Sustainable progress 2024

Sustainable progress 2024
2024 was a year in which we once again showed what is possible when we work together. In this sustainability report - Making impact together, sustainable progress 2024 - the focus is on the power of connection, shared responsibility and joint efforts that bring us closer to a sustainable future.
For us, CSR and sustainable entrepreneurship are not a question, they are one of our core values: doing the right thing. It is a shared mission and inspires us to look beyond today’s obligations and focus on tomorrow’s possibilities. It gives direction to everything we do. This year, together with colleagues, customers and partners, we have not only set goals, but also taken important steps. From innovative, sustainable solutions and more efficient work processes to initiatives that contribute to a circular economy - every project reflects our commitment to making progress together and making impact together.
We know that sustainability is not something to be taken for granted. It requires courage, collaboration and continuous commitment. That is why we continue to inspire, connect and act. We see it as our responsibility to create opportunities and achieve results that not only have an impact now, but also contribute to a future-proof world.
This report tells the story of our journey together: the successes we achieve, the lessons we learn and the ambitions that drive us. We are proud of what we have achieved together, but we also know that there is still much work to be done. With determination and a shared vision, we continue to build a world where impact and progress go hand in hand. Together we make a difference - today, tomorrow and especially after that, for the generations that follow.
A sustainable future is what unites us.
Hans Dominicus en Bart Zegers Management
Sustainability and corporate responsibility are essential for the future. Our future.
At Wiltec, we want to make a positive impact - for our employees, our customers and the world around us. I am proud to see how we contribute to our mission and core values together every day and stand for sustainable progress.
We have taken important steps in awareness and ownership within the departments and within the different functions. Whether it is reducing our ecological footprint, supporting local communities or creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels at home: our efforts show that sustainable progress starts with vision, ambition and collaboration.
In this report, we look back at the steps we have taken in 2024. I am pleased with what we have achieved. We have made progress on all fronts. At the same time, I realize that we still have to make an extra effort to achieve all long-term goals. I look with confidence to the coming year, in which we will work to tackle these challenges and realize our ambitions.
With enthusiasm, I focus on the opportunities and challenges ahead of us. We remain committed to inspiring and connecting others to continue this journey with us. Because when we take responsibility together, we increase our strength and can make more impact and realize sustainable progress.
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to our progress in 2024: my colleagues, suppliers, customers and all other inspiring stakeholders around us
Mariëlle van Rijbroek CSR Manager
This sustainability report covers the entire Wiltec group. In addition, ETP publishes its own report.
<- Read here.
together we eat 35,421 pieces of fruit 62
sports subscriptions
by recycling ICT materials we support Kika 373 employees 974
training courses available on the online learning platform
participants in in-house training 546
50 work shadowing moments with colleagues
we send our mail via social enterprise depostBode
podcast for learning and development
we sponsor 43 local and regional initiatives
250 families supported with our end-of-year contribution
jubilees 37
Investing in employees
Investing in society
we support Stichting Leergeld
210,600 kg
85% LED lighting solar panels 3152 energy label office building
CO2 saved by innovative floor protector
I nvestingin the environmen t PILLAR2
PILLAR4 I nvestingin the supplychain
3,008 fewer car stops by Groenbezorgen CSRD on track first delivery of bags made from old clothing +18% dropshipments 3% less waste
8 waste flows; 2 more than in 2023 123,000 cups saved annually
2,452.5 kg
CO2 reduction by reducing the use of pallet wrap
82,405 RFID chips processed in clothing
Everyone smart at work and safely back home. That is our mission.
Every day, we help customers work smarter and safer with almost 400 colleagues. We do this based on our core values: entrepreneurial, make it happen and doing the right thing. These values are of great importance to us and are woven into everything we do. We feel them, we breathe them. With every step we take and every choice we make. We always focus on the future.
We are socially involved and believe in doing the right thing; for the people and the planet. We demonstrate entrepreneurship and do everything we can to achieve our sustainable ambitions. That is why we invest in employees, in the environment, in society and in the supply chain. We contribute by taking an exemplary role in sustainable entrepreneurship, leading the way through innovation and inspiring where possible. Our ambition? An endless circle of high-quality circular products.
We invest in a sustainable future Our pillars:
1. employees
2. environment
3. society
4. supply chain
In doing so, we endorse the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations to make the world a better place. To make impact, we need to be able to count on each other. We all have a link in our hands to make the world more sustainable and fairer by 2030.
We focus on five SDGs. We link these SDGs to our sustainable pillars. Of course, we also contribute to the other SDGs.
SDG 1 - No poverty
Wiltec expects suppliers and partners to comply with all international, national and local legislation in terms of environment, health and labour. We want to contribute to good working conditions, fair work and wages.
SDG 8 - Decent work and economic growth
We are committed to making the labour market fairer, more equal and safer. We believe in everyone’s talent and in inclusive entrepreneurship. In doing so, we stimulate economic growth in a responsible manner
SDG 12 - Responsible consumption and production
We minimize the impact of our products on people, animals and the environment. This starts with production and goes beyond the lifespan. We ensure that these products are reused and leading the way with innovations.
SDG 13 – Climate action
The effects of climate change are a threat to people and nature. We therefore contribute to preventing global warming and minimize the impact of our business operations on the environment.
SDG 17 - Partnership to achieve the goals
Together with our employees, suppliers and customers we are stronger. As a supply chain intermediair and sustainability partner we look for opportunities to innovate and initiate change, so that together we can make an impact.
We have translated our sustainable ambition into 4 pillars
By a walk-along moment with a colleague from another department or company, we gain more insight into each other’s work and together we build a closer and more efficient working environment.
We reuse discarded clothing. Together with our customers and with Pōur and Vanhulley we create new beautiful products, such as a laptop bag or cool bag, from old clothing.
nvesteren in medewerkers
PILLAR1 Investing in employees
We believe that training and development are essential to grow, retain knowledge, meet legal requirements and challenge our employees.
nvesteren in medewerkers Page16 I nvestingin the environmen t PILLAR2
We give work shoes that are used but still in a good condition a second life. The shoes are given new soles and laces and are cleaned, so that we extend their lifespan.
Colleagues Jos and Sander were guests at the podcast “Long Live Learning”. And that is exactly what Wiltec stands for; continuing to grow and develop, a little better every day!
At Wiltec we believe in investing in society. One of our core values is doing the right thing. By packing food parcels for the Food Bank together, colleagues have gained a valuable experience.
By raising the Sustainable Development Goals flag at Wiltec, we have emphasized that we are actively participating in this global movement. We are actively committed to a sustainable future.
I nvesteren in medewerkers
I nvestingin the supplychain
Together with EMMA Safety Footwear, the ResQ safety shoe was developed for ambulance care professionals. This shoe is made with the people who wear it, so that the ResQ really meets all their needs.
We believe that vitality is essential for your well-being. When you are physically and mentally fit, you feel better about yourself and can function better. During the National Vitality Week, various activities were organized that strengthen both body and mind. From a five-day walking challenge and table tennis tournament to modern dance, running, boot camp, breathing coaching and a plank challenge. The perfect opportunity to exercise with colleagues and get to know each other better, but also to reflect on your own health. In this way, we invest together in an energetic and healthy working environment!
Wiltec invests in a sustainable future. We do this, for example, by investing in employees in various ways. We believe it is important that our employees have a pleasant workplace where they feel safe, can develop and have fun, so that they can be entrepreneurial, can make it happen and can do the right thing. We encourage them to commit themselves to our mission: Everyone smart at work and safely back home. That is what we do it for. Together with the entire team, because together we are strong!
1. Sustainable employability and mobilityt
We bind, captivate and retain talent. We offer internal growth opportunities and are committed to reducing absenteeism and limiting turnover.
2. Job satisfaction
Wiltec wants to be the company where employees feel comfortable and proud. We want them to enjoy working for us and to rate their job satisfaction a solid 8.
3. Equality, diversity and inclusiveness
We strive for a diverse group of employees and offer employment to people who have fewer opportunities on the labour market, such as people with a low level of education, people with a disability, people over 50, young people and migrants.
Moving together. Do you work at Wiltec? Then you can participate in running training and -competitions with colleagues. You can also exercise at a local gym at a reduced price.
Walk-along moment. In 2024, more than 50 employees looked along in another department or another company in the Wiltec group. This way, we gain more insight into each other’s work and together we build a closer and more efficient working environment.
Jong Wiltec is an initiative for employees up to and including 35 years of age. Four times a year, experts provide inspiration sessions, focused on connection and development and where skills are strengthened or made clear.
Safe working environment. Because every employee should feel safe in the workplace, the team of confidential counselors has been expanded and trained. It has also become easier to report.
National Colleague Day. On this day, we consciously reflected on the great colleagues we work with every day. The thank-you cards we wrote for each other put a smile on many faces.
Continue to develop. It is important that employees continue to develop. A renewed learning platform with a wide range of 974 learning paths has been launched. Customized training courses have also been developed, together with internal and external experts.
Inspiration sessions. For example, Remy Gieling took us into the world of AI. In understandable language, he talked about the most important trends and developments in artificial intelligence.
Outlier and Togetherlier. Every quarter, we award a compliment to a colleague and/ or team. These colleagues convey our core values, inspire others, set a good example and help Wiltec move forward.
We have created a sustainable clothing package for Den Ouden, using recycled polyester and organic cotton. The package, with a uniform look, meets all safety standards, is tailored to the various work areas and fits the new identity. The old clothing package has been collected; bags have been made from the still usable fabrics and residual materials have been processed into new raw materials. In addition worn, returned clothing items are collected so that they can also be recycled and processed into new materials.
RIS Rubber beschikt nu over een moderne RIS Rubber now has a modern and future-oriented spray booth. Thanks to LED lighting, infrared contactless switching (IRS), a smart switch cabinet and a heat recovery unit, the company works more sustainably and efficiently. The brightly lit spray booth is equipped with the best air purification and storage with the right personal protective equipment, so that RIS Rubber employees can get started right away in a safe and pleasant space.
All our packages with destination Uden, Veghel and surroundings are not delivered by car, but by Groenbezorgen by bicycle. Since 2018, we have prevented 18,818 car stops. Together with Groenbezorgen we make an immediate difference. Because one bicycle courier often replaces several vans. This results in lower CO2 emissions, fewer unnecessary car kilometers and a significant reduction in car stops.
Wiltec invests in a sustainable future. We want to do the right thing, also for our planet. We do this, for example, by investing in the environment in various ways, by being entrepreneurial, by looking for environmentally conscious alternatives and by realizing our sustainable goals. Reducing CO2 emissions has our full attention. Preventing waste, circularity and sustainability are conditions for preventing the earth from warming up and the depletion of natural resources and non-renewable raw materials.
1. CO2 neutral business operations
Wiltec is committed to avoiding a negative CO2 footprint by 2030. By 2050, we want to be climate neutral and not emit any other greenhouse gases besides CO2. In line with the Paris climate agreement, we contribute to keeping global warming below 1.5 degrees.
2. Sustainable use of resources
We make our packaging materials more sustainable and reduce them, just like our printed materials. So less use and, where necessary, a more conscious alternative.
3. No waste
Wiltec is actively committed to reusing waste flows within its own business operations as optimally as possible. Where possible, we turn our waste into raw materials and reduce waste flows.
4. Circular product range
We make our product range as circular as possible. Products are designed to last as long as possible and to be used in the most high-quality (circular) way possible after the end of their lifespan.
5. Sustainable processes and products
We offer our customers sustainable solutions and products. We provide insight into the impact of the product, so that customers can make a responsible choice.
Energy label A. Our office building has energy label A. An energy label indicates how energy-efficient a home, building or device is. By reducing energy consumption, we have lower CO2 emissions and contribute to a more sustainable future
More environmentally friendly transport. We collaborate with DHL, ensuring responsible transport and delivery of packages and pallets, both nationally and internationally. With a guaranteed 30% CO2 reduction in the last mile.
Re-use shoes. We give work shoes that have been used but still in a good condition a second life. The shoes are given new soles and laces and are cleaned, so that we extend their lifespan.
Coffee mugs. Cardboard cups have disappeared from our kitchens. Employees use a dopper or (personalized) mug, which saves a lot of unnecessary waste. 123,000 cups per year.
Recyclable packaging material. Various packaging has been adjusted so that it can be recycled more easily. We also limit the use of wrapping foil by 20%. In addition, we test with packaging made of fully industrially compostable foil.
CO2 tool. The tool provides insight into the amount of CO2 released during the production of clothing. This enables us to calculate and analyze the CO2 footprint, allowing us to make targeted choices to reduce emissions.
First aid kit. A first aid kit with as little plastic material as possible and made of sustainable materials such as wood fibres and recycled cardboard. This first aid kit is not only well stocked for emergencies, but also friendly to the environment.
Tulp Productie no longer uses traditional paintstop in the spray booth, but Wiltec ZeroGlass paintstop. ZeroGlass consists of synthetic fibers made from used PET bottles, which means it does not cause itching or irritation. This is in contrast to traditional paintstop, which consists of fiberglass. Filter changing is easier, without protective clothing and the lifetime is longer, which results in less (chemical) waste. ZeroGlass also becomes saturated less quickly, which reduces the mist in the spray booth and employees work more safely.
By collaborating with Delo, KS Industries operates more sustainably and has achieved cost savings. KS, known as a pioneer in sustainable steel processing and construction systems, opted for the Epson printing solutions from Delo. The Epson printing solutions with cold ink technology are less susceptible to failure, partly due to fewer moving parts in the equipment. In addition, the cold printing process does not require heating of elements, which reduces energy consumption by an average of 67.9% and CO2 emissions by 68.13%. With this, KS Industries takes the next step towards a more sustainable future.
How do we achieve safe working together? We organized an inspirational meeting for safety experts on this subject. Experienced colleagues from Van Wijnen, TNO, Mourik and Werkvanzelf took part in an interactive panel discussion in which current safety issues were discussed. Participants visited the supplier expo with the latest product innovations and developments and live demonstrations. The event concluded with the insightful lecture ‘Safety is Engineerable’ by Dr. Wardell Amerika (Neurologist, Neuroscientist, and HVK Lecturer). It was an inspiring session that encouraged participants to view workplace safety from a new perspective.
Wiltec invests in a sustainable future. That is why we also invest in society. We feel responsible, are involved and we want to do the right thing. From a safe working environment for all, we take our exemplary role in and for society. We contribute by helping workers in the Netherlands, and beyond, work more safely. We stay true to our mission, share knowledge, and support our surroundings. That’s good entrepreneurship.
1. Socially involved
We support charities through involvement and donations to our direct environment, mainly focused on sports, culture and youth development. We also share our knowledge and invest in resources and time.
2. Social return
Wiltec provides direct and indirect employment to people with a distance to the labour market. We are certified at level 3 of the PSO (social entrepreneurship performance ladder).
3. Social mission
We aim for smart and safe working environments, with for a focus on the employee, now and in the future. In doing so, we meet the needs and desires of the entire working population.
Co-founder AANtWERK. We offer work to people with a distance to the labour market and are co-founder of the leading CSR platform AANtWERK.
depostBode. For postal delivery we work together with depostBode, 90% of their employees have a distance to the regular labour market.
Together we go further. We like to share our opportunities, challenges and experiences about our CSR policy. We exchange knowledge with organizations such as Avans University of Applied Sciences, the Municipality of Maashorst and entrepreneurs with a Groene Pluim.
De Groene Pluim, after we already received it in 2021, because we are committed to sustainability and social policy, has been extended in 2024. We are proud of that!
Investing in young talent. We believe it is important to invest in young talent. We do this in various ways and in collaboration with schools (through traineeships, challenges, and information sessions). We also work together with Campus Uden.
Doing the right thing. At the Food Bank we rolled up our sleeves and made a donation. A great initiative where we immediately made a difference. That is doing the right thing!
Together we know more. Our Center of Progress is a place where we try to inspire. Throughout the year we receive various schools and participate in knowledge groups such as ShoppingTomorrow.
Friends of Bernhoven. We are a corporate friend of the Bernhoven regional hospital. We support healthcare in the region and help make a difference for patients and their families.
We contribute to a future-proof planet, for now and for generations to come. We do this by inspiring, by positively influencing our employees, customers and suppliers and by encouraging them to participate. Sustainable progress is making impact together. We do this across various themes, such as lifespan extension, circular products, waste reduction, efficient raw material and energy consumption, emission reduction and employee safety. In doing so, we not only support our CSR goals, but also those of our customers and suppliers. In this way, we make impact together and build a sustainable future with greater social value.
Lifespan extension and the reuse of materials is essential for a circular economy and a sustainable future. This reduces the need for replacement, reduces waste and limits the use of new raw materials. Resulting in lower emissions.
• By making the right choices regarding materials, we can reuse, recycle or safely dispose of textiles. In addition to extending the lifespan of the right material, it also ensures a safe production environment and waste reduction.
• YouFocus transfers do not wear out before the end of the garment’s lifespan.
• Columbus filters have a 4x longer service life, resulting in a longer lifespan, higher efficiency and less (chemical) waste.
• Regular maintenance, testing and inspections by our specialists ensure early detection of defects. This prevents wear and tear and enables repair instead of replacement.
• We clean and refurbish furniture if it is still in the right condition, so that its lifespan is extended (refurbished).
Reducing emissions contributes to cleaner air and helps us meet climate goals. We therefore reduce emissions during the production and lifespan of products. This also strengthens the sustainability profile of our customers and reduces the environmental impact in the supply chain.
Examples of progress
• By creating a product passport for clothing with our CO2 tool, we gain insight into the impact of the article.
• We help paint shops use the right filtration, so that paint emissions into the outside air are reduced by 95 to 99%.
• We use dropshipment deliveries to reduce transport. In 2024, this was 18% more than in 2023.
By using natural resources and energy sources more efficiently, we minimize waste, reduce costs and reduce our negative impact on the environment. We continue to innovate, we develop products that use fewer or different raw materials and resources. This reduces our ecological footprint.
Examples of progress
• We make conscious choices about raw materials, which reduces water use. For example, growing lyocell requires 85% less water than growing cotton.
• The use of electric paint spray pumps reduces energy consumption by 70% compared to a pneumatic pump.
• The right print and document solution reduces the use of materials; on average, the number of prints and the number of color prints both decrease by 20%. The CO2 reduction can amount to 40-60%.
Everyone smart at work and safely back home. That is our mission, to which we are committed every day. Safety goes beyond just meeting the applicable standards. It is about employees; about people and their families. Through product innovations, creating awareness and working together with suppliers and customers, we continue to make progress and contribute to greater workplace safety.
Examples of progress
• We advise in the selection and use of the right and certified clothing and PPE for employees.
• Product innovations such as ZeroGlass paintstop filters, which consist of synthetic fibers (69% of recycled PET bottles) that do not cause itching or irritation when replacing the filters.
• We provide well-adjusted workplaces, so that employees remain vital and fit. 24% of absenteeism due to illness can be prevented by a correct working posture.
Together we make a part of the world more sustainable
Our Center of Progress is an inspiring meeting place for professionals, where they can get to know our company and our vision. Sustainability has been given a central role here in the past year, so that we can communicate our ambition even better, actively involve suppliers and give customers insight into sustainable choices in their own business operations. This strengthens supply chain responsibility and creates a shared commitment for a more sustainable future. In this way, both suppliers and customers act as active partners in Wiltec’s sustainability mission.
Wiltec invests in a sustainable future. We do this by investing in the supply chain in various ways. As a chain intermediair, we take responsibility for the entire chain. We are driven to do the right thing and focus on cooperation with suppliers and partners. We are entrepreneurial in this, we look for new circular opportunities and then realize them. We deliver customized solutions to make optimal use of the available raw materials. We are committed to responsible conditions for people, animals, and the environment.
1. Transparency in the supply chain
Together with our suppliers, we make the supply chain transparent with regard to raw material use, CO2 emissions and social conditions.
2. Responsible and sustainable purchasing
Wiltec sets conditions for direct suppliers in terms of a fair, safe and healthy working environment. We focus on long-term relationships with our partners.
3. Supply chain optimization
We invest in cooperation with supply chain partners, so that we can optimize together in the area of waste. With the aim of reducing waste, CO2 emissions and waste in the supply chain.
4. Stimulating social responsibility in the chain
We motivate supply chain partners, we look for sustainable solutions together. We set a good example and take customers and suppliers with us on our circular journey.
25,126 kg of clothing processed with recycling initiativesn
16,004 pairs of socks sold, made from 80-95% old clothing together with our suppliers 82,405 RFIDs processed in clothing increased in the number of dropshipments +18%
Circular solutions. Together with our customers and with Pōur and Vanhulley we have made new beautiful products, such as a laptop bag from old clothes. In this way we reuse discarded clothing.
RFID. RFID chips in garments make it possible to track clothing throughout the entire process. This makes the supply chain transparent, improves inventory management and increases traceability.
Tork paper circle. Together with Tork, we collect used paper towels so that they can be converted into new tissue products. Through this recycling service for paper towels, waste becomes a raw material.
CSRD. From 2025, we will be CSRD-obligated. We are already improving our reporting processes and making our sustainability performance more transparent, so that we are ready to account for our environmental, social and governance impact.
SDG flag campaign. By also raising the Sustainable Development Goals flag at Wiltec, we have emphasized that we are actively participating in this global movement. We are actively committed to a sustainable future.
Circular supply chain. Together with suppliers, we collect coffee machine filters. By using these for repair and refurbish, no new raw materials are needed to make new water filters.
ResQ safety shoe. With EMMA Safety Footwear, we have developed a safety shoe for ambulance care professionals. This shoe is made in consultation with the people who wear it, so that the ResQ really meets all their needs.
Making packaging more sustainable, together with our suppliers, for example by packaging 12 pairs of gloves in a paper wrapper instead of per pair in plastic. In addition, we strive as much as possible to deliver in full boxes.
Van Wijnen employees have new work clothing with a uniform appearance. The safe, protective, comfortable and sustainable clothing is fully tailored to their work activities. The work clothing is made of high-quality materials and is largely made of recycled polyester and organic cotton. The clothing package, which is allocated on the basis of a budget system, is composed in such a way that overproduction and unnecessary issuance are prevented, there is more control over the stock and waste is prevented. The old clothing is collected so that it can be recycled and processed in the most sustainable way. Fully utilizing and extending the lifespan is an important part of the process.
At Udea, Wiltec has replaced the toilet paper rolls with paper per piece, which has reduced consumption. The soap dispensers have also been set up in such a way that less soap is wasted. The textile cloths to dry your hands with have been replaced by paper towels that absorb moisture, causing the cloth to shrink and resulting in less waste volume. Transport has also decreased and no washing program is required to clean the textile cloths. All of this fits within Udea’s sustainable ambitions and also results in cost savings.
The new clothing package from Cyclus, which as a waste company is the link between waste and processing into valuable raw materials, consists of modern, well-fitting clothing with visibility accents and shoes with a single look for all employees. With this package we contribute to Cyclus’ sustainability wish. The clothing has been extensively tested for quality and is made of the best materials, which guarantees an extremely long lifespan. When a piece of clothing has reached the end of its lifespan, it is collected for recycling. In this way we make a valuable contribution to Cyclus’ vision: ‘Together towards a circular economy without waste, with valuable raw materials’.
Everyone smart at work and safely back home. That is our mission.To realize this mission, we still see many opportunities and challenges. The double materiality analysis shows where we can make an impact. The materiality analysis was carried out by an independent party in preparation for the legal CSRD obligation and tests which sustainability themes are most important for Wiltec based on the ESRS: European Sustainability Reporting Standards. We have linked these themes to our 4 pillars.
Pillar 1
1 Safe working (own employees)
2 Absenteeism (internal and external)
3 Career developmentg
4 Social safety
5 Employee satisfaction: Strong together
6 Balanced team
3 Circular purchasing – carbon footprint of user phase
4 Release of business waste 5 Sustainable product range, sustainably delivered
E1, E2, E5, S4 Pillar 3
Social involvement
Smart at work and safely back home ESRS G1, S4 Pillar 4
1 Supply chain responsibility
2 Information for users about safety 3 Clean air through filtration
E1, S2, S4
Sustainable employability and mobility
Job satisfaction
Equality, inclusion and diversity
- 36 employees have been promoted internally to another position - 10 colleagues have participated in Middle Management training
- Turnover reduced by 3%
- Absenteeism reduced by 1.2%
- Employee satisfaction increased by 0.3 points
- Report diversity portal SER
CO2 neutral business operations
Sustainable use of resources
No waste
Circular product range
Sustainable processes and products
- Office Industrielaan 24 Uden energy label A
- 85% of the lighting is now LED lighting
- Reports for CO2 performance scope 1 and 2 set up
- 75% of the packaging we use is recycled or re-used
- Plastic packaging materials reduced by 20% per pallet
- Printing reduced by 21%
- Waste separation expanded to 8 streams (in 2024: 2 additional streams)
- Total waste reduced by 3%
- Expanding circular solutions:
• Product group clothing and personal protective equipment: re-use for shoes set up
• Product group industry and paint shop: savings in the paint shop elaborated into business cases, Tork paper circle implemented, ZeroGlass paintstop sales increased
- Contribute to goals for UPV 2025: collection with GAIA and Frankenhuis
- Circular solutions, such as socks and bags produced with customers
Socially involved
Social return
Social mission: Everyone smart at work and safely back home.
Transparency in the chain
Responsible and sustainable purchasing
Chain optimization
- Information provision improved: product and production properties of regular suppliers in our Product Information Management System (PIM) expanded by 30%
- Products with less impact sold: including growth ZeroGlass paintstop filter, eco floor protector, clothing packages
- Organized a quarterly meeting for external parties with a CSR theme in our Center of Progress, so that we can inspire each other
- Doing the right thing: we physically helped the Food Bank and made a donation
- Providing guidance and support to employees with a distance to the labour market
- PSO Step 3 consolidated and expanded cooperation with partners
- Renewed 4.89% of the product range this year
- Requested service and development opportunities from customers supply chain
Stimulating social responsibility in the chain
- Ecovadis certification submitted, results will be available in February 2025
- Code of conduct (COC) published online, started recording together with our strategic partners
- Improvement plans drawn up with 28 suppliers
- 6 tons of CO2 reduction achieved annually
- Waste reduction of inventory: 10.7% higher turnover rate
- LCA tool developed for insight into CO2 emissions within textiles
- More customers (+17) structurally connected to circular partner for textile processing
- 33 people internally promoted
- Leadership training for higher and middle management
- Turnover reduced by 5%
- Absenteeism reduced by 0.5%
- Employee satisfaction increased by 0.3 points (= 8)
- Report diversity portal SER
- Age up to 30 years > 20%
30-55 years 55%
55 plus > 25%
- Gender 1/4 distribution per management layer
- Origin 5% non-Western
- Gas consumption reduced by 10%
- 80% of the packaging we use is recycled or re-used
- Packaging material reduced by 10%
- Administrative printing reduced by 20%
- Printing for commercial purposes is made of FSC certified material and can be recycled
- Recover flow reduced by 10%
- 20% of waste flows to a higher step on the circular ladder
- 10% of the product range is designed circularly
- Contribute to goals for UPV: clothing put on the market 50% reuse and recycling, of which: 20% reuse, 10% reuse in the Netherlands, 25% of the recycling concerns fiber to fiber recycling.
Expand circular solutions:
• Product group clothing and PPE: further expand the re-use system for shoes /possibilities for reusing product or raw material
• Product group industry and paint shop: further implement/develop collection programs including Tork, of products with modular designs
• Product group office and facilities: further expand possibilities for collection programs
- Offered a more sustainable alternative for 20% of our product range
- 50 people internally promoted
- Turnover rate at least continued
- Absenteeism rate at least continued
- Employee satisfaction > 8
- SER diversity portal report
- Age up to 30 years > 25%
30-55 years 50%
55 plus > 25%
- Gender 1/3 distribution per management layer
- Origin 10% non-Western
- Own business operations climate neutral
- Energy label A++ for entire location Industrielaan 24 in Uden
- Scope 3 insightful
- 100% of the packaging we use is recycled or re-used
- Packaging material reduced by 50%
- Administrative printing reduced by 50%
- Recovery flow reduced by 25%
- 50% of waste flows to a higher step on the circular ladder
- 50% of the product range is designed circularly*
- Contribute to goals for UPV: clothing put on the market 75% reuse and recycling, of which: 25% reuse, 15% reuse in the Netherlands, 33% of the recycling concerns fiber to fiber recycling
* due to the large variety of products, this percentage is lower than per product group
- Proactively offer a more sustainable alternative for all products
- Doing the right thing: organizing a project to support society
- Doing the right thing: continue
- PSO Step 3 is consolidated - PSO Step 3 is consolidated
- We renew 10% of the product range annually
- Customers score 10% better than the Dutch Benchmark (TNO, NEA National Survey of Working Conditions) in terms of the percentage of employees who have been victims of an occupational accident with injury
- 80% insight into tier 1 & 2 of regular suppliers
- Reporting in accordance with CSRD for 2025
- Prepare CSRDDD (due diligence)
- Further recording of Code of conduct
- Regular suppliers have been assessed for responsible and sustainable purchasing
- An improvement plan has been drawn up with 50% of the suppliers based on their assessment
- Gain insight into CO2 emissions from transport in the chain and set up a reduction plan. Further reduction compared to emissions in 2024 through measures
- 5% higher inventory turnover rate achieved
- 5% of the turnover is a more sustainable choice
- 5% of deliveries are shipped with a more sustainable alternative (less impact on the environment)
- We renew 10% of the product range annually
- Customers score 40% better than the Dutch Benchmark (TNO, NEA National Survey of Working Conditions) in terms of the percentage of employees who have been victims of an occupational accident with injury
- 100% insight into tier 1 & 2 of regular suppliers
- All suppliers have been assessed for responsible and sustainable purchasing
- 80% of suppliers have been assessed and an improvement plan has been drawn up on the basis of this
- CO2 emissions from transport in the chain reduced by 5% compared to emissions in previous years
- 30% higher inventory turnover achieved
- 30% of turnover is a more sustainable choice
- 50% of deliveries are shipped with a more sustainable alternative (less impact on the environment)