Supporting Bursaries at Wimbledon High
Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges
Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery
Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls
Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported
Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams
Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity
Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls

Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning
Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity
Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery
Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls
Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported
Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams
Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity
Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity
Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery
Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls
Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness
Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident
Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges
Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational
Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery
Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity
Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known
Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community

Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident
Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams
Why bursaries are important to Wimbledon High School

Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence
Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education
Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness
Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges
Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational
Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration
Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary
Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure
Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community
Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident
Ensuring that talented and academically gifted girls from all backgrounds have access to an education at Wimbledon High School has always been central to the school’s vision and ethos. Throughout our history, we have enabled generations of girls to benefit from an education at Wimbledon High through the Direct Grant System and the Assisted Place Scheme. Today, we continue to offer life-changing bursaries to bright girls irrespective of their financial circumstances and it is our hope that, by 2030, 10% of our students at Wimbledon High will be in receipt of a bursary.
Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams
My greatest achievement so far is getting into university, I know that might not seem like much, but neither of my parents finished school.
I am the first person in my family to finish school and go to university and I could not be prouder.
Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence
Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education
Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness
Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges
Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration
Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary
Like all WHS students, those girls in receipt of bursaries are bright and ambitious, but their family’s financial circumstances would otherwise prevent them from taking up a place at Wimbledon High. Our means-tested bursary awards benefit not only the recipient, their family and community, but all of us at the school, by ensuring that our classrooms are learning environments which reflect the diversity of the world beyond the school gates.
Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure
The bursary meant that I could apply to some great universities, and I am studying at one currently, doing an amazing course that could take me onto my dream job. My bursary enabled me to do that.
Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community
Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident
Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams
Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence
Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education
Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness
Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges
As a bursary student myself, I know the difference such financial assistance can make. My own education at an independent school allowed me not only to develop academic passions for life, but also access brilliant co-curricular opportunities. At university, I was offered a Choral Scholarship which partially funded my place there too and I don’t believe this would have been achievable without having developed my passion for music at senior school.
Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration
How you can help
To hear from Tawana, Class of 2022, talking about the impact a 100% bursary has had on her life, go to https://www.wimbledonhigh.

Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary
Fionnuala Kennedy, HeadOpportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure
Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community
Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident
Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational
Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community Inspiring Dreams Resilience Education Learning Challenges Skills Creativity Collaboration Discovery Adventure Known Supported Confident Independence Curiosity Kindness Transformational Aspirational Life changing Bursary Opportunity Girls Community
Gifts from alumnae, former staff and friends mean that we can offer more girls a bursary award. This means that a Wimbledon High education is made possible by having all or part of the fees paid.
We hope many of you will join us in ensuring the future of our Bursary Programme by committing to a regular donation each month or if you prefer, a one-off gift.
Until 2023, all donations raised for our Bursary Endowment Fund up to £50,000 will be matched £ for £, meaning your donation will be doubled.
Every donation will make a real difference. Details of how to support our Bursary Programme are provided overleaf.
Having a bursary changed my life, I had a bursary during sixth form and without this I would never have been able to study and finish higher education in such an incredible institution.Laksha Sivaram 2012-2020 Currently studying Psychology at University of East Anglia
How you can make a gift
The simplest way to make a single or regular gift is online at and by selecting Bursary Endowment Fund. Alternatively, complete the enclosed gift form and return it directly to The Girls’ Day School Trust. 100% of all donations go directly to support pupils at Wimbledon High.
Leaving a gift in your will
Leaving a legacy gift to Wimbledon High School is a simple yet hugely significant way of supporting girls in the future and ensuring that the school continues to thrive. If you let us know that you plan to leave a gift in your Will, you will become a member of The GDST’s Minerva Circle.
Please email to find out more.
I would like to make a donation
On your phone or tablet, open the camera app. Point the camera at the QR code and it will take you to our donation page.