Alumnae Community EX HUMILIBUS 2020/21
Alumnae Community 140th Birthday Reunion
As those of you who have joined us at our annual Birthday Reunion will know, it is usually an afternoon of laughter, catching up with friends and of course a rendition of the school song! This year, we held our first ever virtual reunion, as we couldn’t let our 140th birthday pass without a chance to reconnect with alumnae from across the years. We were delighted to be joined by over 50 alumnae who were welcomed by our new Head, Ms Fionnuala Kennedy. Through the power of technology, we were then able to share some recent school activities, including a rendition of Like A Rainbow performed by the WHS A Capella group and a WHS quiz. Year groups were then given the opportunity to chat separately and catch up. Ending of course with a rendition of the school song.
The GDST alumnae network includes more than 70,000 women, from all walks of life and from all around the globe, who are there to support and inspire each other. It is one of the largest of its kind anywhere in the world and GDST Life is the gateway to this community.
Class of 2016 Reunion Each year we welcome back alumnae who left WHS five years ago for their first reunion. It is always a fun evening of cocktails and canapés, with lots of teachers keen to come along and see what their former students are doing now. We plan to organise a virtual event in March 2021 for the Class of 2016, if you would like to attend please email alumnae@wim.gdst.net
It is there for students from the moment they go into Sixth Form, giving them the opportunity to connect with others across the GDST family of schools. And for alumnae, opening doors to a host of networking opportunities, unrivalled personal and professional connections, mentoring support, events, news and resources, groups and societies, and much, much more - for life. Join GDST Life today www.gdstlife.aluminate.net
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Keeping in contact We would love to keep in contact with you by email rather than post where we can. If you’d like to receive news from the school, please send your up to date email address to alumnae@wim.gdst.net