Quirk ’12, and Maggie Sipps ’12). “It’s a much younger team compared to last year but they have a fresh attitude and that is important. They all work really hard together,” Steiger said. According to Steiger, the goal for her team this season is to be more competitive compared to last year when the Wilson basketball team competed in the North Eastern Athletic Conference (NEAC) for the first time. “We have a much quicker team this year – actually I would say they are faster than any team I coached from the past four years,” Steiger admitted. Phoenix basketball team will face many tough teams this season. Steiger and Grove’s team that have already had practices since the middle of October, cannot wait to show off their talent and hard work during their home opening Tip-Off tournament on Nov. 15 and 16. They hope that many Wilson fans will come and root for the Phoenix team. “Everybody should come. It’s going to be fun! We need a lot of support to cheer us at home,” Steiger said.
Meredith vs. Penn State Abington 6:00pm Wilson vs. Christendom 8:00pm
Consolation Game 1:00 pm Championship Game 3:00 pm
Fall Sports Season Reaches Its End by Nikola Grafnetterova Field hockey and soccer ended their season in early November. Field hockey finished 4th in the Independent College’s Championships after losing 0:1 to Saint Vincent in the second overtime. Wilson earlier in the tournament beat Wells College 2:0 and advanced to the semifinal game where Phoenix players had to face Christopher Newport University, the number 17th ranked team in the nation in Division III field hockey. The head field hockey coach Shelly Novak was pleased with her players’ performance, even though her team lost against this tough opponent in the end. “We held Christopher Newport to 4 goals, and that was something to be proud of!” Novak said.
Story continues on page 7.
Week of Oct. 28-Nov. 4
Lindsay Kipp’10 (Greencastle, PA/ Shalom Christian) and Nikola Grafnetterova’10 (Chambersburg, PA/CASHS) were named Co-Athletes of the Week. Kipp was athlete of the week for her tremendous midfield performance in the game against SUNY Cobleskill. Kipp is the daughter of Karen and David Kipp and is a VMT major. Kipp also plays tennis. Grafnetterova was athlete of the week for her outstanding performance as a goalie for the second time this season. Nikola tallied 17 saves against St. Vincent College.
Week of Oct. 20-27
Colleen O’Reilly’12 was athlete of the week for her outstanding offensive performance in the game against Penn State Harrisburg. Colleen was the only player to score for the Phoenix in their game against Penn State Harrisburg. Additionally, Colleen tallied a total of 3 goals out of Wilson’s 4 for this season. Colleen started every game so far as a forward for the Phoenix. Colleen’s speed and ball handling skills helped Wilson significantly this year on the offensive end.
Sound Off! Wilson questions and photos by Deneisha Cauthen
Becky Chamberlin Jacquelyn Valencia ‘10 English and Philosophy TIP: English & Secondary Education Attending a women’s college focuses on Feminism should permeate...campus bethe woman first and allows perspectives cause that is the experience of the majorlike feminism to be taught and applied. ity of people on campus. It is unfortunate that the word has a negative connotation.
Where does feminism fit in at a women’s college?
Danyelle Reid ‘09 Vet Med Tech A women’s college is based on women empowering one another. Feminism fits into a women’s institution because it represents a community of people who are working toward a common goal, which is to gain knowledge and increase equality.
Nancy Drew and Her Sister Sleuths: Essays on the Fiction of Girl Detectives Edited by Michael G. Cornelius and Melanie E. Gregg, 2008 This collection of essays focuses on the girl sleuth, made famous by Nancy Drew but also characterized by other famous detectives like Cherry Ames, Trixie Belden, Linda Carlton, and even in contemporary media by Veronica Mars and Hermione Granger of the Harry Potter series (all of whom are represented in the book.) The girl sleuth is perhaps the ultimate in paradox—she is fearless but cautious; intelligent but undereducated; unbound yet always contained. She is almost impossibly feminine, perfectly appointed and impeccably dressed, yet she is also downright feminist, barging through barriers that her adult female counterparts would not get through for decades to come. And yet, in the face of the girl sleuth’s paradoxical nature, solving mysteries is clearly her defining act. Fittingly, solving mysteries is what each of the authors represented in this collection strive to do, examining the questions and conundrums these girl sleuths have left in their wake as they have righted wrongs, stopped the bad guy, and saved the day.
Sam Winkler ‘09 Major: Psychology, Minor: French Feminism fits comfortably in the center of Wilson College academia. As a women’s college, Wilson works to build and maintain women’s rights and equality. I would hate to see what Wilson would be like without a feminist perspective.
LOVE FOOD? BUT HATE WASTE? As we celebrates Thanksgiving, a new study reveals that almost half the food in the country goes to waste. Reducing food waste is not just about good food going to waste; wasting food has serious environmental implications too. If we all stop wasting food that could have been eaten, the CO2 impact would be the equivalent of taking 1 in 5 cars off the road. (lovefoodhatewaste.com) Start with only half of what you would normally put on your plate. If you aren’t sure if you will like an item try a small amount. Try returning your plate to the dishwashing area empty. You can always go back for more.
TheWilsonBillboard November 14, 2008
Career Corner Counselor’s Couch By Kathryn Brooks I’ve been pondering the purpose of differences between people. The presidential campaigns, of course, contained numerous descriptions of what made the candidates different and occasionally what they agreed upon. Lately, my personal and professional relationships all seem to be giving me lessons that stem from differences as well. I suspect it’s always been that way, and somehow I’m just noticing it more now, seizing the opportunities for growth, or at least not running away from them. I’m inclined to look for similarities, with a generally accepting and cooperative spirit that makes it possible to notice differences without an automatic value judgment. On the other hand, I recognize that approaching a person or situation with an evaluative eye for the differences, forming a clear opinion, and taking a stand, has great value too. That spirit is more one of critical thinking and healthy competition. No doubt, you would be able to find something in common with just about anyone on the planet. Just as certainly, you could find differences without much trouble. Which do you notice first? And honestly, which are you more drawn to? Thinking back, most of my relationships have grown out of similarities. As differences emerged, they sparked a wide range of emotional reactions: curiosity, surprise, amusement, frustration, confusion, and hurt. That range is why talking about differences can feel risky. On the morning of November 5, I spontaneously asked a colleague about her reaction to the election, with some caution, as it occurred to me that we’d never talked about politics before. It so happened that we voted differently, and proceeded to exchange a few respectful words about that. It’s a small example of what we all need to do more of. I like that Barak Obama promised “I will listen to you, especially when we disagree.” Who can dispute the value of that? Who knows, maybe someone can, and I’d gladly listen. By all means, enjoy the comfort you feel among kindred spirits. Similarities foster connection and a sense of common ground which we all need. Just as important, though, is the gentle friction of difference, disagreement, and diversity, which stretches us beyond our comfort zones. A friend once said “if you’re confused, that’s good, you’re probably learning something.”
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by Kate Lorenz, CareerBuilder.com Editor As more workers from the baby particular field to a Ph.D., depending boomer generation retire, millions on the subject being taught and of jobs are opening up across a the type of educational institution. salary: $45,281 variety of industries; unfortunately, Average 3. Mechanics hiring managers are having trouble filling these vacant positions. Qualifications: Complete a formal The reason? In some instances, training program in high school, postsecondary vocational there is simply a lack of interest a in certain industries, such as school or community college. manufacturing. Many of today’s Some, however, still learn the young professionals are focusing trade solely by apprenticeship. salary: $43,760 on jobs that require computer and Average 4. Engineering Technicians analytical thinking skills, rather than ones that require working with their Qualifications: An associate degree hands. In many cases, however, in engineering technology from a especially for hiring managers technical institute, vocational school looking to fill management positions, or community college, creativity the problem isn’t a lack of candidates, and good communications skills. salary: $47,759 but a lack of qualified candidates. Average 5. Management/Executives In order to resolve this problem, some Vary widely, employers are offering incentives Qualifications: to older workers who are willing to usually include several years of delay retirement for a few years. experience within an organization, bachelor’s degree and, Others are offering hiring bonuses to a oftentimes, advanced degree. attract new, more-qualified workers. salary: $90,913 Still, other companies are going Average 6. Truck/Frieght Drivers right to the source of the problem, Valid driver’s setting up courses with colleges Qualifications: and universities that train skilled license, clean driving record . salary: $43,053 workers or to pay students’ tuition to Average 7. Drivers-Delivery prepare them for specialized work. Valid driver’s According to Manpower, Inc.’s Qualifications: 2007 Talent Shortage Survey, the license, clean driving record. salary: $29,870 following jobs are most in need of Average 8. Accountants qualified workers right now. Due Professional to high demand, pursuing a job Qualifications: certification or licensure, a master’s in one of these fields could mean degree and proficiency in accounting increased pay and more benefits for those willing to take the plunge. and auditing computer software. Average salary: $52,940 1. Sales Representatives 9. Construction Laborers Qualifications: A four-year college On-the-job degree with courses in marketing, Qualifications: leadership, communication, business training or completion of a and advertising, or a high school formal apprenticeship programs. salary: $40,658 degree and a proven record of Average 10. Machine Operators successfully selling other products. Completion of Excellent interpersonal and written Qualifications: an apprentice program, on-thecommunication skills are just as important as education and training. job training or participation in a vocational school, technical school Average salary:* $40,868 or community college program. 2. Teachers salary: $30,176 Qualifications: Educational Average qualifications for postsecondary *Salary information provided by CBsalary. teacher jobs range from expertise in a com and includes benefits and bonuses.
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I’m With the Band Falling Leaves and Tumbleweeds by Rebecca Cheek
For something completely different, you might just want to look up Tara Toms & The Tumbleweeds. This band always consists of Tara Toms, lead vocalist and cellist, but with every new performance, Tara brings different people together to make up the rest of the band. These “tumbleweeds” play instruments such as upright bass, drums, guitar, accordion, mandolin, and dulcimer, as well as vocal harmony. It is obvious from the instrument list that this is no typical band when it comes to sound. The talent of just one young female is sure to impress any who take the time to listen. Selfdescribed as Folk / Healing & Easy Listening / Minimalist, Tara and the Tumbleweeds create a unique sound that connects with their audience in a way that is very rare. The accordion keys are pressed, the strings are strummed, and Tara’s clear, sweet voice provokes feelings of innocence and honesty. She wishes to make lasting connections with her listeners that are more than just musical. In one of her online writings she says, “Let’s be real people in a real world. Let’s hang out at my house and eat applesauce. I am interested in knowing
your name. I am interested in hearing YOUR songs. We’ve got a campfire ring and enough of everything to go around I’ll make time for you if you’ll take it. ” On Nov. 13, the band played on campus in Sarah’s Coffeehouse along with solo artist Tucker Riggleman. On Dec. 13, they will again grace Chambersburg with their presence. For details, dates and locations of additional shows, or to hear samples of their music, visit www.myspace.com/ somethingcompletelyridiculous.
“PowerPlay” Stomps the Stage! Friday, November 14 WORKSHOP: 4:00pm, Laird Hall “PowerPlay” Exercises and improvisations which provide interactions with the Players prior to their performance. PERFORMANCE : 7:30pm, Laird Hall “The Forest of Arden resounds with mischief, confusion, wit and romance in one of Shakespeare’s best loved comedies.” FREE tickets for Wilson students at the Switchboard Faculty, Administrators and Staff get your discounted tickets at the Conferences Office in Thomson before 4:00pm Friday.
Photo courtesy of Rebecca Cheek
Tara Toms and the Tumbleweeds
Campus Clutter Cleanout! Campus Yard Sale
Sat. November 15th 1pm – 4pm Laird Hall Multiple departments and individual sales. If you’d like to reserve a table for your department or your own individual sale, please RSVP to sihle@wilson.edu by Nov. 12th
Cumberland Valley School of Music plans to feature variety gala The CVSM Gala Showcase Concert is being presented on Sunday, Nov. 16 at 3:00pm in Alumnae Chapel in Thomson Hall. It will feature some of the best musical talent in the area, including singers Elisabeth Turchi and Gerald Kowallis, cellist Michael Cameron, jazz guitarist Maurice Arenas, pianist Brian Helman, clarinetists Paul Grane, Ashley Wyrick, and Sarah Moore, mallet percussionist Marlin Barnes, and a special chorus presenting a medley from “West Side Story.” There is truly something for everyone, and I think it is going to be an exceptional concert. Tickets to this event normally are $15 each. Our special offer to the Wilson community is -tickets of only $5 each. If you are interested, please call the CVSM office at 261-1220 or come up to our office on the second floor of Thomson Hall and identify yourself as being with Wilson College and the offer will be extended.
TheWilsonBillboard November 14, 2008
Entertainment SERIAL FICTION
I’m leaving town now. Goodbye, Missoula, MT.
Part 2
by Jacquelyn Valencia There are days when the wind doesn’t blow and the ground seems to have disappeared. The earth that I once walked upon is now nonexistent and I am obliged to fly away on papier-mâché wings. Creased ever so dexterously, they are a perfect fit; complementing paper to arm, arm to body, body to ability—suddenly I remember how naive I am at such a lifestyle in flight. For the first time ever, I am forced to scrutinize the world from a privileged perspective,
viewing all beings in dissimilar light. They all seem so diminutive—so miniature in form. That’s what they really are: small, trifling. Though some may tower over me on the floor that we all once shared; they were then just as trivial as I imagined they’d be in the sky— they were always insignificant. It’s a scary thought not knowing why the earth has morphed into such a bleak, invisible form. Yet I am confined and limited in options: my house, fixated mid-air, is the only safe haven I have for
the moment. Everything else is faulty: Everything else sucks. Everything is temporary and time is running out. And though the wind vanished as it has time and time before on such empty days, it was more vital now to have only the slightest breeze. If only I could, for merely seconds, catch the airwaves to lift my perfectly crafted wings—if only I was able to ascend through the atmosphere, soaring— soaring— soaring— soaring— through the sky. Then I’d be safe, confident in my construction of papiermâché wings. Yet, I’ve become ill at ease now realizing that I may be stuck inside such an abode. With aggression, I slam one foot
after the other into the first pair of shoes I can find. Who needs shoes, anyway? Well, they’re for stability. If all you can do is fly, then who needs shoes? Well, I’ll wear them just in case, assuming that soon the earth will reappear. Picking myself off of the uneven floorboards was an arduous act, as if to get up would take two of me—so heavy, so weak. I backed up all the way against the farthest wall from the face of the house where the door remained wide open. Yet, something inside of me forced a breath of hope out of my body, as if my soul exhaled this exhaustion. I placed my arms out in front of me. I will run. “I’m pretty sure I can fly,” I whispered in such a lonely room. Absentminded, postponing malfunction, I envision the clouds which I presume to be fluffy and soft, like gigantic cotton balls. Clouds that large could hold my weight for sure and there I will lay supine upon the billows, transcending my minds eye out into the universe. I’ll be out of harms way there with the lack of gravity to pull me down. You know this all brings me a little down. So down sometimes I can hardly stand up. Good gravity. That’s when I sprinted out the door—so fast it seems it happened before it happened— my body still lingering in the background. But that was it. Extending my arms out into open space, that infinite space swarming around me, gathering me whole, picking me upppp but only for a moment. These wings, wafer-thin, are too feeble—inadequate to support the burden. “It’s too late,” I howl. Falling, falling faster than I could ever imagine I tailspin and sink more rapidly into a dark abyss… falling, falling, falling... to be continued...
Kids’ Korner
Kids’ Korner
Happy Thanksgiving!
Help the Indian find his corn!
Art Work!
Color the Thanksgiving Friends!
Teegan, 4
Ivyonna, 3
Aiden TheWilsonBillboard November 14. 2008
Postcards from the East
Chinese Eagerly Embrace NBA
by Xiaomeng Li (China) Right after the perfect ending of the Major League Baseball, the National Basketball Association follows its step. Yes! It’s time for basketball! What? Why I am so excited? Well, of course I know that football is the most popular game in the US. But believe it or not, NBA is the most popular sport in China! Interestingly, three out of the “Big Four Sports” in America are not known by most of the Chinese people except the NBA. Not just because nowadays we have Chinese players in NBA; even before that, perhaps date back to the Michael Jordan era when our national TV channel bought the broadcasting right from NBA; it has started to draw fans from China. Actually, the dominate sport in China was supposed to be soccer. Although the Chinese national soccer team could hardly play a good game, there were always a large number of loyal fans. But with countless failures in entering the final round of the World Cup, and the exposure of scandals and corruption in the soccer association, many people finally gave up. The audience rating of any soccer game is now terrible in China, but the rating of NBA is amazingly rising up. Although we also have our own Chinese Basketball Association, it can never compare to the popularity with NBA. Now there are three Chinese basketball players in the NBA. The most famous player is Yao Ming, known as the “Chinese Giant.” He plays for the Houston Rockets. He was the first pick in the 2002 NBA Draft,
which set a record that an international player with no experience in America was selected as the first pick. Yi Jianlian, another Chinese player, set foot in the NBA in 2007. He was selected by Milwaukee Bucks first and now is with the New Jersey Nets. The third player is called Sun Yue. He has been playing basketball in the US since 2005. He was actually quite famous in ABA, another American basketball association. After watching his excellent performance in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, the Los Angeles Lakers decided to recruit him. But different from the other two Chinese players, he can only be a substitute player at this point. The NBA has seen its great popularity and potential success in China, so they have already made some of the preseason games in many major cities of China such as Beijing and Shanghai. The games usually attract numerous people, including a lot of celebrities. I have many friends who are almost “professional NBA fans.” They can, without thinking twice, tell you a lot of information about the 30 teams, including their strengths and weaknesses, their key players, and how many championships they have earned in history. I find the games intriguing because of the extraordinary skills of the players and the overall heated and fantastic atmosphere. I had a dream when I was in China: One day I want to watch an NBA live in one arena in America! Now I am really in America, and I hope that I will not have to wait too long to make my dream come true.
Muhibbah Club, l to r: Alaina Hofer, Liesel Troshak, Bemnate Eyob Tadesse, Jae Rin Ahn, Charlotte Robidel, Noemi Lopez, Jin Kwon, Aysha Sultan, Teslote Eyob Tadesse, Xiaomeng Li, Hyun Eun Shim, Bori Lee, Yewon Suh, Hye Sook Jung. Photo courtesy of Xiaomeng Li
Muhibbah Sampler Draws Large Crowd to Coffeehouse
by Xiaomeng Li (China) On the first day of November, members of the Muhhibah Club gave people a wonderful dessert sampler in Sarah’s Coffeehouse. This year’s Muhhibah Sampler titled, “Taste the Cultures,” featured members from nine different countries, including Burkina Faso, China, Ethiopia, Ireland, France, Lebanon, Mexico, South Korea and the United States. Each member made at least one dessert to represent unique cultural flavors. As one of the biggest events of Wilson College, it drew nearly 100 guests. Every year, the Muhhibah Club has two events. One is the Muhhibah Dinner in the spring semester and the other is the Muhhibah Sampler in the fall. This semester, the members, with the help of the international student advisor Paul Miller, started preparing for this event in September. They also prepared some performances to represent their countries. That evening, members of the club wore their beautiful traditional costumes and happily introduced their desserts. Then, some of the members performed a belly dance, an Ethiopian dance and other intriguing performances. All the members of the Muhhibah Club were ecsatic to see that many people came and enjoyed the food and performances. They thought it was an opportunity to introduce their countries and cultures to the American people. The next Muhhibah event will be held in the upcoming spring semester. Members of Muhhibah Club pose during the sampler, l to r: Aysha Sultan, Xiaomeng Li, Bori Lee, and Sora Kim Photo by Noemi Lopez
Presidential Election: Real Democracy
by Nara Choi (South Korea)
Fortunately, I was in downtown Chicago on November 4th. It was a great chance for me to observe the American election. It was impossible to enter the souvenir shops because of the line of people who wanted to buy t-shirts and buttons that had Obama advertisements printed on them. Even when I came back to school, I could easily find people who were talking about the election. Everybody tried to
present their political stand in many ways, and they were all very strongly involved in the political event. I think I see the real democracy from this presidential election. Voters were not just the people who voted, but people with strong beliefs and reasons to support their opinions. Barack Obama is a president elected by those kinds of people. I look forward to seeing how the new president of America fulfills the promise for its citizens during his term.
Nathalie Djiguimkoudre Photo by Noemi Lopez
Mariam Khalifeh Photo by Noemi Lopez
Calendar & Announcements
Events Fri, Nov. 14
Shakespeare’s ‘As You Like It’ 7:30pm Laird Hall FREE for all Wilson students Ticket info call 262-2003 The Dark Knight
9:00pm unless otherwise noted Sarah’s Coffeehouse FREE “Miracle on 34th Street” 8:00pm Chambersburg Capitol Theatre $15.00 adults; $10.00 children For info call 263-0202 A Glimpse of the Western Wilderness Exhibit by Bernice Course Every Mon-Sat (Nov. 14-26) During regular library hours Grove Family Library Gallery For info call 264-9663
Sat, Nov. 15
9:00pm unless otherwise noted Sarah’s Coffeehouse FREE “Miracle on 34th Street” 8:00pm Chambersburg Capitol Theatre $15.00 adults; $10.00 children for info call (717) 263-0202 Lavonne Mueller, Workshop: Writing the Mini-Play 9:00am-12:00pm Sarah’s Coffeehouse
Thurs, Nov. 20
“Brazil – Giant of the South,” Dinner & Film Travel Series 7:00pm Thompson Hall Chapel $6.50 for info call (717) 262-2003
Wilson Thanksgiving Dinner Thurs, Nov. 20 4:45pm-6:30pm Jenson Dining Hall Students and Staff: FREE Non-Students/Staff: $6.50
Sat, Nov. 22
Mon, Dec. 1
The House Bunny
9:00pm unless otherwise noted Sarah’s Coffeehouse FREE
Through Fri, Dec. 5
The House Bunny
9:00pm unless otherwise noted Sarah’s Coffeehouse FREE
Internship 101 Workshops 12:00pm & 5:00pm PDR of Jenson Dining Hall Career Development Center For info: hdrumm@wilson.edu
Weds, Dec. 10
Tues, Dec. 2
Big Questions Jenson Dining Hall FREE
Weds, Dec. 17
Campus-Wide Yard Sale 1:00pm – 4:00pm Laird Hall
ET 2:00pm and 6:30pm Capitol Theatre FREE
White Christmas 2:00pm and 6:30pm Capitol Theatre FREE
Fencing Club 9:00pm-10:30pm Field House
Fiber Fellowship 8:00pm-10:00pm Sarah’s Coffee
• 2nd place, $5,000 • 5th place, $1,000
Agape Christian Fellowship 7:00pm-9:00pm Lenfest Prayer Chapel
Thanksgiving Shuttle Information • Outbound: to Harrisburg & BWI, leaves Fri, Nov. 25 at 2:00pm • Inbound: from Harrisburg & BWI, returns Sun, Nov. 30 at 7:00pm Fee: Round Trip Shuttle to BWI is $40 and $25 to Harrisburg Payment & reservations due NO LATER than Tues, Nov. 18 *Requests after this date will not be guaranteed.
The top 5 winners will be announced in March Book Store Christmas Annual Holiday Open House 2009 and honored at ISI’s annual awards luncheon in Wilmington in April, 2009. Mon, Dec 1: 8:30am-4:30pm Submission deadline: Dec. 15, 2008 Tue, Dec 2: 8:30am-6:15pm, w/ refreshments 10:00am-3:00pm Contest details at:www.cultureofenterprise.org Wed, Dec 3: 8:30am-4:30pm
Billboard Mission Statement The Wilson Billboard is a once-monthly student-run newsmagazine serving the Wilson College and Chambersburg community. Our mission is to relay important information to the campus and provide a forum for intelligent and democratic discussion. To fulfill this mission, the Billboard recognizes the many goals of encourage communication between students, faculty, staff, and administration
You may be eligible for a clinical research study at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center.
in an ethical and non-biased fashion.
Have you experienced sudden, unexpected episodes of intense anxiety, accompanied by symptoms such as chest pain, rapid heart rate, sweating, shaking, shortness of breath, fear that you were dying, losing control, or going crazy?
Billboard Staff
Sleep and anxiety researchers at Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center need volunteers with panic disorder and trouble falling asleep for a research study. The purpose of the study is to investigate whether ramelteon, an FDA-approved drug for chronic insomnia, improves sleep difficulty in panic disorder patients who are also treated with escitalopram for anxiety.
Editor-in-Chief Sarah Martin News Editor Aysha Sultan Features Editor Danielle Gentry Sports Editor Nikola Grafnetterova Calendar Editor(s) Jessica Domanico Nicole Twigg
You may be eligible to participate if you: • Are between ages 18 and 50 • Have panic disorder • Have taken at least 30 minutes to fall asleep at least three times per week in the preceding month
Photography Editor Xiaomeng Li Staff Photographer Deneisha Cauthen
Medical assessment and study drugs are provided at no charge, and compensation is available for time and travel. Study Director: Ravi Singareddy, M.D. For more information, call Christie Schaeffer, R.N., 717-531-3779. This research study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board, under federal regulations, at Penn State Hershey Medical Center, Penn State College of Medicine. U.Ed. MED 09-9277 RES
Meditation w/ Prof. Bob Dickson 4:30pm Lenfest Prayer Chapel
the Wilson community and strives to
Do you have Panic Disorder?
Fri, Nov. 22
Recent Drawings, an exhibition by Brooklyn artist, Clarity Haynes Bogigian Gallery, 2nd floor Lortz
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Essay Contest “Can Character and Community Survive in an Age of Globalization?” • 1st place, $10,000 • 4th place, $1,500
Tues, Nov. 18
The Dark Knight
IRB 26903 (09/18/08)
Business Manager Iuliana Matalica Staff Writers/Stringers Xiaomeng Li Danyelle Reid Kayla Chagnon Rebecca Cheek Jacquelyn Valencia Ali Thorpe
TheWilsonBillboard November 14, 2008