Wilson Stuart School.
A school that is special •
small class groups and individual programmes
wide range of sporting activities and accredited opportunities
specialist staff knowledge and expertise
specialist facilities, (sensory swimming pool, soft play, two sensory rooms and superb outdoor facilities)
access to all areas of the National Curriculum
nationally recognised qualifications for all
use of ICT to support our curriculum and pupil learning
assessment and support for children with complex communication difficulties
partnership with parents including an active parents group
opportunities for inclusive activities
collaborative approaches
individual physical management programmes
Individual eating and drinking programmes
nursing, physiotherapy and speech and language support
bilingual support
motor development
tradition in specialist performing arts
excellent community partnerships and supported activities
outreach support for mainstream schools
speech and language therapy
A message from our Head Teacher
About our school Wilson Stuart School is an all age school for children aged 2 to 19 years, who have a physical disability and/or a complex medical condition. Many pupils have additional disabilities including communication difficulties, learning difficulties and sensory impairments. Our last 5 OFSTED inspections have all resulted in an ‘Outstanding’ report, the latest taking place in April 2015. We are very proud of our achievements and strive daily to maintain our excellent standards. Most of our pupils have a congenital disability and start school in the nursery. For many, the aim is to provide specialist support at an early stage to enable them to transfer to a mainstream setting in the future. For others, the very specialist provision provided by Wilson Stuart continues to be required throughout their educational years. For these pupils a programme of inclusive activities is planned as an integral part of their educational experiences.
What we do in school Our school has a reputation for providing a wide range of activities that allow pupils with a physical disability to achieve success and realise their true potential.
Particular emphasis is placed upon the development of motor abilities and communication skills through a multi disciplinary approach to curriculum activities and independence skills. The specialised use of computer technologies aids access to the curriculum and, together with the development of individual education programmes ensures access for all our pupils to all areas of the National Curriculum. Occasionally, following consultation with parents and other professionals, an area of the National Curriculum may be dis-applied for some pupils. We recognise that excellent partnerships with parents is an essential element in the success of our school. Parents are at the heart of our planning along with other professionals thus ensuring a consistent and successful approach to learning for all our pupils. We have a very active Parents for Parents Association who have organised a variety of very successful events for students and parents of the school. Wilson Stuart is established as a leader in the development of sport. We have established a Community Interest Company, The Wilson Stuart Active Society, that supports and promotes PE and Sport in over 30 local schools. To visit school please telephone to arrange an appointment.
Steve Hughes
Our Aims
To empower pupils to take their place in a modern society with as much independence, confidence, self-esteem and self-awareness as possible, irrespective of any disability, gender, cultural or linguistic differences.
To provide a safe, welcoming and effective learning environment for pupils and staff, where everybody respects the abilities, values and beliefs of others.
To provide a broad, balanced and flexible curriculum, based upon the National Curriculum, responding to pupils’ individual needs and actively seeking the best possible education for each child.
To encourage and develop a partnership between the school, our parents, other professionals, and the wider community.
To support the development of an inclusive society by acting as a resource, and by promoting an understanding of the needs and capabilities of individuals with disabilities.
To support the achievement of these aims by fostering the career and personal development of all staff through on-going training, drawing on resources available at national and local level.
About our Governing Body
Our governors have a general responsibility for the effective management of the school, and work in close partnership with the head teacher, who is responsible for the day-to-day running of the school. The members of the Governing Body include:
parents, who are elected by the parents of pupils at the school,
Staff Governors, who are elected by staff at the school,
Executive Head
and co-opted governors, who are chosen by the other governors to represent the local community and /or school
(The minutes of all meetings of the Governing Body are available in school.) Governors can be contacted through the Clerk to the Governing Body at the school or directly by emailing governors@wilsonstuart.co.uk. Details of our Governing Body and how to contact them is also available on the school web-site.
The Chair of Governors is Mr. Daniel Dawkins
Pupils are admitted to the school only after request for a placement from the Local Authority (LA). Pupils usually have a Education Health Care Plan but some children may be admitted before the Education Health Care Plan procedure is finalised. Children and parents must visit the school prior to admission to enable both the school and the parents to be sure that the placement can meet the needs of the child. Every year an Annual Report is sent to parents outlining the work that has been covered by their child and the progress that has been made. This report will be discussed at the Annual Review meeting attended by parents, class teachers and other appropriate professionals.
The Foundation Department
Parents as partners The early years of school provide the foundation of all that is to follow so it is vital these foundations are firm ones. Starting school must be a safe, secure and rewarding experience for the child and also the family. We see parents as partners, and in order to encourage good communication there are:
Home-School diaries
Regular invitations to parents to discuss their child’s programme with teaching and therapy staff
Teamwork We have enough staff to enable small group and individual learning to take place and also to ensure the children have easy access to an adult for assistance, comfort and reassurance. All children are assigned a key-worker to work closely with the child on their IEP targets and liaise with parents. We also have therapists who work jointly with nursery staff to help our children.
Large, bright and welcoming The Foundation Department is purpose-built, large, bright and welcoming. Our facilities include a well equipped home corner, sand pit, splash pool and a superb enclosed outdoor play area. There are suitable adaptations and equipment for pupils with special needs and a carpeted quiet room for individual work sessions. There are well equipped computer facilities. The nearby sensory room and soft play area are easily accessible. Teaching approaches are aimed at delivering the Early Years Foundation Stage in order to best develop children`s learning and provide quality early years activities.
Motor and Communication development Our children are helped at home and school to develop good patterns of movement, following Physiotherapy treatment programmes and advice. Communication development is supported with the help of our specialist Communication Team that includes Speech and Language Therapy input.
Inclusion We ensure our children learn through everyday experiences by the outings we arrange. They have opportunities to mix with other children in the community through our links with mainstream schools and our local library.
How is the primary department organised?
The primary department includes the foundation unit and primary class groups
So what is the difference between our school and a mainstream primary school with a nursery?
Children can start in the nursery from two and a half years old.
We have smaller class groups, up to ten in a group
We have more staff to each group
Children’s physical and medical needs can be met as they work.
Communication needs addressed by our specialist multi-disciplinary team including Speech and Language therapy.
Extra staff who are used flexibly to meet children’s needs.
What does the primary department teach?
The Early Years Foundation Stage for Children`s learning.
The National Curriculum
Activities focussing on motor development and independence
Communication skills with input from a specialist team
A curriculum based on the needs of the child
How do we teach it?
We deliver some subjects as separate lessons and others are taught through a series of topics. There are always cross-curricula links in our teaching.
The children join ability groups at times during the week for literacy and numeracy activities.
Sport, Music and Drama are used to enhance the children’s learning and provide opportunities for achievement.
Pupils have opportunities to learn through a Multi-Sensory Curriculum.
What extra support do we give?
Individual motor development programmes delivered in co-operation with the physiotherapy team and school staff.
Individual assessment for pupils with communication difficulties.
Individual communication programmes delivered collaboratively between the Communication Team and teaching staff.
Use of resources such as Communication Aids/books/charts/switches.
Use of Makaton Signing and symbols
Assessment & programmes for pupils with eating and drinking difficulties.
Assessment and solutions to ensure pupils with physical difficulties can access the curriculum using ICT.
Support for Community Languages.
How is the Secondary Department organised?
Key Stage 3 Pupils are placed into five vertically streamed groups containing pupils from years 7, 8 & 9. The groups are streamed broadly according to academic ability. This means that each group has a curriculum that is suited to their needs. This arrangement helps greatly with transition as new pupils into year 7 are quickly assimilated into the group and looked after by older pupils. One of our KS3 groups provides a curriculum for students with profound and multiple learning difficulties. This group has specialist lessons and activities and follows a primary based model for the majority of the time. Most secondary subjects are taught within specialist subject areas. Pupils move between lessons and teachers, however, teaching assistants stay with their group.
Key Stage 4 Pupils are taught in ability groups and follow a secondary model of using subject specialists. The curriculum is adapted to the needs of the group and the individual. Each year group in KS3 & 4 has a form tutor whose specific responsibility is to ensure the personal well-being of each student.
It is within these groupings that pupils receive PE, swimming and PSD lessons. Curriculum areas are managed by a faculty leader whose job it is to overview the planning, delivery and assessment for their subject area.
National Accreditation All KS 4 pupils have the opportunity to follow a course that leads to National Accreditation including GCSE, Foundation & Entry Level qualifications, and Functional Skills. We use a variety of exam boards including AQA, OCR, Edexcel, Welsh Board, NCFE, The Princes Trust, TLM, English Speaking Board and ASDAN. School staff discuss with parents and pupils on the most appropriate courses based upon the pupil’s level of attainment, degree of learning independence and levels of personal capability.
School discipline The school has a limited number of school rules that have been written by the pupils for the pupils. They require pupils to have respect for themselves, other people and their property and the school environment. Pupils are supported to adhere to these rules by the tutorial system in the school, which involves a teacher and a TA forming close working relationships with between 5 – 10 pupils. The tutor is supported by departmental heads who work closely with the rest of the senior leadership team. The school aims to work closely with parents to develop positive and appropriate behaviour both at school and within the home. We have an active student Forum meeting several times a year, in which pupils are encouraged to contribute to all aspects of school life. We firmly believe that our pupils have a right to actively contribute to the school.
The Secondary Curriculum In years 7, 8 & 9 the pupils are offered a broad and balanced curriculum which includes the National Curriculum subjects. Including English, Maths, ICT, Science, RE, PE, Art and Design, Music, Humanities, Design and Technology (Food and Resistant Materials). Students with profound and multiple learning difficulties follow a modified curriculum that encompasses knowledge, understanding and problem solving. All students follow a Personal and Social Development course (PSD). This includes Careers Education, RE, Health Education, (including Sex Education), Citizenship and Life and Living Skills.
Transition from KS.3 to KS.4 All of our pupils complete Transition plans every year, which document the pupils’ strengths and areas for development. At the end of KS 3 pupils are prepared for the move to KS 4. Teachers will discuss the demands of different courses with pupils, what they can expect and then decide what subjects and accreditation they will undertake.
Transition from KS 4 to KS 5 The majority of our pupils move into our 6th Form with some taking up places at mainstream colleges. All pupils have a transitional review from year 9 upwards and choices are discussed with ourselves. If they decide to stay on into our 6 th Form a day will be arranged where they join the 6th Form to experience what it is like.
Additional support Pupils who need to learn specific skills in order to access the curriculum are given additional support and practice in order to overcome areas of difficulty. For example we are able to provide one to one reading support. We work in a multi-disciplinary way. Physiotherapist, Speech and Language Therapists and our Nurses provide support to those pupils that need it. Pupils with communication difficulties are supported by our Communication Team, and some of our groups augment the spoken word with signs and symbols.
Physical Education for all Particular emphasis is placed upon swimming and physical education. Activities are adapted to ensure that all pupils have access to a varied and challenging P.E. programme.
Our post 16 provision What do our pupils do at 16?
A significant number of our students move into our 6th Form after reaching the statutory school leaving age. Each student has a member of staff who is able to provide personal guidance and support for them whilst they are on our 6th Form programme. Students can choose to stay in our 6th Form for up to three years, and follow a curriculum that maximises transferrable skills. The curriculum encompasses an accredited programme focussing on Personal Development & Employability Skills (PDE), GCSE re-takes in Maths & English, Vocational Skills and Entry Level 1 to Level 2 English, Maths and ICT. The aim is for learning wherever possible to be supported through vocational experiences and the development of the students skills and qualities. Students are encouraged and supported through the 6th Form to develop their own personal responsibility, independence and self help skills. Our programme aims to prepare students for their life and career after Wilson Stuart School.
What career guidance will my child receive? A programme of advice and guidance commences in Year 9 for both students and parents working with staff. There is a schedule of meetings arranged in Years 9,10,and 11 and all students have a ‘Transitional Plan’ written in Year 9 which is updated annually. This plan is completed by pupils with support from parents/carers and school staff. How is Careers Education taught? Careers Education is taught through the Spiritual Development (SMSC) programme in Years 10 to 14.
Working Together
What is our role as a parent? We place great emphasis on developing close working relationships with parents. We would encourage you to work in partnership with staff in both the education and personal development of your child.
How do we find out how our child is progressing? The school organises regular parents' evenings to ensure that there is close liaison between staff and parents about pupil progress. Annually, you will receive a report outlining your child's progress and identifying future need. A review meeting is held to discuss the report and to set targets for the following year.
What about physical and medical needs? Parents are invited to attend regular medicals and some orthopaedic and paediatric consultants hold their clinics at the school.
How can we as parents help the school? By becoming a member of the W.S.A. parents, teachers and friends have worked to form the Wilson Stuart Association (WSA), which meets to plan fund raising activities and social events. In addition the Parents for Parents group meet on a very regular basis and have developed a range of activities that happen during term time and holidays. You can find information about them on their web-site at: www.wilsonstuartpfpa.com You can also volunteer to help in school. We welcome the opportunity to use your skills to enhance the education of our pupils. We offer training to parents throughout the school year through a range of activities aimed at helping support their child’s education and progress.
How do we learn about school life? Home/School diaries are used in the Nursery and Primary departments to ensure good communication . Class teachers send details of curriculum topics at the start of each term. A general Newsletter is sent home at the end of each term. The ‘School Profile’ which is available online at http://www.parentscentre.gov.uk/school profile, provides up to date information about the school. Hard copies can also be provided on request. The school website also provides up to date information.
Our Team Approach Are there opportunities informally?
Yes, There are courses provided in school for parents (eg. on helping your child with communication). A schedule of activities for parents is published on our annual calendar. Through all of these activities parents have the opportunity to meet one another and talk in a relaxed friendly atmosphere. Parents are also invited to school assemblies, concerts, special events and informal coffee mornings. We have an attractive and well appointed room in the school for parents and the community to use. We are also developing our Applied Learning Centre which will contain control technology equipment and provide advice and support to families.
Teachers Guides
Teaching Assistants
Physiotherapists & Aides
Admin Staff
Medical staff
Lunchtime Supervisors
Catering staff
Bilingual Staff Speech and Language Therapists & Assistants
Building Services Supervisory Staff
You and your child
Welfare Officers
The School Day
School hours School day: 9.00 a.m.
3.30 p.m.
Lunch breaks: Primary Primary Class lunch breaks have either a 1h 10m or 1h 30m between 11.30 am - 13.30 pm dependent upon ability classes. Secondary
12.55 p.m.
1.55 pm.
All pupils also have a 30 minute morning break session.
Getting to school All children are transported to and from school on tail-hoist vehicles which are managed by West Midlands Special Needs Transport. Every vehicle has a pupil escort in addition to a driver.
School lunches Lunch is cooked in our own kitchens. We cater for children with specific dietary requirements (medical, religious, etc.) There are also facilities available for children who want to bring packed lunches. Lunchtime supervisors are employed to support children's individual needs at dinner time and during play.
Additional Information
Religious Education R.E is in accordance with the Birmingham Agreed Syllabus. Christianity forms the main basis for the subject but balanced view of the major world religions is provided. Our aim in this multicultural, multi-racial society is to enable children to develop tolerance and respect for differing values and beliefs. Parents have the right to withdraw their child from R.E. and collective worship. Alternative supervised activities will be made available to those children withdrawn.
Sex Education Sex education is provided as an integral part of the school’s curriculum related to Personal, Social and Health education. It is presented in the context of family life, of caring relationships and respect for others. Teachers have the responsibility of responding to children’s questions with sensitivity in the context of the child’s knowledge and stage of development and of their family’s social, cultural and religious background.
How parents and others may see the documents that the head must keep for inspection at the school Parents are asked to contact the head teacher if they wish to see any documents relating to school policies, curriculum, governing body, or inspection reports about the school. An appointment will be made for the parents to visit the school, on a day when the documents will be available for inspection. Certain information is available on our website.
Governing Body's Charging and Remissions Policy The policy, adopted and renewed annually by the Governing Body, permits charges in respect of individual tuition in playing a musical instrument, the cost of materials where parents wish to own the finished product and for board and lodging on residential visits. Parents may be requested to pay a voluntary contribution towards educational visits which are dependent on financial support.
Uniform School uniform is designed to allow pupils to wear clothes that are comfortable and easy to manage. We therefore ask pupils to wear clothes that are navy blue and /or white. We do not stipulate the type of clothing to be worn but ask that it should not be denim. Polo shirts, sweatshirts, fleeces and baseball caps embroidered with the school logo can be purchased through Clive Marks.
Number of registered pupils of compulsory age on roll The school is funded by the LA for 232 pupils, this includes nursery provision.
Details of the LA's arrangements for complaints about the curriculum Complaints about the Governing Body's actions on the curriculum should be made to the Chair of the Governing Body. If the complainant is not satisfied after this, he or she can refer the complaint to the Local Authority. Complaints about the Education department's powers or functions should be made to the Strategic Director of Children, Young People and Families.
School policy for dealing with complaints If you have any concerns you are encouraged to contact the head teacher, class tutor or department head, by letter or by telephone.
Attendance The school carefully monitors attendance. We work closely with our Integrated Family Support Team worker who attends our fortnightly ‘Family Support Meeting’. Letters are sent home if a students attendance falls below our expected levels. If there is a serious concern about a pupil‘s attendance or an attendance is unauthorised then a referral will be made to the Integrated Family Support Team worker and parents will be contacted. Can we remind parents that holidays in term time are not allowed. Time off school can only be allowed by the Head Teacher in exceptional circumstances. If parents disregard this ruling they will be fined and the absence will be marked on the register as unauthorised.
Data Protection The school has a Data Protection Policy which complies with the terms of the 1998 Data Protection Act and ensures that personal data is treated in a manner that is fair and lawful. It follows the advice and guidance supplied in the Data Protection Guidance for schools Booklet written by Birmingham Education Service.
Child Protection We consider the safety of our pupils to be very important. We have a regularly updated Child Protection policy which is available to parents on request or on the school web site. All staff receive regular training in child protection procedures. We have a designated teacher and deputy designated teacher who receive training from the authority every two years. The school also has “safer recruitment” procedures and all staff, temporary staff and volunteers are subject to DBS checks.