Wilson Stuart School
Summer Term
Makaton Fun Day
Caterpillars visit Drayton Manor
We have had a fantas c Makaton fun day, this year, focusing on the RIO Olympics. We had students crea ng an Olympian Brazilian meal. Crea ng flags to support their teams, Olympic circuits, synchronized Olympic swimming . Samba drumming sessions and a relay race to complete the day between staff and students. Whilst our compe ve juices were flowing we were learning all the Makaton signs to support each ac vity. So when the Olympics arrive, be prepared to pick up signs from our fabulous students.
On Wednesday 8th June Bees, Bu erflies and Caterpillars Classes had a fantas c visit to Drayton Manor paid for by the Wylde Green Rotary Club. The children were able to go on a range of different rides with something to suit everyone. We enjoyed Jeremy’s Flying Academy, the Runaway Train, Ber e Bus , Water Canyon and even saw a musical show featuring the Fat Controller. We were blessed with fantas c volunteers ready to do whatever was requested of them to help and a fabulous sunny day too! The children absolutely loved the whole day out and didn’t want to leave at the end of it. A massive thank you to all the Wylde Green Rotary Club volunteers for making it all possible.
Wilson Stuart School
Wilson Stuart SchoolSummer Term A Special Academy
Newsle er Summer 2016
ear Parents, The end of another school year already! They just seem to be going faster and faster. We have enjoyed another happy and successful year in school, and the Summer Term as usual has been busy and exci ng. There have been residen al visits, sports events, shows and the Garden Party, which raised £2667 - a tremendous amount to add to our school fund.
We also have exci ng mes just ahead. In September our new 19-25 College will open, and it will now provide courses for PMLD students. September is also the date for the building work that will start on our £1 million inclusive Nursery School project. When finished in May 2017, this will provide places for up to 68 nursery pupils.
I must take this opportunity to say a very big thank-you to the school staff, they are without any excep on, dedicated, commi ed, hard-working and just brilliant. They provide our children with the very best educaƟon and care which they so richly deserve. I have been delighted to see so many Parents in school for a variety of events during the year. I must thank you for your support and engagement with school. This is vitally important for children if they are to reach their poten al, and we value your contribu on most highly. Finally, I would like to wish you an enjoyable holiday and hope the sun shines on you and your family this summer.
SteveHughes - Head Teacher
Alrewas Na onal War Memorial Visits On separate days in June and July, 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 visited the Na onal War Memorial in Alrewas. The arboretum is a breath-taking, peaceful place to learn about past conflicts and understand the human consequences of such tragedies. All classes visited the chapel to experience the daily sound of the last post to commemorate the brave soldiers who have lost their lives. During 3.1’s visit they were able to visit a reconstructed trench and paint individual soldiers to stand in the ground represen ng the 19,240 Bri sh Soldiers that died during the Ba le of The Somme.
Jamie Oliver Home Cooking Skills Compe on. Dates for the Diary Sep
05 06 12 23 30 03 03-06 12 18 20 24-28 31 04 17 22 02 05 07 08 09 13 14 15 16
Teacher Training Day Pupils Return to School PFPA Coffee Morning Jeans for Genes Day MacMillan Coffee Morning PFPA Coffee Morning Na onal Junior Games English GCSE Parents Workshop Harvest Fes val Whole School Parents Evening Half Term Break PFPA Coffee Morning Awards Evening Maths Parents Workshop School Photographer Day Christmas Bazaar PFPA Coffee Morning Primary Christmas Show Christmas Lunch PFPA Christmas Shop Mince Pie Morning Secondary Concert Carol Services End of Term—Pupils Leave at 2pm
Keep up to date with news on our website: www.wilsonstuart.co.uk
Wilson Stuart School has scooped the first prize in the Jamie Oliver Home Cooking Skills CompeƟƟon, a na onal BTEC award. The celebrity chef chose the winning team from schools around the UK. The Wilson Stuart 6th Form team, Bilal and Sean took part in a series of challenges based on the theme of nutri on, sustainability and locally sourced foods. The tasks included creaƟng and serving a two course menu for a dinner party. The duos menu included: Teriyaki Salmon, with a mango and chilli salsa followed by a rhubarb, ginger and almond crumble. Both Bilal and Sean, both aged 18, have just completed their BTEC qualifica ons at Wilson Stuart School and are due to start the 19- 25 Wilson Stuart College in September. In addi on to the trophy, the team won a Tefal bundle of catering equipment for school, a signed Jamie Oliver cookbook, Amazon vouchers and a meal for 4 at Jamie’s Italian restaurant in Birmingham. The team was mentored by Sue Ladkin, Food technology teacher at Wilson Stuart, she said: “It is a fantas c achievement to win the compe on. It means our students are performing at the very highest level. It takes commitment to win a compe on of this stature, which tests so many skills in the kitchen, so proud of their achievement”.
Keep up to date with news on our website: www.wilsonstuart.co.uk
Wilson Stuart School
Summer Term
Wilson Stuart School
Summer Term
Evacua on A ernoon
PMLD Visits Twycross Zoo
Happy Puzzle Maths Workshop
Na onal embroidery compe
To give pupils an experience of what it was like living during the war mes, we had an aŌernoon evacuaƟon experience. Pupils were evacuated from their classrooms to the dining bay. They learnt about which kinds of food they could have under the food ra oning scheme and had a go at preparing a “typical” meal eaten at the me. The menu included fish cakes, mashed potatoes, vegetables, as well as “Woolton Pie”, this pie was named a er Lord Woolton who was the Minister of Food during the war and consists of diced root vegetables topped with cheese and chive mash (like a vegetable co age pie). The pupils made cakes and biscuits with Sue in prepara on for today. Ac vi es in the a ernoon included being evacuated and chosen by foster mothers, word searches and colouring as well as war marching and patrol role call around the dining bay. Everybody had a great Ɵme and special thanks to Sue for some marvellous food.
The whole of the PMLD department enjoyed a day at Twycross Zoo on Monday 27th June. This was a wonderful opportunity for the students to see many animals and experience a group of Oloip Maasai Dancers from the Ri Valley in Kenya. The group performed tradi onal Maasai music and dances for the pupils. There was also an opportunity to learn what life is like in a Maasai village in Kenya! Twycross Zoo cares for around 500 animals, this includes 150 species which are bigger animals. There are many endangered species, plus hundreds of creepy crawlies too. The zoo is renowned as a specialist primate zoo, they care for a wide variety of monkeys and apes, and are the only zoo in the UK where you can see all types of great ape – gorilla, orangutan, chimpanzee and bonobo. The pupils all thoroughly enjoyed their day and we had many smiles and laughter throughout.
The Happy Puzzle Company came into school to run a Maths workshop for our pupils. The children took part in a one hour session which involved problem solving and logical thinking. The puzzles incorporated fine motor skills and most importantly perseverance. Some of the puzzles were a huge challenge for pupils but they were taught to conƟnue trying even when the going gets tough and to work as a team to support each other. The puzzles included balancing penguins on an iceberg, complex jigsaw puzzles, hexagon shaped puzzles and wooden blocks to create a picture. All the children had a great day and said how much they enjoyed the sessions.
Earlier this year our children entered a na onal embroidery compe on called 'Looking through'. They designed and made a 3D eye, the iris was s tched and made from vibrant colours, the white of the eye was made from chip board, smoothed and painted with a base coat, that the pupil made from up cycled pipe and a mirror. It was a joint art and resistant materials project - all children were enthusias c and worked with care, which can be seen in their entries. I am very proud to announce that Wilson Stuart school have been awarded third place.
“Bos n Brass” delighted everyone with their wonderfully entertaining performance, led by Aaron Diaz on trumpet. There were 3 other musicians, playing trombone, saxophone and drums, and somehow they managed to sound like a band double their size, playing marching band music of New Orleans, alongside imagina ve improvisa on on well-known pieces of music and songs. We were all encouraged to join-in with singing, clapping, dancing and even following the band in a big conga – through the willow tunnel and around the field. Both pupils and staff enjoyed a lovely aŌernoon together and it was clearly a huge success. We hope to plan another event in the future and invite all the parents too!
Their work is so impressive that the embroidery guild will be pu ng our children's work on display at a naƟonal exhibiƟon in London later this year. Well done classes 3.2, 3.3 and 4.4.
Perry Common and Me Giraffes Local History Visit. Bendrigg Lodge
Bos n Brass
Primary Residen al The Primary students and staff all had a great me on our Residen al Trip to the Pioneer Centre in Cleobury Mor mer. We all had the opportunity to go bowling, rock climbing, abseiling, jump about on an inflatable obstacle course during Big Bounce and have a dance in our party ou its at the disco. We also had a lovely me at the Safari Park. We had a Discovery Session where we were able to look more closely and touch a Chinchilla, a Bearded Dragon and a giant Cockroach called Colin! We had lots of yummy food whilst there and were able to chill in our lodge in the evenings before bed me, playing on the Wii and watching Toy Story 3. On the way home, we went for a long walk around Wyre Forest before having our packed lunch and heading back to school to see all of our friends. We all had a brilliant, fun filled few days away and made lots of new friends too.
Keep up to date with news on our website: www.wilsonstuart.co.uk
On the week beginning the 7th of March, Wilson Stuart took a small group of children from Key Stage 3 to Bendrigg Lodge, in the Lake District for a week of outdoor ac vi es. There was plenty of laughter and the students had a fantasƟc Ɵme. Students had the opportunity to go rock climbing, canoeing, zip wiring, caving and most of all they got to socialise and be part of a team. Bendrigg was a chance of a life me and all of the students were challenged and all succeeded. Great memories which will last for a life me.
We met at Perry Common Community Hall and the 3 schools shared what local history they had found out. Pupils from the 3 schools then mixed together and acted out 4 historical dramas linked to ideas such as family life in the Pre-fab houses, the Blitz and hiding in an air-raid shelter, what it is like to be a child who is evacuated from the city to the countryside and King Charles 1st and how he addressed his soldiers on the Kingstanding Pimple during the Civil War of 1642. A er a sandwich lunch all 3 schools were treated to Ann and Gordon who showed us how to dance in the “Tea Dance” evenings they used to have in the olden days. We learnt how to waltz and the boys got the chance to dance with the girls! Finally we had the opportunity to name some local roads in the Perry Common rebuilding work to be completed in the neighbourhood.
...students had a fantas c me.
Keep up to date with news on our website: www.wilsonstuart.co.uk