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Wimbledon High School
Wimbledon High School is a school where independent thinking and creativity come together in an intellectually challenging and friendly environment. Our girls, from 4 - 18 year olds, enjoy academic success as part of a fully rounded school life and take the lead from a young age. One of 26 schools in the GDST, we are proud to build on the tradition of all-girls education. Founded in 1880, behind our red-brick façade in the heart of Wimbledon lies a totally modern school, with a refreshing outlook and a willingness to embrace the new. Find out more - www.wimbledonhigh.gdst.net Follow us! Twitter - @wimbledonhigh Instagram - @wimbledonhighschoolgdst Facebook - @WimbledonHigh #InspireWHS #ExploreWHS #OwnYourVoiceWHS