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export catalogue


maginat n Conce periencio p e eativity Iqmuaality Crteeaxperience qu ality Cre tivity De iggninim ataio aginatioDeexsp n ativity D sign im C o g n in e n c a r e P ie t p io aginatio a esign im n t I ssion cjoeyquali n Pasesio Imagm x aagtCin p e r r in ie a e n t a n t io n P I t y m c iv a io n j e C o s it a n s e C r y q g y e x ConceoDpnetcseigpnt einatioantivity DImaguinaality Cio cept epxepim n joy Iamgination Passio r ie n a g c r C e e t im in x e eriencaeqtuioanlitPyexperie on epstigen im ion Caotnivcity Daginatio n oy Im anegcrin Ctyraegajin ie ualiIm qualitayCssrCeioantp a atio xperaiegnincationept eexspigen imn Concejp eanqtcuioeanliqctP CrteoivayaitttIiv y io m u D n a a iv e li s g C s t j s it o in x y o ig io r p y y gneim n a y it n Conce a C e a r e n t expegrin eg gq y Desctig ativitIyD Creantrivjeoitaytiv mD rCie quaPliatyssCion jie io e im in in e im n p o a s n c a a n t a ig g n e t a t C c g e I io io in c g m n e it o x in e ie in n n a u p y n n im p q a n a t o e a e a g P c y t P u D io t im c y li s r t e r a io a in a e a D e e e io ie ig t n p s g s I x li y onCjjoroeyyaIItm a s a m n a e s s t p n t in n ig C t io g t Creativnitjoy Iqmuality pt ivity D ecPxenapq erCn civeaaitqgyuinDaalietsio ionanim agein Passyio inatio imagoin antacioenptPseaign im ie s r j s e e o n C u io a a m r io y c o a a ie t t n e g io iv n li I n m n s im t in C t g c g q j P it n aCgoncey Desig ig joy Imuyaaag yign tion Pxsap ep inatio assiocyoneC atPio ssio yjqroIem angncD n im CnrC inatoio atio D esio liin eim ineCeapostig o rnienjnocyin eaxnspsPearsie uyaaIatm teyasaig an t t n n a g li c C iv io iv g g e io t ptnexpaegnrination Con in e r C n it in inatio y it n in e p e I x o n m a y s y a im C t p C a n q io t t P j D t im n e r D e c io a t o iv o c u io io e n j io a a x n e c r g a o e e e n y a a n it ie c g s p e a n n g in s p y s n li c j t s e Im y in o e g ig ienceq ig n C iv in q e io t t u p C Passio I j iennce qu a P r y y in m o P D e c 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paDntteio C angancin en ttiv xlinpatyjetorCyierIm nsscig onqaPcu Cio eim raeCngarjin jnoit aegn ecin aaesainpsliio xnig yig eaatanio geain eatq p yCyyIom p p a in t im t e g C io t iv o e iv e n y r e u n assi in t o a ig g e n ie a y s x a a n x c a c t e a g eosyaig it n io s t a p n io p g e g ymitD Iio e li n C P g x iv ig c j t e o t in in p a e n e p a n c r g io e in q im n nDIjm y it nayg D e r n a t r y ayatittiv saCstnio qn in uyaantD eCsin Passio ion Lie ie imagepin n tion Paraie Caim t esigtnaetim uaim t I a q t t m agtliin o n r io io x P o ig g io e iv li u e c p n c n a n t x n io in e I a a n n a a it n e n m y e c a e s t p c g g s c i li t t j y y n s e g o r C P ig e io iv q e C e C q t in in io ie im p io y a in y C P o D p a r u s e C r u o q it n nt ie a a o s j e t I s n a t n n r x aginaatesliio etysaio n ion PCanrsjecsoaeytqiv ion jou liioD ctgiv y Imnaaim xio atioaeontanio Pasasym eepn ein ig taynegCsinig erDrenie tpn lim tcivn inancttcio yneCPrjorieeynaaItcg 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tlioivtn escrsaeieio m rCeaoatnio ayin Penaxnjsposn jpo ayittcio uneyim nQ gaIin rtC nPainaliC e a I eiv tionayC y g n g n t I c p t e a iv m im in n n r io D in t c e io a y x n r t t it a s a e o y e it ie p iv t s e a a j P g e n g I a a y n n io a o m C io eg y t g s t q a x t n t it in C c g p m y D io P ig s io iv j r r n s in n o p u C c n y e o a r e in ig ie a t ation p eyativsitneio ncepetitsD arie aginanPtsaio onceg im im nce aIam nerim attio liCatn rim yigxeDp ssio C Iqm xpeInm ien tio n enxIcitm aggnain iongnnin yn o aie auxtaap og sio nseig jaog nCcno Cecraeq in pyein cyeination peyep PCPaaoasen Cjaototyiv io li in im g s y j e n t t g o ig a e e in D n a a e r a t g in y im a p a n p j s ie t e io n t a o C C g io in io c t io t I rreaeexliaap s e a t iv s c y n m o r n im a in ig e io e r t io e n e a n e I c n c n it g ie io m x x a C t a p e r a e n n n t n c P tjtoyiv p nce qatin ivyCit ion Cjto cept ageegin qualiPntaaysQ gaain im nce etCiv potitneycxeppetr itIryym 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sP-euaxaspsliio nPq Iorm in in eiexaap ro uaitaagylitin Doeaen to io caio easn jiv cneitnpim oit esnanscqliio xeap ayitytyIio t a g c s ig c C t io t s t s in I y io D e g e t iv ig C m r io a u n g m y n P r e p D in teio r a C e n t n it ie n a ntnim n a a n a p u C im t io t s C e a r x li a y s g io t P e ig n j C e r im n g s o p j c t s iv o t n e io o in a a D ig c x eCexaoapgtneiv a y io o io c in n e n e n D a s t it y t e p g e n a p e n a r C c iv n y s n t n P I a I y e ie e in g s m t iv q c e m io t q r t a C it io s im ig r P e e in j in D p io u e n u a ity Des ie o ig n a a c y r r a a p xperie ngein ntio ce qusaaio eativit aelity Casjrslioeio aptnio ygtyIin eie n n imn Desig eim sCig iv tliio cn tyayntIC egin xepaPegarin m n tceenxqP oaim eynjo it oyienC xoinpanatectreio aaetygio tnio qPyu m atagC caim njrcoeeyaqtIiv r n D j p n e e ie o s in a a a c u n n a t ie s e D a p I y s g s a p n li m a a io n a s r t s C I s C t n in g t li m ie c t iv ig t t io iv C io m y 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Novelties 2014 / 2015



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Tel.: +48 89 623 29 85

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Novum ul. Łomżyńska 3, 12-100 Szczytno

Novum ul. Łomżyńska 3, 12-100 Szczytno opening hours 8:00 - 17:00

Questions? Our experts are professional advisors! Novum POLAND

English Language


Head of export department Igor Chmieliński - English, German mobile: 0048 501 328 831 telephone: 0048 896 232 985 e - mail:

Export & import manager Krystian Fitas - English mobile: 0048 503 513 239 telephone: 0048 896 232 985 e - mail:

Aleksandra Gołota - English telephone: 0048 896 232 985 mobile: 0048 504 439 120 e - mail:

Karol Pruchniewski - English telephone: 0048 896 232 985 mobile: 0048 512 298 609 e - mail:

German Language Sylwia Marmucka - German telephone: 0048 896 232 985 mobile: 0048 501 281 827 e - mail:

Marcin Suchecki - German telephone: 0048 896 232 985 mobile: 0048 512 299 656 e - mail:

Sewing Department

Table of Contents

pages 4-17

Educational Resources pages 18-29


pages 30-31

Foam shapes and seats Best quality at an affordable price! • The density of foam RG 25/50 means appropriate stiffness - the seat does not cave in weight of user. It is also very comfortable thanks to its softness.

• Flexible polyester strands provide high durability of mechanical damages. • Aesthetic zip fasteners have blockade system. It has a great influence on the safety of fun.

• Thanks to binding the foam with special lyocell-wigofil the fabric is stretchproof.





Backstitch firms every stitching and has a grand trimming.



• Meditap is the phthalatefree fabric with Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Certificate.


• Meditap fulfills humanecological requirements, currently valid standard of products for children.


Slipcovers are precisely fitted to the shape of particular foam.

• The fabric is not only nice to touch but also durable and nonflammable.

• Meditap fabric makes it easy to keep foam shape clean - ensuing greasiness can be removed with the use of water and soap. Meditap material available in 26 different colors

Certificate Oeko-Tex ensures safety


Zip tape


Sewing Department

The set of 27 colourful cubes. Made in, 9 colours little cubes can be divided into sets. Accurately measured cubes are light and even small children can easily grab them. Slipcover is included in the set. 1

1. The set of 27 cubes Cube dim.: 15 x 15 x 15 cm. Set dim.: 45 x 45 x 45 cm


2. Set of round poufs A set of 11 comfortable seats. Size of pouf: wed. 30 cm in height 8 cm


anti-slip b



3. Circle pouf


Dim.: wed. 30 cm in height 8 cm

4640046 4640047 4640048 4640049 4640050 4640051 4640052 4640053 4640054 4640055 4640056 4640057

light blue dark yellow orange red blue dark blue light green green turquoise dark grey purple brown





Sewing Department







! e m a g l a n io it d a tr w way of playing

The ne

Possibilities of mattress folding

Thickness of the mat is 3,5 cm

Anti-slip base

Educationalists praise this board game. It is very useful in rehabilitation children with mental retardation. Checkers can perfectly challenge mind to develop abstract thinking. There are many advantages of playing checkers, e.g. developing manual abilities. Extremely functional set. The light board in square shape can be used as mattress to seat, and chess pieces can be easily used as small poufs.



Anti-slip base of poufs

Maxi Checkers

Set includes: mattress, 12 green chess pieces, 12 orange chess pieces. Mattress dim.: 200 x 200 x 3,5 cm


Sewing Department

Comfortable relax

Kindergarten mattresses

Small mattresses made of stiff Polyurethane foam covered with Phthalate-free Meditap material and non-slip fabric. Set size 120 x 180 cm

Dim.: L. 120 x W. 60 x H. 6 cm

4640075 4640076 4640074

Yellow Blue Green

60 cm 120


Mattresses have a non-slip base

After converting it takes a little space (40 x 60 x 40 cm)

Sofa Comfort

Comfortable, folding, soft sofa. Made of flexible resistant to foam deformation, covered with fabric which is easy to clean. The pillow included. Size after extending: 120 x 40 x 20 cm

4640029 4640030 4124001 4124002

Blue Green Orange - Blue Red - Silver




Sewing Department

Foam figure will help kids to learn how to button up, buckle, tie, operate with zip fastener and even how to put cap in. Manual mannequin

Dim.: 100 x 57 x 10 cm


Geometrical cube

Dim.: H. 90 x W. 90 x L. 90 cm


Foam chair

A very creative converted chair can be treated as a seat, as well as comfortable couch. Even child can easily convert it. The chair is extremely light thanks to polyurethane foam filling. Comfortable and great place to rest, reading a book or having fun with friend. The slipcover made of cotton. Dim. after converting: L. 137 x W. 50 x H. 15 Dim. before converting: 60 x 50 x 50 cm





Solid connection of fabric with bed frame provides safe rest.

Angel application


Sewing Department


Permeable fabric. Easy to clean and strong. A guarantee of long term use.



1. Bed ‚MAX’


Modern bed made from approved plastic material is a perfect solution for your room. Hygienic, air permeable material it is easy to keep clean. Bed is very comfortable and light. It can be moved and stacked without necessary effort, so you can dragged into helping even your little pupils. Beds are equipped with corner holes and stack easily. Size: 137 x 56 cm

. 56 c 7xW

L. 13

4945730 2. Platform for beds MAX Color yellow, Size: L. 132 x W. 56 cm


4945735 3. Set of pilowcases Set of cotton sheets fastened to the tab. Dimensions of the pillow: W. 35 x L. 30 cm, dimensions of the blanket: W. 95 x L. 125 cm, dimensions of the sheet: W. 128 x L. 56 cm

4640084 4640085 4640086

Space -sa to be ving constr put on u e on th ction enab les be e top ds of the other

Blue Pink Ecru

4. Sleeping bag with pillow

Sleeping bag dim.: 70 x 110 cm, pillow dim.: 35 x 40 cm

4640144 4640090 4640162


Blue Pink Ecru

5. Sleeping bag with pillow in a cover Cover dim.: 42 x 42 cm, with zipper.


4640146 4640092









Seats and poufs with granulates Comfort and fun in one! W igofil

G ra n ulate




• Thanks to binding the foam with special lyocell-wigofil the fabric is stretch-proof.

• Meditap is the phthalate-free fabric with OekoTex Standard 100 Certificate. Meditap fulfills humanecological requirements, currently valid standard of products for children.

• The covering of Wigofil and Meditap, and the use of double stitching inside give an extra.

• The fabric is not only nice to touch but also durable and non-flammable. • Granulate seat matches to body shape, does not induce allergies, does not have negative influence on health.

• Flexible polyester strands provide high durability of mechanical damages. Meditap fabric makes it easy to keep • foam shape clean – ensuing greasiness can be removed with the use of water and soap.

COVER Meditap material available in 26 different colors

Certificate Oeko-Tex ensures safety




te o and df wrenche


titching es

la Granu

• Seats are filled with the mix of Styrofoam granulate and wrenched foam parts. In this way the filling has appropriate density and resilience.

am mix

S ilic o n


Sewing Department Small pouf with granulate Dim.: 40 x 40 x 40 cm

40 cm

red violet orange blue yellow




40 cm


4521344 4521387 4521388 4521389 4521390 4640031 4640032

60 cm

To fill our seats and poufs we use granulates which is made of high quality polyurethane foam type 25/50 (fragmented foam elements with irregular shape and size) and styrofoam balls EPS70. Filled up to ensure long-lasting use and comfort.

Pouf with granulate Dim.: H. 70 x W. 60 cm

4640024 4640025 4640026

lime blue yellow

70 cm




Sewing Department

1. Pouf with granulate Crocodile jaws Size: H. 80 x W. 50 x D. 85 cm


80 cm


2. Crocodile - large pouf Dim.: 81 x 40 x 40 cm


3. Crocodile - small pouf Dim.: 75 x 40 x 30 cm


85 cm

2 3


Cushion made of soft cotton. Perfect for cuddling and a short rest!


4. Mouse cushion Dim.: 80 x 60 x 20 cm

4640093 5. Turtle cushion


Dim.: 80 x 70 x 20 cm

4640096 6. Piggy cushion


80 cm

95 cm

Dim.: 80 x 70 x 20 cm

4640095 7. Fish cushion

Cushion with pockets that can be used to store small things. Ideal for cuddling and rest. Dim.: 95 x 70 x 20 cm





Sewing Department

cm 105

1. Pouf flower with granulate

Big pouf filled with granulate made of Phthalate-free material. Dim.: H. 30 x W. 105 x L. 105 cm


2 3


2 3 2. Seat with granulate - big


Dim.: 80 x 80 x 85 cm

85 cm


40 cm

Dim.: 60 x 60 x 60 cm

60 cm

3. Seat with granulate - medium 4640139 4. Seat with granulate - small Dim.: 55 x 55 x 40 cm

4640113 Snake safe strolling walk will take care of the little ones. Equipped with reflectors improve visibility of children who will wander with it in the evening or in bad weather. Thanks to its handles will help control the behavior of children during a walk and should not have students moving away from the group. Cheerful apparition animals and pleasant to the touch fabric, which has been sewn, makes sure every boy likes him very much. The snake has 26 clips and length of 6 meters. 5. The snake Safe walk - green Lenght: 6 m





4640088 6. The snake Safe walk - red Lenght: 6 m





Inspired by nature

Water lily DES00392

For frog king and princess. Especially practical – lily flakes are adjustable thanks to Velcro tape and can be used as pillows. 10-pieces, size: Ø147 x 69 cm, flakes: 65 x 44 x 3 cm » » » » »


Cover: Skaden Foam: Polyurethan Fire protection: EN 1021 Certificate Ökotex 100, Product Class No.1 DES00378

Suitable for crazy riding in the waves or diving under the water. These unique waves create a sensual and calming atmosphere. Size: 120 x 90 x 45 cm » » » » » »

Outside cover: 100% natural wool Mattress cover: Skaden – artificial leather Foam: Polyurethan RG25/50 Fire protection: EN 1021 Certificate Ökotex 100 Product Class No. 1

Flowery meadow DES00379

Absolute cleanliness – the smell of nature is the only thing we can not provide. For this we guarantee great attractions in every corner. Rounded front edge fits into every room. Size: 150 x 150 x 10 cm » » » » » »

Cover: 100% natural wool Bottom : Anti-slip material Foam: Polyurethan Fire protection: EN 1021 Cartificate Ökotex 100 Product Class No.1

Ball pool DES00226

Corner pool with soft banks and high walls. Sloping front and anti-slip base layer make the pool extremely stabile. Size: 180 x 180 x 50 cm » » » » » » » »

Outside cover - top: 100% natural wool Outside cover - sides: Skaden – artificial leather Bottom: Anti-slip material Foam: Polyurethan Fire protection: EN 1021 Colour: purple, cream, green Certificate Ökotex 100 Product Class No. 1

Foam sets » » » » »

Cover: 100% natural wool, Skaden Foam: Polyurethan Fire protection: EN 1021 Certificate Ökotex 100 Product Class No.1

Corner cat. no DES00238 Size: 80 x 80 x 31 cm

Cube cat. no DES00237 Size: 40 x 40 x 31 cm

Coboid cat. no DES00236 Size: 80 x 40 x 31 cm

26 cm

35 cm


Honeycomb DES00374 Size: 65 x 65 cm

Cozy hill DES00399

Mild elevation, high hill or simply comfortable elements which can easily be combined. Particularly interesting as freestanding items in the room. Size: 180 x 160 x 10/20/30/40/50 cm » Outside cover - top: 100% natural wool » Outside cover - sides: Skaden – artificial leather » Bottom: Anti-slip material » Foam: Polyurethan » Fire protection: EN 1021 » Certificate Ökotex 100, Product Class No.1 DES00375

Simple, natural, great. Build the seat, fun corner or… your own honeycomb. Cover: 100% natural wool, Skaden Foam: Polyurethan Fire protection: EN 1021 Certificate Ökotex 100, Product Class No. 1 Height 26 and 35 cm, Size: 65 x 65 cm


Sewing Department

1. Ladybug set 2


Seats are filled with Styrofoam granulate which provide the comfort of sitting. The stable table is filled with foam. Furniture are covered with the fabric which can be easily cleaned with the use of water and soft clout with mild detergent.



2. Ladybird sofa

3. Seat with the granulate

4. Ladybird table




Dim.: 100 x 45 x 60 cm

Dim.: 60 x 60 x 60 cm

Sensory set I 5

Dim.: 40 x 40 x 60 cm

The set of low foam shapes is ideal for rehabilitation and relaxation for kids. Every shape is different and has different filling: silicone, buckwheat, Polyurethane foam, peas or granulate. The element does not move during using because of its size and filling. Thanks to anti-slip material the shape is very safe.

Filled with foam, 2 cm covering of peas and granulate. Dim.: 48 x 48 x H. 15 cm

Filled with Buckwheat. Dim.: max H. 26 x W. 48 x L. 60 cm

Filled with mix of Styrofoam granulate and wrenched foam parts. Dim.: H. 35 x W. 115 x L. 115 cm

5. Sensory set I

Dim.: 168 x 168 x 24 cm

4640193 Filled with foam. Dim.: max H. 25 x W. 48 x L. 48 cm



Filled with silicone. Dim.: H. 15 x W. 48 x L. 48 cm

I I t e s y r o s n e S


Low cube

High cube

Filled with foam. Dim.: 70 x 70 x 12 cm

Filled with foam. Dim.: 70 x 70 x 24 cm



Foam playpen

Small slip road with granulate



Filled with foam. Dim.: 70 x 70 x 24 cm

Filled with granulate. Dim.: 70 x 70 x 24 cm

The filling made of buckwheat scales is resistant to crumpling. Thanks to its flexibility it keeps its original shape. The mattress, covered with Meditap material, is nice to touch and very comfortable.

Mattress with buckwheat

The interesting set of shapes to having fun by making obstacle course or other joyful attractions. The polyurethane foam inside is so flexible that even the most movable fun will be safe. The little slip road (4640135) is filled with the Styrofoam granulate with appropriate density and elasticity. Mattress contains buckwheat scales which have positive influence on body during rehabilitation. The mattress perfectly suits to body shape of user thanks to its flexibility. 1. Sensory set II

Dim.: 390 x 70 x 24 cm


The little slip road with the Styrofoam granulate II

Dim.: 120 x 70 x 8 cm

Filled with granulate. Dim.: 70 x 70 x 24 cm






Educational Resources

2. Windbreak „Elephant”

1. Windbreak „Portholes”

The windbreak made of lacquered plywood with colourful plexiglas elements. The connecting bar included in the set. Dim.: 94 x 96 x 38 cm


The windbreak made of lacquered plywood on stable legs. It contains 5 movable buttons. The connecting bar included in the set. Dim.: 94 x 96 x 38 cm


4. Windbreak „Fence with gate”

The windbreak made of lacquered plywood on stable legs. There is possibility of closing the gate. The connecting bar included in the set. Dim.: 94 x 96 x 38 cm


5. Windbreak „Fence”



The windbreak made of lacquered plywood on stable legs. It is flanked by mirrors. The connecting bar included in the set. Dim.: 94 x 96 x 38 cm


6. Windbreak „Fish”

The windbreak made of lacquered plywood on stable legs. The connecting bar included in the set. Dim.: 94 x 96 x 38 cm


3. Windbreak „Mirror”

The windbreak made of lacquered plywood on stable legs. It contains 5 movable buttons. The connecting bar included in the set. Dim.: 94 x 96 x 38 cm


108 cm

100 cm

metal guides

mild notch instead of the handle

timer to prevent slamming


capacious drawers


Mattress available with SW4529349 2

1.Changing table with doors

2.Changing table with drawers

The changing table contains 6 adjustable shelves. The piece of furniture is made of board in maple colour. Grawers have metal coulisses. Price is given without mattress. Dim.: H.108 x W.100 x D.76 cm

The changing table contains 8 spacious and fragmented drawers. Made of board in maple colour. There are gentle notches instead of handles. The pice is given without mattress. Dim.: H.108 x W.100 x D.76 cm





3.Changing table with drawers left The changing table made of board in maple colour. It contains 4 spacious drawers on the left and 3 shleves on the right. Drawers have gentle notches instead of handles. The price is given without pattress. Dim.: H. 108 x W.100 x D.76 cm


4. Changing table with drawers right The changing table made of board in maple colour. It contains 4 spacious drawers on the right and 3 shleves on the left. Drawers have gentle notches instead of handles. The price is given without pattress. Dim.: H. 108 x W.100 x D.76 cm



The playpen made of plywood with wooden spokes. The gate closed from outside. Dim.: H. 65 x W. 300 x D. 250 cm

6522041 Mattress sold separately




Educational Resources


Educational Resources

A lot of possibilities

1 3





7 capacious, retractable container


1. Intercolor shelf

2. Intercolor low cabinet

Dim.: H. 37 x W. 120 x D. 30 cm

Dim.: H. 82 x D. 120 x W. 40 cm

3. Intercolor narrow cabinet





5. Intercolor cabinet - broad Dim.: H. 117 x W. 120 x D. 40 cm





6. Intercolor cabinet

Dim.: H. 117 x W. 37 x D. 40 cm Orange

7. Intercolor corner cabinet

Dim.: H. 117 x D. 61 x W. 40 cm

Dim.: H. 117 x W. 40 x D. 40 cm






4. Intercolor cabinet with the door Dim.: H. 117 x D. 61 x W. 40 cm



8. Bookcase

Dim.: H. 139 x D. 80 x W. 40 cm



cabinets system


Educational Resources

» Metal legs with a height of 10 cm enable to clean » Furniture available in two colours: pastel green and orange » Shelves and doors with coloured chipboard » Vary the width of the partitions to store in various containers » Body with a maple-colorued chipboard

3 1




7 6

1. Intercolor cabinet with the door

2. Intercolor narrow cabinet

Dim.: H. 117 x D. 61 x W. 40 cm

Dim.: H. 117 x W. 37 x D. 40 cm




5. Intercolor corner cabinet Dim.: H. 117 x W. 40 x D. 40 cm




3. Intercolor shelf

4. Intercolor low cabinet

Dim.: H. 37 x W. 120 x D. 30 cm

Dim.: H. 82 x D. 120 x W. 40 cm




6. Intercolor cabinet

7. Intercolor cabinet - broad

Dim.: H. 117 x D. 61 x W. 40 cm

Dim.: H. 117 x W. 120 x D. 40 cm









e t a r a p e s o t e r u it n r u F built an The set of pieces of furniture to is also very It n. ctio stru interesting and creative con big rooms in only not ce useful in separating the spa s. one but also in those smaller ly blends Nice, soft colour of maple perfect cabinets of ht heig The s. in with colourful element easily use can y the is fitted to kids’ height so made of is every single shelf. The set laminated particleboard.

Educational Resources



Advantages of the set: Nice colours of frames incorporated in neutral colour of cabinets. The variety of colours and huge number of cabinets make it easy to create user’s own construction The creative arrangement of the furniture in the room.

2. Unit B high

1. Unit A high

Dim.: H. 155 x W. 120 x D. 42 cm

Dim.: H. 155 x W. 120 x D. 42 cm




The holes in cabinets allow to connect the modules providing the stability of the structure


5 6

3. Unit orange

4. Unit green with shelf

5. Unit yellow

Dim.: H. 65 x W. 60 x D. 42 cm

6. Unit yellow - double

Dim.: H. 65 x W. 60 x D. 42 cm





Dim.: H. 65 x W. 60 x D. 42 cm



Dim.: H. 65 x W. 120 x D. 42 cm

Educational Resources

the room...


Proposed settin

Proposed se



7. Unit green corner

Dim.: H. 65 x W. 40 x D. 40 cm





8. Unit blue

9. Unit green

Dim.: H. 95,5 x W. 60 x D. 42 cm

Dim.: H. 65 x W. 60 x D. 42 cm




10. Unit with containers

Dim.: H. 65 x W. 120 x D. 42 cm




Educational Resources

Teddy bears set 1. Tree - cabinet

The cabinet has a partition in the center and six adjustable shelves. Dim.: H. 152 x W. 98 x D. 40 cm

1 2



2. Unit Teddy bear with a bow

Lockable cabinet with 2 adjustable shelves. Dim.: H. 129 x W. 80 x D. 40 cm

6522025 4

3. Unit Beehive

Open bookcase with 3 adjustable shelves. Dim.: H. 140 x W. 50 x D. 40 cm

6522026 4. Unit Smiling teddy bear

Lockable cabinet with 2 adjustable shelves. Dim.: H. 81 x W. 80 x D. 40 cm

6522027 5. Teddy bears - set

The set consists of 4 cabinets. Dim.: H. 152 x W. 308 x D. 40 cm

6522020 5



three-dimensional applications with lacquered mdf

milled fronts

adjustable shelves

fronts made of lacquered MDF

milled fronts

round corners

pastel colours

1. Meadow set

The set consists of five cabinets. Dim.: H. 140 x D. 358 x W. 43 cm

6522006 2. Flower cabinet - wide

Lockable cupboard with 2 adjustable shelves. Dim.: H. 129 x D. 80 x W. 40 cm


6522012 3. Flower cabinet - narrow

Open bookcase with 3 adjustable shelves. Dim.: H. 140 x D. 50 x W. 40 cm

6522013 4. Leaf - cabinet

The cabinet has a partition inside, 6 shelves of which 4 governed. Dim.: H. 110 x D. 98 x W. 40 cm

6522016 5. Tulip cabinet - narrow

Open bookcase with 3 adjustable shelves. Dim.: H. 140 x D. 50 x W. 40 cm

6522015 6. Tulip cabinet - wide

Open bookcase with 3 adjustable shelves. Dim.: H. 140 x D. 50 x W. 40 cm





2 4




Educational Resources

three-dimensional applications with lacquered mdf

Educational Resources


tive nd decora a ts e in b a C et to nable the s e ts n e m . le e g cabinets in d d a y b extend



The Castle set is very functional item. Thanks to many open shelves kids can keep toys, books and games on them. There are also closed storage units in the upper part.

1. Castle set

The set contains: 2 x higher tower cabinets, 2 x lower tower cabinets. Castle set with applications dim.: 212 x 300 x 41 cm

6521123 2. Higher tower

Body of higher tower cabinet dim.: 182 x 60 x 40 cm Higher tower with applications dim.: 212 x 80 x 41 cm

6521121 Milled front elements make brilliant effect.

3. Lower tower

Body of lower tower dim.: 182 x 80 x 40 cm Lower tower with applications dim.: 193 x 80 x 41 cm




20,5 cm



1. Bench with orange containers


Dim.: 38 x 35 x 78 cm Height seat: 31 cm, dim. matress: 75 x 33 cm




6522038 2. Bench with green containers

The practical item for arranging a nursery or kindergarten. Thanks to its small dimensions bench will fit even in a small room. Creative design makes this piece of furniture very functional. Comfortable handles are useful in moving the bench. En extra advantage is the capacious drawers. The thin mattress on the top of the bench makes it even more cosy.

Dim.: 38 x 35 x 78 cm Height seat: 31 cm, dim. matress: 75 x 33 cm


2 33

cm 75 cm

The other side of container is not coloured. It allows to change apperance of the bench.

materials are resistant to scratches

holes for the wires


hight adjustment system

save, round corners

solid laminated board 18 mm

sliding keyboard drawer

3. Computer desk for children

Durable and solid desk to the computer corner. Made of chipboard with a thickness of 18 mm. It has a slide-out keyboard drawer, a shelf for a computer (can be mounted on either side of the desk), and top with adjustable height. Dim.: H. 72 x W. 86,8 x D. 50 cm


computer shelf can be mounted on either side of the desk




Novum office furniture line

Educational Resources




3 4


1. Cabinet high

2. Cabinet

3. Chest of drawers with doors Dim.: H. 112 x W. 80 x D. 42 cm

Dim.: H. 77 x W. 120 x D. 42 cm

4. Chest of drawers left

5. Container






Dim.: H. 182 x W. 40 x D. 42 cm

Dim.: H. 112 x W. 40 x D. 42 cm

Dim.: H. 71 x W. 40 x D. 51 cm

6. Wardrobe

Dim.: 182 x 80 x 42 cm


6 7



7. Cabinet wiht closed shelf Dim.: 112 x 80 x 42 cm

6521106 8. Cabinet with open shelf Dim.: 112 x 80 x 42 cm

6521105 9. Cabinet with shelves Dim.: 112 x 80 x 42 cm




Our office furniture is made of chipboard veneered in Paris Oak. Advantages of office furniture: » We used 4 mm satin and tempered glass to doors » For the sake of safety countertop coffee table and at the desk, we used glass 8 mm

» Rounded edges protected by ABS edging, characterized by high quality and durability

satin glass

metal handles

high-quality wheels

tempered glass

Safe mirror

1 1. Mirror

Dim.: H. 66 x W. 106 x D. 5 cm




4 5

2. Desk

3. Table

Dim.: H. 75 x W. 120 x H. 60 cm

Dim.: H. 75 x W. 60 x H. 60 cm

4. Connector

5. Coffee table





Dim.: H. 75 x W. 120 x H. 60 cm


Dim.: H. 49 x W. 60 x D. 60 cm



Educational Resources

» Cabinet doors are fitted in patent locks and metal handles

Quadro 1254 Cat. no. 1254


small shop

stairs allowing access for toddlers

Action4kids J8035


Cat. no. MKP-J8035

780 457



1205 826



16 0


22 0


Street Workout Combo 1



Cat. no. 1505



Double swing with metal beam

Dragonfly on a metal base

Cat. no. 3001EP

Cat. no. 3106E

Cat. no. 3109EP

28 290

300 500

150 750






58 250 54

355 355

375 115








Horse spring rocker

Novum Poland NOVUM Poland Grom 36, 12-130 Pasym mobile: 00 48 89 623 29 85 E-mail: web:

Novum Deutschland Novum Deutschland GmbH Coburger Str. 50, 96479 Weitramsdorf telephone: 09561 73183-81

fax: 09561 73182-18 E - mail:


Novum Nederland NOVUM Nederland B.V. Marconistraat 8, 6716 AK EDE telephone: +31 0418-840 014 ; mobile: +31 06-29072693 E-mail: web:

Novum Denmark Novum Danmark ApS Gyvelvej 5, 8930 Randers NØ telephone: 0045 2022 5854 E-mail: web:

Scan the code or check movie about our company on

Novum Sweden NOVUM Sweden Pontus Brodén, Box 1136 SE- 581 11 Linköping Besök-/ Leveransadress: Finnögatan 12 SE- 582 78 Linköping telephone: 046 13-255583 fax: 046 13-122235 E - mail: web:

Novum Direct France

Novum Finland

NOVUM Direct France Rivériat 01140 ILLIAT telephone: 04-86-11-92-17; fax: 04-86-11-92-18 E-mail: web:

NOVUM4KIDS OY Hirvenojantie 23, 36200 Kangasala telephone: 044 929 2453 E - mail: web:

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