WMG 09/03/20 V7iss14

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WMG Volume 7 • Issue 17 September 3, 2020



WICKED MANORS CANCELED ‘Breaking this tradition is truly breaking our hearts’ The revelry may be gone but the Pride Center still needs your support By Sallie James

What’s been dubbed the largest The ongoing pandemic killed the crazy, fun-filled, costumed debauchery Halloween Party on Halloween night in of Wicked Manors this year but devotees the Southeast United States has been of the popular Halloween bash can still rescheduled to Halloween 2021. It put Wilton Manors and Fort support Pride Center programs through Lauderdale on the map, Roa said. The donations. Your donations will go further than cancellation is a big gut-punch to the Pride Center as far as funding. you think: An anonymous That’s why the donation donor has agreed to match drive is so important. all donations up to $10,000. MONEY FROM More than 30,000 Money from Wicked WICKED MANORS WAS people attend the event Manors was used annually annually, which pumps to support everything from USED ANNUALLY TO money into the local HIV outreach to active SUPPORT EVERYTHING economy and provides aging activities. “We have a gracious FROM HIV OUTREACH support for businesses, Pride programs and more, donor who has provided TO ACTIVE AGING Roa said. a matching opportunity The decision to cancel up to $10,000 and we are ACTIVITIES. didn’t come easily. asking everyone to please Organizers reviewed help us in this endeavor by donating any amount to the Wicked the changing COVID-19 regulations, Manors Fundraiser,” said Roger Roa, increasing cases, and current CDC and Director of Development for the Pride Florida Department of Health guidelines Center. “We will be accepting donations and recommendations before deciding to and have set a goal of $25,000 that will go cancel. The decision didn’t come easily: the event has been held for more than 12 back to our community,”

Some creative outfits at Wicked Manors in 2019. WMG file photo.

years and the Pride Center has produced it for the last eight years. Before Wicked Manors was officially canceled, would-be festival-goers flooded the Pride Center with emails, phonecalls and social media messages inquiring about the popular event. Many participants travel from other states to participate, and would have had to plan far in advance due to travel restrictions, Roa noted. “We could not provide a safe, socially

distant event to over 40k attendees,” Roa said. While Event Co-Founder and Chairperson Doug Cureton added: “No one is more upset about this decision than the Wicked Manors event planning team. Since this requires months of planning, we have to go with today’s information and projections. Breaking this tradition is truly breaking our hearts. Rest assured, we will be back stronger than ever in 2021!” WMG

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