Lent and Holy Week at St James

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We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. Because by your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

LENT 2011 Ash Wednesday 7:30 am Ashes. 12:10 pm Ashes. 6:30 pm Ashes.

March 9 Low Mass with Blessing and Imposition of Low Mass with Blessing and Imposition of

High Mass with Blessing and Imposition of

Wednesdays in Lent 6:30 pm 7:00 pm

The Rosary Stations of the Cross

Lenten Quiet Day

March 12

10:30 am - 3:00 pm “Cross-shaped Discipleship: Praying the Stations of the Cross.” Led by Fr. Mark Greenaway-Robbins. (Formation sessions on Sundays begin at 9:30 am) Lent 1 Sermon: Formation:

March 13 The Great Litany Scriptural translation and the King James Bible —Dr. David Creese

Lent II Sermon: Formation: Formation: Sermon: Formation:

March 20 Stations of the Cross William Tyndale & the King James Bible —Dr. Leslie Arnovick Mass Settings—Gerald Harder Good Friday Liturgy Lancelot Andrewes & the King James Bible —Dr. Paul Stanwood

Feast of the Annunciation

March 25

12:10 pm Low Mass 6:30 pm Procession & High Mass followed by community potluck supper. The preacher will be Mother Alexis Saunders. Lent III March 27 Sermon: Tenebrae and Maundy Thursday Formation: Mass Settings—Gerald Harder Lent IV Mothering Sunday

April 3

Sermon: Good Friday Liturgy Formation: Lancelot Andrewes & the King

James Bible—Dr. Paul Stanwood Honoring of our Mother Church and also our earthly mothers with the presentation of flowers and traditional simnel cake. Lent V

April 10

Sermon: The Great Vigil Formation: Jesus is our True Mother: Reflections on the Cross and Labour Mother Jessica Schaap Model Seder Meal

April 11

6:30 pm in the Parish Hall Sheldon Nider, a member of the Jewish community of Vancouver, will instruct us and invite us to share in the traditional Jewish Seder, also known as Passover meal.


April 17

8:30 am Blessing of Palms and Low Mass 10:30 am Blessing of Palms, Procession through the neighbourhood and High Mass. HOLY WEEK Holy Week Preacher: Sister Mary Christian Cross ObSLG, a deacon in the Diocese of New Westminster, and a member of the Sisters of the Love of God. Her theme will be “I have called you Friends.” (John 15:15) Holy Monday & Tuesday

April 18 &19

12:10 pm Low Mass with sermon 6:00 pm Low Mass

Holy Wednesday April 20 12:10 pm Low Mass with sermon 5pm no Evening Prayer 8:00 pm Tenebrae Our first special evening service during Holy Week is the ancient liturgy of Tenebrae, meaning ‘shadows.’ It points to humanity’s rejection of God that must be rectified through the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ. During the service, candles are gradually extinguished to symbolize the apparent victory of evil and chaos in the world, until the church is left in total darkness. At the end a loud noise symbolizes the earthquake at the resurrection. The ‘Christ light’ will then be returned to its place. We depart in silence, contemplating the acts of salvation we will celebrate during the next three days.

Maundy Thursday 6:30 pm

April 21

High Mass of the Lord`s Supper followed by the all-night Watch

before the Altar of Repose until 9:00 am. In this liturgy we go back to the Upper Room as we commemorate this first Lord’s Supper which has become our chief act of worship together. The Mass is festive, in the middle of a very solemn week. There is no confession or absolution—we have come prepared to celebrate the deep joy of the gift that Jesus gave to us, and no last minute communion preparations are necessary. During the Mass, Foot Washing by the celebrant of twelve representatives from the

community recalls Jesus’ washing the feet of his disciples at the Last Supper as a symbol of his servant ministry that we are called to emulate. At the conclusion of the Mass, there is a Solemn Procession of the Blessed Sacrament to the Altar of Repose in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Here It will rest, surrounded by light and flowers, to provide a focus for personal prayer throughout the night. The sacred ministers return to the church for the Stripping of the Altar. We recite Psalm 22, remembering the stripping of Christ’s Body, and we enter into a place and time of desolation where the light and shadow in our lives and the world becomes acute and stark.

Immediately following the Mass we begin the Watch at the Altar of Repose, recalling the watch of the disciples with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. You are invited to spend time here in prayer and reflection. You may stay after the Mass or return at any time during the night or the next morning until 9:00 am. Good Friday

April 22

11:00 am Stations of the Cross for Children 2:15 pm Stations of the Cross 3:00 pm Solemn Liturgy of Good Friday The Solemn Liturgy on Good Friday falls into four parts: 1. Scripture Readings We begin with the Liturgy of the Word. We recount and reflect

on our Lord’s Passion through the reading of holy scripture, hymns, and preaching. 2. Solemn Prayers of Intercession There follows a series of prayers for the whole church and the world. These are ancient in form, from the earliest recorded observances of Good Friday. The Veneration of the Cross We then venerate ‘the wood of the cross.’ It is a devotion of our gratitude for Jesus’ death on the cross. At the appropriate time you may come forward to the cross to genuflect and kiss it. During this time the choir will sing the ‘Reproaches’ which recall Jesus’ agony, not in physical pain, but in the pain of rejection by those he has come to save. Holy Communion

The liturgy concludes

with Holy Communion, the final opportunity to receive the Sacrament until the first Mass of Easter. We have entered as fully as possible into the saving death and Passion of our Lord. First, in our minds as we listened to the Word; then with our wills, in exercising the love Jesus taught us by praying for all people; in our emotions, in grateful veneration of His Cross; and finally by our sacramental union with this Victim of the Cross in Holy Communion. By so entering into His Passion and death, we are carried along to the glory of His resurrection.

Holy Saturday

April 23

9:00 pm The Great Vigil and First Mass of Easter with the Sacrament of Holy Baptism. The Holy Saturday Rite is the link between the solemnity of Good Friday and the celebration of Easter. It is a drama of the creation and the redemption, beginning as a solemn night, with the church in near darkness. We see God gradually revealed to us in Light (The Liturgy of the New Fire); in Word (the Prophetic readings); in The Water (the blessing of the Font, Baptism, and the renewal of Baptismal vows); and in the Food, as we celebrate our salvation and new life in Christ with the first Mass of Easter.

Easter Day

April 24

8:30 am 10:30 am Easter

Low Mass Procession, Blessing of the Garden and High Mass

The 50 Days of Easter Pentecost

June 12

8:30 am Low Mass 10:30 am High Mass with procession and the Sacrament of Holy Baptism

Morning and Evening Prayer are said daily at St. James’ at 9:00 am and 5:00 pm. On Sunday morning prayer is at 8:00 am. The Sacrament of Reconciliation

Confession is available by making an appointment with any of the Clergy.

Clergy The Reverend Fr. Mark Greenaway-Robbins, Rector The Reverend Mother Jessica Schaap, Curate The Reverend Fr. Matthew Johnson, Street Outreach Priest Honourary Assistants The Reverend Fr. Michael Forshaw Br. John Blyth

303 East Cordova Street, Vancouver, BC, v6a 1l4 telephone: 604 685 2532, fax: 604 685 7605 email: office@stjames.bc.ca web: www.stjames.bc.ca parish office hours: Mon – Sat, 9am–4pm

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