Seventh Sunday After Easter: Notes Sister Mary Christian Cross June 1, 2014
INTRODUCTION: We have been reading over the past few weeks of Eastertide the last teachings of Jesus to his disciples which took place before the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension. This morning we hear: “And this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent”, and …..That they may be one as we are one”. REACTIONS OF THE DISCIPLES TO THE TEACHINGS: The initial reaction of the disciples for these teachings is one of bewilderment. Remember Jesus speaking to Phillip: “Have you been with me this long, Philip, and yet you do not know me?” If any of you in your past have had to teach a remedial course to University Freshmen, say in Chemistry, you may have experienced this bewilderment among your students, and If any of you were to be with me at Synod when the umpteen pages of the financial reports were being discussed, you would experience the term ‘blank stare’ re-defined. Being bewildered was not the prerogative only of the disciples. So it isn’t surprising that the disciples were having trouble following when Jesus was teaching the most profound truths of their experience; that they are to know God and Jesus Christ as the meaning of eternal life, and that they are to be “One with God as Jesus is one with God” It is no wonder the disciples were confused and yet as we read the scriptures we are aware that they at some level did understand. ETERNAL LIFE: We as Christians have had more than 2000 years to ponder what is meant by Eternal Life but if we were called to define it we might experience some difficulties. What do we mean/understand by the term “Eternal Life”? 1
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We might appeal to the Book of Revelation with its apocalyptical descriptions of heaven and the heavenly hosts, with thrones, incense, and multitudes of worshippers before the Lamb. We might remember the book in which are written the names of all who have gone before. We might look at our churches, the architecture of many, especially those of antiquity, which is inspired by these images. We would be reminded in scripture that we share the Resurrected Life with Christ in God. If we are fans of C.S. Lewis we might think of that author’s allegorical interpretation of heaven and hell in his book “The Great Divorce”. Here Lewis sets out what a life of love is compared with a life which is self-centered and lacks love for all eternity. 1|P a g e
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We might be reminded of the Foundress of the Shakers, who was illiterate but who knew a lot about a life of love. It is recorded that at one point she was approached by a child who asked the question “If my dog dies, will it go to heaven?” Her answer was simple yet profound: “The love part will go”. (This is a sentiment which avoids the fact that we are told in scripture that after this life having been divested of our mortal bodies we will be clothed with the bodies of the resurrected life.) And in the Apostle’s Creed: “I believe……the Resurrection of the body and the life everlasting.” With all these approaches to eternal life in mind, we might ask ourselves, “What is our hope for eternal life?” Is it a life of enduring relationship with God, through Christ and in the power of the Holy Spirit”? And what does that look like? Can we possibly know in this life? If we were to look more closely at today’s Gospel we would be reminded that: “Eternal Life” is defined a life of union with God in Christ, and union with one another in a life of love.
WHAT WERE THE STEPS THAT JESUS WAS CALLED TO TAKE TO RE-ENTER INTO ETERNAL LIFE? At this point in the Gospel, Jesus is aware that he is imminently facing the Crucifixion. (It is awkward to be having this reading when on Thursday we celebrated the Ascension). But the Crucifixion is followed by the Resurrection, Ascension and the Coming of the Holy Spirit. Eternal life is to happen only after the Crucifixion. Abp. Temple a former Archbishop of Canterbury, many years ago in his teachings on S. John’s Gospel, writes: “The Cross is the glory of God, because self- sacrifice is the expression of Love”. It is this sacrificial love which not only binds us together with one another in the body of Christ, but it binds us together with Christ in the Godhead. The teaching and belief is short on specifics. We don’t really know what it will look like, but it is clear that eternal life with God is about relationship. Relationship with Christ, In God, In the power of the Holy Spirit And from that relationship, Relationship with one another in love.
In these days between the Feast of the Ascension and the Feast of Pentecost, one of the prayers asks God: God our Father, Make us joyful in the ascension of your Son Jesus Christ, May we follow him into the new creation, For his ascension is our glory and our hope. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Eternal life, new creation, enduring relationship with the Holy Trinity for all eternity: May this be our hope and our joy.
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