WMG 07/30/20 V7iss12

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WMG Volume 7 • Issue 15 July 30, 2020



New Cases of COVID-19 Remain Steady in Wilton Manors By Jason Parsley The total number of cases in Wilton has paused much of its reopening plans Manors as of Tuesday now stands at 231, while Broward County has implemented a up from 206 a week ago, according to data nightly curfew and new restrictions have obtained from the Florida Department been placed on certain businesses. “The City of Wilton Manors continues to of Health. That’s a 12% increase over the prior week — slightly more than the 10% ‘think outside the box’ to see how we can deliver services and provide relief to our rise two weeks ago. Meanwhile Oakland Park experienced stakeholders. We have assisted Restaurant Owners by providing a 17% increase in the last outdoor dining spaces for week — down from 33% patrons,” Wilton Manors the week before. City Commissioner Julie Over the past 30 days Carson previously told there’s been a 72% rise in SFGN. “The City’s Code confirmed cases in Wilton Enforcement Department Manors. But those numbers is responding to numerous pale in comparison to violations of the County’s Oakland Park whose most recent Emergency numbers have almost Order. Code Officers are quadrupled in that same working additional hours to time period. educate, assist and compel At the end of May new compliance. Violations of weekly cases in Wilton safety protocols in Broward Manors had dropped to County can be reported by just 1. In May there were - Julie Carson WILTON MANORS CITY dialing 311.” 30 new cases. In June, 22. COMMISSIONER According to FDOH as of Meanwhile in this month, Tuesday, 51,657 people have there have already been 87 tested positive for COVID-19 in Broward new cases. The total cases in Wilton Manors comes County — that’s more than 3 times the to about 1.8% of the population. In Oakland number from 30 days ago. So far 607 have Park it’s about 1.8%. For comparison the died in the county. In Fort Lauderdale there have been percentage of positive tests in Florida 11,758 cases, up from 3,182, 30 days ago. comes to about 2% of the population. As Broward County and the rest of the Next door in Oakland Park the number is state has reopened, Florida has set multiple up to 829. There are 436,867 confirmed cases in records for the number of daily coronavirus cases in the last 30 days. South Florida Florida, more than 4.4 million in the U.S.,


A mask and gloves. Photo via Pixabay.

and globally more than 16.7 million. So far there have been 6,117 deaths in Florida, 151,000 in the U.S. and globally more than 660,000. More than 900 Floridians have died in the last week.

“In all events, acting responsibly by wearing masks, social distancing and washing hands often are the only solutions to mitigating this pandemic,” Carson previously said. WMG

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