WMG Volume 6 • Issue 19 October 9, 2019
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City Lowers Fees for AirBNB Type Rentals By Sallie James
City officials have lowered the fees real challenge. The city has 61 registered required to register vacation rentals here vacation rentals but more than 300 and reduced the annual renewal fees. The vacation rentals pop up when you go to new fee schedule went into effect on Oct. www.airbnb.com and choose “Wilton Manors” as a destination. 1. “I think the biggest concern is Vacation rentals are surging in popularity across the nation as vacationers identifying the unregistered ones,” said shy away from traditional hotels in search City Council member Paul Rolli. “You can Google them but you can’t find of better deals and out where they are.” ac c o m m o d at i o n s City council members that are more like The city has amended the ordinance that home than a resort. 61 registered regulates vacation rentals to But cities struggle to keep tabs on an vacation rentals include these changes: ever-changing and but more than • Defined “permanent sometimes tough residence” as “the place to regulate class of 300 vacation where a person has a rental properties. rentals pop up true, fixed and permanent Adjusting the fees home and the principal is just one example when you go to establishment … to which, of how cities are www.airbnb.com whenever absent, has the trying to figure out intention of returning. to best regulation and choose and monitor these “Wilton Manors” • Required an emergency relatively new forms contact/responsible party of residential rentals. as a destination. placard to be mounted on a Wilton Manors wall inside the front door. City Council members in September lowered the • Set a cap of 20 for the number registration fee from $750 to $500 of persons allowed to gather at a and reduced the annual renewal fee to vacation rental at one time. $300. Some vacation rental owners had complained the previous fees were too Council member Gary Resnick high and were deterring some owners wondered if the city could enforce any from registering their properties. Its new territory for the city, and business restrictions in regard to vacation keeping track of vacation rentals is a rentals. He wondered if someone rented a
An example of listings of what’s publicly available in Wilton Manors through a quick search on AIRBNB. Image via AIRBNB.com.
vacation rental and then tried selling medical marijuana from the vacation rental if there would be a problem. The city’s legal counsel said such a scenario would be a violation of city code. One city resident wondered why the city couldn’t issue registrations for a year, instead of only issuing registrations from Oct. 1 of one year to Sept. 30 of the next year and requiring
all registrations to be renewed on Sept. 30, even if the vacation rental had just been registered in early August. Vice Mayor Tom Green said he is opposed to vacation rentals in single family home neighborhoods. “Duplexes, multi-family are fine,”Green said. “If people would just stay out of single family neighborhoods.” WMG
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