March 3rd Full WAP members meeting.
This meeting has been opened up to non WAP members who work professionally working within the arts. All non members have been given WAP’s terms of reference and membership details before the meeting so that they are aware of WAP’s objectives. The day will be led by Sally Beatie and Janet Aughey of Magic Parsnips The outline plan for the day is to explore the following: 11am Welcome and context setting: Maria will open the meeting given some background and context to the day, highlighting regional and national priorities to be mindful of (The core group will help to draw these together in the pre meeting) 11.10 Summarising what has been achieved as WAP so far: Tracy or Magic Parsnips to lead on this asking first what the group feel WAP has achieved, then highlighting areas of work carried out during past 12 months (I will distribute a paper on this before the meeting)The communication strategy priorities will be used to inform this part of the conversation. Outcome: identify which of the areas of the communication strategy need to be developed further, which are no longer thought relevant. To have a joined up understanding of what WAP has achieved, and the mechanisms through which it has achieved them/ This is likely to lead directly into the next point. 11.30am Looking at the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Strengths as a collective. Outcome: To look at the mechanisms that have been used to date by WAP, and how we might work together to operate more effectively in the future, as well as to highlight the strengths that we have in order to maximise on those.
noon What priority of need do we see WAP needs to serve in the future? Ask the membership what they see as the priorities Outcomes: The Core group have explored this and can share the findings from these mtgs within the conversation (I will redistribute the notes on this) These need to be supplemented by the thoughts of the wider group. 12.45
Wiltshire Arts Promoters, Development Manager, Tracy Sullivan, C/O Arc Theatre Trowbridge, College Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0ES Tel: 07540 938936 email
What are the challenges of delivering to this and how can they be overcome? Outcome: Identify which areas are right for WAP to deliver on and how, exploring the way the network and core group support this work. 1.15 lunch (opportunity for members to have a look at the new website, Tracy will be on hand to help with this) 2pm Prioritising areas of interest and discussing next steps. (prior to the meeting I will ask if anybody would like to present on potential partnership projects in this section). Keith/ colleague 10 mins into this section for WMC to discuss your BME work Maria 10 mins on Cultural Olympiad project
Outcome: a clear priority ordered list of what WAP needs to prioritise for the next ? years Overall outcomes To have clarity on the areas of work WAP needs to carry out in the next ? years. The mechanisms it will employ to achieve this That the network feel that WAP is moving forward with a single voice. The network feel consulted with and committed to supporting the agreed objectives That an informed judgement can be made about the amount of resource to be sought to support WAP That a funding application can be written informed by the outcomes of this meeting and those held at the end of 2010.
Wiltshire Arts Promoters, Development Manager, Tracy Sullivan, C/O Arc Theatre Trowbridge, College Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0ES Tel: 07540 938936 email